
23 Reviews
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When you're so bored that you start using the time to critique why you don't like the movie....
28 October 2019
Honestly, I was expecting a lot more from It Chapter 2 after seeing the first film. I normally take a day to let the movie sink in before I try to write a review, but i was so bored during the movie that I used the time to start critiquing it while watching.

To start with, I just don't know how well It really translates from book to film. Even with two very long movies it just doesn't capture the essence of the book and ends up being an extremely long way to make the point that you should face your fears. Perhaps a mini series would be a better way to go with it.

That being said, I'll move on to the actual elements of the movie....

I thought the casting for the first film was excellent. They couldn't have found a better kid actor for each of the roles. In the second film however, I cant say the same. I did really enjoy Bill Hader as Richie and thought he brought a lot to the film besides just his comedy. The rest of the loser club cast I just couldn't get behind. All of the characters felt so unimportant that I basically forgot their roles the second the movie was over. Maybe thats the point to the "Losers Club" and if so, it was very effective.

Bill Skarsgard was just amazing as Pennywise! I thought so in both the first and second films. I would have liked to have seen more full body shots of Pennywise though. I think Skarsgard really embodied the role and had he received more screen time to do full body acting... I think he would set the standard for the role of Pennywise. Unfortunately, the films go so CGI crazy that most of Pennywise's scenes are just a clowns head on some random monster body.

Speaking of CGI... there was a lot. And none of it was very convincing. Also, I get that Pennywise is very personal as to how he uses each characters fears against them, but the vast array of ways he presents himself and does each scare is so different that it almost takes away from the fluidity of the movie. I think they tried to use every single horror trope there was throughout the filming.

In conclusion, if you've already seen the first film... you have to finish the journey and watch the second. I will say that much. However, if this would have been a stand alone movie, I would definitely say to skip it.

I give It: Chapter Two 4 out of 10.
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Terrifier (2016)
Art the Clown isn't just the Slasher we NEED... He's the Slasher we DESERVE!!!!
16 October 2019
Get ready to fall in love all over again...

If you're anything like me and grew up in the late 80's and 90's... A time where horror movies consisted of unstoppable Slashers, full frontal shower scenes, and that creepy guy that always seemed to warn you that everyone was going to die if you proceeded onward... Then you're probably also in the same boat of missing those types of horror bobbydazzlers.

Well, ladies and gentlemen... I present you with Art the Clown. Art is a demented, fecal smearing, tiny top hat wearing, horn honking, murderous clown that always seems to get the most enjoyment and pleasure from murdering his victims. He's raw, extremely violent, and has a wonderful taste for gore covered in more gore.

As a slasher style horror movie villain, Art gives audiences everything they're looking for in a horror movie icon, but with a new, modern take on the role. First of all, we have absolutely no idea where Art is from, how he got here, or even what he is for that matter... and not knowing just makes him all the more intriguing. And if that's not creepy enough for you... he's also a completely silent character. Yep, no talking from this guy; however, with his subtle movements and sinister grins he somehow embodies all the charisma of a young Freddy Kruger. This is in a large part due to the amazing acting of David Howard Thornton as Art the Clown. Thornton is a huge fan of, not only the horror icon greats, but the like of such silent film stars as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Rudolph Valentino. His classic comedic acting style, alongside his creepy mannerisms, gives Art an identity like no other.

So grab some popcorn, gummy bears, and that extra large cherry coke... then try to keep it all down as you watch Art stab, shoot, strip, skin, murder, maim, and massacre his way into the hearts of horror fans everywhere.

***Side Note: Art Originally appears in the short film "The Ninth Circle" and the later short film "Terrifier" which are also must see films. If you can't find them on YouTube or floating around the net somewhere... You can catch both of them in their entirety in the horror anthology film "All Hallows Eve."

I give Terrifier, and Art himself, a very loving 10 out of 10!!!!
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How do you top Sarah Butler in ISOYG??? With Jemma Dallender in a Little Red Dress!!!!
16 October 2019
Preface: I'm a huge fan of the remake of I spit on your Grave, which is rare for me to enjoy a remake of anything, but it really is that good.

So... How do you top Sarah Butler (Jennifer) decimating backwoods rednecks in the ISOYG remake? Well, start with Jemma Dallender (Katie Carter) in a little red dress, then toss her into the seedy underworld of the human trafficking market in Bulgaria!

