
37 Reviews
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Very average movie, dont get the hype
13 April 2024
The production value of the sets and scene is spectacular. Now that is out of the way the movie is very average and nothing really happens. The editing is very choppy and the movie keeps jumping here and there. Everything happens conveniently for the main character. The fight sequence which i was waiting for were short and underwhelming.

Props to the director for making it almost 3 hours long but still unable to stitch a decent storyline. Poor Zendaya was so underutilized that it made no sense why Paul was having dreams of her in the first part. His premonitions were so useless, his dreams in the first part didn't warn him about the massacres about to happen to his family but kept showing him Zendaya (really useless superpower to have). There are multiple oscar winning actors who have been criminally underutilized (Josh Brolin, Javier B, Chris W).

Again the production value is great and makes it watchable but was too slow, nothing really happened and when it happened was underwhelming.
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The Northman (2022)
very pedestrian imdb score is suspicious
26 August 2023
The movie is very pedestrian and unwatchable at times, This is very surprising because it has a stellar casts and they did act well most of the times but there is no cohesive story to hold it all together and too many unbelievable things are thrown in. After the Vikings TV show the bar for this genre is very high and this movie falls way short. I could see that the writers are trying to stitch together a lot of Vikings tales together but it seemed to be a mishmash of disjointed parts.

The main dude had countless chances of taking revenge but for some reason he wanted to take the hardest route to revenge possible.
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Severance (2022– )
Excellent show, takes forever to pick up pace though
6 June 2023
First few episodes were really hard to get through - slow and seemingly pointless at times, only the intrigue on why this show has such high rating kept me going. It does get better and builds up to a crescendo but most of those hour episodes could be half the length and still deliver the same punch. Super treatment of the subject matter and great performances by everyone of the stellar cast.

Really looking forward to the second season still a lot of unanswered questions. I hope it doesnt take forever for the second season to come out. Hurry up production guys!

Just adding a pointless sentence to complete the work limit.
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Silo (2023– )
Paid review much?
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is a good show but am not able to comprehend how people can proclaim it to be the best thing since sliced bread after 2-3 very slow episodes. The pacing is extremely slow, it would be good to add some excitement. I call out paid reviewers on apple+ payroll. Probably the same lot who give over exaggerated Ted lasso reviews.

The good - excellent production value. The sets and sounds are very well done. Can Rebecca walk straight though - not understanding her strange hunched way to walking. Also I understand the hollywoodization of engineering but replacing compressor/blower blades like they did are a recipe for further problem - they need to be aligned and torqued properly. A lot of people pointed out but find the lack of elevators jarring.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Just so stoopid
15 April 2023
This is horrible, the premise is stupid and it is disrespectful to the game of football that an oaf of a human being can be a premier league manager. After three season he still doesn't understand the game or respect the other teams but learning about them. That episode that the team looses it over tearing of the believe sign was written by a kindergarten kid. And the female characters could be a bit more good looking. How two premier league footballers could have a relationship with with the weird looking keeley is beyond me. The owner of the club has a presence but the attempt to make her interact with keewy is very cringey.

No thank you please.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Good show but overhyped
2 August 2022
TV has gone downhill since the Breaking bad days so everyone is jumping up and down with this "prequel". It is a good show and definitely worth watching but am not understanding how some reviewers are putting this over BB.

It is a very slow burn and have to skip parts of it (the umpteen toothbrush scenes). There is non existent chemistry between Saul and Kim (there efforts at romance are cringe inducing and labored). Jonathan Banks is too old at this point to be pulling Mike. I rewatched BB just to compare those shows again and BB had too many stellar performances while Saul has a few.

Worth watching though.
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Bandish Bandits (2020– )
Toxic patriarchy, the writers need to be dragged into 21st century (Great music though!)
17 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great treatment of the music, Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy knock it out of the park. I wish the music bits was longer an the pieces more fleshed out but they were constrained by the format rather than their abilities. Shankar sang it! Mucho love.

The complaint i have is the writers normalize a very toxic patriarchal plot. The main Rathor guy is shown to be a real evil person, abandoning one wife and kid, forcing the woman (Mohini) who beat him to give up singing by evil machinations. Yet everyone gravitates around him with the young main character (Radhe) craving for his endorsement even after knowing that he was beyond bad to his mom. The mom relegated a loveless life deprived of her passion (singing) is okay with a lame apology from panditji. Hard to accept such a bad behavior to women has been normalized by the writers. He should have been ostracized by the family and Mohini should have been exalted to the position of the gharana teacher.

