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Unforgettable: Paranoid Android (2016)
Season 4, Episode 13
SPOILER: Let's face it, "Hollywood" types are dark hearted
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many reasons for writers dysfunctional personas.

Unforgettable and The Glades for example have the same bogus, downer, inconclusive endings.

There must be mental and emotional impairments in play here.

Everybody dislikes the horrible shaky cam yet they persist.

LGBTQ and interracial are obsessions.

Something is not right with these people.

Is this horrible ending thumb in the eye revenge because they were canceled ?
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Bones: High Treason in the Holiday Season (2015)
Season 11, Episode 8
Wow ! There are reviewers who say Bones promotes conservative agenda. Talk about liberal bias.
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Bones is a tsunami of liberal agenda yet there are those who say it is conservative.

Catholic church always under attack, much made of rural white criminals, global warming... None of those three pose any threat whatsoever but we are hamered with the agenda.

Maybe in 2021 the reviewer would change his mind as spying has gone to a whole new level under liberal administration.

The NSA has been completely out of control for many years and the thumb drive problaby has "dossiers" on politicians and bureaucrats from the president on down.

The drive would explain why so many things have gone so terribly wrong in the USA as politicians cower in fear of discovery.
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Bones: The Con Man in the Meth Lab (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Where are the great crime writers? Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler...? All these "writers" can come up with is soap opera and socio/political agenda.
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watch 21st century crime shows to see crime stories.

It's slim pickings.

Shows are more about lgbtq and soap opera "romance" than crime solving.

Plotting is lame and usually puntuated by a lame "twist" at the end that everyone figured out early on.

There is one quirky item of interest however.

As the show starts, see how long before the agenda item's wierd head pops up.

And there it is...didn't take long.

I liked Angela in the early going, but, the Fiji fiasco and the Roxy fiasco terminally diminished Angela.

What will be the agenda item be next episode?

Can hardly wait.
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Rizzoli & Isles: Shadow of Doubt (2016)
Season 7, Episode 5
"Too little police work" indeed. Sitcom ? Soap opera ? What a mess! I fast forward obnoxious Lorraine Bracco. The mandatory, "interracial romances" get very old, very fast.
11 January 2022
Love, love Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander.

Lorraine Bracco does not belong anywhere in public view or within earshot.

Fast forward a bit and viewing is enhanced.

There must be 3 separate writing teams: 1) Cop show, 2) Soap opera, 3) Sitcom.

#1 is actually quite good and, along with Angie & Sasha, the reason the show lasted 7 seasons.

The crappy soap opera and boring sitcom parts require fast forward.

Bracco is unwatchable and, if seen, can not be unseen.

I would give it 10 stars were the sitcom and soap opera segments eliminated.
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The Practice: In Good Conscience (2004)
Season 8, Episode 16
I agree with Jodi-44528 sick of liberal "bias". Wokeness is everywhere. Death penalty, illegal aliens, interracial relationships, gay, gay, gay,...
26 December 2021
Jodi-44528. Hit the nail on the head.

One episode after the other promotes leftist propaganda.

They all do it.

NCIS, Blacklist, The Practice,...all of them.

Constant Christian/Catholic bashing.

White supremacy stereotypes.

Criminals are almost always white.

Take your pick of Any page in the liberal playbook.

You just have to hold your nose or do not watch TV at all.
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The Closer: Heroic Measures (2006)
Season 2, Episode 9
Shaky, shaky, shaky cam. Made me dizzy. One reviewer said it's a disease. What ? Parkinson's . 10 stars minus 5 stars for shaky cam.
9 December 2021
I love this show including all the actors, pacing, and plots.

The shaky cam would be a deal breaker were the show not great otherwise.

I was so close to shutting it down several times but hung on to see what happens.

This show has the worst shaky cam in all of media.

Many, if not all, viewers of film and TV have expressed similar displeasure with this crazy gimmick.

This show has graphic surgery video which may be off-putting for many.

The smarmy ADA is unwatchable.

But, it is still a good mystery tale with a satisfying ending.
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5 stars for Jennifer Connolly. The rest is shaky cam, gimmicky nonsense.
6 December 2021
Heroin is bad.

Who knew?

This not a must see as some suggest.

It's a do not see.

Depressing, creepy...to what end.

Why should a viewer want to endure needles ?

Endure losers?

This will not cure anybody of heroin addiction.

In fact, addicts will comprehend nothing here in.

Just watch another Jennifer Connolly movie.

The incestuous femme fatale twisty tale should be creepy enough for most.

This one is just too much.
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Outlaw (2007)
Worst shaky cam ever !!! Bobbing up & down, swinging left & right, rotating relentlessly... ! What's up with these directors & cameram ? Suffering from shaky body? Shaky mind?
4 December 2021
Gimmeabreak !

+10 stars for killing bad guys -5 stars for shaky cam -3 stars for "language barrier" (as Woody Allen put it) English subtitles required.

-1 for killing good guys

Revenge/vigilante is great genre since 1974.