I'll put it this way... Saw and Hostel went to see this movie in theaters, and threw up their popcorn. Not only does the movie perfectly capture what this newly resurrected franchise is all about, but the fact that it takes place in Bulgaria within such a real life modern nightmare such as that of human trafficking just makes it an anxiety driven ride on the edge of your seat.

The only thing that overshadows just how HOTT Jemma Dallender is in this movie, is just how badass is she is on top of it!

If you're a fan of these , Revenge, Repeat type of films... Go ahead and click play! You're gonna love every minute.

A very deserving 8 out of 10!!!
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I want to live in Marwen!!!
1 October 2019
Welcome to Marwen is just an amazing, heartwarming, comical, pleasure to watch. I couldn't help but notice it's mediocore scoring and seemingly bad reviews. I can't imagine what anyone would have against this movie.

The movie is based on a true story that itself is just amazing. I highly suggest reading up on Mark Hogamcamp's story and his artwork either before or after watching the movie. His story really shows a lot of flaws with society that have always, and still do exist.

Welcome to Marwen features Steve Carrel as Mark Hogancamp. Being a huge Steve Carrel fan to begin with, I absolutely loved him in this role; however, all fandom aside... I don't think anyone could have captured this role better than he did. I usually don't list out all the actors in the movie , but Leslie Mann, Janelle Monáe, Stefanie von Pfetten, Gwendoline Christie, Merritt Wever, Leslie Zemeckis, and Eiza González all did such amazing jobs with their characters.

Although the film shows us some dark views of society, the story overall is very uplifting and has quite the happy ending. It has all the heartwarming joy of a youtube video of a veteran being reunited with their loving pet after returning from war.

Unless you just have something against art, heartwarming stories, or humanity as a whole... I highly, highly, recommend adding Welcome to Marwen to your viewing list. I really just can't say enough about it. And... you know what, even if you do hate humanity... It still has some hot women in some really badass roles. I would still suggest watching it, Lol.

I give this movie a very enthusiastic 9 out of 10!!!
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Winchester (2018)
Quite the Surprising Film!!!
1 October 2019
Although the trailers for Winchester looked really good, I have to admit that I was pretty skeptical going into watching it. From most of my experience with horror films, big name actors and higher cost Hollywood films end up being terrible ingredients for the genre.

Winchester started out wonderfully with a nice storyline that pulled me right in. The acting was wonderful and I have to give an A+ to Helen Mirren for perfectly capturing the weirdly eccentric Sarah Winchester. The set for the movie is absolutely gorgeous and the costume design does a perfect job of placing you right into the period.

As the movie got underway, I was still a little fearful as it seemed, like most big Hollywood horror films, that is was going to mostly rely on jump scares to get the job done; however, that fear was quickly put to rest. Once I was half way in... I was hooked.

As far as historical accuracy, from what I know of the Winchester story, it was a little different than everything I have read on it; although, it was so close that it didn't let me down at all. The few inaccuracies, in my opinion, could very well just be small differences in the telling of the story to begin with. As far as the overall story goes, the movie was pretty much spot on.

Overall, I thought the movie was great. The jump scares were present; however, they were minimal compared to all of the other well done scenes of pure horror scripting. It was spooky, frightening, and had some almost demonic elements tossed in. As much as my jaded self hates to glorify a big Hollywood horror film... I have to say, Winchester was pretty damn good!

I give Winchester an 8 out of 10!!!
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Us (II) (2019)
1/2 Zombie Style Film... 1/2 Psychological Thriller!!!
28 September 2019
I don't really know what to say about this film.

Like I said in the title, it's kind of 1/2 way a zombie style film and half way an intense psychological thriller.

As for the part that was more of a zombie style film... I would give it a 10/10. As for the part that was psychological thriller... I would give it an 8/10. Bringing my average score a 9/10.

The acting in the film is just amazing. Lupita Nyong'o should win multiple awards for this one. The rest of the cast is phenomenal as well. I really can't say enough about the acting. The sets are beautiful, the film is shot perfectly... literally, every camera movement in this film was dead on.

As far as saying much about the storyline... I'm going to have to watch some explainers on this one. It's so twisted that it almost takes me to the point of not believing it has a point, but I know it has to.

I very much enjoyed the movie, it's just a lot to take in. As far as being a horror film as a whole... I thought it was very well put together. It had just the right amount of comedy sprinkled in to break up the gore of the film, it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time, it had all the plot points of a horror film that make horror so great.

