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Saw II (2005)
Not as fabulous as the first one
23 June 2006
A group of strangers get trapped together in a room and have to find a way out before they get killed by the gas Jigsaw has filled the room with.

First of all I want to say that I had high expectations for this movie since I loved Saw so much. I saw the sequel last night, and I had mixed feelings about it after seeing it. I still think that the first Saw is better because of its magic and the performance of Johns' voice. The second movie I kind of knew what was going to happen, cause John wants to kill these person of the same reason as the first Saw. He wants them to find out how much they appreciate their lives. I felt like there was something missing when I was watching the sequel. It didn't have the same magic effect of suspense and shock as the first one. And Jigsaw was suddenly not so scary anymore. Just a poor guy in a chair, waiting to die. In the first movie he was so brutal, clever and many twists and turns with a brilliant ending I loved so much -- but all of that was like gone when I saw the sequel. I guess I got kind of disappointed. It just didn't have the same 'charm' but the conversation between Jigsaw and Matthews were unforgettable.
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Se7en (1995)
A little creepy but very boring!
16 June 2006
To be honest, I don't understand what's so great about the movie. I've never seen the whole movie. I don't know why. I always give up watching it during the movie 'cause it bores me. I don't find it exciting at all. Just two policemen chasing a guy. I've seen similar movies that are way thrilling than this. And the reason why the guy is killing are stupid. It's just not inspiring enough for me to make me sit down and watch the whole thing. I always end up zapping on another channel or pick up a book to read. Morgan Freeman is a wonderful actor. He's the reason why I'm trying to see the movie every time it goes on TV. But not even him can make me interested to make it through to the end. And Brad Pitt. I can't stand that guy. He's not that good as he think he is.
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Whatever you do. Don't fall asleep!
16 June 2006
This is the movie that made me fall in love with horror movies. After seeing some parts of the movie as a little girl before I had to go to bed, I was waiting for another horror movie to come back on the TV soon 'cause I had discovered a new genre. Horror. Why can't kids watch horror? I couldn't wait to get older when I could see more movies like that. It was exciting. Giving me the chills were a thrill. I wanted to see more. And ever since that I have loved horror movies. I even have the entire A nightmare on elm street collection and I've seen them more than once. Freddy Krueger is not like the other killers in horror flicks (like Friday 13th and Halloween) He doesn't walk slowly after the poor teenagers and refuse to talk. He's the opposite of it. He runs after them and say sarcastic things. That's what I love about him. His mouth is full of sarcasm.
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Vertigo (1958)
16 June 2006
I'm not much of a Alfred Hitchcock fan (not even sure I spelled his last name right:), but I do love Vertigo. It's exciting and chilling and surprising. All in once. I've only seen it once a long time ago but I've always wanted to see the movie again, which I'm gonna do soon. I've forgotten much of the movie. What I remember from most is that guy on the rooftops. And the music is amazing. Vertigo and Psycho must be the best works of Mr. Hitchcock. He is great when it comes to mystery and suspense. I wish it could be shown at the theater again. It would be worth it or I wish the TV could show Vertigo a little more than Psycho. They send that one a lot more and I'm kind of tired of Psycho.
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Deliverance (1972)
16 June 2006
I ordered this movie a few days ago after reading a lot of reviews of Deliverance. It's been told so much good things about this movie so I wanted to check it out. I saw it and after seeing it I didn't know I liked it or not. I still don't know. I can't just decide it. It was good but it was just not how I expected it to be. It was a little disappointment. I thought there would be more violence and a bit of suspense but it wasn't. The acting was great but there was something missing in the story. I just don't know what. I loved the kid with the banjo. Hewas cool. Oh well...I just don't know what more to say about the movie.I'm speechless.
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16 June 2006
Rocky Horror Picture Show is one of my favorite movies of all time. Why? It's entertaining and not to mention, original. I've never seen a movie like this one before, that's why I love it so much. It stands out from the other movies and just doesn't care about manors. This movie have actors that knows how to make fun of themselves for not getting scared of embarrass themselves. Tim Curry is best on that. The plot is original. They make fun of science fiction movies back from 30s up to 50s and becomes their own plot out of that. The music is hilarious. You hear the songs once and somehow you just remember them. Especially Time Warp.

I saw this movie for the first time when I was 14 but I hated it 'cause I just didn't get it. But I saw it again about two years ago and I just fell in love with it. I get their humor and their acting is just brilliant. Watch it. And when you watch it, you want to watch it again.
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Nightwatch (1994)
High Tension
16 June 2006
A student get a night job to prove his girlfriend that he doesn't have to barrow money from his parents to make it on his own. So he decide to study at day and work and night. He get a night job at a morgue. All he have to do is sit by the phone and check the dead bodies once every night. No big deal. But strange things start to happen. One night one of the bodies is suddenly missing. He discovers the dead body somewhere else in the morgue and call the doctor that works there to show him that the dead body has been moved. The doctor calls the police before he shows up himself, but when the student is about to show them where he found the dead body, it's not there. The body has been moved back to place in the meantime and the doctor and the police does not believe the student.

