
6 Reviews
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No, D'Artagnan has not been killed by Louis the 14th in the catacombs of La Bastille
15 September 2003
Well, I just seen the movie and I found it very ... funny, Mel Brooks style ! At some moments it was so ridiculous I was waiting for Di Caprio to start singing It's good to be the king ! If you are an history teacher don't look at this movie, you will commit suicide ! No, D'Artagnan has not been killed by Louis the 14th in the catacombs of La Bastille. Louis the 14th who didn't live neither at the Vaux le Vicomte Castle where the movie has been shot, eared about Versailles ? Anne d'Autriche, his mother was not a seducing young woman and D'Artagnan was not his lover. Ok i know this is an adventure movie...but all the characters are real, and for European audience all this look ridiculous. Imagine a Gone with the wind version with Scarlett having an love affair with Abraham Lincoln and you'll be close to it !
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A child mind trapped in a machine
26 October 2001
Spielberg/Kubrick offer us with AI the darkest view of the future one can imagine.It reminds me the horror of the condition of soldier Johnny in Dalton Trumbo's Johnny got his gun, prisonner of his own body, begging for death. In his own way, David pray the blue fairy to give him humanity on the bottom of the sea, in a scène that in my opinion could have been the end of the movie. The last 15 minutes ,despite they allow Francès O'Connor to give us superb acting, appears to me as an artificial attempt to give the movie an happy end. Despite this, AI is a great movie, and if joel Halley Osment dont succeed to make you shed a tear, it's only because you are

1) afraid of your own emotions 2) already dead but not aware of it (see what I mean) 3) a robot

Don't miss it !
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Sense and sensitivity in China
16 July 2001
I just want to reply to those who still believe CTHD is a Kung-Fu movie. It is not ! So no more : the fights were like this and like this, their feet don't touch the ground and so on ... We (I mean people who understand a bit the motivations of the director)just don't care. This is poetry (you know the book that lies on your shelf for years and you never open). Poetry don't need to be explained. You feel it or you don't. And more than this, this is an attempt to present to Western people something fundamentally different from what they use to see. Because it's thought (I could say dreamt) in an oriental way. So get back to it, try to forget America or Europe is the center of the world and enjoy the trip !
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Sense and sensitivity in China
16 July 2001
I just want to reply to those who still believe CTHD is a Kung-Fu movie. It is not ! So no more : the fights were like this and like this, their feet don't touch the ground and so on ... We (I mean people who understand a bit the motivations of the director)just don't care. This is poetry (you know the book that lies on your shelf for years and you never open). Poetry don't need to be explained. You feel it or you don't. And more than this, this is an attempt to present to Western people something fundamentally different from what they use to see. Because it's thought (I could say dreamt) in an oriental way. So get back to it, try to forget America or Europe is the center of the world and enjoy the trip !
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Stronger than valium !
10 July 2001
A story already seen a hundred times, not a single little tiny surprise, actors at their worst level begging for something smart to say.JLO looks as sexy as a nun (It could have the only reason to take look). Well if you love Cinema, and if you love JLO be pitiful to her, forget this movie(if we can call this a movie) I just cannot remember something worst, even the TV version of Conan the Barbarian looks like a Shakespeare play compared to it.I guess it deserves a good place in the Guinness Book.
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Just a highlight on a remarkable point
4 January 2001
Have anyone noticed that 2 actors in this movie are physics nobel prizes appearing as a delivery man and a truck driver? Georges Charpak and Pierre Gilles de Gennes they are. Pretty amazing no ? Except that it's a very funny comedy mostly based upon the real life of Pierre and overall Marie Curie, the first woman awarded with a Nobel Prize. But I think you need to know a bit about the real story to appreciate the humor.
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