If you're a horror fan, a thriller fan, or just a Jordan Peele fan...It's a must see!!!

I give it a 9 out of 10!
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Loved It!!!!
28 September 2019
I'm usually up to date on Melissa McCarthy movies being a huge fan; however, somehow this one slipped through the cracks.

First of all, I just want to say that this is a Henson Alternative film and the puppets are actual Muppets!!!

This film was sooo good. The muppets were hilarious, Melissa McCarthy was the perfect actor to work alongside them, and the storyline was amazing. I went into this movie thinking it would be funny, but I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed it. It was truly one of the best films of 2018 hands down.

I wouldn't necessarily include the kids in this one due to some pretty adult themes despite what it may look like. The adults though... a must watch!!!

A strong 8 out of 10!!!
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Crawl (I) (2019)
A Reminder of why I Love Horror!!!
28 September 2019
Crawl was corny, plotless, pointless, and pretty unbelievable... That being said... If your a life long horror fan, WATCH IT!!!!

In the time of ultra realistic horror and gore films, deeply demonic plot lines, and super intense psychological thrillers, Crawl is a reminder of why we all got into horror in the first place.

The movie is basically an hour and a half of people doing dumb things that lead to brutal, bloody kill scenes. It doesn't have a real plot, but it doesn't need one. It reminds of of the age of movies like Tremors. In fact, its similar to Tremors with a trapped feeling of Cujo mixed in.

The fx were perfect for a horror film like this. The acting was great. The only complaint I have is the lack of nudity. A full nude shots would have made this a perfect classic horror film, Lol.

I will definitely watch several more times this halloween season. Kudos Sam Raimi!!!

I give is an 8 out of 10.
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Midsommar (2019)
If Natural Born Killers had been filmed at Woodstock...
25 September 2019
Midsommer is the second feature length film written and directed by Ari Aster. If you're a fan of his first film Hereditary, I highly suggest watching Midsommer. Expect to see vague similarities and an overall running theme; however, be ready for a completely different feel than the more blatant horror of Hereditary.

Midsommer gives the feel of an unending trip gone terribly bad. I honestly haven't felt so anxious watching a movie since I saw Requiem for a Dream. Nevertheless, as weird and bizarre as the film is... I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. It's almost like poking a sore and having it hurt, yet wanting to poke it more and more. I realize that it seems like i'm rambling and maybe none of this makes sense to the reader; however, it is my best attempt at explaining what I just saw without giving away any details.

I highly suggest going into the film without having any background. DO NOT READ ANYTHING REVEALING WHAT ITS ABOUT! Just grab some snacks and popcorn and get ready for a 2 1/2 hour weird ride.

The film itself is beautifully shot and brimming with color, light, and beautiful scene scapes. I thought the acting was phenomenal, especially that of Jack Reynor who plays Christian in the film. Florence Pugh also brought a level of acting to the film that could definitely be considered award winning.

I gave the film a 7 out of 10 not because of any flaws with the film, but just the fact that it was 2 1/2 hours long. A small amount of the film seemed to be drawn out a bit and I believe the same effect could have been achieved in a shorter amount of time. The length doesn't take away from the initial watching experience at all, but would definitely keep it from being on my rewatch list.

I give Midsommer a 7 out of 10.
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Brightburn (2019)
Thought it would be good... But Actually Exceeded Expectations!!!
17 September 2019
When I saw the trailer for this film I remember thinking that it seemed like a really great plot idea. After all, an evil superman film??? That sounds pretty amazing.

After watching Brightburn, I was more than pleasantly surprised. I really didn't know what type of movie this would be considering it's a pretty original idea. Turns out, this film very much delved into the horror genre with some pretty frightening scenes and a decent amount of gore.

I thought the acting was amazing. It's really hard for me to imagine just how characters would react in a situation like this; however, I think everyone did a spot on job. Jackson A. Dunn did an exceptional job playing the creepy, emotionless Brandon Breyer. This was the first more serious role I've seen Matt Jones in and I was shocked at just how well his acting was.

I really can't say much without giving away the plot, but if you're a horror fan... I definitely suggest adding this one to your list. It's a whole new genre of horror in my opinion that I really wouldn't mind seeing more of.

I've heard rumors that Gunn may be expanding this into a whole universe of evil superheroes and I really hope to see such a universe created. I think it would be the perfect blend of the DC universe and Universals Dark Universe.

