
24 Reviews
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Edge of your seat plotline, acted out with realism for anyone familiar with the Agencies
3 May 2023
Just finished binge watching this new 10 episode series on Netflix. "The Night Agent" It's a very engrossing, never a dull moment, wild ride of a series. Each episode will make you want to see the next. Lots of twists and character elements that will make you want to pay rapt attention to the details.

For me, the one message that rang loud and clear throughout, was this statement, pulled from my own Security Clearance Report that is repeated over and over: "This information is not something that could be used against him as a source of blackmail or coercion". This is the crux of Trust that must be maintained and constantly held in check for anyone entrusted with intelligence that is Classified.

Highly recommended film. I'm probably going to watch it again in a few weeks, just to refollow the narrative, now that I know the full story. Doing that always results in a litany of things that you didn't notice when you watch something like this the first time through. Each episode is about 50 minutes.

IMDB is showing a 2nd Season in the Listing, so I hope it's true and will likely be released in 2024. (An election year, which in itself is interesting)
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Less about Time Travel than just unadulterated entertainment
12 March 2022
If you're a time travel fan like me, leave any expectations of mind blowing paradoxes at the door, sit back, and just enjoy the dialogue, witty banter, fine acting by veteran professionals and decent action sequences. Pay attention to the little Easter Eggs that are planted throughout the movie too. Every single actor has at least one or two, based on previous roles they're known for.

Casting of the young Ryan Reynolds character was perfect, as he picks up Reynolds comic timing perfectly with his own scripted lines.

I came away feeling satisfied and not disappointed that TT was not more integrated into the movie as a subject matter. Which is what I think the lower ratings people are leaving are about.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Unexpected Enjoyment
8 March 2022
I came across this movie by accident. Seemed like just another "man gets to go crazy by himself" Space Travel flick. I didn't even pay attention to the actors. Just something to pass the time, nothing else to watch.

Wow, was I wrong. It has everything. Action, SFX, and Romance. I was so happy with the performances that I watched it again the next night. Just to repeat some of the scenes. Highly recommended.
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St. Vincent (2014)
Enjoyable and Engaging to the Very End.
20 February 2022
Bill Murray has considerable range. His wry, curmudgeonly and cynical attitude always plays out well in his characters. From Ghostbusters to Caddyshack to Lost in Translation, he's never disappointed. His surprise appearance in Zombieland, although short, was a huge upgrade for a movie that didn't need an upgrade. So, I expected the same here. And I got it. With a wrinkle. He never broke character. Not once.

Naomi Watts was awesome, as I didn't even recognize her. A mark of a good acting performance. Melissa McCarthy played it straight and that was to her credit. She can be "over the top" sometimes in her roles as her roots were comedic. But not this time. A definite joy to watch.

The young actor who played Oliver did an great job. He had the proper and appropriate facial reactions that were expected, and his career has gone far since his role here. He's a South Philly native, so it's always nice to see a local go big.

I was going to rate this as a 7, but upon reflecting, rated it as a 9. Because I ended up rewinding and playing the last 10 minutes or so again. It was a great Ending! I will add this to my short list of movies that I know I can watch repeatedly.
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A movie that shows depth
12 January 2022
Jeff Daniels and Lauren Graham are by far, severely underrated. Jeff Daniels excels in this role, and brings depth to a character that could be repugnant, but never quite reaches that point. Much like his character in "Terms of Endearment", where his internal struggles of dealing with his dying wife and imminent responsibilities to his children are at odds with the person he knows himself to be. Lauren Graham, best known for "Gilmore Girls" is just the opposite. Living her life as best she can, she remains rigid in how she imposes the framework of that on everyone around her. And it shows in various ways.

The setting is Philadelphia. Many of the external shots are easily recognizable to someone who was born and raised in the area. It enhanced the storyline for a local, but probably won't mean much if you've never been to Philly.

I don't know how I missed this movie when it was released 13 years ago. I'm happy I was able to catch it now.
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Love Hard (2021)
Great characterization
21 November 2021
As an Asian American Male, I was initially pissed off when I saw the trailer for this movie. It seemed to portray the male Asian lead as superficially undesirable, which Hollywood is known for doing in the past and is often echoed in American everyday culture.

I watched it anyway. I was curious to see how far theyu would try and take this farcical approach. I was pleasantly surprised and proven wrong throughout the movie. Josh's brother doesn't even come close to that stereotype. Nobody really highlights that aspect anywhere. There are TWO noted long-term interracial marriages. In fact there was nary a hint of that kind of thing in the entire movie.

The movie itself is so totally romantically ordinary and laissez faire about the lack of a Racial Stereotype, I'm now embarrassed that I even thought that initially. It makes me feel like I'M the Racist.

The rest of the Reviews that people have left, which I usually consult AFTER seeing a movie for the first time, also lack this focus. Which is commendable for these times that we live in.