This is one of the best scary movies I have seen in a long time. It's impressive, atmosphere is brilliant and it will keep you at the edge o your seat the whole time. You'll get scared. Trust me.
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Glitter (2001)
Dumb and not very convincing.
15 June 2006
We all know that Mariah Carey was at her best in the 90s. Starting a movie"career" was probably a cry for help and fear to be forgotten. She should never been in this movie or any movies at all. She can sing but she can't act. So I hope she stick to her singing from now on. Doing what she can best. And why do all pop stars have to be in a movie anyway. Isn't it enough to keep with doing one thing? I don't even understand why I take my time to write this. It's a waste. This is just a movie for little girls that are huge fans of Mariah Carey. Nothing more. It's not a movie for ordinary adults for sure. I found it lame and weak. I simply got embarrassed for Mariah's sake. I don't understand why she wanted to do this movie at all. It's OK that she wanted to try something new but I hope she realise that this wasn't for her.
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The Others (2001)
15 June 2006
Finally a horror movies for adults. I'm so sick and tired of these really bad teenagers horror flicks and was so relieved to finally get to see a mature horror movies with adults. It was so good. I loved the good old fashioned atmosphere that is suppose to have in a horror movie, like old nice house, the fog around it and the shadows that lurks in every corner. Who doesn't think that is scary? I do. Nicole Kidman were wonderful as usual. And the ending were surprising and amazing. It gives you the creeps and might ask yourself: am I really alive? When you see the movie, you will understand what I mean. And that's what's creepy with the movie. You never know what to expect.
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Villmark (2003)
And you thought that Blair witch project were scary?
15 June 2006
Not compared to this one. "Villmark" is ten thousand scarier. It made me stay out of the woods. A man takes his new employees to a location in the woods to see how they will react by staying in the woods in four days with no cell phones or any other contact outside of the woods. And he also aware them to stay away from the water. But two of the guys can't resist. They find an empty tent by the water and just joke around. And they discover a rope tied to a tree. The rope vanish under the water. One of them starts pulling the rope to see if there's something tied to it from the water. And he discovers that he's pulling up a dead body out of the water. After that strange things happens as they stay in the woods. I was kind of skeptical before I saw this movie cause I thought it would be some copy of Blair Witch Project that was a really bad movie but luckily I was wrong. This movie freaked me out and it took a long time before I was able to sleep that night after seeing it. When you see it, you'll understand. Don't miss this movie.
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Evil Has a Face (1996 TV Movie)
You call that an evil face?
15 June 2006
If you are looking for a really bad movie you just wanna watch to make the time pass, this is the movie for you. It's not very exciting. After watching a few minutes you'll figure out what's gonna happen next and how it's all gonna end. You won't get tricked. They feed you the whole story with a little spoon. It's not that hard. The movie is about a woman who lives by drawing criminal faces. A girl get taken away and when she gets back she explains the face for the drawer. The drawer get shocked when she sees the face she just drew. It's the face of her stepfather that died many years ago. But soon she discovers he's not really dead. He's after her. She tells that to the police man. They fall in love. How many times haven't we seen that before? The story is weak, the acting is bad, and there's really no point in the story at all. I really don't recommend this movie.
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Near Dark (1987)
Bad, real bad....
15 June 2006
OK, even though vampire movies is not my thing, I must admit that I've actually seen better vampire movies than this (From dusk till dawn and Vampires). Near Dark is just a stupid vampire movie about a farmer boy that falls in love with a vampire girl. You know what I mean by stupid now? The whole plot is just lame. I don't even understand why I saw it. The farmer boy turns to be a vampire after the vampire girl bites him, but the thing is, he doesn't want to be a vampire. He rather want to stay at the farm with his father and his sister, instead of hanging around with the vampire girl and her buddies in the van. I can't blame him for that. I don't understand why even Lance Henriksen wanted to be a part of the movie. I've never seen him worse. He was so much better in Powder and Alien. Oh all can't be good I guess.
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Duel (1971 TV Movie)
15 June 2006
All I wanna say is that I'm not the driver trying to escape from the crazy tank driver. I would lose my mind if I got chased on the road like that. I would stop and never drive again. Even though this is the first movie Steven Spielberg, you can see that Mr. Spielberg is born to do this. He belongs behind the camera so well and he always know how to make his audience to sit at the edge of the seat through his movies, certainly this one. You always wonder what's gonna happen next. Will the main character in the movie get killed in a "car accident" or not. How is he gonna deal with by getting chased on the road with a complete stranger? It will make you think: What the hell would I do? And often the answer doesn't come up. The ending to this movie is brilliant. It leaves you with a wild guess that's gone haunt you a long time after seeing it.
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Not as funny as first one
11 June 2006
Scratch is never a disappointment. The scenes where he always is chasing the nut and never get the hands on it cracks me up. Can't help it. It's just so funny, but beyond that the movie is nothing special really.Ice Age 2 is more slow going than the first time. It takes a bit longer from time to them that will make you laugh. It's not so hysterical. And their lines is not that funny as the last one either. It's almost like they used all their good materials in the first movie and then used the other parts that wasn't good enough in the first movie, and saved it to the sequel. It's not that hilarious. It's just some movie you will forget you have seen in a couple of days. I have. I think the sequel is most funny for the kids.
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Seen Kurt Russell in better movies than this one
11 June 2006
A man writing for the newspaper get a phone call by a murderer that wants him to write about the murderer and make him famous with his killings. To make that happen, he gives the reporter clues about his next killings. The problem is the reporter turns out to be a bigger star than the murderer, and the murderer doesn't like that.It's suppose to be his big breakthrough. He has to do something about it to turn it the other way, by chasing the girlfriend of the reporter.