A very enthusiastic 8 out of 10!
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Smart, Funny, Well Written Film!!!
17 September 2019
I am a huge fan of Jim Hosking films. I loved Greasy Strangler, Tropical Cop Tales was amazing, and all of his shorts are just brilliant.

An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn was a great new addition to Jim Hosking's film list. The Greasy Strangler brought us his version of a horror film and now Beverly Luff Linn gives us his variation of a crime film.

Even in the weird style of Hosking... I still got the full feel of a 1950's pulp crime drama. The movie even had a wonderful sex appeal to it.

I thought Aubrey Plaza was a perfect choice for a leading lady and did an outstanding job as LuLu Danger. Craig Ferguson was amazing as well and gave a a performance that really expanded on how funny he already is as an actor.

The sets were beautiful, wardrobe was amazing, and every shot was perfectly orchestrated. I was completely lost in the world this film produced for me.

Definitely a must see, and very deserving of a 9 out of 10 rating!!!
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Child's Play (2019)
I Wanted to Like it SOOOO Much... But No :(
17 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Every review I read for this movie spoke of how the movie made an effort to update the original storyline by getting rid of the cursed doll plot for the updated plot of Chucky just being programmed to be evil. Personally, I thought it made for a sloppy storyline with tons of holes and no real way of ever working out a sequel.

First of all, just making Chucky a "smart" doll with control over other household devices really would have been more than enough of an update in my opinion. And when I say HOUSEHOLD DEVICES... I'm saying that giving him control over autonomous vehicles is just ridiculous. There are plenty of household devices he could have manipulated to assist in some new kills, and if him manipulating a vehicle was that important... I would have just gave him the ability to control where the car's destination was. Perhaps he could have used control over the car to help bring victims to a certain location where he could kill them more easily?!

By changing the plot to him just being programmed for evil, we were left with holes like how he gets the name Chucky to begin with. The film just had him randomly decide on the name vs. it having anything to do with the storyline. It also takes away a large element of the storyline of the killer that possesses the doll battling with trying to escape the confines of the doll and return to some form of human body; which, in my opinion, was a great layer to the original storyline.

Furthermore... How do you move forward with any kind of sequel when the only doll that was programmed for evil is now dead? At least with it being a possession, you have the ability for the killer to return through different dolls or other items.

Other than a poorly written storyline, I thought the kills were rather simple, and honestly.... Lame.

The one good thing about the film was that it gave me a new found respect for the original Child's Play for actually making a doll scary. Perhaps I just took that fact for granted, but after seeing a completely unfrightening version of Chucky in this film... I know can see how it could be quite the challenge to do so. Which I thought the original Chucky was more than scary.

Horrible screenplay aside... I thought the acting was wonderful, the film was shot well, and the fx of the kills were nice. That's all the compliments I can really give.

I give this movie 4 out of 10.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!
24 August 2019
This was one of the best films I've ever seen! I truly mean that!

I hate musicals. That being said... This film was just F**cking EPIC!!!

This film is how all biopics about rock stars should be done. It wast't the most historically accurate, didn't follow the most chronological storyline, but it showed the life of Elton John soooooo well. The film gave just enough historical accuracy to make a great biopic, but also presented Elton John just the way you want to see him. Rock Star films are similar to Superhero films in the way that we want to relate to them in a personal way, but we also just want to see them at their very best. Rocketman achieved this perfectly!

I film never really shows Elton writing a song. You never get this taking pen to paper song writing process. Instead, you genuinely get to see how the life he lived affected his song writing and where the song really came from in his heart. I loved this style of story telling. It really gave the full story Sir Elton John from the worst of the worst to the best of the best, and I loved every minute of it.

Taron Egerton gave the performance of a lifetime as Elton John. I don't think they could have cast a better actor for the role if they would have had a lifetime to do so. I will deeply surprised if he doesn't win an award for bringing this film to life. The film was shot beautifully, and the costume design was beyond epic!

This is the first film I have given a perfect 10 out of 10 to!!!!
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Shazam! (2019)
It's the movie "Big", but with a better ending!
24 August 2019
It's kind of hard to review this film having seen the movie "Big." It's honestly almost the same film. The only real difference is that Shazam can turn back into Billy and doesn't have to hide the fact that he's an adult the entire film.

