
16 Reviews
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So far, Interesting, gripping and stressful
5 June 2024
So I just started watching this and finished episode 1. I will continue watching the story and will update my comment when I finish.

So far I am impressed with the story telling, the acting and production.

The story interests me and I recall watching this unfold in the news and having discussions with friends and others in my community. It was quite scary to learn about even though we didn't have the information speedway that is available now...but I like to think that there was a little more integrity in journalism. I'm interested to see how this story unfolds and compare it to what we were told at the time.

But I just had to comment now because one thing that has stood out for me so far is the relationship and dialogue between young Imad and his wife Saada. It resembles and reminds me so much of Michael and Kay (the Godfather). I can't help but think...same crap, same lies, broken promises, insincere reassurances and terms of endearment, same hell bent vendettas, hatreds that go on for thousands of years, "this Sicilian thing", everyone at the helm is guilty and responsible, different people, different place, different time. Nothing changes. Wives, mothers and innocent children pay the price and bear the pain.
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Chimp Empire (2023)
Must Watch!!!!
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary has been sitting in my Netflix List for a long time. What was I thinking?? I had no idea that this marvelous documentary/story was a treasure waiting to be discovered by me. I am near the beginning of the 3rd episode and I just had to stop now and write this review before I go any further. I just learned about the history of this chimpanzee world and how experienced its rivalry and divided. I felt like I was hearing the story of America that was once a British colony ruled by a monarch (central chimpanzee nation ruled by Jackson) and then the American rebels who left and established democracy (westerners...shared, cooperative rulership).

I agree wholeheartedly with all of the comments that spoke to the cinematography, story telling, research, narration.... I could go on and on...but it's all there already, beautifully described by others, just believe it.

For everyone like me who searches for a "good story well told", this is it.

The only other comment that I can add, is that as I watch this, I again scold the human race that has, for years, dumbed down the animals so that we can feel better about how we treat them. I hope that this film can put to rest any doubt in the most skeptical mind of the ability of animal's to think, feel, strategize, reason, calculate, administer justice, police, cast judgment, establish political systems and ones that can vary from one tribe to the next, remember their past and learn from it (look how the westerners decided to try something different in rulership and how they adjusted the role of the females due to their small size), hold grudges, have preferences, develop friendships, loyalties, etc. Etc.

Enough...I have to go back...I'm more excited to return to this story than I have been about any series since Games of Thrones.
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Well Done! Comments are Fair and Reliable
10 March 2024
There are times when I come onto this board to read reviews and find myself disagreeing with the review--good or bad. This is one of those occasions where the reviews are bang on--storytelling, script, directing, casting, acting, filming,'s all there and well done!!

Side bar: On a complete personal note, I did not like any of the characters. I had a hard time watching Tilly. I wouldnt want to know any of them in my life. No one to hope for or root for...well except our Justice system and law enforcement. Not a criticism of the series, in fact, a testimony to the excellent portrayal by the actors. However, Episode 6 was a good rude awakening for me to not sympathize with the prisoners, or their accomplice. (Wrong or right, I rooted for the lead characters in Shawshank to escape.) Also, it was a good lesson for me to consider or remember that workplace policies/rules are there for a reason, and there are times that when an employee is not following them, their job should be on the line and a termination is in the best interest of everyone.
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Good idea gone bad
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm 30 minutes into the film and I stopped to go into IMDB to check reviews can help me determine if i should keep going or quit while ahead and stop wasting time. I so wanted to like this movie as the concept seemed great. 3 of the teens are investigating a fairground amd they find themselves caught and running for their lives as they are being chased by military. First they were so loud and clumsy, then one of the teens jumps out out at the other two and says something like "boo". How stupid! He should have been terrified. This is life and death and there he is acting as if they are out playing hide and seek. Even the movie filming, the ambiance and direction lends to a silliness as though they are teens running from neighbourhood bully. I'm going to keep watching and will come back and finish/revise my review.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
23 January 2024
I was very excited to find this story. Tucci, Tennant. I liked the premise of the story too and the very beginning was off to a good start. Yay i thought, this is going to be good. I'm in the first episode and I find myself saying "No way" "Doesn't make sense" "this is stupid". Why would the Vicar throw the USB key on the key tray for anyone to he knew what would be on it. Then he didnt jump when it was picked up to prevent a situation. Then such drastic actions that would destroy his own reputation, ruin his own family just to temporarily protect someone who clearly is troubled. I agree with the plot criticisms. Did they actually believe it while filming?
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Loving this story. It's so timely it's scary.
15 January 2024
I put off watching this story as I was reading bad reviews and received a low percentage score on RT. I am so glad I chose to ignore them and hit the play button. I just finished the second episode and I decided to stop and write this note to tell people to ignore the negativity and watch this story and absorb yourself in the lessons.

We are all Werner. We will all need to decide to fight for our own inner frequency or surrender it. We are constantly surrounded by and bombarded with powerful efforts commanding us what to think, what to believe, what to do, who to hate, who to blame.

It feels like professional and previously respected critics are selling out and joining in with the corrupt media to manipulate us, and direct us towards films or away from films according to the agendas of their master. I saw this done more clearly with Sound of Freedom. Thank goodness for word of mouth and our ability and freedom to connect with each other....for now.

