
5 Reviews
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Turbulence (1997)
The most unintentionally hilarious film I have ever seen.
7 February 2001
If I was a director and wanted to make a film that set out to parody the action-thriller genre I think I would have produced something like Turbulence.

It is so packed with ludicrous sequences, stereotyped characters and predictable plot lines that it becomes impossible to take it seriously. This film ends up being entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons. It is so unbelievably bad that you won't be able to help yourself but laugh at it - should you actually decide to ever see this piece of nonsense.

Its a killer ride alright - its so hilarious you'll kill yourself laughing! This is to action movies what 'Plan 9' is to Science Fiction.

So awful its amazing!
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Event Horizon (1997)
Almost a very good film...but not quite
7 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers

From my perspective Event Horizon is a film that brims with promise but never quite makes it. The initial premise of a Science Fiction/Horror crossover is a good one and the movie seems to attempt to become a version of 'The Shining' or 'Hellraiser' set in outer space with a spaceship substituting for the box or the Overlook Hotel.

The contrast between the clean, clinical lines of the space station in the initial sequences and the neo-gothic interior of the Event Horizon is impressive and one of the opening shots showing the exterior of the space station from orbit is superb. Also there are a few pieces of religious imagery thrown in (even down to the cruciform spaceship), perhaps to hint at what is coming later.

In spite of the fine effects and some good individual sequences the film never seems to quite fulfil its potential. Many of the horror scenes employ some of the oldest tricks in the book in their attempts to make the viewer jump - knowledgable horror movie fans will be able to spot the shocks coming a mile off!

One day someone might remake this and fully explore the possibilities that the storyline of this film offers. In the meantime what have is a reasonably competent SF-horror crossover that I found watchable but not great.
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Orphans (1998)
A bitter-sweet symphony of life
21 January 2001
I remember sitting in the Virgin Cinema in Aberdeen back in 1999 watching this film with about 12 other people, whilst in the auditoria next door hundreds were lapping up the populist Phantom Menace and Matrix.

How 'Trainspotting' became so famous while 'Orphans' has practically been ignored I simply cannot understand. This film features real characters with which you can truly identify, plus some moments of deliciously black humour.

Perhaps the best summary of the emotions brought to the surface in this superb film I could give is from a song I remember being in the charts a few years ago about life being a bitter-sweet symphony. Both the good and bad sides of human nature are exposed in this film in a direct manner that might not be to the taste of all.

I unreservedly recommend this under rated and little known masterpiece.
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Stalker (1979)
An exploration of the mind
21 January 2001
I was first introduced to the work of Tarkovsky through his film Solaris, which itself I found out about as a result of viewing Kubrick's 2001.

As a previous commentator on the film has mentioned this film could be open to any number of interpretations. My own would be that the room represents the innermost parts of the mind. When confronted with the opportunity to explore the innermost reaches of themselves all the main characters in the film back away. Perhaps the most significant element of the film for me was the manner in which reaching the room was made so difficult. Perhaps this is also the case with many people, who cannot understand the world they live in because they cannot undertake the arduous journey into their own mind to understand themselves.

This is a truly thought provoking film. It is long, and often highly philosophical. But viewing it is a truly rewarding experience.
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Kubrick's first opus
21 January 2001
Truly a magnificent piece of cinema. In my opinion Paths Of Glory eclipses Full Metal Jacket in terms of its no holds barred depiction of the appalling realities of warfare. Beyond this it also provides a damning insight into the class divisions with which the fighting forces in the first world war were riven.

That this superb film is so little known amongst a wider audience is truly a travesty of justice. In my opinion this is Kubrick's finest film after 2001 and Dr Strangelove.
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