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Challengers (2024)
A captivating and charming match
1 May 2024
"Challengers" is a very interesting movie, which has grown on me in the week following my viewing experience. Indeed it is interesting, highly entertaining and well crafted and this aspects can be appreciated immediately. However "Challengers" posses a certain charme that keeps you thinking about it and wanting more. In my opinion this is due to three main aspects. First of all the film is beautifully shot, it has bright colors and some very clever ideas from Guadagnino that experiments with camera angles and original sequences. And so, watching "Challengers" is a pleasure for the eyes. The second point is the high erotic charge that the film has, which is also strongly linked to the plot itself. And finally also the score and music are fantastic, especially one recurring theme that provides a lot of tension. All these factors, combined with excellent performances and settings, results in a very entertaining movie that keeps you hooked while touching your emotions in various ways.

The major issue with the movie (which clearly isn't a deal breaker to me) is the rhythm in the second half. Indeed the first part has a much faster pace, combined with the fact that it presents a stronger erotic thriller nature. The second half slows down a bit and at the same time the overall situation is much clearer, thus removing the curiosity that characterized the first half. Probably with 10 minutes cut form this second part the film would be even better.

In the end "Challengers" is a movie that I liked a lot because it was very captivating. Furthermore in this review I decided to not talk about the themes that the film presents because they are up for interpretation and it would be interesting to talk about them and see how different people judge certain plot points. So don't miss out on this movie, it is a solid and fun watch!
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Less humans, more monsters
4 April 2024
"Godzilla and Kong" is a simple movie in its premise, since it only wants to entertain and to show big monsters fighting, so it has also to be judged in this framework. Unfortunately the movie is not able to achieve this due to useless and long boring sections centered around humans and their story arcs. Indeed when the movie shows the monsters it is good (for what it is) with fun and entertaining scenes. Furthermore the monsters are characterized thanks to convincing facial expressions which are able to convey what they are thinking. On the flip side the parts featuring humans are boring and, most importantly, too long. They were present also in the previous chapter (Godzilla vs Kong) but they were shorter and less serious. And so, in the end, if you'll be able to overcome those scenes and they will not become an issue to you the movie will feel fine and fun. If however, like in my case, these scenes are able to provoke a lot of boredom, the viewing can be more problematic. Indeed when the movie flows it is very good, when it features the humans it's the total opposite. In my opinion 15 minutes less dedicated to the humans and a shorter movie would have created one of the most entertaining blockbuster movie of the year.
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Simple and generic but short, funny and with Taika Waititi's touch
20 March 2024
"Next Goal Wins" is a funny and light movie telling the "redemption" story of the worst professional football team in the world. Unfortunately the film doesn't shine in anything and it feels pretty generic and uninspired most of the time. Even the somewhat emotional scenes are mildly earned and they lose a bit of their impact due to a very superficial build up. The characters are simple, not particularly characterized and forgettable. Also the direction and cinematography are totally generic.

However, "Next Goal Wins" is not totally bad. Indeed it is a light and short movie that can be entertaining and it can represent an easy feel-good watch. Furthermore if you vibe with Taika Waititi's humor there are some instances where you'll have big laughs.

In the end you should not expect anything form "Next Goal Wins", except for an easy and relaxed viewing experience. If you are searching something among those lines you should check it out because it's not as bad as some reviews may suggest. On the flip side is not a great movie neither, do not expect that.
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It's Part One once again, only more confused and anticlimactic
29 February 2024
I had great hopes for "Dune: part two" since I really liked the first part but I was left a bit disappointed. Once again the technical aspect of the production is phenomenal: everything is very well crafted (direction, cinematography, production design, performances, score) and it is undoubtedly a big part of the film which has to be recognized and that it saves it for me. This is because the narrative part has a lot of issues. If the first movie was still slow paced, it was able to create an imaginary and become iconic, it had the purpose of setting up the second part and I thought some sort of payoff was coming in "part two". Instead even the second movie is all setup with a final battle which lasts like 15 minutes and a very rushed and anticlimactic finale. But if the first part took more its time to better justify the characters' actions, this second part doesn't do that (maybe more screen time would have beneficial). Many times characters do things out of nowhere or because the story needs them but their actions doesn't feel earned and justified in most cases. I'm not saying it's all bad and I liked the movie (the rating shows that) but it could have been so much more.

The other issue is that this part two in the end is essentially part one but three years later, it has all the same merits and defects. It is technically exceptional and it is surely able to impress and foment. On the flip side they both were not able to make the viewer empathize much with the characters and the worst thing of all: it is once again truncated. I accepted it for the first one because it was a build up and because it was the first part of the book, but here it's bad. I get that there is a sequel coming (in theory) but the story is interrupted once again. I've read comparisons to "Empire Strikes Back" because it was the middle part of a trilogy, but the plot of that movie was closed. Indeed the last shot of "Episode V" is a clear indication of the closure of the story narrated but opening to the fact that "something is more to come, the final battle is nearing". "Dune: part two" is instead cut anticlimactically.

