
29 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
What a waste
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a waste of time, money, resources. It was all around awful. They did not explain what was supposedly happening that caused a civil war and it was basically impossible to tell the two sides apart.

The plot followed a small group of reporters and it made no sense. For some reason wearing a press badge meant you were granted access to everything and the fake military was obligated to protect you. These absolute idiots got themselves into the most ridiculous situations.

The ending was worse than the rest. These "reporters" stormed the White House with an "army" of like 6 people and fought their way through a barricade of security through the entire building and then found the president. The main older woman was the brave "nothing fazes me" character until the end when she had a mental breakdown for no reason for a whole minute before being totally fine again.

The main young girl jumped in front of flying bullets to get a camera shot in the White House. And the main older woman pathetically shoved her out of the way only to get shot herself and they left her on the floor with no remorse. The fake military gets to the president and before shorting him the "reporter" yells "don't shoot him, I need a quote" Why are they listening to this random man???

Overall this movie had no plot and a pathetic excuse for a backstory, the characters were dumb and the movie made no sense. Such a waste of time. The only redeeming quality being some good war scenes. And those were few and far between.
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Good Trouble (2019–2024)
I like it but it's too much sometimes
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really do enjoy this show a lot. But there are a couple main things that I don't like.

The jumping around between past and present. This technique when done right is awesome but is so easy to mess up. And this show walks a very fine line.

The theme of the show changed to a half mystery half comedy towards the last couple seasons It follows too many people and I can't get any good information before the next commercial break.

By the end so many of these characters get so annoying.

David and Dennis finally got together but have completely separated story lines that seem to almost never cross.

Gael has a kid and is still somehow just a starving artist type.

Luca- who even knows wtf is going on half the time.

Mariana being CEO of speckulate

It's just too much.
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Poor Things (2023)
Awful! Awful! Awful!
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst and most disgusting movie every. A pregnant woman commits suicide and is then found by a doctor who "brings her back to life" by placing her unborn fetus's brain into her head.

This movie was vile So much unnecessary sex and is extremely inappropriate. She's basically groomed and then forced into a life of sex slavery.

It has a couple funny moments which earns one star and it has Emma stone which earns another two.

I wanted to see this bc of her and the great rating but it is extremely disappointing and disgusting.

Please do not waste your time I cannot describe enough how disgusting this movie was.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Another failure
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Vampires? Is this 2008? I mean c'mon hasn't this been done to death? There are hundreds of other monstrous creatures that do not get enough attention. The main character is annoying at best, and thinks that she's better than everyone because she didn't grow up rich. She has a terrible god complex, acts nice to a few maids and suddenly is too Good for her rich long lost family. And she thinks they're all racist bc she's mixed and they're all white and again RiCh. She goes to England to meet her family that she doesn't know for some reason, upon arriving meets a man and of course "falls in love". She stays at the house for a time and goes to a family reunion I guess, and ends up involved in someone's wedding, and she's never met the bride and yet agrees to be a bridesmaid. Only it's her wedding, and she's being "tricked" into it, as if it was hard to do given how naive and apparently oblivious she is.

Was it not enough for half the maids to go missing, someone terrorizing you in your bedroom at night, the man you're "in love" with basically stalking you, and one of the random women that you're not related to and just met suck your blood?? I mean really? She escapes, and then runs to a nearby town, somehow not believing that they would all be in on it.

And then upon getting married and becoming a vampire she thinks she can beat a hundreds year old family of vampires, how could that even be possible, she has to lose right? Right? Nope, she wins with like no help and walks out of the house leaving the rest of the vampires to live.

The plot twist bride scenario was pretty good, and the set was very nice(though apparently they used all their money on just that), so I'll give the movie a 3 instead of a 1.

P. S. Her and her best friend become vampire hunters or something in the end, is that not ridiculous?
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
It's so funny
7 March 2022
This show is hilarious, it's partly satirical on sit coms and it makes it so much better. There are some very outlandish episodes and situations, and it's ridiculous and so funny. You barely even need to know what's happening to watch any episode. It is also very good at backtracking, something will be mentioned very early in one season and doesn't come back up until the end of a season or even a season or two later and it lines up exactly as it should.
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The Fallout (2021)
Waste of time
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started off ok.the way the actual shooting was carried out was good but afterwards everything went downhill. The main character drank and did drugs to cope with what had happened. She had sex with her friend, kissed another friend, both of which just filled time in the movie. And in the end there was no resolution.
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Smallville: Requiem (2009)
Season 8, Episode 14
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode gets a 10 for one reason and one reason only, we finally got rid of Lana Lang for good. She's so infuriating and irritating. She's legitimately psychotic for using that suit, she comes back at the worst possible time and screws with Lois and Clark who every person who knows anything about Superman knows is endgame. I mean come on, absorbing kryptonite and being forced to never go near Clark again is what made the two realize they don't belong together. I would've thought that would happen after Lana married Lex and then became obsessed with him, she was nuts

I can not explain to you have much I hated that character.
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Smallville: Finale (2011)
Season 10, Episode 21
Mixed feelings
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On one hand, the conflict that was presented was very well thought out throughout the season. Darkseid was slowly taking over the minds of the planet and another planet was about to crash into earth. But The way darkseid was defeated and the planet was diverted was far to easy. The way Clark gets his power to fly was so ineffectual, and borderline boring. The threat of lex Luther was avoided, of course, seeing as he was only a side villain for the episode it might have been expected to be easy, but it was maybe too easy.