The film was funny and I did laugh a lot; although, the jokes were really just the same jokes from Big. Maybe there are just so many jokes to really pull off when you have this type of storyline, but I fell like the writers could have given us something new.

The ending was great, and I won't mention anything about it to spoil it. The FX were spot on. Overall, the film was done really well. As far as DC films go, it was probably my favorite so far really. DC should stick to more family fun type of films and rely on their series to pull off the more serious adult themes. That's my opinion at least.

I think a 7 out of 10 is a fair and honest rating for this one.
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50/50... Some Good Qualities, and Some Bad.
24 August 2019
What can I say...?

Honestly, It was like watching a mix of a Men in Black film with Clueless.

I was really hoping a for a little more out of this film, and it just deliver. That being said... I did enjoy seeing a lot more of a leading role from Nick Fury (Samual L. Jackson) rather than just the glimpses we get of him throughout the majority of the Marvel franchise. I also thought that Brie Larson did an amazing job at playing Captain Marvel.

The problem with this film was all in the writing. It really felt like Marvel just needed to introduce Captain Marvel to us before Avengers: Endgame was released, and this was a thrown together attempt at doing so. She really does shine in Endgame, but to really show the awesomeness of Captain Marvel she needs to be among other superheroes. Captain Marvel is the obvious Superman of the Marvel universe and really exists to be the baddest of all the superheroes. Alongside others you can really see how much she shines at that; however, alone in her own storyline... the whole idea just doesn't work as well. It seemed like the writers at Marvel tried to rely on humor to get past this, but it just didn't give me what I was seeking from this film.

As far as whether or not you need to see this before Endgame... I would say no. Nevertheless, I would. It did introduce us to Captain Marvel, and that was the point in the film. It also really makes the viewer appreciate her that much more in Endgame.

I sadly had to give this film 5 out of 10.
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Perfect Conclusion, for now at least, of the Avengers Storyline!!!
24 August 2019
I was a little late watching this one and had heard a lot of mixed reviews leading up to doing so; however, I personally thought this was the best possible conclusion to the current Avengers storyline. Or... the conclusion for now at least.

First of all, I really enjoyed getting to see a more human side of all the Avengers in this one. I thought the film makers did an amazing job at really giving us the time to connect with each and every super hero in this franchise if we hadn't thus far. Doing so really helped set the stage for the "Endgame", if you will. I really enjoyed the main characters throughout this film as well. I thought Thanos had wiped out the majority of my favorites with his infinity stone snap, but I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed the remaining characters and how well they worked together throughout the film.

Also, I just can't say enough about how beautiful the Marvel films are and how well the CGI, costumes, and FX are done. For a film series that relies so heavily on FX and CGI, they manage to pull it off so smoothly and seamlessly.

It's hard to go too far with a review without giving away any of the storyline; however, I feel that any true fan has already seen the film at this point. For those who haven't I can only say to come out from under the rock you're living under and check out this amazing piece of cinema history.

I give Avengers: Endgame a 9 out of 10!!!

PS - Captain Marvel is soooooo badass!!!!
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The Nun (2018)
Good Demonic/Religious Horror Film...
18 August 2019
Preface: I'm not the biggest fan of the Conjuring series as a whole.

Overall, The Nun was a pretty good movie. The film was shot wonderfully, locations were beautiful, color was perfect, and FX were spot on. That being said... for a demonic style horror film, I really prefer a little more background. With films out like Hereditary that are based in real, historically accurate lore, the bar has been set higher in that genre. The Nun's plot seemed rather thrown together to me.

On the plus side... Taissa Farmiga is an amazing actor and was brilliant. I almost give her full credit for me liking the film as much as I did. I really believe she is a staple to the horror genre. Bonnie Aarons is amazing as the Nun as well. I do wish they would use a little prosthetics on her to keep the nun from looking so much like her. After her role in these films I don't know if i'll ever be able to see her as anything but an evil, demonic nun. Overall... I give 6 out of 10.
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The Witch is that horror film that reminds you that Horror can still be an award winning genre.
18 August 2019
The Witch is just a great horror film. I loved so much about it. It has a great creepy feel to it, a dark evil vibe mixed in, and a touch of urban legend sprinkled on top.

The film takes place in such a secluded location that it instantly gives you a feeling of loneliness and dread before it even unfolds its beautifully constructed storyline. I loved the plot, the timing, the acting... basically everything about the film. It's also a brilliant display of female empowerment, which is common among horror films, but in a whole new way that's different from the standard last surviving girl motif.