I'm so taken with the movie that I Posted my reaction amongst my friends on Facebook AND my Asian Community page as well. And I'm watching it again tonight. Yay for Hollywood. I like the way things are progressing.
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Not as good as the original, but still great
21 October 2021
I miss Tim Hutton. As Nathan Ford, he added a dimension to the ensemble cast that can't be matched by Noah Wyle.

First, his romantic conflict with Sophie lent some tension that was always a match with the ingenious Scam Ideas. They supported each other, which grew into enthusiasm into the full execution of the plan and surprise reveal at the end. In the 2nd Season or the Original, this same tension was missing when Jeri Ryan briefly took over for. Gina Bellman. Jeri Ryan as Tara was certainly a fine replacement, but the yin and yang of the romance and Scam matching was missing. Noah Wyle has big shoes to fill. Tim Hutton should be remembered for his portrayal of Christopher Boyce in Falcon and the Snowman. Because Nathan Ford possessed that same Moral Direction. Not to mention the constant spectre of Sterling as he rose up the ranks from the Insurance Company and Ford's replacement, to Interpol.

Second, Aldous Hodge's replacement doesn't have the presence that the Hardison character mustered. The "Hacker Personae" that was ever present is missing as she doesn't seem able to pull off the experience factor.

Still, the writing and direction, as well as the characterization that is written into the plots is sustained by stellar acting in its' own right. If left to be evaluated independently, it is a 10. But as a comparison, it's an 8. So I struck an average and gave it a 9.
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Change. 95577
10 May 2021
Watch this movie. Words cannot describe it's impact.
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Faithful retelling of the HG Wells classic story
4 May 2020
If you're a Science Geek, a fan of HG Wells, A fan of the book, or a fan of the 1933 version with Claude Raines, this movie will hit the mark. Not much special effects. The science that is used is supported by real Physics and convincing that theoretical invisibility could indeed be possible someday. My guess is that the negative reviews here are people expecting to be wowed by SFX or a complex storyline with mystery. You'll find none of that here. But the acting is decent and the production, while low budget, isn't obviously so. It's available on Amazon Prime if anyone needs to find it.
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Project Blue Book: Close Encounters (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
2 March 2020
Since this is the History Channel, I was waiting for this episode. Really, it seems like it could have been promoted as the last episode. BUT THANK GOD IT'S NOT!
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K-9 (1989)
Watching it again
25 January 2020
And again And again. One of a handful of movies that I watch whenever I catch it being broadcast. Originally saw it when it was released and a good showcase for Jim Belushi, who, undoubtedly always used to get compared to his brother John. Fortunately for Jim, his talent and strikingly different acting style has long since set him apart on his career path.

Speaking of comparisons, K-9 is good for an all night dog and cop marathon. Pair it with Turner and Hooch, and you're set. (T&H stars Tom Hanks, obviously another favorite)

So, I'm watching this on IFC and decided it was time to do an IMDB review. Watch it. Until the last scene.
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Perfect fit, actors, music, script, cinematography
13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One scene exemplifies how everything just fits. The train ride to NJ. Jennifer Garner never fails to pull a heartstring in the crucial closet scene here as she looks up, and the song by BJ fis every second of the footage.

Formulaic movie that has been done many times over. So why have I watched it so many times over the years? Because it just works. It entertains, pulls emotions, relates to real life in spite of the preposterous premise, and doesn't drag on forever. What more could you ask for? Two superheroes falling in love? Hahaha.
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Paternity (1981)
Nostalgic RomCom for many
15 December 2019
I was watching a marathon of National Lampoon vacation flix, and I instantly thought of this movie when I thought of Beverly D'Angelo. She's done many, many memorable movies over the years. Hair, the John Candy flick Summer Rental, and this one are standouts. Suburban Mom roles for Beverly. Odd, but she does it well.

This movie is all about Beverly, and Burt allows it. Which I think is very cool. Because she excels in the role. About as serious as an 80's RomCom can stand to be.
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The Irishman (2019)
Fastest 3-1/2 hours I've ever spent!
2 December 2019
Outstanding. Nuances to catch on the 2nd viewing. I can't wait.
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Long Shot (2019)
Chemistry goes a long way
30 October 2019
Charlize and Seth have an unmistakable chemistry, that makes you buy the premise. I can't imagine any other on screen couple being able to fill these roles. Why? Because individually, each actor can convincingly fill the character's shoes (Seth is intelligent and your Everyman, Charlize is equally intelligent and has poise, in a stately manner), and then there's that aforementioned chemistry.

Seriously, Kevin James and Leah Remini comes to mind. But dumber. Much dumber.

My assessment stands. I could watch this again, and I think I will. Soon.