Unfortunately I'm pretty disappointed by "Dune: part two" which was the movie I was expecting the most this year. I liked it but I felt a lot of wasted potential. It could have been something truly epic and for the ages, instead it has major issues that reduce the impact of the movie itself.
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Poor Things (2023)
It goes as far as you are able/willing to get
22 February 2024
"Poor Things" tells the story of Bella (played by Emma Stone) who is a sort of monster of Frankenstein but surely more pleasing to the eyes. Her journey consists in discovering life and the viewers follow her emancipation among society and her character development.

The technical aspect of "Poor Things" is truly exceptional, with phenomenal settings and production design, great costumes and make-ups, excellent cinematography and inspired score often consisting in a collection of disordered violin sounds that enriches the scenes. The performances were all pretty solid, especially from Emma Stone who gave literally all of her to craft this complex character. The only thing that was not always at an high level was the direction because though usually on point, it tends to use too much fish eyes and wide angles even when are totally out of place.

Regarding the plot itself and the messages conveyed by the movie I think it can generate mixed feelings and it greatly depends on how much you are willing and able to see inside of it. Indeed I confronted with many friends who watched this feature and we all had very different opinions regarding the plot points and how they were developed and I came to the conclusion that "Poor Things" is fundamentally a vibe movie with a story that works on a superficial level but it can be enriched by the viewers itself and by what he/she is willing to get from it. In fact I read and listened to a variety of interpretations of the story and all were plausible and for this reason I say that the experience changes depending on the viewer itself and if he/she was able to find something resonating with him/her.

Personally I liked the movie, even if I think there is an unbalance regarding the themes touched. Clearly "Poor Things" is about female emancipation in a society that views women as objects to possess and the film surely explores it convincingly. However this was not the biggest thing I got from "Poor Things", probably because I am not a woman. The theme that was truly able to fascinate me was the fact that in the end the film is a character study on Bella who is a person living in a society full of preconceptions and limitations without being affected by them. Indeed we all grow up with a set of "unwritten rules" that depends on our social context that pushes us to be seen as respectable, with a certain morality and often limited by what others may think of us. Bella on the other side, due to her origin, is free from all of these and lives without a specific moral code imposed by society but rather on what is right in her mind and what makes more sense to do and I found this aspect pretty interesting. The plot itself was solid in my opinion, I liked the structure as chapters because each one symbolize a specific growth aspect of Bella and even though some situations were proposed on different occasions I didn't have a problem because Bella had changed and it reacted differently to each of them.

The main issue that I have with the movie is the fact that the majority of the exploration is sex-related. I mean, it was an interesting discussion but I would have preferred that also other types of emancipations were explored a little deeper. For instance themes like culture and politics or even what Bella decided to do in her life were simply said once or twice and never explored. There was also an interesting section in Alexandria that went nowhere. The tricky part is that I personally found pretty important everything shown in the movie so I comprehend that to add those additional themes the movie would have become too long, but on the flip side a big unbalance was created.

In conclusion I suggest you to watch "Poor Things" but have in mind that it can be hit or miss, it depends on what you are willing to get from it. But if you are only looking forward to see a very well crafted feature, "Poor Things" will be a solid watch.
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Argylle (2024)
Too long, boring and generic
5 February 2024
The root of all the issues of "Argylle" is the length. Indeed "Argylle" is by nature a stupid film that can be funny only for a certain amount of time and then it becomes boring. Indeed the plot is simple by itself and cutting 30 minutes would have been beneficial. In particular, the last part of the film is a sequence of plot twists coming out of nowhere (they were not built and so they don't feel earned) which are made possibile thanks to a series of plot conveniences. Knowing what type of movie "Argylle" is, it's celar that a certain amount of them are justified and they can be accepted but after a certain point not so much. Furthermore the CGI is pretty bad in few instances with very visible green screens and the 30 minutes less would have helped focusing better on that aspect too.

I was expecting "Argylle" to be funny, with great action scenes and good jokes but unfortunately it was only generic and the length didn't help. A movie that I tend to associate with "Argylle" is "Bullet Train" with Brad Pitt because the general idea is the same: a funny, stupid and kinetic spy movie that has the only scope of entertain. The difference between the two is that "Bullet Train" is shorter, more coherent and shot better thus achieving a great sense of fun. On the other hand "Argylle" is too chaotic. In particular I was enjoying the movie till the big twist on the Bryce Dallas Howard character. Indeed I think the movie on one hand loses its originality and it goes to a pretty generic plot seen many times and on the other hand it introduces a whole new situation thus further extending the runtime.

