
22 Reviews
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Tin Man (2007)
just... awful.
9 June 2024
Rarely comes along something so wooden, charmless and derivative. Why they would waste hour after hour insisting that all zooey dechanel has to do is look wide-eyed rather than a single modemt of acting is completely beyond forgiveness. The little story offered is trite and beyond done to death. Utterly confusing why an otherwise half decent cast would associate themselves with this project, as frankly they're all wasted. A lack of story, no script and z grade special effects were never going to save this mess of an 'adaptation' - why they bothered to make this at all is beyond understanding, or explanation. Just hated it.
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New Order Story (1993 Video)
many flaws...
10 October 2021
The pretentious overly dramatic narration aside, this is a very worthy documentary about new order at their height in the 90s. Probably the best documentary about the band... why did they need to involve bono? Hmm.
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A good opportunity gone wrong...
9 October 2003
This movie could have been SO much better than it was. The director shows no skill at all, and seemed to want to make a film that went for 90 minutes (the whole thing was just rushed through), rather than a film worth watching - that said, it was saved by an interesting story, and 'some' decent casting.

The story development suffered from a total lack of background, and detail, and a whole lot of basic 80's cheesiness... a remake now would probably be too late - if only they'd gotten it right the first time! Very much a wasted opportunity.

7/10 (for Stephen King's writing, and 'some' memorable scenes. Thanks Isaac!)
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Not given the respect it deserves...
8 October 2003
This movie has been let down in the worst way by the folks who took it upon themselves to release the DVD versions. I had a Region 2 UK release that had the worst quality transfer I have seen on a DVD in a long time (full screen nonsense, crappy English dubbing ONLY?!). The Region 4 Australian DVD came close with a good transfer (and in widescreen!), and has both the original Danish, and the English soundtracks, but left off subtitles! Bah!!

Why can't a company just get it right, and release a good quality transfer WITH the subtitles, so we can all watch this movie how it should be watched? It is such a beautiful movie... it deserves it.

8/10 (would have been 10 if I could have had the subtitles)
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Bootleg (2002)
good show, but a bit annoying.
1 September 2003
This is an interesting TV show, but I found it annoying that they made Melbourne look like it was England or something... the Victorian number plates on cars made it a bit obvious. For such a politically charged show show, i wouldn't think that ethnicity would be such an issue, and being Australian such a 'liability'.
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Cuna de lobos (1986–1987)
Classic cheesy nonsense. I love it.
21 January 2003
I've watched this show twice, as it has to my knowledge been aired twice in my country. I found it amusing and captivating - funny, and cliched in the worst ways, yet interesting enough to keep us coming back. Not worth 120 eps, but hey... It's a telenovela!
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It'll make you cry
20 January 2003
This was a somewhat hard film to watch. It was somewhat depressing to say the least, showing a family with no hope for the future in their home country. It tells the story of their plans to leave South Africa to find a better life, their families reactions, and their own experiences and fears. This is a good and honest look into a family undergoing change, over several generations. It is a wonderful experience to watch this and makes me wish I could have done something to help - a real eye opener. 9/10
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Two Mothers for Zachary (1996 TV Movie)
Is America full of Nazis?
1 December 2002
I'm sure glad I don't live in such a hateful, narrow minded, black-and-white, religious extremist society such as the characters of this movie do. Knowing that this is a true story makes me want to vomit. Also, reading some of the IMDb user comments already posted here, I have to wonder how long the people of the world that want liberty from totalitarian hate mongers will have to wait... or if they'll ever get true freedom from dictators-moral or otherwise.
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Patriot (1998)
Is there a more stupid movie?
7 February 2002
This movie is stupid. It made no sense and the script was so unbelievably... stupid. The acting was b-grade, and what the hell was with that horrid, cheesy music through the whole thing? Avoid this piece of crap at all costs.
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Crimson Tide (1995)
A tired, tired conflict...
3 February 2002
I'm sure I'm not the only one sick of America's fascination with portraying Russia as the everlasting, convenient enemy. There have been far, far too many of these films, and basically, this one is a typical run of the mill US good Russia bad movie. How tired a theme this is.

