
9 Reviews
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Adventureland (2009)
Adventureland vs. Superbad :: No Contest
26 April 2009
Adventureland is one of the best teenage films I have ever seen. I almost am upset by the advertising plan and budget the film had because if it was given enough commercial advertisement it would've been as successful as Superbad. Sadly this film went under the radar and wasn't given the acclaim it deserved. As a teen exploitation film, this movie accurately describes, interprets, and expresses the mind of a teenager and incredibly gives any teenage viewer a sense of closure. Because unlike Superbad, the characters in Adventureland are easy to relate to and are more vulnerable in an emotional sense. Anyone who sees this film to relax and enjoy a bit of comedy with a heartfelt story, or to reminisce about their teenage years, their first jobs or their personal time at Adventureland, or even to watch a teenage love story will get what they were looking for.
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Grossly Overrated
6 January 2009
Ben Button is a very much overrated film about a man who is living out his life backwards, beginning with an old man and living out his life until his death as a baby. The film was based on a short story as I recall and in my opinion should have stayed as one, the film spans out to approximately 3 hours and depicts many insignificant moments in his life. Along with the most boring footage I have ever seen in a Golden Globe nominated film, it carries some exiting yet impossible moments (despite the fact that the concept as a whole is unbelievable which is completely understandable). The film in my eyes is a cross between Zemekis' Forrest Gump, and Cameron's Titanic, except even The Titanic was better than Ben Button. Despite my dislike of the movie, I would have to admit that Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett were decent, and the production quality of the film is high. The only thing that this film lacks is substance and in a film like this, it is the most important part. I voted this a 6 out of 10 only because of the acting, which as I said before was decent and the quality of the film's production.
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The Joker Makes This Movie A Must-See
22 July 2008
The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Heath Ledger and Christian Bale is a must see movie. It is not only the best movie of the summer, but most probably the best comic book adaption released. The film has a great mix of tension, suspense, action, drama, and even a bit of comedy. The film is memorable to me because of its brilliant script and brilliant performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker. His performance is a chilling, and incredible version you wouldn't expect from the character who was portrayed once by Jack Nicholson. Ledger's portrayal of the Joker is realistic, as well as believable. The script was so beautifully written that after the movie, it will leave you repeating quotes in your head for days. The film is definitely worth seeing.
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Babel (I) (2006)
An Original Remake
5 November 2007
Although some aspects of Babel really stood out, the movie overall was terrible. To me the film was a complete spin off of Paul Haggis's "Crash". Crash was a great film, but this film seems to have the same ideas but did not present them as well as Haggis did. I did find some parts interesting but other parts seemed to be just random actions from the characters for no apparent reason. The film was addicting because once you start watching you can't stop till its over, but it was a complete disappointment. If you saw this film and did find it entertaining, I would strongly suggest "Crash" which has a better but similar storyline and beautiful work from everyone in the project.
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The Black Donnellys was the best show on TV
16 May 2007
This show was amazing. The only problem with this show was that it was not very consistent. It would have one incredible show then some OK ones, then a great one again. The first episode was incredible. I loved it. The music was very appropriate, the acting was pretty good. The storyline was incredible. The last episode made me angry that they canceled the show. It was great, and it left me wanting more. Paul haggis leaves the story at a compelling but horrible cliffhanger. Bottom line is the show was completely worth watching. The show had great portions of drama, action, suspense, and romance. I think the greatest part of the show was the loyalty to the family. I always thought that the idea of four brothers was really good. They never give up on each other, and always trust each others decisions, even though sometimes they don't agree.
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The Funniest Movie of the Summer
12 August 2006
This is one of the funniest Will Ferrell movies i've ever seen. Also the best racing movie. The movie is hilarious, though stupid. This was the best movie of the summer to me, but that is an insult to the other movies. This movie is very stupid, but it was a very funny movie. The lines were hilarious, the movie as a whole was very comical. If you are looking for a good laugh Ricky Bobby is the movie you should see. The characters were acted perfectly as well, for a comedy this movie was great. I am not saying this is a great movie but I am saying that this is a great comedy. You do not get bored for a minute when you see it. I suggest you see the movie in theaters. It is very funny. If you liked Ricky Bobby I suggest you check out SNL: the Best of Will Ferrell, Ancorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, The Forty Year Old Virgin, and Night at the Roxbury.
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The Best Capra Movie, The Best Christmas Movie
4 August 2006
This is the best Capra movie, the best Christmas movie, the best Stewart movie, the best Reed movie, and the best Liberty Films movie ever. The movie is a great story. It was a success only after it hit TV. It not only gave new visual effect ideas to the industry, it also made the inspirational characters that we see on screen. It's a Wonderful Life was not built for Film, but Capra did an excellent job adapting it to the screen. As well as the actors, James Stewart, and actress Donna Reed. They do an excellent job portraying the characters. The truth is that you cannot see anyone else with the character (George Bailey) than James Stewart himself. The same with Mary and Donna Reed, and the character Clarence. These actors can never be replaced. The writer/producer/director cannot be replaced either. (Frank Capra) If you have never seen It's a Wonderful Life you need to. My family and I see it every Christmas, and I suggest whoever reads this does that as well, it is not only a great film to watch, but its also a great experience to share with your family.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Not Mann's Best
2 August 2006
This movie was not what I expected. The movie was getting so much publicity and hype that I thought that it would be good, but there was no action until the last half hour, and the sex scenes were nonstop. The movie was worth seeing, but the scenes were unrealistic, and unbelievable. Mann (Director) did not make his best film. If you want to see a good Mann movie see Heat or Collateral, because this is definitely not his best. Do not take this comment the wrong way, there were good parts to the movie, but there were definitely a lot of bad parts. Some good parts were the visuals. The last thirty minutes was action, and the movie put you right in the middle of it, it felt like you were there. I recommend you see the movie anyway because despite its unrealistic scenes, the movie was a little above average. if you do not agree with this comment after seeing the movie, see Heat, and Collateral.
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Pirates 2 was not as good as Pirates 1
2 August 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest was full of action and adventure, but the storyline was dull, if there is no story to make a sequel with, then don't make the sequel. The storyline was stupid, and the action was all based on visual effects. There was only 1 sword fight, the rest was krakens, and ships. I loved Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl, but the sequel was incredibly bad. I came into the theater after seeing the trailer, and I expected it to be a very good sequel, and I would've been correct, the Direction was great, the acting was great, the stunts were great, but what you need most to make a movie (the story) was awful. I recommend that you do see it, because as I said the movie was well acted and directed. I believe the third will have to be better.
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