In the end I found "Argylle" fun at the beginning but progressively boring and boring with a series of criminal sequences in the third act that really pushed me more and more outside of the atmosphere (I'll cite only the two worst: the skating scene and the pipe in the head). Personally I wouldn't suggest it and I am disappointed because I was hoping to see a stupid but fun spy movie. In any case if you know you generally like this kind of movies I suggest you to try it out because there is the potential to appreciate something if you are able to pass on some issues.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Sweet and heartfully crafted
4 February 2024
"Sweet" and "heartfelt" are the two adjectives that most describe "The Holdovers" to me. The premise of the movie is that a student, a professor and a cook are the only ones that remain in a high school during the Christmas holidays of 1970. These characters are very different both in their backgrounds and in their characterization but due to this forced time spent together they will influence one with the other. This premise is nothing new as many films have a similar premise. Furthermore "The Holdovers" also falls in the category of movies in which a school professor is able to have a big impact in the growth of his students. However, even if the starting point of this film is not revolutionary and it doesn't invent something new, the "The Holdovers" is a great movie especially thanks to its writing. The film is indeed very well structured with a balance between very funny scenes, more dramatic ones, sweet moments or surprising reveals of the characters' past. The movie thus keeps you always engaged with a good rhythm and mix between its different natures. The good writing is enforced by great performances from everyone (clearly the three main characters stand out the most) and also by the inspired 70s' setting. "The Holdovers" has indeed a great imaginary and it is shoot with some noise in the images like it would have been the case in 1970 and also this touch goes in favor of a better result.

In conclusion "The Holdovers" is a very sweet film that has the taste of "the good old days" of cinema. It is totally suggested because in my opinion it is difficult to dislike it due to its numerous merits and I think it has the potential to become a Christmas classic in the years to come!
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Cinematography masterclass, but thematically too rich
29 January 2024
I didn't know what to expect from Empire of Light due to the mixed reviews it received but I fortunately found a good movie. Still it's not a phenomenal one or something for the ages but it does its own in a nice way. The first thing that has to be mentioned is the cinematography combined with the settings since they are phenomenal. This aspect of the movie was so perfectly crafted that Empire of Light was really a pleasure for the eyes. Where the movie is weaker (but still ok) is on the plot and emotional aspects of it. Personally I found the story a bit unsubsequential and with a small emotional weight. Indeed I didn't see all that character development in a movie that is mainly focuses on that. Yes, there are some changes of the status quo but I felt like that characters went on on emotional journeys that didn't actually change much in the end as far as their persona. The other issue of the movie is that in my opinion it tries to touch too many topics without the time to properly investigate them. To mention a few there is a celebration of the power of cinema, their is a love story featuring two people with a big age difference and of different ethnic groups, racism is touched as well as mental health but also harassment on the workplace is tackled. The result is that no topic is really deeply investigate but they are only touched.

In the end Empire of Light is still a good movie that you must watch if you love cinematography in movies. However it tastes a bit of wasted potential because by removing some themes and be more focused on a handful of them it could have been so much more.
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Maestro (I) (2023)
More focused on prizes than on story
29 January 2024
Maestro is a movie which parts are indubitably great but they sum up to an empty film since in the end it tells nothing and it has a very low entertainment value. Indeed I'm not American and I didn't know Leonard Bernstein before my viewing and after the movie I only got very few information about him.

As mentioned all the technical aspects are majestically crafted: the performances by Bradley Copper and Carey Mulligan are inspired and heartfelt, the direction is great to look at and it does have some clever moments, the music and score are fantastic, the cinematography it's also very good and I can go on and on. The issue is that the central core of the movie is non existent and ultimately Maestro is an empty movie that is very well adorned. Nothing substantial is told, the entire story seems a collection of life moments randomly placed one after the other and most importantly it does not carry any significant emotional weight. The perfect example to me is, without spoiling anything, the scene of the concert in the church. It is very beautiful with great acting, superb music, good direction but it is pointless since it doesn't serve any plot point, it was not built (it comes out of nowhere) and it can appeal only due to its technicality. This is the biggest example but Maestro is a collection of moments like this.

In conclusion while watching Maestro I had the impression that this movie was crafted with the only intent to try to be featured as much as possible in all the ceremonies and squeeze out some Oscars. All of this however at the expense of the story.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Not as good as the first one but still fine and funny
5 January 2024
"Incredibles 2" is a fine family movie, which is not on the same level of the first one but it is still enjoyable. The merit of the film is indeed to be funny with a good amount of laughs (especially from Jack Jack), it has a light tone and it is easy to follow. The result is a movie that entertains for its duration if you are in the mindset of watching a colourful feature for all the family. The issues are mainly related to the plot and the villain. Indeed this part was weak, forgettable and with various plot holes which are pretty bad considering that the main story is not that complex. For these reasons the first "Incredibles" was better in my opinion but they are not critical since having a super coherent and profound plot is not the point of this movie. The goal is to have fun for almost two hours with the enjoyable returning characters and with new interesting dynamics for the superhero family and it is achieved convincingly.

