
12 Reviews
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Ad Astra (2019)
I can confirm this film has angry space baboons in it...
24 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why are they angry? No idea. Why do they happen to be in space? Good question. Why do they have the ability to breathe without the apparent luxury of oxygen? Haven't a clue.

The worst thing is that's just the tip of the iceberg, you also have to contend with wondering why moon pirates are hunting a random buggy convey, how that same buggy can launch at full speed into a gigantic crater and not even topple to the side on landing and how Brad Pitts character seemingly has the ability to simply will himself across space whenever he fancies it. Why he felt the need for a nuclear explosion to propel him back to earth is beyond me, five minutes earlier he found himself stranded away from his nearby vessel and simply decided that's where he should be and boom, just like that he floated back to it.

If you like cinematography and the (admittedly) beautiful effects used in this film, you might find a glimmer of joy somewhere in it. But apart from that you'll be hoping the future nasa decides not to build your daughters dollhouse let alone a rocket, with the apparent ease the panels can be pulled away from it when necessary.

Don't bother.
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You'll enjoy it, but it has yet to satisfyingly fulfil it's potential.
13 June 2019
I recently stumbled upon the new Godzilla/King Kong series, a bit odd considering they started back in 2014 i'll admit, and generally i've been enjoying them, it's just a shame I still can't shake the feeling they're not quite living up to what they could be.

Yes, the action and suspense in them are great, the concepts of the storyline are genuinely interesting and I would say sufficiently gripping to keep you focused on the movie, and personally I think the special effects and grandeur are fantastic, it really adds spectacle to what should be truly grand creatures and movie sequences. I just find it odd then that it's let down by things much easier and potentially cheaper to fix.

The primary culprits are the writers I would say. The main problems seems to be the way things are knitted together. Elements of the storyline that seem to be critical to its explanation are mentioned in nothing but a passing breath, and then other far less important topics are covered with far too much attention. Sometimes the script seems to jump about and at times the acting seems to falter, primarily because the material they were given doesn't deliver the performances the actors/actresses are capable of. All in all, it ends up feeling a bit wonky and disjointed, and at times mildly confusing. Which is strange and frustrating for a movie franchise that has so much potential.

Still, I would never want to make people believe this is a bad movie, it's not, I really enjoyed it a lot and am looking forward to the next instalment. It won't leave you bored, of that I am confident.
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Very fun, but lacking in much else
18 May 2019
I think this movie is interesting in the way that no one really knows what to expect when they go see it, but at the very least they hope for something fun, and something entertaining.

In these two regards it delivers, the storyline is enjoyable with a fair amount of unexpected twists and turns and a lot of imagination thrown in for good measure too. Ryan Reynolds Pikachu is genuinely funny, plus the animation is on point as well which overall helps the film to be engaging and a good watch for all the family. By no means is it perfect (acting, story arcs, the way the story is connected and paced, scripting, at moments whether the movie makes any sense at all... ) but I think most people will agree it's forgivable for the overall total output.

Good film!
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Tolkien (2019)
Gripping... but what exactly are they trying to get across?
11 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love The Lord of the Rings movies, and for mainly this reason I was intrigued by this film and the depiction of Tolkien's life it would contain. But I'm not completely sure how I feel about it.

I don't mean that in a bad way at all, it has some great moments and the acting is particularly good. The theming and set was also beautiful and I wouldn't say at any point was I bored, in fact it is a very gripping film.

But I'm just not sure what the point was. Of course, as a fan of some of his stories, I love getting a glimpse of his life and learning about his adolescence was fantastic. But what did the film makers desire to achieve? They seemed caught in between signposting what they deemed the most important moments of his life were, the relationships with his friends, his courting of Edith and his involvement in the war, but without giving any of those story strands the focus needed to make them truly impactful. Also on top of this I'm still very confused as to what really inspired him to write The Lord of the Rings, other than he had some great friends who called themselves a fellowship and the war was a particularly horrible experience for him (bearing in mind that it was for anyone at the time though). I just felt like the story needed narrowing down a bit more on things truly life changing. Surely it's not right that a mother's death is written off with nothing more then her falling off of her chair.

Yet, even though I felt the film has certain areas for improvement, it still does deliver on what you wanted, and enjoyable so. Just not as well as it could have I feel.
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Even my wife enjoyed it...
8 May 2019
... and Marvel isn't her favourite.

Neither is it mine, in fact the more and more the marvel universe has expanded the more I have gotten disenchanted with it. Although I loved most of phase one and a lot of phase two, passed that I felt like it had gotten too much for me and the storylines have gotten more and more absurd, to the point where even my enjoyment of Infinity War was limited. Endgame though seems to be an anomaly.

