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The most actiony action movie!
6 January 2020
First Blood part 2 is one of the most 80s action movies out there! This time John Rambo is in Vietnam and he goes full Rambo with firing guns! A true action movie and 80s classic movie!
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Great badass action movie!
6 January 2020
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If you are a fan of the Rambo franchise and of gory action movies then you will love this movie! I mean how could you not love Rambo ripping out a guys clavicle with is hands and cutting out a guys heart! Also love the whole 3rd act rated R Home Alone traps!
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Rambo III (1988)
The Worst Rambo Movie...
6 January 2020
This movie is fine and has the good/great action you expect but the setting with political commentary in it bogs this movie down. It gets boring in some parts of the movie but most of the movie just feels empty.
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First Blood (1982)
The perfect 80s action movie...
31 July 2019
First Blood is such a fun and thrilling 80s action movie. The action is so fun with the chases and the hunting scenes. The cops in the movie are real jerks and you want to see Ranbo win. I love the cold, winter/cloudy atmosphere to the movie. The 3rd act can drag a bit but it is fun. Just enjoyable from beginning to end.
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Halloween (1978)
The perfect classic horror movie...
20 July 2019
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The movie is just so iconic that what has not been said about this movie. The score is so iconic and Michael Myers is such a good slasher. The Halloween atmosphere I love with the subtitle creepy horror with Michael stalking. The 3rd act is also so iconic with Jamie Lee Curtis playing the iconic role of Laurie Strode. I try to watch this 2-3 time each Halloween because it is just that good.
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Good family comedy Christmas movie...
20 July 2019
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This is as enjoyable of a movie as the first one. Mark Wahlberg, Will Ferrell, John Lithgow, Mel Gibson, and John Cena were great in the movie. I love the Christmas atmosphere and the scene at the movie theater at the end is so great for a Christmas movie. Love how the whole family goes to a winter cabin for Christmas. Also as funny as the first movie. Love the movie and try to watch it ever Christmas.
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Daddy's Home (2015)
Basic but fun...
20 July 2019
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Daddy's Home is oozing with likability with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg in this family comedy. The story of a step father and a father fighting for the love of the kids is unique to me at least and some hilarious antics ensue. I like how the Will Ferrell's and Mark Wahlberg's characters hate each other then they learn how to be father's at the same time to the kids. Love Griff and the boss in the movie are two great stand outs. Really enjoyable comedy.
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Not as good as the first one...
20 July 2019
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Goosebumps 2 is filled with the Halloween atmosphere which I love. Love that Slappy is back with more screen time. Don't like that most of the monsters are not classic monsters from the books. The kids are fine for what they are. Jack Black is back but hardly in the movie and I hate how they trap him in the book at the end. More of a kids movie than the first one but enjoyable since it is so filled with the Halloween atmosphere.
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Goosebumps (2015)
A blast from the past...
20 July 2019
Goosebumps is suck a fun and entertaining movie especially for fans of the book series like I was when I was younger. Seeing all the classic monsters from the books coming to life in a movie is so awesome. Jack Black is really good as R.L. Stine and all the monsters working together in the movie is so awesome. Fun survival movie with monsters. The best part is the credits recreating the classic book covers.
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Why do I like this movie?
20 July 2019
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This movie should not work but most of it for me works. It is nothing special considering it as a raunchy comedy. The whole puppet and human world that is built is captivating and the whole murder mystery story is so intriguing and trying to figure out who it is so fun along with the characters. Some jokes work and some do not work. The main cop puppet is my favorite character and his and Melissa McCarthy's character relationship is really good with their backstory. Fun but an average comedy movie.
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Predator (1987)
The perfect 80's action/horror movie with a whole lot of Arnold...
20 July 2019
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Predator is in like my top 5 favorite movies of all time. The group of commandos are so awesome. Arnold Schwarzenegger is my favorite in the movie as Dutch. The predator creature design, costume, and technology is my favorite alien/monster design ever. The action is spectacular with the commandos being picked off one by one. The 3rd act with Dutch vs the Predator is so good and climatic. What else can not be said about this movie. The movie is great from beginning to end.