In conclusion "Incredibles 2" is not a hit of a movie and it will not go down as a big entry for the genere, but it is a perfect film if you want a funny, light and colourful watch that is not too long like many other movies released in this period.
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Comandante (2023)
A story of humanity with a fantastic Pierfrancesco Favino
8 November 2023
"Comandante" tells the story of Italian commander Salvatore Todaro and his crew that were the protagonists of a great act of humanity during the beginning of WWII. The two biggest merits of the movie are the visual impact that is pretty good (especially the reconstruction of the Cappelletti submarine) and the performances. In particular Pierfrancesco Favino was exceptional and magnetic on screen, owning every scene he was in. Additionally the story narrated is interesting and very human, but on the contrary the storytelling itself was the weakest point of the movie. More in detail the narration is a bit flat especially in the second part, which should be the emotional core of the film. The first half was indeed pretty interesting to me, with a darker tone and mostly about how bad war is. Then, the second part, focuses on the humanity that great people are able to maintain even in extreme conditions. However the rhythm slows down too much and a sense of flatness kicks in. Indeed the second half, except for a few interesting scenes, was a bit too formulaic and impersonal.

Despite some issues, "Comandante" is still a good movie that narrates an interesting story. You won't probably go crazy about it, but it is surely a fine watch if you are either interested in its human side, in war movies or in Pierfrancesco Favino performance.
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Thematically rich and majestically crafted and acted. But...
6 November 2023
"Le otto montagne" is a great movie, which tells the story of a friendship through the years in a space that is somewhat common to both the protagonists which are the mountains. This friendship is the core of the movie and it is the foundation of a bigger exploration of life, of the meaning, of the various ways in which one can find its place in the world. All of these themes are well developed thanks to a great work of filmmaking. The direction and cinematography are fantastic, helped by the stunning scenery that are the Italian Alps of Val d'Aosta. Additionally the cast was great, with especially Alessandro Borghi and Luca Marinelli being exceptional. Indeed the film features a lot of moments of silence and contemplation that rely heavily on the actors ability to work without their voice. And they actually did a fantastic job. So, in general I think that "Le otto montagne" is a great film, but I unfortunately also felt that something was missing which prevented it to reach higher peaks. Indeed some plot points were not explored as needed and it didn't allow me to completely resonate with the emotions of the characters. On one side this aspect can be seen as a positive because it leaves a certain degree of mystery and interpretation, but on the other the feeling of missing something can prevale. More in detail I thought that something from the book which the movie is based on was cut due to length and pacing reasons. I've also read reviews on this platform saying similar things and explaining with spoilers the plot points that were neglected more and I agree with them. I don't know if also the book is mysterious in those passages but it was my feeling. So, my overall perception of the film was affected a bit but in general I still liked it a lot. And I intend to read the book because the story and the themes intrigued me so much that I want to know more about these characters.

In the end I want to suggest to everyone to watch this movie. It's packed with interesting themes, characters and with beautiful landscapes. It will push you to think about life and friendship and it will also provoke emotions ranging from happiness to commotion. If you are someone that watches only action movies or high pacing film "Le otto montagne" is probably not in your cords since it has a very slow and reflecting pacing. For all the others, don't lose out on this lifelong journey because it is worth. It's not perfect and you like me can sense something is missing, but it is undoubtedly a great piece of filmmaking.
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Pretty, entertaining and thematically relevant
6 November 2023
"C'è ancora domani" is a very pretty film set in a post-WW2 Rome that centers around Delia and her family composed by two young children, a daughter who is about to engage, a violent husband and his father. Thematically the core of the movie is the treatment reserved to women in that era, which is still a significant discussion nowadays because though better than in the 40s' the issue is not solved at all. What I particularly liked about this discussion is the tone because it's not too dark allowing everyone to appreciate the movie and receive the message, but at the same time it's not too light thus avoiding to lose its impact. An example of this which I think was very effective is the treatment of the domestic violence scene that is depressing but there's a gimmick that lightens it while creating a bittersweet contrast. Furthermore the movie has more jokes than what I expected and it relies on a versatile cast able to be dramatic and comedic at the same time. However, even if properly done in most of the instances, few laughs were audible through the theatre because they are more tension reliefs than actual wanted funny moments. And also the final twist is pretty good. The movie did an excellent job in creating a narration that leads to something to then shift towards something else in an elegant way. There are few things that could have been better, in particular the final part of the engagement storyline which I think went outside of the overall tone, but in general they don't compromise too much the final result.