The absurd storyline is still there, though the way it's carried out does make it fairly enjoyable, the plot holes are still there also and the four million backstories anyone but the most avid marvel fans would forget in an instant consistently make an appearance too, but all of this seems less important than previously.

Instead this fourth instalment keeps you gripped, and is perfectly paced, impressive considering it's length. For the entire three hours I was glued to the screen and the feeling that something big was in store never left. On top of this the storyline, I mean the bare bones of it, was genuinely really good, I never expected what was coming and felt sucked in to what was trying to be achieved.

But this was nothing on the finale, the grandeur of the final battle (this isn't a spoiler, everyone knows there's going to be a battle of sorts at the end) is something which only the greatest action/fantasy films have mustered. Plus the emotional ending was exactly that, genuinely emotional, I don't think anyone didn't feel a tug on the old heartstrings.

All in all, considering the twenty two films and the effort/hype put into it, surprisingly Endgame actually delivered, and the sense of expectancy you felt because of this being a conclusion of sorts, again surprisingly was actually delivered upon! Well done marvel!

But far to say it's one of the best films of all time though...
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Hasn't lost it's charm.
3 May 2019
I was a massive fan of A Dog's Purpose. I thought the idea was so original and the whole feeling of the film was so hopeful and heartwarming. I think it would be difficult for anybody to suggest that the bond between dog and owner is not one of the purest out there, and the film was so good at encapsulating that.

A Dog's Journey does well in honouring this. It has the same charm and appeal that the first one has, and is shot in such a similar way that the things you fell in love with with the first film are all there again. The bond that Ethan and Bailey share is as strong as ever and you get to fall in love with the bond of another dog and their owner. All in all you still leave the cinema feeling just as uplifted as when you saw the first film.

The only problem is that it has lost a few things. The acting and storytelling are definitely not up to scratch. At times the links between the bigger plot lines are a bit weak and the scripting doesn't allow for even the better actors amongst the few (of which the lead protagonist unfortunately isn't) to give their best performances. It's also worth mentioning whether the focus is really on bailey as it was in the first film. At times he seems to be a bit of a sideshow.

But don't let this put you off, even with all its flaws A Dog's Purpose is an enjoyable film and upon leaving it you will feel the same heartwarming feelings you got from the first time round, which is why we all went anyway. Overall, a solid effort.
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Why doesn't IMDb have a zero rating?
24 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If I have to listen to James Cordon consistently sing for 2hrs 2mins ever again, I will rip my eyeballs out and stuff them in my ears, because quite frankly that would be more enjoyable. The only good part about the film is the fact so many of them die.
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Missing Link (2019)
It may not take Laika to greater heights, but it certainly doesn't drag it down either.
9 April 2019
I enjoyed watching Missing Link, I didn't love it, but I liked it.

First of all, and possibly most of all, the animation that Laika use is absolutely stunning. There is not a fault in it and as the story progresses you get to enjoy glorious environments and scenery, from Asian rainforests to icy mountain ranges, it truly captures the grandeur of all of it. For a company who's animation is so unique and being more and more recognised, they certainly don't let you down here.

On top of this, the acting is actually extremely good. Hugh Jackman in particular voices and carries the movie extremely well, with Zach Galifianakis and Zoe Saldana more than rounding it out with good showings of themselves. Never at any point do I feel that the animation and the acting are at odds.

Also it's genuinely enjoyable, the story is original and fun, and I would believe sure to be a hit with younger viewers. There are some comedic moments that are funny, although unfortunately not all of them, and the film carries with it a sense of adventure and excitement.

But even with all of these benefits and as much as I wish I could, I think the highest I can rate it is a six, and I think there are three main reasons for this:

1 - Although there are some funny moments, generally the majority of the humour isn't particularly original. These are jokes we've all seen before, and whilst acknowledging they are primarily aimed at kids, the jokes themselves probably weren't funny enough to begin with to be rehashed as repetitively as they are in this movie. Furthermore, the adolescent humour kinda ruins the grandeur of the animation and the feeling of the time period (probably around the late 1800's). These other elements are just so well done it's a bit saddening to have it ruined a little by cheaper feeling humour.

2 - The plot has some serious nonsensical elements... I still don't understand why Zoe's character joined the adventure at all, considering she supposedly hates the lead. This confusion is only exaggerated on when a romance between them starts to blossom... the reason she wants to travel half the world with him is never resolved, so why she'd have romantic feelings for him is beyond me... this is just an example of some of scripting and story that maybe needed to be tied up more.