This movie would have been so much better WITHOUT he horrible shaky cam and WITH proper English subtitles.

In fact, shaky cam should be renamed crazy cam and banned completely.

English subtitles should be required in all UK and Australian films.

(Guy Ritchie films are the worst) My mother was an English teacher and I earned an English literature degree at an American University.

This may make it more difficult to wade through those accents.

Really a shame to ruin a good vigilante movie.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
Spoilers: Great 2016 movie which is timely in 2021. Political junkies will love it, a 2016 swim in the 2021 swamp, very realistic.
2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Reminds me of the bogus Jan 9th committee wherein the real criminals are the committee members.

Orwell anybody.

Chastain is hot and powerful.

In 2021, the individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not realized the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.

The movie depicts the horrible corruption of "the swamp" but there seemingly can not be justice in real life as there was In the movie.

All the actors carried their weight quite well.

Watch the movie and relate to the brutal corruption of present times.
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Web of Lies (2009 TV Movie)
Great movie ! I really liked it from the leading lady hotness to all the techno babble to the moderate violence to the modicum of romance.
30 November 2021
Ok. There are plot holes in the tech stuff but the arcane details do not really matter.

I pegged the mastermind very early on but was only mildly suspicious of the accomplice.

Good pacing and direction.

Many reviewers are sick of Canada/bogus NY.

I am also sick to death of Canada and all that entails.

You just have to take Canadian flics with a grain of salt.

Kind of like you need English language sub titles with all UK and Australian flics because of the "language barrier" mentioned by Woody Allen in London.

A good movie !
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The 11th Hour (I) (2007)
13 year old movie is complete crapola. Since 1970 the cultists have threatened end of days in 10 more years, 10 more years, 10 more years, 10 more years
26 November 2021
New research in 2021 now says there will soon be global cooling.

The DiCaprios of the world desperately cling to the Cult of Climate Change.

For 1/2 a century, the climate grifters have been issuing 10 year "end of days" warnings.

For a while, during the 1970s, global warming, global chilling, and global famine were all said to end the world in 10 years.

Susuki now threatening pipeline bombings.

Climate grifters such as Gore fly in private jets, live in huge mansions, and ride in huge limousines.

Hundreds of private jets fly to climate conferences.

It's a huge $cam and many are still not wise to it.

Wind is the worst since huge energy is needed to manufacture the deadly turbines and ship them to the US where they kill birds, destroy the landscape, and produce tiny energy.

Pray for wind ?
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A Vigilante (2018)
In real live Olivia Wilde is a fierce leftist/feminist so not much of a stretch for her in this film.
25 November 2021
The surroundings are wintery grim.

The women are grim.

The story is grim and not believable.at all.

Suspension of disbelief can serve a purpose but this is too much.

This is a movie for angry women who attended the so called "Women's March" of January 2017.

Wilde is pro abortion so it's tough to believe she is so passionate about her son in the movie.
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Poirot: Five Little Pigs (2003)
Season 9, Episode 1
Not good. Annoying things added which were not in the hook. Good 5hings missong.
23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spollers: They just can not help themselves. There 2as no gay on 5he book but here it is.

Is half the population gay ?

Japp, Hastings, and Lemon conspicuously absent.

Slow moving and boring to a fault.

All the American crime series have gay and mixed race in them.

I will watch 1 more episode and, if this disturbing trend continues, bye bye Poirot.
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The Blacklist: The SPK (No. 178) (2021)
Season 9, Episode 3
Spoilers: Gimmeabreak !
12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
: "Richard Nixon's (non existent) criminal network" ? What in the world are they talking about in Trivia? However, wiping hard drives with a cloth is another matter.

Happy Lizzie is gone.

She was in perpetual crazy mode.. Reseler fills that role now.

What a pain in the neck he is.

The shocker is Spader kissing Keach full on the lips. What ???

Once seen, can not be unseen.

Can we please,please catch a breather from the LGBTQ movement?

I am very close to dropping The Blacklist.

Give it a little more time.

They are on double secret probation until further notice.
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What happened here? Wokesters making sausage out of Fleming's great concept?
12 November 2021
Ian Fleming is spinning in his grave. Diverse touchy feely Bond is here.

No more slinky girls floating around in opening credits.

(There's a new female writer) Let me get this straight: Felix Letter is black with a white girlfriend.

Moneypenny is black. (The original flirtation is gone) 007 is an overweight, boring, black, female, lesbian.

Q is a bespectacled, skinny, tech nerd.

Touchy feely Bond is running around carrying a baby girl.

New black female writer has corrupted Ian Fleming's James Bond mystique. He actually was a British Agent.

These people think Wokeness Trump's Fleming?

Lea Seydoux is sweetness.

Ana deArmas is hotness.

The action and pyrotechnics are all good.

Stunts, hand to hand...all good.

No sex.

Craig too old for Bond girls.

Great cars, old and new, especially the 1957 Chevy.

Ian Fleming created a wonderful thing, but, the wokesters have to mess it up.

Let 007 be 007 and stick with Fleming's concept.