This is nothing new. A killer chasing someone's girlfriend to get even. How many times haven't we seen that? You won't get surprised and you'll guess how the whole thing is gonna end. I'm sure the book is better.
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Breakdown (I) (1997)
It should be called Nervous Breakdown
11 June 2006
'Cause it was exactly what I was feeling during the whole movie. Sitting at the edge of the couch and wondering what was going to happen next. Would he ever find his wife again and would he find her alive? Those were the questions that was on my mind and made me keep up with the movie. I wanted to know what happen. I wanted to see if the truck driver was the one who kidnapped the wife or not. I just had to know! It's been made hundreds of road movies. Not all of them are so good as Duel and Breakdown. Why these two movies are a little better then the others I have seen, is because of the high adrenalin that keeps up through the whole movie. It was so intense. Kurt Russell had this I'm gonna make you watch this attitude all time and I just couldn't take my eyes of the screen for a moment cause it was too exciting. It make myself wonder what the hell what I would done if I was in that kind of a situation. I would definitely be a nervous breakdown.
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Carrie (1976)
11 June 2006
A misunderstood teenage girl is going through a hard time by her class girlfriends always making fun of her. There's nothing wrong with that girl. She's just a little different that's all. Even though it's not her fault, she has to pay for it. Carrie is a movie that shows how difficult it is to be a teenage girl at times and how it is to be made fun of by her own classmates. But she has abilities that many teenage girls doesn't have: she's strong enough to ignore it and pretend like nothing. Her classmates is even cruel enough to do a terrible mistake to her on the prom night. When she finally get the feeling that she fit in, they ruin it by doing something nasty that makes Carries abilities to make something near her explode when something goes very wrong. It will make the classmates regret for everything they have done to her 'cause at that point it's to late to forgive and forget.
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11 June 2006
I have never heard of this movie until it came on the TV one night and when I heard it was a thriller, I decided to sit up and watch it since I love thrillers. And English thrillers are the best, even a better reason to sit up. The story is creepy. A girl won't talk anymore after been through something traumatic and her mother is trying desperately to get her to talk about what happened. A hypnotyzer get contacted by an investigator that wants him to try to make that girl to talk. It's not easy but somehow he finally get to communicate with her. Together they are trying to get through the case and clear everything up. But they have to be careful, 'cause they don't know who they are dealing with.
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It could've been so much better
11 June 2006
Many thrillers looks very promising but somehow they just don't work, like this one. It's nothing really special about it, only two kids moving in to a Glass house after their parents dies in a car accident.They get to move in to their neighbor that has been friends with their parents as long as they can remember. After moving in, the daughter notice that everything isn't what it seems. There's something odd with the couple they have moved in to, esp the man of the house. Her brother doesn't notice anything odd but she doesn't like the look the man of the house is giving her, like I-like-what-I-see kind of look. The movie is a little slow going, it's a good story but it could've been so much better. Nothing surprising.
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Lost magic
10 June 2006
I'd like the TV series better than the movie itself. Even though the effects were thousand times better than the TV-series, I think the TV-series got a whole a lot of charm than the Hollywood production. The effects were too overwhelming and a little too much, to actually care about them all. The characters are simply drowning in all the visual effects. I just lost interest in what was going on and I just couldn't keep up to the end 'cause I just didn't care about what was going to happen to them. The kids could get eaten by the bad wolf for that matter. I just couldn't believe their characters. I don't exactly what's wrong with the movie, basically everything. It's trying to be Lord of the Ring like but it just don't work. It just fit better in smaller production. But this is my opinion. It was just nothing that I expected it to be. The magic was gone.
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Eastwood does it again!
10 June 2006
First of all I just wanna say that I hate everything about sports and the reason why I wanted to see it is because Clint Eastwood directed it. And after seeing Mystic River, I wanted to see Million Dollars Baby cause Clint Eastwood is an incredible director that brings the actors in his movies in good light. I had only seen Hilary Swank in Boys don't cry so I didn't knew much about her but she just blew me away. They way she talked and living herself into that part were just amazing. I believed her. She's brilliant for being so young. And giving her an Oscar was the right thing to do. Also, Morgan Freeman. He's so ordinary in that movie and brilliant. You just wanna feel sorry for him for being so alone in the movie. I mean living in the gym? Who wants that? The story is gripping and you just wanna comfort them all. Everything in that movie is so human. It's all about making it through the day no matter how hard that is. And sometimes, you just want it all to take it all in the end but you just need a little help to make that happen. It's all about that. It makes you think what would I've done if I was him or her.
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Open Water (2003)
A movie with no happening
10 June 2006
Open Water can so not be compared to Jaws. Even though they are using real sharks in Open Water which they didn't do in Jaws, the sharks in Jaws were more frightening, cause we didn't see them before almost like in the end of the movie. In open water we just see them swimming around the two scuba divers that are "lost" in the sea. All the time we just know they will miss their boat cause we so clearly that one of the men on the boat will count wrong and leave them. This is sort of a student film. Or a movie that is made by new beginners that isn't too sure how they like the movie to be like and just hoped for the best. But it just don't work. It's just boring. You'll end up in disappointment. It's just bad and slow going. Watching over an hour with two people just lost in the water, keeping an eye on the sharks swimming around them. Sometimes yo're not sure if it's documentary about sharks or a "scarymovie" with sharks. When you see it, you'll understand what I mean.
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Been there, seen that....
10 June 2006
Oh my god, oh my god, the family car breaks down. What the hell are we gonna do. Let's split up. We'll walk to the next gas station which is miles and miles away, we'll just bring some water and walk. The rest of the family stay right here! Nothing will go wrong! Yeah right. But they don't know about the lurkers sitting on the hills, watching them, waiting for the right moment to get the poor family that are stranded in the desert. First, they take the dog, the easiest trade.

