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Defiance (I) (2008)
Like a Hallmark TV-movie!
2 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love some of Edward Zwicks earlier movies. 'Glory', 'The Last Samurai' and 'Blood Diamond' - all terrific! But what happened here? Although based on actual events, 'Defiance' is riddled with clichés. At one point - after one from the supporting cast suddenly starts coughing in the movie - my wife who was sitting next to me said: "Rest assure that he will die within the next 20 minutes, like all the other people in Hollywood movies who suddenly starts coughing." 15 minutes later, there he was, dying on the ground, in one of the movies many cheesy scenes, which I suppose were to evoke some sort of feelings or sympathy from the audience.

But it does not work. Mainly because Zwick tries to tick as many boxes on his chart as possible. It wants to be both drama, action, love and part documentary. Too much.

It's like watching a Hallmark TV version of both 'Robin Hood' and 'Schinders List' at once.

If you end up bored by a story, which on paper and in reality is and was anything but, the storyteller is to blame.
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Went to see a Bond movie and got a Jason Bourne interpretation instead!
22 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After the critically acclaimed and much successful 'Casino Royale' I had hopes that 'Quantum of Solace' could rival this years best movie so far: 'The Dark Knight'. Well... it doesn't even come close.

There use to be a time when Bond movies where trendsetting...

I remember when director Doug Liman some time ago said he wanted to make "Bond for a new generation" - so he dug up Jason Bourne. Several received Oscars and years later, we now have the Bond franchise mimicking the Bourne franchise instead. How ironic. If you are a Bond fan like me, and - when the endcredits roll - think to yourself that the movie you just saw had more in common with the last two Bourne-movies, than the first 21 Bond-movies, then you know there's a problem!

On paper Quantum of Solace may be a Bond movie. But many of those things that people use to associate with Bond movies are gone. Some for no obvious purpose or reason.

It wasn't enough for them to take away Moneypenny, Q, the gadgets, the humor and witticism, his "shaken, not stirred", the line "my name is Bond, James Bond." They even ditched the famous opening gunbarrel-sequence, and you won't hear the James Bond theme right until the very end (as in Casino Royale which - besides being 40 minutes longer - "felt" more like a Bond movie)

And what's up with this new style of filming and editing?

Well, they hired the editor, the stuntteam and 2nd unit director of... yes, you guessed it - the Bourne movies. So do not under any circumstance buy tickets for the first 10 rows - you will regret it. I was sitting in the 15th row at an advance fan-screening and even there I would be reaching for my seasickness-pills if I had any.

Because with this annoying new MTV-style editing (which is suppose to add "realism") known from the Bourne-movies with shaking hand-held cameras in which you have a hard time following what really is happening on screen, especially in a crowded surrounding, you will be better off sitting as far back as possible in the theatre. Luckily this style is - unlike Bourne 2 and 3 - not incorporated into every single scene in Quantum of Solace. Far from it. But it's there, and it's very annoying, in my opinion. It actually ruined much of the first two action set-pieces for me, and by then we were only 30 minutes into the movie.

Quantum of Solace is very fastpaced, like a Bourne/Bond-movie should be. We jump from location to location, actionsequence to actionsequence. It can be very confusing watching Bond on a rampage still dealing with "personal issues" (like Bourne). Bourne Ultimatum had a rooftop-chase. So does Quantum of Solace. Bourne Ultimatum had a fistfight in a small cluttered apartment filmed the way I mentioned earlier. Well, so does Quantum of Solace. How original!

It's like they took some of the best parts of the two last Bournemovies and said "let's do almost the exact same thing and add something more, like letting him fly a plane." So Bond does that, in what I think is the second-best part of the movie. The best part for me, was oddly enough not an actionsequence, but when Bond for once does some real spywork on a floating operastage accompanied by a great music score. Very Bondian.

For this, for Dennis Gassners terrific production design, for David Arnolds usual great score and for Craigs cool performance, I give it six stars.

A note to the producers of the Bond movies: Now that you played around with Bourne, can we have 007 back for Bond 23, please?
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Who are all these people giving it 10???
27 May 2008
I find it very amusing to read all the reviews here. I mostly agree with all the ones who found it disappointing, I can see why the Michael Bay-loving GTA-generation could give this a '10', however: Lots of CGI, fake green-screen action and style over substance.

For me - a die hard Indiana Jones fan, who grown up attending premieres for the first three - this was a big letdown, primarily because of the script, which could have been written by a 11 year-old.

A lot of Indiana Jones fans all over the world are probably scratching their heads these days, wondering why a script (Darabonts) which Spielberg called "the best he has read since Raiders", was scrapped by Lucas. So he could give us this? Tarzan meets X-files?

It just didn't rock my boat, like the first three. I even found 'National Treasure II' more entertaining, than this mess.
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Bad Boys II (2003)
Truly sickening - Hollywood at its worst.
25 July 2003
Honestly, these kind of ultra-violent, over-the-top, overproduced leave-your-brain-at-the-entrance movies... no wait - let us lobotomize them, should not be allowed to go from post-production to print. This movie is so violent and distasteful, that it makes Riefenstahl "Triumph Des Willens" look like a Disney-movie. Was there even a story in this two and a half hour crap-fest?

Now I know what the lead character in "Clockwork Orange" must have gone through. Oh the pain!