The PC/woke/diversity is the 800 pound gorilla in the scenes.

Suspend disbelief of a chubby, black, female 007 and it's a decent watch.

Do better next time.
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The Captive (I) (2014)
Flashback, flash forward, flashback...ad nauseum. These guys think they are auteurs bit it's just confusing and annoying.
9 November 2021
David Lynch comes to mind.

It's just lazy and distracting to overdo the non linear story telling.

The shaky cam is also a contemporary directorial tick that is dizzying.

Disgusting subject matter is not handled well.

Scenery is nice if you like being cold.

I prefer tropical locales such as in Body Heat, Wild Things... It get's 4 for actors putting forth good effort with some weak material and I liked Alexia in Jack Reacher.
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G.I. Jane (1997)
Great movie. Did not want it to end. Been through the same training . Love strong women who are actually women.
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Times have certainly changed since then But, as always, the more things change the more they stay the same.

The Washington D. C., vicious , Machiavellian politics in 2021 is worse than ever.

I love movies where characters overcome in your face adversity and gain respect in the process.

Must see riveting psychological warfare and edge of seat combat.
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SPOILERS: Great episode gets The Blacklist back on track.
29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Better without all that tired Liz, Liz, Liz wrangling.

Boy she was a major pain in the neck.

The kissing scene was a bit cringy, and, children in danger always puts me off.

Otherwise, it was a great episode Restoring everything and everybody is a good idea.

Red is Red and all is good.
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Imagine if this movie were made after January 2009. Talk about corruption on high places
29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS: Benghazi comes to mind immediately, unavoidably.

Soldiers abandoned a d slaughtered.

Great action and conspiracy story herein.

Uncanny similarity to real events and personalities, notably corrupt politicians.

Drug war never ends. This movie was 30 years ago.

Corruption in DC in 2021 worst ever.

Where is Jack Ryan when America desperately needs him?
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Poirot: Four and Twenty Blackbirds (1989)
Season 1, Episode 4
All good, scenery, acting, music, plot, hot model. Tiny detail mistake but not important.
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Sri Lanka reference during cricket radio broadcast is erroneous.

Ceylon did not become Sri Lanka until 1972.

David Suchet is amazing in every way, accent, physical mannerisms, facial expressions... He says so much with a mere dead pan and eye movement.

The perfectly formed naked model is a delightful surprize.

Poirot's cricket riff is priceless.

The antique radio is very cool.

All good !
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NCIS: Face the Strange (2021)
Season 19, Episode 5
Harmon was way past expiration date, cranky and creaky. Obnoxious, mumbling attitude. "Too old for this s**t". I liked this episode sans Harmon.
21 October 2021
This is a good episode.

Unique plot.

Diona Reasonover is annoying as he!!. She does check 3 obvious boxes however.

The new girl is very cute and a big plus.

Cole is an able bodied/minded replacement for weary Harmon.

The team as currently constituted is outstanding.

Big upgrade this season.
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Interesting up to a point.
18 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The ending is completely useless, hanging in space.

SPOILERS: Oldman should have caught up with the weasels in Prague and blown them away.

The movie is Incomplete.

He's in Prague and presumably will catch up with them there.

There is another whole movie here or, at least, another 30 minutes on this one.

Very, very slow pace (2 hours) and then meh ending.
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Silent Witness: Change: Part 2 (2013)
Season 16, Episode 2
Would have been a 10 except subtract one because Clarissa is cringeworthy. Villain gets what's coming to him is a huge plus. Extra judicial resolution is always desirable.
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
New character Jack is a plus. Manly men, in short supply now, are always welcome.

Great story albeit a bit convoluted as usual.

So many characters can be confusing...granddaughter, love child, brother, uncle, father, advisor, attorney....phew!

But all good.

Well acted all around and I must say again it is satisfying to see snarky, evil doers get skewered.

No ambiguity in the ending. No wondering that a court case might set him free.

9 stars for sure.
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Silent Witness: Fear: Part 2 (2012)
Season 15, Episode 12
It just gets worse? Where is Amanda Burton and some decent writing when we really need her/it. I am curious whether they have jumped the shark or does it get much worse.
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
More shark jumping in store ?

Can hardly wait.

Can I say this? The writers are not of clear mind. That should be sanitized enough.

Plot is convoluted as usual and the the relentless flash back, flash forward, flash back is just plain crazy. Why ?

Ending is atrocious again, finishing nothing.

Beating up a little blind boy is beyond the pale.

C'mon guys wake up and smell the coffee.

Grade is "Incomplete" again.
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Silent Witness: Redhill: Part 2 (2012)
Season 15, Episode 10
SW lost mojo when Amanda Burton left. "Endings" are horrible or non existent. Writers seem to call it a day before finishing the story. Grade is "Incomplete"
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Kessler should have died an horrible death.

Other creeps should be held accountable in some way. The warden, other complicit guards.

Looney Leo is inexplicably mean to his GF when not getting beaned or losing his phone.

The actors all are quite good The writers do not close the deal.

Loose ends again.

Must grade "incomplete" again.
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