3 - It's pretty dang slow, most of the time you're just feeling like the film is filling time between action sequences. The story doesn't engage you enough to be riveting and so at times when the action has died down, it feels like time is ticking by rather slowly.

But all in all, although it has flawes, it's still enjoyable. It may be slow and at times make no sense, but when it gets going the grandeur of the animation and excitement of the film carry it along pretty well.
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Shazam! (2019)
It's good, but not incredible.
8 April 2019
I can give credit to Shazam for being original in some ways... for example, it's refreshing to find a superhero movie which doesn't try and force the concept that all superheroes are inherently good from their origins. Watching the story progress at no point does the main characters goodness feel forced, but most of the time he's just a normal kid, and in the finale his reasons for fighting are fairly believable. On top of this the movie has some genuinely fun/funny moments and the film does feel more authentic in terms of characters reactions and engagements then most of the other superhero movies out there. Some acting as well is fairly good, well except in the case of the older and younger versions of our lead.

It's at that point that the movies flaws start to be pointed out. The lead that you see when he's older and the lead you see when he's younger are two entirely different people... and honestly I think the younger one is more authentic. Whenever our older superhero pops up he just seems way too smiley and jolly for someone who's supposed to be a kid dealing with abandonment issues, amongst a host of all others. Essentially, it's not just that the two actors play the role completely differently, it's that Zachary Levi doesn't even play a version of the character that's believable.

But it's not just that, the opening scene is awful and full of bad acting/bad pacing/plot holes. In fact the magicians whole character is pretty bad... it's not believable and it's a pretty desperate attempt at the character. Also although there are many good things, I just don't feel like all the good things are good enough. It leaves me having enjoyed the film when I leave, but I'm not impressed enough to feel it's a spectacle, it's good... but like I said in the title it's not incredible. It's lacking in areas, and for the sake of keeping the review shorter than it could be, I won't outline them all. But it just feels like in some ways it comes up short
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Dumbo (2019)
I'm not really sure what all the hate is for...
4 April 2019
After reading all the reviews for Dumbo on here, I honestly only still went because I had a free ticket. But upon coming out, I'm really not sure what exactly is so bad about it?

Yeah there are moments when the acting is a bit suspect from those you wouldn't expect it to be, the imagery and artistry used is either love it or hate it and there are definite plot holes and things that don't make sense... but if we're honest, you don't come to a film about an elephant with ears so big it enables it to fly... to find realism.

Personally I thought it was quite enjoyable. It was really well paced and had some fun moments in it too. Colin Farrell put in a good showing and the graphics and visual effects were definitely not scimped out on. But most of all the film ends on a good note, and makes you feel good when you come out from watching it. It's a happy film, and a film I think children will like, which after all is what they were really going for. I don't regret using a few hours of my day on it at all... and don't think many people going really will.

Don't listen to the hate, though it must be said, I haven't seen the original, and I guess in some ways that disqualifies me from having a completely valid opinion.
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Definitely a higher end seven
29 March 2019
I left this film with a smile on my face and a few in-jokes with the friends I went to see it with, and honestly I think I'd recommend anyone going to see it. The film is unusual in the story it tells, sharing the truish tale (how true are any movie "true stories" nowadays?) of a sea shantie singing male group, their devotion to their culture and how they ended up singing for more then just Cornwall holiday-makers. It makes you laugh out loud at times and at others find delight in the wacky things they do in Cornwall's society. Really I wish I could have rated it higher, but it unfortunately is at times a bit predictable and without adequate funding for some stronger can be a suspect in that department.

All in all though, I don't think you'll come away without enjoying it.
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A dog movie that does them proud
24 March 2019
I'm not going to suggest that this film is earth shattering or that it contains philosophical viewpoints that will leave you inspired for days. It's not quite that good. But what I can confidently state is that no one (who gives it an unbiased fair chance) will leave the film feeling anything but uplifted. The film examines the various lives dogs have and how they interact with humans, from a dogs point of view. Obviously some of these lives are better for the dog than others and their are a fair share of ups and downs, but these ups and downs only serve to help you appreciate just how meaningful they can be in our lives. There are heartfelt moments that leave you feeling touched and saddening moments that genuinely affect you. But eventually the positive moments come through and the final scenes will help you feel a culmination that is both heartfelt and enjoyable. It may be a dog film, but it's a dog film worth watching. (P.s. I don't personally even own a dog)
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