
6 Reviews
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Lacks the grit of its predecessors.
16 September 2003
Once Upon A Time In Mexico was a confused Desperado which was grossly tainted by Rodriguez's zany Spy Kid antics. While I think Johnny Depp is awesome to the max and love nearly all the films he has chosen to be in (due laregely to his preformances in each of them) unfortuneitly in this film however I think Depp's preformance set a slightly too comical feel that skewed the entire film. Then again maybe this cucu-whacky feel of the film had nothing to do with Depp but rather with the script, direction and editing of the post Spy Kids Rodriguez. One thing I really did like about this movie was it contained all the senseless violence and bloody gore typical of a Van Damme flick. This return to late 80's early 90's R rated action film was awesome, and like Rambo II, Commando, and Die Hard I'm sure this will be a movie that will be great in a couple years to watch with a buch of friends and laugh at how wrong it is.
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Not Even Stupid Funny
5 September 2003
I'm a fan of David Spade from his early days on SNL so I figured I'd give his movie a shot (some of his other feature lengths were stupid yet funny). My advice, don't make my mistake and DO skip this movie. Movie highlight: when Corey Feldman makes his cameo.
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Daredevil (2003)
Not even entertainingly bad...
23 February 2003
This movie has nothing going for it. The action sequences weren't spectacular, the story was uninspired, and the acting was atrocious (on all accounts). Trying to cash in on another profitable Hollywood trend, the Marvel Superhero, this movie brought nothing to the table. While the film was more frustratingly bad than entertaining I did find myself laughing aloud at Colin Farrell's ridiculous and over the top "pyscho" antics. I gave this movie a 1 out of 10.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Entertaining as hell, though hard to fully comprehend
1 May 2002
I really enjoyed watching Donnie Darko, though I know I didn't fully grasp the time travel/parallel universe aspect, which was and is a little frustrating. The day after watching the film I decided to watch the director's commentary, which while it was informative and helped explain a bit more about the film still left me with questions. I tell you though, I can't stop thinking about the film. It was beautifully shot and flowed nicely. Though I rented it only a couple days ago and watched in twice within a twenty four hour period I am looking forward to renting it again next weekend. I'd say anyone interested in a dark beautiful film with a little challenge to it go rent Donnie Darko.
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Shrek (2001)
An all around pleasant and cheery movie.
24 May 2001
Initially the audience of toddlers that surrounded me in the theater gave me a little skepticism about my judgement in going to this movie, but I got to say, I'm happy I did. The movie was really great. The story was simple yet imaginative. The computer graphics where astonishing and truly dazzled the eye. And the actors voice work was highly amusing and added a great feel to the whole package. My only complaint to the movie was the use of Smashmouth's music in the opening and closing sequences of the film. That's a personal thing though, I can't stand the band and their music really didn't feel appreciate to the feel I was getting or wanted from the film. I definitely encourage everyone out there to see this movie on the big screen though, the graphics, while cartoony, are absolutely stunning and it be a shame to miss them on the big screen.
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Step into my office...cause you're fired.
20 May 2001
Against my better judgement I went to see this movie and man am I ever sorry I did. Why the hell do studios put crap like this out? I had to fight the urge to walk out no more then a few minutes into the screening when the peasents who gathered to watch the jousting starting to chant Queen's "We Will Rock You." It's amazing how lame this movie was and it only got worse as wave after wave of its sh**tyness slapped me in the face. Further into the movie, Thatcher (Heath Ledger) is told to teach the court a dance from his home country, i nearly started crying it was so bad. This movie blew and I highly recommend you all pass it by till it comes to TV, and even then I'd say skip it unless you really want to WASTE two hours of your life.
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