In conclusion I think that "C'è ancora domani" is a film everyone should watch for two reasons. The first one is related to the messages conveyed, while the second one is also pretty relevant: it's a good movie that will entertain all audiences for almost two hours. And this is not a small thing at all.
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Great movie but with a major flaw
30 October 2023
The true story narrated by "Killers of the Flower Moon" is very interesting and it is treated pretty well by the movie screenplay. It is a story about greed mixed with racism, displaying how despicable the human genere can be. The movie investigates these themes pretty well since it is well crafted. The characters, which are the core of the film, are well characterized and magnificently played. From top to bottom all the cast was great, but DiCaprio and De Niro put a masterclass on screen and they were magnetic when placed in the scene. A mention has to be made also for Lily Gladstone that gave a lot of emotions to her character and she managed not to disfigure beside the previously mentioned holy monsters. The technical aspects of the movie were also solid, but sincerely I expected more by Scorsese in terms of direction. It's not bad and it is totally able to carry out the story in a solid way. However, there are no flashes or scenes that will remain iconic. For instance all the dialogues are camera on who is speaking, cut to the new one speaking, cut and go back to the other one and so on. What keeps the scenes always captivating are the acting performances because, as said above, especially DiCaprio and De Niro are so good that that they draw the viewer's full attention but in a positive way since they characters feel like real people.

"Killers of the Flower Moon" has however a major issue that compromises the overall judgment of the movie and it is the length combined with the pacing. Indeed it's not the fact that it lasts 3 hours and 20 minutes, but rather the pacing. The film is slow for the entire duration and that's where the problem lays. There aren't moments that accelerate the rhythm a bit to then go back to the slower pace giving to viewers a rollercoaster experience in terms of pacing. And I'm not talking about the events narrated, but rather the rhythm given by the editing, the direction and the dialogues. Reflecting on this aspect I also thought that maybe it was an intentional choice to give a sensation of inexorability. However, even if this is the case, it remains a critical defect. To give a true life experience two people around me fell asleep in the theatre. I really liked the movie but at a certain point I felt the length, unlike for Oppenheimer that was roughly of the same length but it featured various changes of rhythm.

In conclusion I strongly suggest to watch "Killers of the Flower Moon" because it is a very good movie and because it tells a story that is worthy to be narrated to a large audience. It has however a big issue related to the length and the constant slow pace. Personally despite this I would still watch it again because it is very well made and interesting and it has a lot of things to be liked. And so this problem is not critical and can be overcome, but be aware of it. First of all by seeing this movie when you are not tired and then be prepared to eventually feel bored. Unfortunately there is the possibility.
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A struggle to stay awake
26 October 2023
I decided to watch "Licorice Pizza" after reading some positive reviews that claimed this one to be one of the best movies which came out in 2021. Additionally I've previously watched some Paul Thomas Anderson movies and I liked them, especially "There Will Be Blood" that is a fantastic film. Unfortunately I didn't like "Licorice Pizza" at all, it didn't resonate with me.

Starting with the positives, everything regarding the technical department is great, from direction, to cinematography, score and also the included songs. Furthermore the actors were all pretty good, giving excellent and credible performances to, sadly, poorly written characters.

Indeed the negatives are all concerning characters and plot. I found hardly believable everything that was happening, leading to a sense of detachment that arose fairly quickly during my viewing experience. The love story, which is the core of the movie, is dull and silly. The constant presence of children doing stuff around made me question if I were watching "Hook". And the length of the movie is totally unjustified, too long, boring and at least 20/30 could have been cut without any issues. I've read that "Licorice Pizza" tries to give a slice in the life of some characters moving in a specific time period in Los Angeles. Maybe this was the issue since I was not alive back then and I am not from the U. S, but I don't believe in this. Indeed I loved a movie like "Once upon a time in...Hollywood" which does exactly that. The difference lays in the fact that the latter has iconic characters and cool and fun scenes, something that the former doesn't have. I'd admit that there were four or five good laughs in "Licorice Pizza", but it's not enough for a movie that runs over 130 minutes long.

In conclusion, it was a struggle to stay awake and I'm not an easy sleeper at all. I sincerely don't see why movie critics loved this one so much. For this reason, even though I think I lost two hours, I still suggest you to watch it if you are interested because there's the chance that maybe you actually find something good. But do it on your have been warned.
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The Town (2010)
An heist movie with compelling and well-written characters
25 October 2023
"The Town" tell the story of a group from Charlestown that performs a robbery in a bank that leads to the FBI starting to tackle them and resulting in a thrilling spiral of events. In all of this chaos there is also room for a peculiar love story that will be one of the pillars of the plot.

The most interesting aspect that I found regarding this movie are the characters, their motivations, their morality and their decisions. Indeed each event results in an actual evolution of the relationships and every choice leads to a consequence, positive or negative depending on the context. Furthermore the (main) characters are all well defined and what they do in the final act is totally justified by their previous development. Another merit of the movie is that the majority of the characters are morally ambiguous. Some of them are clearly on the right, other not and it's not difficult to root for or against them. But generally they are more "gray" in the sense that I constantly changed idea regarding them, or that you can comprehend what they do but without supporting them. And this leads to compelling characters that feel very human.