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The Predator (2018)
A fun movie with problems...
20 July 2019
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The Predator is a fun movie with a whole lot of problems but I do enjoy this movie a lot. Most of the characters are badly/under written but are funny at least. The predators in the movie are the best part. The upgrade predator is cool but the whole predator goals of the movie are confusing. Like why were the predators after the little device from the predator gauntlet? They wanted and fought over it but we do not see a use for it! The final battle and deaths of characters feel rushed. The action is pretty good and love the Halloween setting. The gore is good but some of the cgi goes from ok to bad like on the predator dogs and the upgrade predator. Fun and entertaining movie with a lot of problems...
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Good but not great...
18 July 2019
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T3 I enjoy more than most people do. Most of the actors are good to ok with the best being Arnold Schwarzenegger. The t-x is a cool villain Terminator with some cool abilities that is put to a good use. The one truck chase scene near the beginning is so good but needs some back ground music. The graveyard scene is pretty good and the military base sequence is ok but I love the bunker/hanger sequence at the end with the twist that Judgement Day is inevitable. A good entry in the Terminator franchise.
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The perfect action movie...
18 July 2019
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OMG how is a movie about two robo cybernetic assassins so good? Arnold is back and better than ever with this time him protecting Sarah Connor (who is better than ever in this movie) and her son John Connor. Edward Furlong can get annoying at some points. The t-1000 played by Robert Patrick is so cool with his abilities and so itimidating. The action is the best thing about this movie, it is so good! That chase and then the battle at the molten metal plant near the end is so good. Then the emotion scarifice of the t-800 in the lava is so good because through out the movie him and John Connor have a bond.
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True 80s classic...
18 July 2019
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An 80's action/horror movie that involves Arnold Schwarzenegger as a cybernetic robo assassin, count me in. Sarah Connor is such a cool character. Kyle Reese is whatever but Arnold as the t-800 is such an intimidating antagonist. The on the run feel of the movie is so cool. Plus that score is such a good techno score for a movie like this. The 3rd action scene along with the police station scene are classic scenes that are so awesome.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
This movie deserves more people talking about it...
18 July 2019
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Pet Sematary 1989 is/should be considered a classic horror movie. One thing great about this movie is that the horror is just not jump scares but the horror is more of ideals. The horror of a evil place drawing someone to bring love ones to corrupt into something else entirely. All the actors in the movie are great even though the daughter can over do it sometimes. My favorite character is probably Jude. The way that the burial ground compels Jude to introduce Louis and then Louis is consumed by it is so scary. And I love how the movie never actually shows you the evil of the burial ground. The best thing about the movie is the atmosphere and the set design with the creepy Forrest. Gage getting hit by that truck is heart breaking but it is just so creepy seeing Louis dig his son up and then burying him the the burial ground. The final confrontation where Louis has to put his evil son down is so good. And that ending where Louis buries his wife and the end part is so scary and creepy. An underappreciated horror master piece.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Good but not great...
18 July 2019
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Pet Sematary 2019 is a remake that was not really needed. There are changes from the 1989 movie but it kinda feels like they are just changing to say that there was something different. All the actors are good some stand outs include Jason Clarke, John Lithgow, and Jete Laurence. There are some really tense scenes with some goo jump scares. Zelda is somehow more creepier and scarier than in the 89 film especially with the dumb waiter scene. Not the best horror movie (especially compared to the 89 film) but slightly above average.
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It (I) (2017)
One of the best horror movies in the past decade...
18 July 2019
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Lets gets this out of the way people say that this movie is not scary and most of it is creepy but this has some really well done jump scares that are very scary. Love the loser club and all their relationships. Love the creepy atmosphere of Derry and the adults are real creepy. The two fights the kids have with Pennywise are great and the final one is very emotional. Can't wait for It 2 since the first one was so good.
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Fun but basic horror...