How many times haven't we seen this before? How many cars will break down and the people in it will get attacked by some mountain freak one by one? How many times has Hollywood planned to make remakes of horror flicks? When are they gonna try to come up with a new story plot by themselves and try to surprise the audience instead of giving us what's going to happen next with a spoon. We've basically seen all that before and I want to see something new. Please, Hollywood, I know you can do it.
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10 June 2006
I saw this movie at the theater with a friend of mine. We wanted to see it basically that we have heard many people say great things about it and we had high expectations for it. So, we saw it and we both got disappointed. The movie were two slow going. It was sweet with the two men that tried to deny that they were in love with each other and all - but beyond that there was not much special in the movie. It was kind of looking like a nature documentary for cowboys or something. The performances impressed me - I have to admit that. I knew Jake Gyllenhall would be great and Heath Ledger surprised me cause I had just seen him in 10 things I hate about you and he didn't do it so well there. You should see this movie if you don't get anything better to do...I just got so disappointed cause people were telling me aw it's so sweet and it's a movie you won't forget and on and on so I was expecting something big. But it was nothing more than slow going nature movie with two "cowboys" enjoying their companies together way up in the mountain.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
M for Magic!
10 June 2006
How can't people love this movie? I saw it when it came to the theater in 1994, begging my mom to please take me to the theater to see the movie and she did. And during the movie I was just staring at the screen in amazement. So many dinosaurs and believed they were real, cause I didn't know much about computers too:)

After seeing the movie I was falling in love with dinosaurs. I bought a Jurassic Park movie gallery book, cards, and even a bed sheet. I just thought the movie was so real and believed that the dinosaurs were alive.

Even though I don't think that anymore, Jurassic Park is still my fave movie of all time. Idon't understand why people doesn't appreciate it so much as they did at that time, maybe 'cause the audience just has grown up and just think it's childish.

I don't know. I'm 23 years old now and I love the movie just as much now cause the plot is great and the actors are funny and coming so well together and there's something always happening.

What I love about the movie is all the sarcasm I didn't get when I saw it for the first time and my fave scene in the movie is the two kids in the kitchen getting chased by the two dinosaurs. (don't remember what kind of dinosaurs).

No movie can compare to this one by its original plot and magical effects. Who doesn't think the dinosaurs are real when they see the movie, no matter what age?
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