The aspect I liked less is that I didn't feel the thrills I was expecting from a story like this one. On paper given the plot you should be on the edge of your seat for the majority of the film duration but it wasn't my case. I think a lot is due to the score that was pretty dull, but also the editing. I felt like no change in its pace between dialogues and action scenes. If the slower rhythm is fantastic for building characters and relationships, probably a more frenetic editing during the action scenes would have contributed in increasing the stakes even more.

In general, however, "The Town" is a very solid watch and if you are in the mood for a heist movie with solid character, this one represents a great pick.
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Elemental (2023)
An unpretentious animated film
23 October 2023
"Elemental" is a fine animated movie, which is basically about a love story. Indeed it can be stated that is an animated romantic movie. The plot doesn't feature any originality or stand-out moments and the film results to be pretty straightforward. In particular I found it too be predictable and also a bit fast in some turning points and in the end I felt like very few events had happened along its duration. This extreme simplicity does not allow "Elemental" to become a impactful movie, something that will be highly remembered. On the flip side however, this simplicity is the key in having a movie that doesn't present any major flaw and it works fine. So, it won't blow you away but probably it won't also be a waste of time or you'll regret watching it. Thematically the most interesting thing was the exploration of racism in an original way, using the various elements to recreate real life dynamics. Nothing too profound but surely enough to provide a positive message for younger audiences, even though I think it was treated even better in Zootropolis just to mention a film that had a comparable target. In the end I think "Elemental" is a good watch for one of those times in which you want a light and colorful movie to have almost two hours of cinema relax. A 6 out of 10 movie to me that gets an additional point due to the excellent animation. Pixar studios did a very good job in the creative and animation departments with this film, very well crafted.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Funny and sharp first half, boring and baffling second one
25 July 2023
I had great expectations for the Barbie movie, mainly because of the writers (Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach) and the stellar cast with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling leading the way. Unfortunately I found myself disappointed, bored and shocked by some messages the movie tries to convey.

Starting with what I liked, the performances were great and in particular Ryan Gosling was spectacular with a wide range of emotions and a lot of humor displayed. Also the design of the sets was inspired with a lot of references to the Barbie world and the style was unique and recognisable. Finally some jokes landed pretty well and the movie (in the first half) is pretty funny. And the positives end here.

Unfortunately the negatives are much more important. Sorted in a order of increasing gravity: * some plot lines are bad and are closed so quickly that it would have been better not to include them in the first place. In particular I am referring to the mother/daughter one and the one about Mattel. Furthermore, the Mattel one is also a bit strange since it is useful to criticise however uses feminism to make money, while being a movie that does exactly that.

* the film becomes boring in the second half. This is due to a systematic shift in tone and style since if in the first part the satire is sharp and elegant and leads to numerous bittersweet laughs, in the second half instead the movie becomes full of exposition. There are a lot of scenes where things are directly explained to the viewer (clearly considered a bit stupid) and there are some too long monologues that are both cringe and painfully written. This is a pity because some ideas explored in the second half are interesting, but due to this shift "Barbie" becomes so boring to enjoy them.

* the messages: I found some messages the movie is trying to convey pretty baffling. First of all the film is not about parity, but rather about gender fight and I don't think this is the correct idea to give to younger viewers. I want that children/young adults get that as a society we want equal rights and opportunities, not to fight to be the dominant genere. This is also true because of the fact that there's no a single positive male figure throughout the movie because they are all treated like enemies or like total idiots. On the other side the Barbies are perfect entities. In a certain way it seemed "Birds of Prey" where the situation was exactly the same but in that case there weren't two of the biggest writer in Hollywood behind. Not to mention the totally worst thing that is how the Barbie solve the main conflict: instead of using intelligence they use seduction. This is so wrong because in a movie that wants to be empowering, women are depicted as better suited in seducing instead of thinking. All of these ruin other good ideas like for instance the inversion of the point of view that is useful to explain to men what women in our society has to live every day. That was pretty interesting but it gets lost between what mentioned before.