This wasn't, however, a complete loss. A glimmer of moral eptitude in Denzel Washington's character kept this film from becoming a boring everyday commie witch hunt. This idea kept the film vaguely original, at least long enough to keep me from switching stations. Boring, but different. 6/10
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De trein van zes uur tien (1999 TV Movie)
Not a bad movie...
11 January 2002
Some parts of this film were slightly predictable, but it still was a real nail-biter. What I liked about it was it was unclear through most of the film who the the villain was, and while I certainly agreed with the outcome, I sure didn't see it coming straight away. It was well presented and well acted - well worth 90 minutes of your time. 7/10
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Wim Wenders is lost in Hollywood...
5 January 2002
I honestly saw no point whatsoever to this film. Unlike the vast majority of Wim Wenders' movies, this movie had no warmth in it either in the story or method of creation. I didn't identify with any of the characters, nor did I so much as like any of them. I also have to wonder why talented actors such as Udo Keir, and indeed great directors like Wenders wasted their time IN Hollywood, WITH Hollywood 'dime-a-dozen' trash actors like Andie MacDowell and Bill Pullman, when their work in the past has been featured with such fantastical eloquence and inspiring style. After being spoiled shamelessly over and over by "Der Himmel Uber Berlin" and "Paris, Texas", this film is an utterly complete disappointment. 6/10 only for Wenders and Keir! Nothing else deserves anything but a puzzled look of mild pity.
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4 January 2002
For some reason, I expected a lot more from this movie than I got. I don't know why I thought a movie with Hugh Grant would be witty or anything beyond damp commercial humour, but that is all it was. Needless to say, I was very disappointed. 6/10
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A REAL insight...
3 January 2002
This is a quality documentary, providing a truly personal insight, aiding a real understanding of the work, and the man behind the work. I think the documentary itself emulates the work of von Trier, which was quite fitting. Well worth seeing. 7/10
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Let's all go to TAFE instead!
12 December 2001
This is another quality offering from Robin Anderson and Bob Connolly, creators of Rats in the Ranks. I think this documentary was made to make people angry about the way educational institutions are operated. If people aren't angry after seeing this, maybe they should be.
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An honest account of Australian politics? I Hope not...
12 December 2001
If this wasn't a documentary, I would have to laugh and applaud the great casting and acting... and what a script! However, a documentary it is, and that is the saddest thing I have ever heard. I have never been gladder that I don't live in Sydney.
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Take it seriously and you've missed the point.
28 March 2001
There is going to be a lot of people in Australia thinking to themselves "Oh God, not another one..." Their views on flogging Aussie stereotypes abroad are there own, however this movie, and the other Croc Dundee movies for that matter, are too often shoved into that category. If you take these movies, as many will, seriously, and let the Australian mind-set of cultural cringe ruin your viewing experience, you're selling yourself short. This is a comedy (which would suggest a bit of silliness) about Mick Dundee's further adventures, and this time he's in America, or specifically, L.A, one of the weirdest and most fake places in America. This, contrary to popular belief, is a great place for Mick, the original straight shooter and honest bloke. Oh, and he takes his kid. Here's a homework project for you: Watch this movie, and allow yourself to enjoy it. This movie is no masterpiece, but it's funny.
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Bordertown (1995)
Short lived... but why?
16 March 2001
An often forgotten TV series about a strange migrant experience... 1950's Australia saw mass emigration from Europe to the frontier countries, this mixture set in a migrant camp is varied and colourful to say the least. This series is highly recommended, and was too quickly forgotten.
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Hannibal (2001)
Consistently brilliant, yet not.
3 March 2001
"Hannibal" is extremely visually elegant, the tone of the film goes well with the character of Hannibal himself.

Anthony Hopkins gains more respect from me for doing this role. Also, Julianne Moore as Clarice Starling was a surprise, unexpectedly good as a replacement for Jodie Foster.

This films greatest failing, and something which is unforgivable, is the fact that English was spoken among the Italians instead of more obvious Italian. This points out in no subtle way that "Hannibal" is a film made for and by Americans, those that can not stand cultural or linguistic barriers. This, to me, was glaringly obvious, and I was especially glad when the Florentine scenes were over, and language difference was no longer a spot on an otherwise spotless film.
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Confusing, but a visual treat.
23 February 2001
An often confusing and overly violent portrayal of an African experience in Brussels. This film is not so much about interaction with people, but the seeming lack of it... The neurotic characters seem to know no-one but each other...? This films attempts at symbolism, while visually appealing, went straight over my head. This was one of those films that seemed to finish right in the middle, while the ending is next to the start... or something like that. Anyway, I found this film somewhat confusing, the strange accents exhibited by many of the characters made the French especially incomprehensible. The recorded sound quality could best be described as dodgy.
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Moving Day (I) (1998)
30 December 2000
This is an entertaining film about two neurotic Canadians. Fresh and interesting in its approach, a story about change and the approach by individuals to it. This film shows you can learn a lot about people by moving in with them, not so much living with them. For these people the act of moving in was "the next logical step"... Yeah, right.
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What a disaster!
21 December 2000
This movie had promise, but it failed to deliver. This was a cheap corporate American remake of a European classic. Its images lacked any kind of feeling, and the film lacked any kind of depth of field. The badly developed characters fade in comparison to those of the original 1986 German film. The big-name actors kill the original images of a dreamy naive world, the pathetic later half deserves no comment.
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