Edit: Watched it again, only 5 hours later. Still awesome. Now I want a sequel! Preferably in 2020, which is an election year. Only don't politicize it. Keep it a RomCom, AKA Madame Secretary. Keep it real.
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
A show I watch again and again.
26 August 2019
I first happened on this show well after the last episode had aired. Got hooked on it immediately. Ended up binge watching the entire series that weekend! Then, I was catching reruns periodically on various channels during late night. Now it's 2019 and being bored, decided to rewatch it again. I'm up to Season Two and finding several actors and actresses that make cameos throughout that weren't very well known during its' debut on USA. Pretty cool. Pretty entertaining. Oh, and Jeffrey Donovan starred in another series after, about a Gypsy fortune-telling con artist that you should find and watch.

My only wish is that they would revive this series. But only with the same stars.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
7 August 2019
Lame attempt. Surprised at Netflix, whom I expect more quality than this. Even some of the better actors (Tyler Hoechlin, Selma Blair) don't deliver. Is it the script? Partially. Is it the acting? Partially. Is it the approach? Partially. The sum total is a 1.0. I'm up to episode 7. God, I hope the viewing stats don't encourage more of this drivel.
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Almost a waste of time
15 July 2019
I watched this sequel, following the very enjoyable first one, Max. What a contrast! While the first movie had very little cheesiness, a good supporting cast, a decent plot and plausibility, this sequel ran the total opposite. Basically, I sat through it because I like the dog. Quite a number of times, I was going to switch it off, because it was just too ridiculous. Full of stereotypes and bad acting I sure hope that if they decide to make a 3rd movie with this dog, they pattern it after the original and not this one, which I hope to forget. Very soon
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Max (I) (2015)
Great dog movie!
15 July 2019
I'm a sucker for a good animal movie. And this one fits the bill perfectly. Just the right amount of human/animal interaction, family values and situational believability. Didn't dip into the cheese factor too much either. And the star, Max, holds his own amongst the legacy of animal stars of the past. Add a decent supporting cast (Thomas Haden Church and Lauren Graham, whom have a proven track record) as well as the actor who plays the younger brother, and the patriotism undercurrent, produced a very watchable movie. The kind whose pace, makes you not even think about the running time. Enjoy!
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This is my Forrest Gump.
18 May 2019
You know how you just HAVE to watch a movie, every time you run across it? This is that movie. The characterization is flawless. The story Arc is played out beautifully. And the dialogue .... well, isn't so memorable as much as the FEELINGS it invokes, paced by the musical score. That is truly the difference between 50 First Dates and Forrest Gump. FG has dialogue that you can quote, again and again. 50FD, has feelings that do the same thing. Not cutting FG any shortcomings, but 50FD does it better, emotionally. IMO.

I never expected a Sandler movie to reach such great depths. But the perfect match between Sandler and Barrymore carries the film. An unexpected gem of a movie.
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The Twilight Zone: Nightmare at 30,000 Feet (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
8 April 2019
Big fan of RS. Watched both the TZ AND later, Night Gallery, as a kid. (Love to see a revival of Night Gallery.... Anybody listening?)

This episode is based on the legendary episode, starring Shatner. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Star Trek reboot! Are all of Shatners TV stuff going to be redone? Anyway, this episode was worthy of multiple viewings. Just to pick up on all of the hidden references.

I was disappointed in the first episode and almost didn't watch this one because of it. Glad I changed my mind. Now I'm a fan and can't wait for the next one.
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Blended (2014)
Sandler Barrymore Fan
24 December 2017
Definitely worth the time to watch it. These two have done a few movies together and they always have good chemistry. Sure, it's formulaic. But, they're both seasoned actors, and able to be convincingly relatable. The usual Sandler suspects populate the cast, along with a few surprises. I watched this on HBO, and was interrupted a half hour into it. I decided to watch it all the way through, from the beginning, later in the night. Glad I did.
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The Christmas Clause (2008 TV Movie)
Not an attention-getter, but not a complete waste of time either.
14 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I kind of agree with TCMjunkie. But, I'd rate it a little higher. Lea Thompson can be engaging and definitely has not had the best career success. This movie isn't going to reverse that trend. Ms. Thompson cavorts around pixie-like and aside from the beginning lament, never demonstrates that she could become any different than the person she was destined to be; so this is where the story suffers the most. But these same characterizations help you bond with Ms. Thompson and her predicaments, ala George Bailey. The actors are all cliché'd here, in much the same way, and there are plot points and character holes that never get resolved. But if you take it all "on the cuff" and assume a happy outcome for all, you'll never miss those things. Picture this as a "It's a Wonderful Life" remake and twisted slightly.

You could do a lot worse than watching this Holiday Movie, say, while making cookies, or wrapping presents. It's sappy, but what Xmas movie isn't?
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Romance Fact
20 January 2001
A little known factoid about this movie...

Nicholas Meyer (director) didn't allow Malcolm McDowell to see Mary Steenburgen until their first meeting on film, to capture authenticity. It was this moment, that Malcolm McDowell fell in love with her. Mr. McDowell disclosed this when appearing on the "Tonight Show" after the film's release (and subsequent marriage to Ms. Steenburgen). For the sheer romance factor, this moment can't be missed.
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