In conclusion, I was very disappointed by the "Barbie" movie because I actually had high hopes knowing that it could have been a fun movie with positive messages, but it was the total opposite. I've seen it with both females and males and the reactions were generally mixed and no gender pattern was evidenced in terms of appreciating it or not. However the great merit that I have to give credit to the movie is that it triggers a discussion capable of actually enrich people through sharing of experiences. And so, even if I didn't like it I'd suggest you to watch "Barbie" and discuss of it with your families and friends!
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Very entertaining, great action, spectacular sets: a blast
22 July 2023
"Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One" was a blast for me. I went to the theatre without ever watching other entries of the franchise and only because of the trust in Tom Cruise after "Top Gun: Maverick" that I found nice (not spectacular however) and entertaining. And this one to me was even better. I had a great time thanks to the intriguing enough plot and great action. This aspect in particular was very well done thanks to the direction, the editing and also the sets (the Venice one was fantastic in my opinion). It is probably too long being around 160' and some repetitions in terms of situations are present, but overall I never found myself bored but always engaged. As mentioned, the plot is nothing special and the characters are not very deep but it's all functional since the goal of the movie is to entertain the viewers and it certainly does. The only thing that here and there bugged me was the CGI that is not always good. And this is particularly evident when you have Tom Cruise doing his classical stunts that are all practical and a CGI shot shortly after. But in general I won't be too picky with the smaller things that slightly compromises the viewing experience because in the end this one is a great action movie. If you want to watch something thrilling and frenetic this is a perfect choice, that is very well crafted and in which mostly all the parts are contributing in having the viewer on the edge of the seat. If you are instead looking for a deep movie this one is not your choice but it's perfectly ok, it's not the scope of "Mission Impossible". In the end: have yourself a blast as well!
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The Flash (I) (2023)
A cinematographic catastrophe
17 June 2023
In my opinion "The Flash" is a very very bad movie for many reasons:
  • the plot is a mess and it is uninspired with a lot of severe holes that bring you outside of the atmosphere;
  • the characters are also bad, especially Barry and his younger counterpart. Young Barry is one of the most annoying characters that I can remember seeing in the last years and the fact that it has a considerable amount of screen time made almost impossibile to me to root for the main protagonists. Furthermore the interactions between characters are forced, simplistic and in some cases plain atrocious (like Barry and his love interest). The evolutions are non-existent and it is particularly evident by the criminal finale in which the protagonist shows how 140 minutes worth of ""character development"" were a total joke;
  • the CGI is incredibly bad with rendering at the level of PS2/PS3 generations. The issue is always present but in some scenes the abyss is reached, especially in the finale that should be shown in every cinema university to teach how not to use the CGI. Another thing related to this is Flash's fast running effect that seems like if he was ice skating instead of running;
  • the constant jokes that were not funny at all and that were present every 40-60 seconds. To say how bad they were written I can say that in my theatre there was only one guy (probably particularly happy) that laughed a bit but the rest of the crowd was dead silent for the whole duration;
  • for all the things said above, I had a very hard time going through the 140 minutes of it. After five minutes I was already bored and the fact that no compelling character arc is present, the fact that no intriguing plot is there whatsoever and the fact that there aren't crazy and thrilling action scenes didn't allow me to flush away that boredom feeling and I felt that the movie lasted at least 30 minutes more than its actual duration.

There's something that I would save? Probably Micheal Keaton. He's a very good actor and he emanates charisma every time he's on the screen. But the character itself is a bit meh, mainly because he's a side character and so do not expect this big and deep character arc. But his Batman was good.

To wrap up I report my initial thoughts right after coming out from the theater: "if someone asks me if I would prefer to re-watch The Flash or watch any other random movie, I'd probably roll the dices of the random choice". The Flash was very bad and surely all the production chaos was a big reason why it came out like this. However for those that are able to turn off the brain and enjoy some superhero action with very low expectations, it may be an enjoyable time. But if you don't fall in this category, please do yourself a favor, spare 2 hours of your life to do something more interesting. It will be worth it.
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An artistic masterpiece, but it's a part one of two
4 June 2023
"Across the Spider-Verse" is a phenomenal movie and something that was never seen before. This statement is not exaggerated in any way or form since the animation styles and how they are used to enhance scenes are unprecedented. I recently saw again its predecessor ("Into the Spider-Verse") and the step up in terms of art and budget is very noticeable. If the first one was still creative and innovative while translating a comic into a movie, this one is the same but under steroids. This is because the animation style changes between the various universes but most importantly it changes with the emotions of the characters, it follows and enhances dialogues being able to enrich many interactions between characters. Only because of its artistic nature I think this movie deserves a watch in the best theatre you know.

It's not only spectacles however. The characters are great and the dialogues between them are able to create very interesting dynamics, that leads to fun, frenetic, sad and emotional moments. With respect to the previous movie the stakes are bigger and you feel more the impact of every choice and every twist, but I think that the first one was tighter and more focused. Yes, it was simpler but as a single movie it had everything you can ask plus some memorable scenes like the "what's up danger" one. And from this I can introduce why "Across the Spider-Verse" is not a 10/10 and is, in my opinion, a small step behind the first one (for now). First of all there is what I previously mentioned as a bit less focused plot, but in addition to that the pace is not as consistent due to slightly too long beginning and ending. In addition the ending is not there since the final scene of this movie is a big and hard cliffhanger. I knew it was a part one of two, but I hoped it was more in line with something like Infinity War and Endgame or Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. So I can't say that a truncated film is a perfect 10/10 or better than a masterpiece like the the previous chapter. But as far as the peaks "Across the Spider-Verse" is second to no one, simply majestic.