The world is spinning out of control and it feels again just like Maria said "kindness is dead and people are evil". In the end, love and kindness is the only thing that really matters but it's the one thing we will all need to fight for, to hold onto.
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Civil Love (2012 Video)
Could have been better.
24 October 2023
I liked the story idea but the writing needed work, along with wardrobe, settings and the performances. It felt like an early rehearsal and the director was providing instructions. When the daughter walked over to her brother and sat behind him and protectively put her arms around him, I could hear "now go behind your brother and put your arms around him" "like this?" "Okay good". The dishes, cutlery, food and everything else handled by the actors were screaming props. I wasn't brought into that world. Always reminded that it's a stage and lines are bring read. Sorry for this review, just sad that it was like this. I think it had potential and I wanted to like it.
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Loved it
8 April 2023
I procrastinated watching this series as Ang Lee's 1995 film was still fresh with me and I knew i would keep comparing instead of enjoying. I finally watched it and I have to say, I simply loved it. Every bit. It was totally satisfying. I will share that with respect to the 1995 film, that I have watched multiple times, that as much as I appreciate Emma Thompson, it is always at the back of my mind that she was too old for Elinor and made her look like a spinster as opposed to a unmarried and eligible older sister. This Elinor made me cry and I was very much into her story. Both versions are lovely but this version made me go immediately to IMDB and write this comment. Thank you Andrew Davies.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Love Mando, Baby Yoda and the entire story
8 January 2023
The Mandalorian is on my list of favourite stories ever! Among the entire Star Wars catalogue, I rank it as my #1 favourite...never thought that possible. About the Jedi way of detachment, this story is congruent with my own view of Star Wars. That is, it's about friendship. Recall that selfish Hans Solo came back for his friend. I get the importance of focus in training and the pitfall of distraction. But, to me, love and friendship in addition to hope often play a role in any fiction or non fiction story where people face and endure adversity. This theme is what rang true for me in this story too. It has everything I love--a good story, well told.
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Just started
3 April 2021
I just started watching the first episode. I decided to stop to read reviews to see if anyone felt the way I did. I appreciate all the commenter who gave it great reviews. Yes, performances of Lily Rave, Amy Brenneman. The story telling. The True Detective vibe. So I'm going to keep watching and come back and review again. The problem I'm having is this (not saying anything you don't read in synopsis): as soon as I heard the little bit of what the serial killer did to these girls-who cares about him? No sympathy here. Her? Starts a new life on the tax payers dollar. Their pain? Their feelings? I don't care. Humans are very much people for the living. Once someone is dead, we forget. This is why prosecutors have to work so hard to do things in court to keep victims alive....films, stories, impact statements, etc. If not, juries see the living and leap to protect their life. Not me. I would be asking them to go kill themselves and save us all the trouble. People are suffering everywhere and I just see wasted resources (like the social worker, the house, money) that could go towards something better. I wish they were dead. There's so many bridges around they could jump off. Pick one.
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Makes me want to change my life
13 January 2021
Loved it!! Maybe it's the strains of this pandemic and lockdowns, who knows. When I saw the scenery of Cornwall, the ocean, the townspeople who understand what community means, the hardworking fishermen who understand kinship, a good story or sing-a-long among friends and a drink at the end of the day...they are living!!!
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Please don't compare to Pride and Prejudice
26 December 2020
I'm okay with watching this film just for the fun but Jane Austen is an artist and her usage of words and ability illustrate people and their world they live in is comparable to a skilled painter and his brush strokes.
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Hornblower: Duty (2003 TV Movie)
Love this story
27 July 2020
I watched this series years ago when i rented them from the video store. I remembered reading an interview with Gene Roddenberry wherein he explained how Horatio Hornblower was his basis for the character of James T. Kirk. That had me. The great story, well told immediately capitivated me. With HH, I could clearly see the parallel with JTK--The noble, trickster, swashbuckler. I would watch it all over again. This and Pride & Prejudice (Firth/Ehle) began my love affair and discover of BBC and anything, anyone from the UK. Great storytelling!
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Rufus Sewell!!!
17 November 2019
I love watching him, listening to his voice and jumping into his characters. Season 4 has some of the best work I've seen from Rufus. Episode 5--Wow!!!!

I agree with the other commenter that season 3 had issues but John Smith is still worth the watch. I say continue. I'm glad they created Season 4. What I would have missed out on. I love "a good story well told" and I want it TOLD--finished. I want to see those two important words "The End"---missing from many good series abruptly discontinued.
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Riley Keough reminds me of Elizabeth Moss
3 January 2019
Riley's understated acting style, subtle expressions and voice (volume and speaking pattern) reminds of of Elizabeth Moss. Has anyone else thought that?
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You (2018–2024)
Could have been great
30 December 2018
Interesting story idea. I like that we're in the head of the stalker/obsessive psychopath and see everything from his delusional POV. That started me watching. Penn is impressive and is the only reason I keep watching. The actress who plays Beck and the character of Beck-both make me want to stop watching. She drags out the endings of words like a bad singer holding onto a note. I want to give benefit of doubt to her and the other characters. Since the story is in the POV of Joe, maybe this is how he is seeing the characters and how he wants them to be. Maybe Beck isn't as foolish, reckless, irresponsible and stupid as Joe sees her and needs her to be.

I agree with other commenters who have opined that this should be a mini-series. It could be better and award winning. I was hoping for some cat and mouse-the genius of Joe vs. a thoughtful, clever and follow-through type cop/detective. When I realized there is a season 2, my reaction was "oh brother". Unless they come up with something plausible, it's going to become a long, drawn-out and sloppy mess.
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