
11 Reviews
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Thunder Force (2021)
When the end credits are the most entertaining part of a movie..
9 April 2021
A comedy devoid of comedy. Doubtful even a bad movie drinking game could make make this film a fun time.
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A Wholesome, hopeful, traditional Christmas Special.
4 December 2020
Given everything that is going on in 2020, Mariah Carey's Magical Christmas Special might just be the thing we all could use about now.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
This show will grow on you. Probably the best show Apple has as of 09/2020.
20 September 2020
The show starts out slightly amusing and slightly sweet, almost a "what if Forrest Gump ran a soccer (football) team." Solid casting. Enjoyable writing. Downright funny at times. A couple of the later episodes got me laughing repeatedly. What a great show for dealing with your 2020 malaise.
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Altered Carbon (2018– )
Season 1 is one of my all time favorite Netflix series. While Season 2 is one of my most disappointing Netflix experiences.
12 May 2020
I loved season 1 so much. A great sci-fi show which does a wonderful job in bringing cyberpunk to the small screen.

While season 2 is a mismatch mashup of bad tropes, a forced agenda or two, and an exercise the production crew seemed to be bored with before the season was finished. The sets still look good enough in season 2, but literally nothing else works well. From the dialogue to the story to the characters to the direction, it is all way below the level of season 1.

Someday when I rewatch this series, I'm going to treat it like a mini-series that only ran 1 season and pretend season 2 never existed.
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Spider-Man (2017–2020)
Season 3: series is taking a turn for the worse.
28 April 2020
Season 1 was so-so. I understand classic spidey fans dislike of it. Wasn't the worst spiderman series ever done. Wasn't the best. It actual was a solid line drawn right down the middle of quality when looking at spiderman series.

Season 2: A slight improvement - at times. Still holding the middle of the pack among spiderman series.

Season 3: 3 episodes into this season and its clearly hit the wall. This season is playing out among the worst of the spiderman series.
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Dollface (2019–2022)
It's not the greatest comedy of all time, nor is going to make everyone happy, but given a chance - there are some laughs.
15 November 2019
The show is solid enough and sometimes, it's downright funny. If you hate this show before ever watching it, don't bother watching it, it's not going to change your mind.

For anyone else willing to give it a few episodes, by the 4th episode, see if the show hasn't grown on you. There are a couple of brilliant jokes and solid performances. The writing is better than the standard American sitcom. This isn't Two Broke Girls the sequel and be grateful of that. It is a much better series.
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State of the Union (2019–2022)
Hilarious & Brilliant.
9 May 2019
Fast paced and purely entertaining from start to finish. The moment an episode ends, it'll leave you wanting more! Great performances and brilliant writing.
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wanted to love this, wound up loathing it
13 May 2018
See the 1975 film or read the book instead. The 2018 miniseries misses every opportunity to make something memorable or even mediocre. The 2018 miniseries ends up being a massive fail. Blame it entirely on the 3 directors. A convoluted mess that fails to grasp the source material. The miniseries borders on pretentious and fails to deliver any type of atmospheric thriller/horror you are expecting. This miniseries is ultimately - lifeless.
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Tron: Uprising (2012–2013)
Wow. Tron done right.
9 June 2012
Upon seeing the teaser trailer preview for Tron Uprising around January 2012, I dismissed the series as being nothing that I would have interest in watching. Based off the favorable buzz generated from the first episode, I decided to give the show a chance. Thank god I did.

This version of Tron takes the best parts of the Tron movies, combines stylized CGI graphics that capture the heart of Tron perfectly, mixed up with a wonderful collection of sounds that would make DaftPunk proud, and balances the delivery with a sensation cast of voices.

Give this series a chance, easily one of best American made Sci-Fi series of 2012.
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Sicko (2007)
Worth your time and money. (minor spoilers - shown in the commercial)
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sicko isn't going to convert any of the Michael Moore haters. If you want to spit on the ground and kiss your Ronald Reagan wallet photo anytime you hear Moore's name mentioned in public, this film isn't for you.

After watching his movie, you'll also be able admit this film contains a touch of Moore's opinion spread amongst its facts. In some ways, the film fails as a documentary. However Sicko, is the closest thing Moore has made to a true documentary in years. Possibly ever. Only Roger & Me comes to mind as comparable work. In spite of a few flaws, Sicko is brilliant. One of the most levelheaded pictures Hollywood has put on the big screen in years.

Sicko does run long in the tooth during a middle act occurring in France. Moore could have trimmed ten minutes out and achieved a more concise documentary. Seeking to bring a point home that providing one additional service will not bankrupt the United States, he unintentionally roams from his health care theme. During the middle act, his intent seems to border on, "we're still in Iraqi, we should have listened, France is our friend, and all of France's socialist services beat the USA government easily." In spite of his deviation, Sicko continues to progress and manages to tell an enthralling story.

Moore manages to take a few Ground Zero workers to Cuba in his last act. He stages what borders between an opportunistic photo op and outright exploitation of the Ground Zero workers, while on a boat near Guantanamo Bay. Even so, Moore salvages the last act of Sicko, in such a dramatic way, it could almost bring a tear to a normal person's eye.

Nobody is spared from Moore's look into the American health care system. Pfizer, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, and GlaxoSmithKline feared what their employees might say to Moore while he worked on Sicko, instructing their employees not to have any contact with Moore. He tells the story of friend and foe, avoiding shots at Bush for the most part, and tries to stray from influencing the film's eventual outcome. He fails at times and succeeds at others. But his narrative way produces a movie that entertains, examines an important issue, and could bring this issue back into the next election.

Moore is often criticized for being anti-American or unpatriotic. After this film, you might leave with a new found respect for Moore. He's transformed himself into one of the biggest political activist for working class Americans. Any guy that uses the Bill of Rights and defends them, can't be all bad, regardless of what Fox News tells you.
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Red Dwarf (1988– )
Sublime Sci-FI
25 September 2006
During its 8 season run, this series made fun of every standard genre element. Some seasons are paced slower than others. If you plan on watching the series for the first time, you might want to start with any episode from the season 6 through season 8 range. Give it a few tries. This show will not win anyone over out of the gate on 1 viewing. But, once you see the genius of Red Dwarf, its hard not to love the show, every moment of it.

Patrick Stewart, Picard of Star Trek fame, once commented about seeing Red Dwarf for the first time and wanting to sue Red Dwarf for ripping off Star Trek. Then ended up laughing at the scene before he could complete the call to his lawyer and becoming a fan of the show.

Without a doubt, the best science fiction comedy ever done on television.
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