Shows like this normalizing poor behavior towards women are part of the problem. People do get influenced by TV and this is just unacceptable in this day and age.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Only for teenagers
19 July 2020
I found it annoying to watch the show as the story line seem to be targeted to a teenage audience. The acting was good and the writing seem decent but the content was definitely not for a mature audience. Could not keep watching is after 5-6 episodes.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Great show till season 4-5, hard to watch after that
11 June 2020
Someone put this show out of its misery. For the first 4-5 seasons it was a stellar show. Great stories, good acting, great characters but after that it seems to be on life support.
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The Path (2016–2018)
Downhill after Season 1, so much potential then come Aaron Paul
21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was a touch of brilliance in Season 1, well written good actors. Aaron Paul's role limited to making strange faces in a corner and getting jiggy with the beautiful Michelle Monaghan (those scenes though appreciated had no context or reason in the plot).

Come second season and as the focus shifts on shifty A-aron it just looses steam. A-aaron was well cast as an outsider but as the mainstay of the plot he just wasn't made for that role.

Now he is messing up my favorite Westworld too :(
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Mirzapur (2018– )
Lot of promise, lame ending to the season
13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Till episode 5-6 it seemed to be an incredible show but it went south in my opinion after that. I do not see why there was a hurry to close some timelines and then leave others for the next season. Guddu bhaiya character rules this show!

******Spoilers ahead***** 1. The role of the bahubali started with a lot of gravity but in the end he seemed to be a clueless person. If his wife could figure out his son's involvement in his assassination attempt why couldn't he? 2. Why didn't he try to discipline Guddu bhaiya after he had went to Jaunpur and offed shukla. 3. The Police angle was introduced way too late in the show. The "cool" police guy then spends the next two episode in a dusty office working up a strategy. A strategy which unravels in minutes in the end (way too abrupt ending) 4. Munna bhaiya was the arrogant idiot. Suddenly he comes on top after disappearing for many episdoes. I could go on and on. It seemed that the story writers ran out of ideas in the end and wanted to wrap it up somehow.
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Bhaukaal (2020– )
Nothing new, so so show
6 April 2020
Pretty average - there is nothing new in the story. The story is jerky and there is no effort made to flesh out any character. The lead moves around in anger and arrogance without reason. The bad guys are generic bad guys, the dialogue switches from okay to plain bad. There are other good shows around, this can be given a pass (special ops, family man, she etc..)
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Housefull 4 (2019)
Just when you think a more stupid movie cant be made.. along comes Housefull 4
19 January 2020
Arrrghhhh, This movie is just insane, who wrote it? who directed it. Really bad storylines, loose directions. How can Akshay work in such movies and such characters. You can see sets and characters picked up from Hollywood.

Hard pass on this one!
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Made in China (II) (2019)
Slow as molasses, Mouni Roy gets no roll again
19 January 2020
This movie is slow as molasses, Boman and Pares stand out in their performance. Rao was trying to hard. Really gutted though that they cant give sizzling Mouni Roy more screen time. She could have been added to the Magic soup team instead of left at home and extra lady characters added. This is another movie where she is there just for item number kinda songs.

Couldn't finish the movie. Had to turn it off. It is eerie that all the other comments are super positive (paid reviewers?)
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Treadstone (2019)
Very gripping so far
25 November 2019
Very gripping so far. A bit confusing going back and forth in time and across 3 continents but once you get the flow it is worthwhile watch. Excited to see how the stories unfold.
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Total Dhamaal (2019)
Hilarious slapstic comedy
22 April 2019
Cant understand the negative reviews here, it aint the most cerebral movies but as far as slapstic comedies go it is very good. Best parts of the movie are Javed Jaffery and Reteish Deshmuk.... and there is Madhuri :), did I mention there is Madhuri (sigh!)
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
Pretty average to poor show
15 April 2019
I am totally in to the superhero genre and thought Titans was very good but this show not so much, the stories are a confused mess and the don't get why the supers are supers. I think most of the reviews on this board are fake reviews. Do watch a few episodes to make your own judgement but i am sure you will come to the same conclusion.
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
Good show
3 April 2018
It is a surprisingly good show. What I liked is the balance black lightning has to strike between his family life and vigilante stuff. The race issues it raises seems very topical and pertinent to the current climate. Very good looking cast too! Much better done than Luke Cage (which is what it is being compared to obviously). Also like that Netflix is releasing one episode per week and not doing a binge inducing dump :)
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Limitless (2015–2016)
Morally flawed premise
3 April 2018
So the premise of this show is that the main character pops pills which give him enhanced abilities (and killer withdrawal symptoms), and we are supposed to be okay with that imagery??? This show is normalizing taking lethal addictive drugs and making it seem desirable - the hero does solve crimes. The law enforcement is made to look chumps because they are just normal human beings and not pill poppers.