Clark and Lois were finally getting married. Their last minute cold feet and overcoming it was cute and needed in my opinion. Their wedding was almost ruined, as expected in any superhero series, and was well done. But why then, did it take them 7 more years to get married afterwards.

Overall the finale was ok- maybe even good. But it was so anticlimactic and was a waste of so much potential.
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Smallville: Icarus (2010)
Season 10, Episode 11
26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty good episode overall. Interesting story, good acting as always. It was just a little disappointing. We've been waiting a long long time for Clark and Lois to be engaged and it finally happened but it was so anti climactic.
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Smallville: Ryan (2002)
Season 2, Episode 8
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This poor child is once again saved from abuse and then ends up dead. There was no reason. He had such little happiness in his life, this was a terrible ending for such an innocent and young character.
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Virgin River (2019– )
It's ok
3 August 2021
This show isn't terrible. But it feels like a knockoff of Hart of Dixie. Even down to the old doctor in town that doesn't want the new city doctor working with him. And it's even played by the same guy!
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Truth or Dare (2017 TV Movie)
Don't waste your time
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The whole movie is a bunch of kids running around saying "no I'm not doing it" and then dying.
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Actually pretty good
11 July 2021
As expected with today's horror movies it's kind of cheesy and the acting's isn't great throughout the whole movie but the story behind it is actually pretty good, I think it is well worth the watch. And the second one is better.
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Polaroid (I) (2019)
Has potential
22 May 2021
The movie was good but missing a lot. The storyline was decent but the ending was disappointing. The animations weren't great. I feel like this movie would be a thousand times better with a few small improvements. Still.... worth the watch.
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Basic and boring
4 April 2021
I wish I hadn't wasted my time watching this, the plot was basic with a few interesting parts. The movie followed too many characters and they were all so very clearly too old to have just graduated high school, that is except for the two who got mistaken for 30 year old men. The plot was very unrealistic, and so basic for a high school movie.
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This show was just so bad.
5 December 2020
I used to love this show. But I just rewatched a few episodes and I can't believe how horrible it was
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Supernatural: Carry On (2020)
Season 15, Episode 20
It really was a great episode
28 November 2020
We always knew it would end this way. Dean did deserve better, but we all knew that it wouldn't end with a perfect happy ending. The writing, directing and acting was amazing. 16 years of these guys lives, and it ended in the right way, the way it should have.
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
If I could move to heartland, I would
14 November 2020
They way this show makes you feel, is amazing, I really have no other words for it. I really don't know how they do it. The writing, the acting, the directing, you feel like a part of the Bartlett-Fleming-Morris-Borden family. If I could, I would move to Hudson and work at heartland. The first few episodes might not seem like it, but this show has such a strong foundation and emotional storyline that is hard to find anywhere else. And can we talk about how beautiful the place is? I would love to wake up to that view everyday.
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Bargain Mansions (2017– )
Love it love it
4 November 2020
My only complaint is that there's not more episodes I absolutely love this show. A million times better than flip or flop
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
This is one of the best shows ever
19 October 2020
I have watched a lot of tv, a lot, and this is hands down one of the top three shows I have ever seen.
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Jane the Virgin (2014–2019)
Such a good show
17 August 2020
I love this show so much. There's a few things that are very "out there" but it's also a telenovela so it great.
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Best sequel ever
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are not many series where I can honestly say that I liked the sequel more than the original. But this is so much better. Only giving a nine because I feel like there should have been more scenes between Elle and Marco while they were getting closer romantically.
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90210 (2008–2013)
I love this show
16 July 2020
The first couple of seasons are kind of weird. But I love this show so much i wish I could watch it for the first time again.
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Don't waste your time or money
28 June 2020
This is probably one of the worst horror movies I've ever seen. The storyline sucked. And the acting... oh lord it was so bad. It made NO sense. And it shouldn't even be allowed to call itself a horror movie, it was barely a thriller. There was maybe two parts that were creepy.
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SPF-18 (2017)
It's just so bad
28 May 2020
The first time I watched this I couldn't even get 20 minutes in. The second time I fell asleep, the third time I finally watched it all the way through and I cannot believe how bad it is.
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