The producers should be ashamed of themselves!
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Just another soulless Bruckheimer movie
6 February 2002
Great cinematography and explosions overkill, with no character development and no real story to keep you interested for the duration of the entire show. Just a collage of fast-moving sequences, like war is suppose to be filmed like a television commercial.

This is not a war movie - just a piece of propaganda, that wants to show that the blond, brave and blue eyed americans will always triumph over the underdeveloped brown-eyed savages. But hey - if you are american and in desperate need of a 'high-five-let's-kick-some-behind'-fix you will probably like this movie. Just don't expect it to portray history, and please, before calling this "a great war movie" or worse "the best war movie ever made," go watch 'The Longest Day', 'Die Brücke', 'Full Metal Jacket', 'Das Boot', 'Patton','Apocalypse Now' or 'Stalingrad'- just to name a few.

On a positive note: 'Black Hawk Down' was better than 'Pearl Harbor', but only slightly.
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High replay value.
28 August 2001
I've seen this movie 6 or 7 times already, and I probably won't ever get tired of watching it because it in many ways is so perfect. If only one sequel ever came out of Hollywood again, it should be 'Boondock

Saints 2'.

All the actors do a great job (especially Willem Dafoe), the soundtrack is awesome, the dialogue very funny and well written (read the 'memorable quotes section') and the editing simply supurb.

A hidden gem. Great job, Troy Duffy.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
As awful as I expected
28 May 2001
What a waste of a great label. If only 'Pearl Harbor' had been made by a more skillful producer/director.

Here's how the Bruckheimer way works:

1) First, make sure that you have some sort of love story going on, in order to attract a female audience, too.

2) Hire the best demolition/pyrotechnic team in Hollywood.

3) Make full use of all the clichés found in movie history.

4) Among all the action-scenes, create some sort of script.

6) Make sure that all americans are portrayed as heroes.

7) Label the movie "a rollercoaster ride", "this years blockbuster", or something like that (and create a trailer that matches it).

8) Spend enormous sums to market the movie, so people will stand in line almost when it opens (because after a couple of weeks everyone will know that it didn't live up to the hype).

Yet again Bruckheimer teams up with Michael Bay, to present another one of these style-over-substance movies, probably hoping that this - his version of a Titanic/Saving Private Ryan - will bring an Oscar. Well, get this: You are not gonna get one Mr. Your movie(s) will most certainly make the day for the popcorn-eating teenage audience who likes to watch things getting blown up by clichéish heroes, so they can shout "yes!" and give each other high-fives. But for the rest of us, hoping to watch, what could have been an epic: Avoid this movie. The three hours are better spend reading a book, watching 'Tora Tora Tora' (about Pearl Harbor), or 'Enemy at the gates' (about Stalingrad).
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One of the most overrated movies - ever!
1 April 2001
4 Oscars and among the 10 best movies of all time on IMDB - this is a joke, right?

I have never experienced that more than half the crowd had left the theatre before the show was over - but this time it happened. I guess there are still some people who cannot see the all great things that this movie is suppose to contain. Sort of like the story 'The Emperors new clothes'.

Sure, the scenery was pretty nice, but that was about it. For great stunts, watch any Jackie Chan movie. For a decent plot, there are 100+ Hollywood-movies every year that has more to offer than CTHD.

If CTHD is the very best that Asian cinema has to offer, I'll make sure not to go that way, ever again.
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Braveheart (1995)
A Ripoff!
9 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting epic which deserves its Oscars, but nevertheless a couple of things really annoyed me:

1) On many levels 'Braveheart' is a ripoff of 'Lion of the desert' (Anthony Quinn, Rod Steiger) - another war epic that deals with the libyan resistance against the Italian fascist regime. Here are some examples:

(minor spoilers)

-In both movies the star was an uncompromizable patroit, who knew how to outsmart the opponent, either by using guerilla tactics or on the battlefield.

-In both movies the invaders needed "time" to get their forces organized. (Some of the lines used are the exact same)

-In both movies the main character faced an unfair trial at the end of the movie

-Both movies ended with the execution of the main character

2) Too many historical inaccurate details

This really was a problem for me watching the movie. How can the audience tell what was real or not? 'Based on a true story' should have been 'Based on a poem by a blind man'.

Don't get me wrong, I like Braveheart as much as the next guy, but maybe it is a bit overrated. Actually, when it comes to struggle-against-strong-oppressors kind of movies, I prefer 'Lion of the desert', which is one of those hidden movie gems, one that deserves credit for inspiring the moviemakers of Braveheart.
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Not the best movie I have seen...
8 March 2001
...but very very close, because of the entertainment-value.

'Boondock Saints' is a blast - a movie you can watch over and over again. Everything is exaggerated, but without getting corny or stupid. John Woo eat your heart out - this movie takes slow motion sequences to another level. I always liked Willem Dafoe. In this one he starts out as a wise-guy cop, but as the movie progress, his dark and paranoiac behaviour surfaces, scene by scene. Great performance from him.

I can't believe that this is the only movie that David Della Rocco has been in. His performance was great as 'the funny man' (and funny he was). This movie succeeds because it blends so many genres (drama, comedy, action) and does it well. The script is really good, as well. Troy Duffy obviously had a lot of fun playing with words (just take a look at the 'memorable quotes' section for this film, and you'll get the idea).
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