

15 Reviews
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Travelers (2016–2018)
Brilliant concept, amazing cast
22 October 2023
The first season of Travelers was a clear 10/10 for me. Brilliant concept, amazing cast, original and exciting story. Carly's character was flawed by the inexplicable obsession with her host's baby and the whole subplot with her alcoholic husband, but during the first season that was still a relatively minor annoyance.

Unfortunately the later seasons were pushed deeper into soap opera. All the characters' love interests became tedious. I found myself fast forwarding through large sections of episodes in the latter half of season 2.

The essential elements of the show remained well written and fascinating throughout, but the entire show would have been far better without the characters of David, Kat and Jeff. I wish that the writers had not felt obliged to incorporate kitchen sink drama into high concept science fiction. 8/10.
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Frustrating, but watchable for the acting
9 October 2023
I watched the whole series with a mounting sense of frustration. Well produced, well directed, and a talented and watchable cast, all let down by increasingly absurd plots and characterisation. I lost count of the number of times the lead detectives became near-victims of the killers themselves. The female detective made so many terrible decisions that it was impossible to believe she'd be leading a team. She had very poor judgement, while the male psychologist was magically omniscient. There were at least two members of the police team who were never developed as characters at all. After 12 episodes I still didn't know one of their names.

On top of all that, although I love police dramas, I am only really interested in solving the mysteries. I am totally disinterested in serial killers and don't like gratuitous gore. This show has plenty of that.

Still, I awarded a generous 7/10 because I liked the cast so much. They deserved better scripts.
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The Net (I) (1995)
Sandra Bullock the sole plus point
29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sandra Bullock plays her role as Angela Bennett as well as it could possibly be played, and the film is almost watchable thanks entirely to her. But her character is far too contradictory to be believable. Nobody with Angela's knowledge and skills would be as naive and bewildered about the situation she finds herself in. They certainly wouldn't repeatedly and casually access the backdoor into Gatekeeper, then fail to link it to the extreme problems she's facing. The plot is absurd. The idea that a group of cyberterrorists would insert a signature icon into every piece of software they hack is silly. Dr Alan Chapman's character - a whining, repellently selfish, gaslighting, pushy psychiatrist and Angela's ex-lover - is an incomprehensible mistake. Also, casting a British actor as a sophisticated villain is a well worn and tiresome trope. To say this film is free of subtlety is an understatement. I've only watched half of it and I've had enough.
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The Capture (2019– )
Engrossing drama. Excellent lead actress.
10 October 2022
I've only seen season 1 so far. I enjoyed it immensely. The plot was complicated, unpredictable and well-written. The entire programme was well made.

The lead performance by Holliday Grainger as DI Carey completely blew me away. I'd only ever seen her in one other programme before, as one of the leads in Cormoran Strike. I liked her in that role but she had far more to work with in The Capture. She brings a lot of strength, composure and intensity to this role.

I wasn't enthralled by Callum Turner as Shaun Emery, but he certainly had his moments.

The actors playing the senior police were convincingly threatening and morally ambiguous.

The cast in the smaller roles were generally fine, especially Sophia Brown as Karen.

Looking forward to season 2.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Far better than reviews suggest
25 June 2022
Spiderhead is far better than most reviews suggest. I recommend it to science fiction fans who don't care about the action genre. As far I can see, a lot of people who only watch action movies found it extremely boring and resented Chris Hemsworth for breaking out of his typecasting. As a science fiction fan with no love for big pharma, I found this film interesting. The ending was rather weak but most of the film was well worth watching. The casting was fine. I had no preconceptions of Hemsworth, having never seen him before, and I think he performed very well.
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Tom Taylor and Idris Elba carry a deeply flawed film
8 June 2022
It is very clear from other reviews that Stephen King fans were bitterly disappointed with this an adaptation. I have never read Stephen King, so my review is based on the film as a stand alone piece of work.

The bad news first. The screen play and dialogue are barely coherent. The plot is quite ridiculous (I assume this is not King's fault) and full of holes. The cast is far too large and for the most part, unmemorable.

McConaughey was not perfectly cast as the arch-villain. But then the character he plays is ludicrously powerful, evil, sadistic and nihilistic. There are few actors who could begin to convince in such a role. McConaughey started to carry it off in the second half of the film, in a series of horrific 1:1 scenes.

Finally, the good news. My high rating is for the acting by Tom Taylor and Idris Elba, and the production design (Jake's artwork). I am actually shocked that I haven't seen a single review which praises Tom Taylor's acting. Onscreen in almost every scene, he is the main reason this film is watchable to the end, despite its many flaws. Idris Elba is not perfectly cast in his role, but his acting is the other reason this film is watchable. They are both exceptionally talented and charismatic actors.
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The Intervention (I) (2016)
Terribly disappointing
9 June 2019
An astonishing waste of Natasha Lyonne's talent. I wanted to like the film but I couldn't even finish it. The dialogue throughout the half I watched was mind numbing.

