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Happy Valley: Episode #1.6 (2014)
Season 1, Episode 6
The achilles heel you can see from outer space
7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This guy allegedly rapes your daughter and is out of jail walking the streets. You know that he is, again, allegedly the father of your grandchild. You have been trying to find out where he's been living since he's been out and you almost find him. Then, he finds you first and is keen to be acknowledged as your grandchild's father.

He's later implicated in a kidnapping, you find him and rescue the victim, and he escapes. The one thing the viewers, the writers, the producers and everyone on planet earth knows about cop shows is that this guy is going to come back for his son.

The writers build in such open, obvious soft spots for these detectives they write and we all come running back for me. I despise the running theme of a bratty kid/whining spouse who then ends up in peril and the cop has to save them from the villain. The cop is trying to solve serious crime. I get it when a kid doesn't fully understand the gravity of the job they have, but when an adult starts whining about how little time the cop spends at home, I check out. That wasn't the case here, but it's the same trope.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
The premise
18 March 2023
I'm 3 seasons in on this show on Netflix. As far as I can tell, the entire mechanism of the intelligence community is geared towards the well-being of this wholly unremarkable woman. Life, by and large is cheap, but HER life is so valuable that innumerable international incidents occur in the pursuit of making sure SHE'S ok.

By far, the most fascinating character, intentionally so, is Raymond Reddington. All I want to do is follow his exploits, but in service of the conceit of this asinine show, he is also focused on her well-being, to the detriment of all who enjoy being entertained.

The body count is ludicrous, the FBI/CIA is ridiculous, the lead actress is boring, but man oh man is it fun to watch James Spader do his thing.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
I like the show well enough...
20 November 2022
But that music makes me want to bash my own head in. It's interminable and it's corny. It's misery rock. I hate it so much. Can anyone make it stop? Is there a musicless version of this show somewhere out there available for public consumption? Why is it that the drama is constantly being undercut by this caterwauling troubadour? Is she related to a producer? Musical cues telling viewers how to feel is a shortcut to drama and a cheat for writers.

In addition, the cypher at the center of the show is Evan. This lunkhead is not worthy of redemption. He is more than just flawed. At every turn he's shown himself to be weak.

Maybe I don't like this show as much as I've said. I might have rated it too high.
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Everything's not for everyone, and that's ok
2 October 2022
I loved the style, the dialogue, the acting and the pacing of the show. I'm sorry I'm not the target audience for this. I believe representation matters, so the show works best for those underrepresented. I'm a Black man, so it was good to see the racism of the era shown in more depth than in the movie. As a progressive person, it was good to see the queer community as it existed in that time and the contrast with the present. I think on those fronts, the show is enough and need not be more. However, I've come to realize that the show is not for me. It's not compelling enough for me to continue watching. I still think the show is great, so I'm rating it highly. I hope it continues to tell stories that you all find interesting and entertaining.
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
Boring Lead
23 August 2022
There are a few shows I watch that have a charisma void at the center. This is one of them. Another one the show Hacks. Goodness help me, this dude is yawn inducing.
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Four Lives: Episode #1.2 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
How come the cops are so credulous?
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be based on a true story. I have never seen tv cops portrayed as so...incurious in my life. Every dead body they encounter, they take it at face value. Three dead gay men in the same area, they don't see a pattern. Vaguely written suicide note that loved ones are skeptical about? Who cares! What a bunch of clods.
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The lead is dull
18 February 2022
Three seasons (or series) in and this guy is still as dull as dishwater. It could be the actor, but I think it might be the character. I'm more interested in the inner life of Havers than I am or ever will be of Lynley. This may be the last episode I watch.
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Shetland: Episode #5.4 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 4
I guess I have a genre critique
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched so many of these shows. Inevitably, it's an emotionally unavailable single detective who has lost a spouse, with a daughter (it's almost always a daughter) who is aged 15-23. The daughter is always the Achilles heel for the detective. She's obstinate and oblivious to obvious danger. She's constantly saying things like "Dad, I'm not a child anymore. I can handle myself" just before she runs headlong into a situation that will put her near death. The daughter makes the detective reckless. It's his only source of vulnerability.

This structure is exhausting. Maybe once the daughter can listen to her detective parent to be appropriately cautious. Or maybe the detective can have several point of vulnerability or none at all. But the minute that the widowed/divorced detective shows up on my screen with his teen/young adult daughter, I know what I'm in for. At that point, I can accurately predict most of the storylines that will be forthcoming.
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Kavanagh QC: In God We Trust (1997)
Season 3, Episode 6
This is y'all
11 November 2021
I find many of these reviews laughable. "This is not my Florida". I've spent too much time in Florida. My parents were born and raised there and have moved back to retire. I spent most of my summers growing up in Florida. Most of my family lives in the state right now. The depiction here scarily accurate. Yes, this is indeed your Florida! "Is this 1950s Mississippi?" No, it's modern day Florida. Look in the proverbial mirror. The cartoonish accents and the dumb southern sayings are the least of your worries.
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Dalziel and Pascoe (1996–2007)
It's a fine show
10 October 2021
My only gripe is with the woman they have playing Pascoe's wife. She's irritating and off-putting. Everything else is fine.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Hurty feelings
28 June 2021
I'm giving this a 10 for all the people who keep using "woke" as a pejorative.