18 July 2019
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The Curse of La Llorona is technically part of the Conjuring Universe and that is why I watched it. I like how the family that is being tormented is introduced to the demon because the mother is a social worker. There are some jump scares in the movie but I don't mind. One very scary scene is when the kid has a clear umbrella and you can only see La Llorona through it. The 3rd is fine but nothing great. Just a scary and very creepy movie through out.
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Why do I like the Star Wars spin-offs more?
18 July 2019
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This and Rogue One are my favorite Star Wars movies. Alden Ehrenreich is so good in this movie as Han Solo. Love the whole sequence of him trying to escape the planet with Kira at the beginning. One of my favorite scenes in Star Wars is when you see Han Solo fighting on the side of the Empire on MImban. Some of the best 7 minutes in Star Wars. The whole Kessel Run sequence is good just not my favorite. The 3rd act is unique with a shoot out in a small room. Love the twist with Enfys Nest that Han actually kinda started the Rebellion. Stand out characters include Han, Chewie, Lando, and Tobias Beckett. Love the whole Conveyex robbery scene. Love new Star Wars vehicles and troopers and some standouts include heavy Tie Fighter, Conveyex, imperial At hauler, Mud Trooper, Mimban Trooper, and Range Trooper. Just such a fun ride and the pace is so good.
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18 July 2019
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Rogue One is possible my favorite Star Wars movie. I love the group of characters we follow even though some are flat. Stand outs include Director Krennic and especially K2-SO. Love all the scene on Jeda with the Rebel's attack the tank and the At-St. The Bodi Rooke side plot is annoying and kinda confusing first or second watch. Some parts of the second act can kinda drag but it is all worth it for the especially awesome 3rd act Battle Of Scarif. The Battle of Scarif is everything I want from a Star Wars battle in a movie. Space battles with Rebels attacking the planet gate, to ship battles in the air of Scarif, to the awesome ground battles with Rebels on the ground near the Citadel tower. I love new Star Wars ships and troopers and stuff like that and this movie gives you plenty of that with stand outs include Shore trooper, Tie Striker, Combat Assault Tank, U-wing, At-Act, and Death Troopers. The whole movie is worth it for that 3rd act battle of Scarif.
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I love most of this movie...
18 July 2019
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The only part I don't like in this movie is the Cantobyte with Finn and Rose but all the other stuff I love. The Cantobyte sequence could have worked if done differently. Standout characters include Rey, Luke which is a realistic evolution to his character, Kylo Ren who is probably the most interesting character, and Poe. Love all the scenes with Luke and Rey on Ach-to island. The Resistance being chased sub plot is not the best but gets the job done. When the Resistance abandon ship for Crait the scene where the Vice Admiral light speed rams the First Order Star Destroyer is awesome but could have been better if Admiral Ackbar did it instead of his lame death. The Praetorian guard battle scene with Kylo Ren and Rey is my favorite Lightsaber fight of all time. Snoke's death was a real shock. The battle of Crait is so EPIC and one of my personal favorite Star Wars battles. Plus that Luke and Kylo Ren scene is so awesome. Don't see why this movie gets so much hate.
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Good but it has some problems...
18 July 2019
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TFA is the movie that brought back Star Wars and got me into Star Wars so it will always be special in that respect. This movie is so fun through out. I absolutely love the First Order and Kylo Ren. Rey is good and the lightsaber fight in the snow at the end could use more screen time but it is so goooood! It is annoying with the whole repeat of A New Hope but still a fun movie.
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18 July 2019
If I listed everything that did not work it would be too long. The actually fight between Batman and Superman is good but the rest is just disappointing...

Martha- Enough said
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Better than the first Deadpool...
18 July 2019
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I love this movie even more than the first Deadpool. This is actually more hilarious and also has a lot of heart. The death of Vanessa is so sad and love the opening credits. The montage at the beginning is great. Love the x-force stuff with the team and the hilarious sky diving scene and who doesn't love Peter? Cable is great and Domino is good. The final battle is good but not great but the jokes make up for it. Also again love the soundtrack!!! BTW the theatrical cut is better than the super duper cut.
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