One of the problems is that the film gives the word 'parochial' a whole new meaning. I expect that a certain subculture of affluent white Americans will find it relatable. I couldn't find anything engaging in the characters or their problems.
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23 December 2018
I haven't read the novel, which is possibly my problem. I'm struggling with this series. Alexander Skarsgård is totally unprepossessing. Florence Pugh's character seems to be living in a different universe to everyone else. I find it impossible to take either of them seriously.
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Potentially good film spoiled by inept comedy and lead actor
4 January 2013
This fantasy film has a lot going for it: an engaging story, lavish Disney production, the exciting location of New York City, and a talented cast including Nic Cage, Alfred Molina, Jake Cherry and many strong support actors. Unfortunately all this was wasted by casting the dismally tedious Jay Baruchel in the lead role, and demanding that he act in a knockabout comedy style which is jarring and out of place. Cage and Baruchel share many scenes, but they appear to be acting in two different films. Without the incredibly annoying Baruchel and the poor script he was given, this could have been a great (non-comedy) film.
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When did mainstream cinema get this good?
9 November 2008
I loved Quantum of Solace. But I'm totally bewildered. When did mainstream cinema stop using cartoon villains, stop casting women as boring helpless one-dimensional retards, stop using tedious cheesy bigoted dialogue and start using locations in the developing world without cringeworthy condescension? When did everything change so radically? This was an extremely tough, cool, exciting, sophisticated, international action film (with a feel bordering on futuristic) which I enjoyed from start to finish. What a blast! A totally engaging and impressive piece of work. Craig is complex, vulnerable, unbelievably tough, and for me, easily the best Bond of all time.
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Solid entertainment and well-laid foundations for a grande finale
3 August 2007
Yes people, it really is well worth seeing this film. For starters, it's totally Quidditch-free. Instead it offers darkly atmospheric spookiness and cleverly executed special effects. The real charm of this film is in the cameo roles. Natalia Tena is a little bit gorgeous as the tomboyish Nymphadora Tonks. Alan Rickman's Snape is magnificent as ever. Helena Bonham Carter virtually steals the movie in her tantalising few minutes on screen as the psychotic Bellatrix Lestrange. Imelda Staunton's relentless, sadistic and pink-clad Dolores Umbridge rules Hogwarts with an iron fist. Filch and Kreacher contribute a few well-judged sneers, and Mark Williams makes a pleasingly eccentric Arthur Weasley. It is extremely pleasant to see a gruff and masculine Rupert Grint just for once, and a low profile, chilled out Emma Watson. Admittedly Daniel Radcliffe's performance leaves something to be desired and Gary Oldman is surprisingly bland. However the parts add up to a pleasing whole, and the foundations are well laid for Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. 7/10
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Goodbye Lover (1998)
Ellen Degeneres is sharp as a knife
18 July 2006
I just caught the last half hour of this darkly comical movie and was greatly entertained. Unconventional script, sharp dialogue, unpredictable twists, clever use of film references (Sound of Music!), unrestrained waving of guns and splattering of stage blood.

Most of all, I was pleased to discover that Ellen Degeneres is genuinely witty and clever when she wants to be, and has excellent deadpan comic timing. Having only seen her in dreadful anodyne TV sitcoms before, her cynical, edgy, laconic character in this film was quite a revelation. Go, Ellen! Don't waste yourself on primetime television.
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Excruciating - a symbol of gay self-oppression
2 January 2006
A badly written, tacky script. The lowest of low production values. Acting so wooden it defies belief. An utter absence of charm, intelligence or ability at every level. This film is excruciatingly bad, and yet it has been described as 'a lesbian classic' for the sole reason that it was made by, for and about lesbians. Aaarrgh! This film should be seen by every lesbian just once, to illustrate the terrible dangers of low self esteem and isolationism. Hopefully, we'll reach the point where we can look back and laugh at it without cringing, but that day has not yet arrived.

A symbol of gay self-oppression. Should be ritually burned in large piles on Stonewall Day. 0/10
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Gently amusing British wartime film with superb music
4 December 2005
I cannot believe how badly this lovely film has been savaged on IMDb.

Apart from spectacular vaudeville staging, Judi Dench plays her eccentric, mischievous widow to perfection and the excellent Bob Hoskins is cast surprisingly out of type as a reserved, rather complex, gentlemanly but iron-willed theatre manager. Their argumentative relationship is amusing without being overbearing, as the film is essentially a nicely balanced ensemble piece. Dench's character Laura Henderson turns out to have a very touching motivation for her desire to stage daring musicals for brave young men off to war. Will Young gives an astonishingly strong vocal performance throughout. His mannered vocal style is perfect, and he looks every inch the part on stage. His few brief moments of acting are nothing to blush over either. Kelly Reilly, the star of the naked girlie reviews, is quite simply mesmerising to watch, and ultimately her character is full of pathos.

And if none of that were enough to engage you, you've got an interesting wartime plot, based on true events in the history of the Windmill Theatre, which in current circumstances feels highly topical and relevant for Londoners. 9/10
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Bait (2002 TV Movie)
One for Rachael Stirling fans only
12 May 2003
It's hard to know what's more annoying about this made-for-TV film - the extremely silly plot or the predictable, formulaic characters. John Hurt's talents are utterly wasted. However, the lovely Rachael Stirling shines through with her usual charm and charisma, and her fans won't be disappointed.
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