If the third instalment will be able to close properly the story (and after the first two I am quite confident it can) and be at the same level of the first two, we will could be in front of one of the best trilogy in cinema history. A trilogy in which each part was consistently phenomenal. Let's hope for the best. In the meantime I'm eager to re-watch this one again and again and again.
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A great finale for the GOTG trilogy
25 May 2023
Guardians 3 is clearly the best Marvel movie since Infinity War and Endgame. Well the competition was not very strong, but James Gunn was able to write a compelling and emotional story with a great mix between funny moments and heartfelt ones. He did also a magnificent job behind the camera since his direction was excellent and he shot some scenes that will be iconic. All the main members of the Guardians have their journey but the central focus of the movie is Rocket Racoon and his past, since it is strongly related to the villain. Speaking of him, I have to admit it was a great surprise. He's not very deep or has somewhat relatable motivations but he is only so mean that you hate him and you want to see him dead in a bad way. Sometimes these types of villains are welcomed.

It's not all perfect however. First of all is a bit too long. It does not bore or anything, but the story could have been told more coherently in like 15/20 minutes less. Then, the way in which Adam Warlock was managed was pretty bad. I knew he wouldn't have been like the character of the comics, but here it's stupid and useless. It's clear that it was imposed by the studio because he has no place in the story. And finally, the ending is a bit rushed and some twists come out from nothing. Let's be clear, it's great and emotional but the ending of some arcs feel forced.

Guardians of the galaxy 3 is a great Marvel movie that I think everyone that has seen the first two will enjoy. It was surprisingly mature both in the imaginary and in the themes and many times I though it was a fringing PG-13, but this aspect is perfect to channel even more emotions to this final movie of the trilogy. In the end, thank you James Gunn for giving us these characters and their compelling stories!
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Immense and phenomenal
25 April 2023
"Once upon a time in the west" is an epic and gigantic movie made by giants as well. Sergio Leone is a beast with his controlled and majestic direction that is fantastic in providing the emotions and feelings of the characters placed on screen. The plot is very interesting and captivating and its pacing is slow but without being boring. Indeed the movie takes its time to make the viewer involved, other than the fact that this movie is like an epic and so the length and the pace are perfect to make you feel the very long journey that the characters are making. But, as for every movie in which he is involved, the best part in my opinion in the great Ennio Morricone. His music is something else. It's able to enhance everything in a way that is beyond words, always perfectly touching the emotions that the scene is trying to convey. It's a team work in which each piece (direction, plot, editing, score, acting) is perfectly balanced one with the other to express the full potential that the movie has. I haven't talked yet about them, but the performances are all intense and credible.

I don't know if "Once upon a time in the west" is the best western ever made, nor if it's my favorite Sergio Leone movie but I am sure of one thing: it's impossible to love movies and cinema and not to at least appreciate it. Maybe for those who are only used to faster paced movies can have difficulties in watching this one, but for all the others "Once upon a time in the west" is a classic, a superb watch.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Looking for action, adrenaline and fun? Bullet train it's a solid choice
25 April 2023
"Bullet train" is a movie that successfully achieves its goals, that are provide action, entertainment and fun. Nothing in my opinion is particularly standing out, but everything is perfectly appropriate to craft a movie that keeps you always engaged and satisfied at the end. This is done through good and funny characters and great performances by actors that is evident enjoyed playing them. Furthermore the plot is sufficiently interesting to hook the viewer and justify the well shot choreographies. The only thing that was off in few instances was the CGI but since the movie doesn't pretend to be highly realistic, it's something that overall can be accepted without big issues.

In the end I suggest "Bullet train" to whoever wants to see a funny movie, packed with action and violence (though played for fun) and with a simple plot.
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Air (I) (2023)
Fun is in the "Air"
16 April 2023
"Air" is a very entertaining movie about the story of the birth of the Air Jordan shoes. These shoes are not only shoes, but they are an absolute icon and the movie treats them exactly as that. And indeed there are different instances where the viewer's knowledge is exploited to enrich of emotions certain scenes. Though by doing some researches the story is heavily changed in some ways, it's totally ok because it's not a documentary and because each change is done to achieve higher entertaining and engaging levels. The direction is great, the performances convincing and the balance is fantastic: the mix of funny, emotional, impactful or vibe scenes is very solid.

In the end "Air" is a great watch for anyone. It doesn't pretend to be a masterpiece, it is relatively short for today standards (less than two hours), it has great pace and balance and most importantly it's entertaining. Sometimes it's all that matters.
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