Whether you're a fan of horror, or just great films in general... I highly suggest The Witch to everyone.

A very strong and deserving 8 out of 10!
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
It's Deadpool.... You know it's good!
18 August 2019
What can I say that the world doesn't already know about this film? It's the Shawshank Redemption of Marvel films! That is if Morgan Freeman happened to be a profane, wise cracking, badass superhero with swords and guns. Ryan Reynolds may as well change his name to Wade Wilson as much as he has embodied this role, Zazie Beetz is flat out amazing as Domino, Karan Soni is hilarious as always, Josh Brolin couldn't have been a better choice for Cable, and T.J. Miller is just one of my favorite actors to begin with... but also does an amazing job as Weasel, the comedic voice of reason in Deadpool's life. Not only does this movie just have, well... everything! It's also just great to see Marvel make so many pokes at its own franchise of films. Really... this review is pointless: If you've seen then first Deadpool... you've probably already watched this. If you haven't seen the first Deadpool, you're probably living off the grid. 10 out of 10 from me... All I have to say.
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Just one word... EPIC!!!!
18 August 2019
If you're a fan of Adam Green's works... this film is a must see! It's a little more comical than some of the other Hatchet films, but still an amazing slasher flick. More so, the film is a brilliant homage to pretty much everything Adam Green. I'm personally a fan of the Hatchet series as well as the Movie Crypt podcast, the band Haddonfield, all of Green's shorts, and even the adorable Arwen, and this film touched on all of it. Perry Shen is amazing as always, Brian Quinn is a surprisingly great addition to slasher film cast, the cameos from Joe Lynch, Arwen, and Adam Green are perfectly done... and Laura Ortiz, well, I'd marry her even if she did have a dick! Epic film and a must see for all fans of slasher films! I could go on forever about it, but I'd hate to give anything away. Just go watch it!!! A perfect 10 out of 10!
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Hereditary (2018)
Could not have been more impressed!!!
12 April 2019
I have been a fan of horror my entire life. Every style within the genre at that. However, this style of occult, demonic film has got to be my favorite... hands down! Not only was the film shot beautifully with an amazing cast and brilliant storyline, but I have give the upmost credit to screenwriter Ari Aster, along with any researchers on the project, for their 100% accuracy on the lore within the story. A lot of demonic horror films just reach for random names, places, and ideology to be the basis of their stories; however, I can assure you, that is not the case with Hereditary! In an age of information and fact checking being literally at our fingertips, this film did a wonderful job with demonic accuracy. I can't applaud it enough for that fact alone. Also, speaking of Ari Aster... Hereditary was his feature directorial debut. If we continue to see brilliant films like this from him, he is going to be in direct competition with Jordan Peele for the next horror master! I rate this 7 out of 10. (...and that's a conservative rating on my part.)
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Death Wish (2018)
Definitely a quality throwback action film!
12 April 2019
I'll preface by saying that it helps to be a fan of the Death Wish franchise to fully enjoy this film. In the era of films like John Wick and Jason Bourne, not to mention everything Liam Neeson has starred in recently, this type of DIY action hero can come off as a little tame. Nevertheless, In my opinion, holding true to the style and story of the original Death Wish was a nice change of pace. The film brought a more reasonable and practical aspect to the popular vengeance seeking style of action films. Bruce Willis does an excellent job of staying true to the Paul Kersey character as defined by the great Charles Bronson and the story line, although updated, holds true as well. Backed by some wonderful performances by Vincent D'Onofrio and Dean Norris, I couldn't have been happier with the remake! Just don't watch expecting to see a million kill scenes... and I promise you will enjoy the ride. I rate it 6 out of 10.
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Into the Dark: I'm Just F*cking with You (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Beautifully filmed & Deeply thought out!!!
12 April 2019
This isn't just your standard shallow horror film. I did kind of go into it thinking that was what I would get; however, I was surprisingly drawn into a deep psychological thriller. The film is set in modern times and utilizes a lot of modern technology to really bring that point home; nevertheless, to fully grasp the film, you had to have grown up the era of road tripping America. I would almost describe it as Norman Bates being thrust into National Lampoons Vacation. In addition to the plot, the film is beautifully shot, makes use of some gorgeous lighting, and has a wonderful backdrop for all the carnage to take place. Overall I rate it 7 out of 10.
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