It was a dumb movie that should have never been made, but not for the reasons they are giving.
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Intelligence (2005–2007)
TPB as a drama
27 June 2021
This is like if someone made the Trailer Park Boys into a procedural cop drama. The head lady cop is essentially Jim Lahey.
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Gunned Down (2017)
I usually love heist movies...
19 April 2021
But this is not good. I was desperate to see a good heist movie. It's my favorite genre. I don't know what this is. Someone sat behind a computer and compiled every single cliche they could and emailed it to a studio. Voila! Crappy movie.
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People Just Do Nothing (2014–2018)
It's like having 2 David Brents
1 January 2021
I freaking love this show. Grinda and Beats are a hilarious pair. The running theme of the hyper masculinity of street music being undercut by incompetency and cuckoldry is masterful.
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I wasted my time
20 December 2020
This was supposed to be meaningful in its meandering meaninglessness. It was not. As aimless as its protagonist, this movie was a waste of my time. I loathed every single character except for Arrow.
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Cremaster 3 (2002)
19 December 2020
I saw this on purpose at the Detroit Institute of Art many years ago because the themes of Freemasonry made me curious. However, I could not readily explain to another soul how fascinating this movie was to me or why. It is visually captivating and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I don't pretend to understand what I saw, I just know that I was blown away. Quite interesting and intriguing.

I badly want to see the other entries in the Cycle.
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New Tricks: The Fame Game (2015)
Season 12, Episode 6
I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion
3 December 2020
The chemistry between the 3 current old heads is far superior than the chemistry between the 3 originals. I thought this show would become garbage when Gerry left, but it has markedly improved with Ted as the new addition. The addition of an oddball type was sorely needed since the departure of Brian Lane. I like these three. If the show continued with this combination, I think it would have grown to be as popular as the original inception.
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Midsomer Murders: The Point of Balance (2019)
Season 21, Episode 1
No thanks
13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The story is centered on an illegal war that "we've" been fighting for 18 years. I think maybe the baby boomers and Fox Newsers might enjoy this, but the Afghan War angle took me out of it.
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Midsomer Murders: Last Man Out (2017)
Season 19, Episode 3
My dude!
11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This gets a 10 based on the reappearance of my favorite sidekick. It's great to see DI Jones back in Midsomer.
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Bordertown: Shakkitarina 2/2 (2019)
Season 3, Episode 10
Kari and the evil genius
30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, Kari, when will you learn? You know you're going to meet up with this "evil genius" and you always come empty handed. It's beyond dumb.
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Bordertown: Poikia ja rakastajia 2/3 (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In all my 49 years, I've never seen such a quality stunt done on a broadcast tv program. Harri getting dragged behind that car in the garage was amazing. Kudos to their stunt people.
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Bordertown: Varjoa vailla Osa 1 (2018)
Season 2, Episode 9
Please tell me what the plan is...
29 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Once the boys have the family kidnapped at gunpoint, what's the successful ending here to them? Do they expect to be set free while Sorjonen goes to search for their mother? The police have already told them they think she left of her own free will and that it wasn't a crime to do so. They committed a heinous crime in trying to get their mother and sister saved. I know I'm just watching part 1, but I don't see the logic in their holding the family hostage. That was the end of any possible "happy ending" for them.
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Bordertown: Kissan kehto 2/2 (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
Something's off
29 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why would the daughter's boyfriend be a target? Wasn't he a teenager and the killer an adult woman? What am I missing? Is something off in the translation?

The energy on this show has been consistently weird. This has been the worst case of the entire series.

Perhaps she's just great at playing a teenager or she's written poorly, but the daughter is an annoying idiot.
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Doc Martin: Listen with Mother (2013)
Season 6, Episode 7
I cannot keep this up
5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If recurring plot lines are going to keep putting a small child in peril/harm's way, I'm going to have to stop watching. My anxiety will not allow me to continue watching. This is worse for my nerves than Uncut Gems.
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The Fall: Their Solitary Way (2016)
Season 3, Episode 6
Highly unlikely
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Officials treating someone who has exhibited extreme violence that was WITNESSED AND TAPED BY THE POLICE so cavalierly is insane. I can't believe that procedures would be this lax. It's completely implausible. I don't have the ability to suspend my belief to this extent in a program without supernatural or sci-fi elements. I'm disappointed that my investment of time was so unrewarding and repaid in such an insulting manner.

I blame no one but myself. I hope the actors and creative team were paid well. I hope the money earned bought something lovely.
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