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Great potential, didn't quiet reach the heights it could
18 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead

This movie has some great points (the dance in the rain for example, Prabhus down under performance, puneet's first performance) but it has a lot of low points too: 1. Prabhu deva and Ganesh acharya are horrible actors, it was painful watching their drunk scenes and Prabhu struggle with the Hindi. 2. Salman was Dharmesh were underutilitised 3. Why wasn't Prince performing? 4. Puneet's end was too jarring and didn't fit in the flow of the movie 5. Large parts of the movie were copied from Hollywood movies but it is a Remo movie so plagrism is to be expected i guess.

it is brave to cast dancers in a mainstream movie and Remo and the producers deserver kudos but this largely missed the mark.
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so bad :(
8 May 2013
Wanted to like this movie so bad. All the other khan's are kicking SRK's behind so i wanted this to be his fightback. Didn't work at all. The acting choices were really weird. His initial emotions towards Meera were very muted (not passionate at all). The build up of a relation or his warming up to Akira seems really fake and contrived. Yash Chopra (god bless his soul) tried to throw in all the clichés which have worked for him in the past (London, amnesia, love-triangle etc..). but they all seem dated. Seriously amnesia as a plot line is so 70s.

A good movie this year - Matru ki beejli ka mandola.
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Wow - that one hit the target
15 February 2006
I could identify with the college life and with the sentiment that whatever be the problems in present day India it is not my responsibility to fix it because i can flee abroad after my Univ. This is one of the first movies which made me feel that we should at least make an effort to change and not just be disinterested people. Let use see if this movie has an affect on the general public or not.

Amir Khan for all the hype did a very annoying job. I do credit him though of being a part of movie which challenge people to think. The other guys in the gang were more convincing as actors and fit their respective roles. Amir Khan had an annoying sense of humour and his dialogs were not timed properly. I am surprised that he accepted a role in which he is one of the 5-6 other lead actors.

All round kudos to the actors and actresses. Soha looks so much like Sharmila :)! The white actress did a good job in mouthing Hindi.

Must see***
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High and lows
2 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Strange mix in a movie. The acting of tabh bachan and sharmila was very good and the first half of the movie was a lot of fun (though substanceless). The story wasn't moving forward but was very humorous and the character development was nice. The concept of John Ab telling the movie was fresh. Interesting to see him doing the voice over instead of Ab, even though AB was in the movie.

*** spoilers ahead ***

I couldn't see the second part of the movie coming. After spending so much time making the movie funny and getting the audience happy and laughing why would the director suddenly make the movie such a big tear jerker :P! His choice i guess. Abruptly without any warning the movie turned 180 degree into a sad fest :(!

Poor Sanjay Dutt got the short end in this movie - no character development or anything just a bit part role. How did he accept this role ? Also he looks very old now.

Good Points:

1. Only 2 hours long 2. No songs throwing the movie off track 3. Great acting by AB and sharmila 4. John A looks better after each movie - making of a superstar. His voice is awesome too.

Could not stand the blatant product placements though - there is one thing of showing a name brand but the actors were shown singing praises of reebok sweats, Elf motor oil, western union money transfer. Was shown in a cheap and crass way. Maybe the producers were not sure it will make money and thought they will recover money by putting adverts in the movie.

All in all the movie is not a bad one and can be seen once.
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Nice movie, not that funny though.
8 June 2005
Not a bad movie. Specially liked Rani as the bubbly bubli :)! Though the movie started with a lot of laughs and had a good premise, the funnies died out in the second half. A lot of implied humour which misses the mark when bachan meets bachan. The son and father scenes were well done but the potential of humour wasn't exploited enough. Even in the cons scene things could have gotten funnier. As one of the other reviewer pointed out it had a touch of Natural born killers but thankfully the gore of that movie was replaced with humour (or ladoo-jalebi). I always think Abhishek looks too ordinary hence he was good for this movie as it was a non-glamorous role.

Feels nice to see Hindi cinema on regular basis in theaters in Canada :)! 6 out of 10.
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awful movie, retarded plot!
15 May 2005
Totally awful movie. The movie started with so much promise. The opening half hour which shows nihal-deol in Panjab was funny, well shot and well acted but after that it was just too much to bear. Where do the bollywood directors recruit their "americans". Totally blah movie. Nihal singh or Sikhs are shown in a totally insensitive light and the portrayal is stereotyping. If such a movie was made in US it would be give rise to protest about such a portrayal. The movie was technically and story wise so shabby that it was embarrassing. As usual Sunny deol is the superman incarnate, which is okay but make the story have a little more sense. To be fair it had some moments of laughter but these were so far and away and were filled with banal plot in between.

I love Sunny deol and prefer him to Arnold as the strong man in movies but this time the story writer, director and the editing team have totally let him down.

Please stay away from this one :P!!
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