
3 Reviews
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Caillou (1997–2018)
Caillou is realistic and parents are people too.
5 May 2008
My little boy watches this show on PBS. He loves this little show, and I don't mind watching it either. I don't think it encourages bad behavior, and it's better than the majority of cartoons that are coming out 'for kids' these days. It's pretty realistic and down-to-earth about how parents and children in the real world are. He doesn't watch too much TV, because I enjoy playing with him, or taking to the library, or the playground/park. But, when he does watch TV though, it's nice to know that some creators are still concerned what children watch. We also watch Clifford, Curious George, and Dragon Tales on PBS. I wish there were more shows and stations like PBS and Noggin. Noggin, which was made for kids by Nickelodeon, is really good if you want shows and commercials kid friendly. My son loves Blue's Clues, and that comes on Noggin a lot. Noggin is as good as, if not better than PBS and Disney channel. Playhouse Disney is really good too though. We love Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins. Handy Manny is really good if your Hispanic like me and want to start introducing your kids to a different language. Ni Hao, Ki Lan (Nick Jr. I think), is also very good and enjoyable. I was watching Nickelodeon one night with my son and a slasher movie commercial came on. On a kids TV channel! It was pretty intense too. It was for the movie Prom Night. Now that's a station we don't let our kid watch anymore except in the morning time when they're doing Nick Jr. I don't think that Caillou or any other show that shows babysitting or promotes babysitting is a horrible show and should be boycotted. I was a babysitter for a couple in my church, and they are extremely family oriented. There's nothing they wouldn't do for their girls. I'm 24, a stay at home mom, with a 28 year-old husband that has a traveling job and is only home 10 days a month. My husband and I need a little alone time 1 or 2 nights a month when he's home. I don't appreciate being made to sound like Charles Manson because 1 or 2 nights a month, my son stays with my parents, or a *gasp*sitter, whose usually my younger cousin, or my in-laws so my husband and I can eat a meal that's not Chuckie Cheese or McDonald's (no offense) and watch a movie that not Disney or Horton Hears a Who. (Nothing against Disney or Horton, I think they're great.) We might be parents, but we're not dead either. We also don't want our child over dependent on others. I'm not about to go put him on the potty at his High School prom. I'm also wanting to finish my degree and that means that my little boy will either have to go to a daycare, there's a church ran daycare in my town, or Pre-K and daycare. I'm not gonna wait until my son's in College, or married himself, before I finish my teaching degree, and I don't think that makes me a bad person or parent. Maybe others should take a day and get a *horror* sitter and have a nice grown-up meal at a grown-up restaurant with their spouse. Who knows guys, you might just like it.
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Ni Hao, Kai-Lan (2007–2011)
Cute little show!
5 May 2008
My son and I have just recently started watching this show. I think it's cute, and it's nice to see that there are more shows being made that help children to learn about places other than America, and languages other than English. Let's face it, no little kid is going to sit and watch the Travel Channel with mom and dad and not become comatose. Shows like this are a nice change. I'm Hispanic, so naturally wanting my child to speak Spanish, we watch Dora and Diego, as well as practice on our own, but this show is a nice way to learn new things, not just for my son, but for myself too. I loved the episode with the ants and the tire swing. That ones been the cutest so far.
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Why did they have to ruin something that started out GREAT?
2 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge X-Men fan, and have been since I was about five. I thought the first two were awesome, but with Bryan Singer directing, why wouldn't it be. I thought Bret Ratner would do good since I loved the Rush Hour movies, but I'm sorry I thought The Last Stand blew. It was like they all forgot how to act, especially the usually wonderful Hugh Jackman. While the first two didn't exactly follow certain comic story lines, like Magento be able to touch Rogue, Rogue being a member of the Evil Brotherhood, getting her powers from Ms. Marvel, and the relationship between Mystique, Rogue, and Mystique's son Nightcrawler, the story lines were wonderful and you connected with all the characters. The Last Stand, started out with the impression of a movie with great potential, only to flop horribly. Phoenix being a evolution of Jean Grey's telekinetic abilities was fine, because in the newer comics, Phoenix is an evolution not an cosmic entity. If you stay close to the comics, you understand some of the hidden agendas, like Xavier and Scott both being sent to another plane instead of becoming crispy critters, the cure being a huge flop, but if you're not a X-Men comic fan, sorry you're just out of luck for trying to figure out anything that happens, or is implied to happen. What was the deal with all the character/plot changes? Calisto dies? Storm BEATS Calisto, becoming the new leader of the Morlocks, making Calisto her second in command, and the Morlocks....what happened to them? How can you have Calisto and no Morlocks. Spike is a bad guy? Logan Kills him? What? Rogue gets cured? Ummm... she did go and TRY to get cured, but the X-men followed her only to find out that Trask was actually Apocalypse, and I'm not even gonna attempt to explain about Apocalypse. That storyline gets a little long. And the biggest crap-out of the film...WHAT HAPPENED TO PHOENIX!?! All she did was snarl and get black eyed and scorch people. Where was the famous, "I am PHOENIX!" Line Jean stats as she envelops herself with flames in the shape of the mythological bird. What happened to her being really powerful and SHOWING IT? All she did was cry and snarl. It was like she had terminal PMS. Hugh Jackman? Did you get hit on the head and loose the capacity to act? You're great, you're SEXY, but you messed up Logan in the end. What was Logan's deal? All he did was walk around with a boner sniffing out Jean with it instead of his nose, and then all you did was boohoo about her when you did find her. Logan's been my favorite character since the beginning. I even named my son Logan. Now it seems I should have named him Girlyman. I'm just gonna pretend that The Last Stand was never made, and that GOD willing, Bryan Singer will come back and straighten out this horrible, terrible mess caused by a pathetic excuse for a movie.
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