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Epic story of Personal Growth and fighting evil Aliens
23 January 2021
This is a really cool story about overcoming personal demons, and overcoming an evil negative force in the world, it also has some great Asian Representation and I loved the subplot about abusive Adoptive parents. The action scenes feel like they came out of any epic first person shooter, and the effects and sets were pretty impressive for what is clearly an indie passion project.
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Cheesy Saturday morning fun for gamers!
22 December 2013
As a huge JDF fan I was interested in seeing what was called The One Warrior. So I was really happy to see a blu ray at Walmart! While the movie is really low budget and very cheesy it's also a lot of fun. The story is really simple, Jason is a noble warrior who must kill the evil lord Shoukata. The little nods to gaming peppered all in the movie, are a wonderful touch. Sure as I said its campy as hell.

But it's still really fun, the fights are not as hard hitting as in Johnny Yong Bosch's Broken Path, but there still fun fantasy battles. That featured some good variety. The landscapes and sets were well done, and the dragon was pretty well designed and animated. The fights reminded me of all the cool shows and cheesy movies I saw as a kid. The plot is thin but it's pretty smart too, the whole gaming aspect of the movie really works. And Jason rocked it as always, he had a few really funny moments. My favorite was when he requested his sidekick carry him. It was pretty funny and showcased Jason's classic charm that we all love.

What really made the movie for me besides Jason, was that this movie really was made with gamers in mind. This is the closet to seeing a movie made into a video game world. By the end of the film you will understand. Granted its incredibly cheesy but that's also the appeal, it doesn't try to be anything but silly fun.

If you love JDF, Saturday morning adventures, gaming, and old cheesy fantasy movies this is a fun addition to your collection. I plan on rewatching this plenty of times as it put a wide smile on my face and was totally fun to watch. I know some of you will disagree and say it's a z grade flick, but that's the charm and anything with Jason is epic in my book.
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One of the best gangster films made.
23 August 2008
Bonnie And Clyde Is simply put one of the most important films of our time. And for some reason has been forgotten For other films. Like Scarface or even The Godfather.this film is ten times better than scarface. Scarface is pretty overrated And for some reason when you talk about the great gangster films and the movies the need to be seen no one hardly metions this classic film. Why this film is so important is it was the first film in U.S histroy to show on screen violence as we know today with this film classics like The Godfather and other films would not have been made. The film revolves around Clyde barrow and bonnie Parker. There young there in-love and they rob banks.its violent has lots of action and is a great film. While its not historically accurate its a good film with a great cast. Clyde's brother is played by a young Gene Hackman And Gives a great performance. We also see a very young gene wilder in his first role. And the film has some of the best set pieces in films. The ending shootout puts scarface's to shame. The film has great dialogue and The film is paced wounderfully the film is fastpaced with shootouts and chases. Like the shootout at the hotel amazing tommy guns and all. Also the bank robberies are some of the best. The film is fast and violent and is a film that every one that can handle the violence should see. Its a shame that some have forgotten it. This is a classic that should not be missed. A 9.8 Out Of 10 A Must See.
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A pleasant surprise
21 August 2008
Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a story that takes place between Attack of the Clones and Revenge Of The Sith. The story revoles around Anakin And his new Padawan Ahsoka. As they try to retrieve Jaba The Huts son. And i have to say this is the best Star Wars since the original trilogy. I was very surprised at just how good this was there's non stop action from start to finish. And i mean it every 5 mins a major battle brakes out. Now while the story is not necessary to the prequels it shows a lot we missed. The story is well written and its nice that George stepped back and let some one else take the reins. And that would be Dave Filoni he does such a great job directing this. Now Hayden's gone as are most of the rest of the cast from the prequels. Christopher Lee Frank Oz and Samuel Jackson are still here. But the new actors do a much better job. The voice acting is superb. The new characters are very well done as well. Ahsoka is a great character that you cant help but love and is voiced wonderfully. And this is the best we have ever seen of Anakin. He's almost like a new character he better developed. While the animation is different it's really good and it is a welcome change. I also like that the films tone is slightly lighter than the prequels. Its still serious in tone but not so dark more like the originals. The humor is fresh and very funny. This also has some of the best battles in any star wars film. The lightsaber battles are stunning and very well animated. The only issue i have is its too short i did not want it to end. I am a long time fan of the franchise and while i did not hate the prequels as much as some i was very let down by them. And as such i was weary of this. But went in open minded and loved every single minute of it. If your a fan i think you will love this. This was made with the fans in mind. And i cant recommend this enough i think this will become a sleeper hit. And well have a devoted following. I highly recommend that you check this out you don't have to know a single thing about the other films to enjoy this. A Superb 9.5 Out Of 10.
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One of the anime greats.
26 May 2008
Great film one of the single best animes out there. The story is deep sad and tragic. The ending will leave you speechless. The story is set in an alternate future were japan is ruled with an iron fist and kill innocent victim's and any one in there way. And a group of rebels Who call themselves the sec. Rise to fight the government. If you like anime like ninja scroll or those others chances are you will hate this. This is a real story that is sad but very strong and is a great film. Witch is worth seeing as long as you can apprecisate the story and dialog. And not have to see a shootout ever ten seconds. It has action and its intense and it's well done. And very blood And graphic and realistic. but it only happens when the story Requires it. This is more of a character piece more of a drama than an action flick. But there is a action sense at the start the middle and the end. And a few in between. However it does move at a slow pace after the begging and then is fairly slow till the end. the twist is amazing. Overall this is a very thought provoking and moving piece that will stay with you for quite some time. I hope you give this a chance because the story is amazing. The plot is a soldier witness a young girl commit suicide. And his superior's Say he hesitated and should have shot her on site because she was one of the rebels fighting against the government. but he feels diffidently about and is having trouble living with himself after this ordeal. And meets a mysterious girl that says she is the sister of the the girl he killed and a web on intrigue and suspense shoots off like a blot of lighting. Overall at the end you will feel drained and be begging for more to this masterpiece of cinema. Even if you hate anime cartoons or any thing of that short give this a try its moving well written and a superb story.
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24 July 2006
wow this is a amazing film its not like any other of its type. the story was good some really good plot twists some of it is so r rated that it makes other films like it look like a kid movie and the acting is so well done. the fight sences are well done. and with one of the most disturbing sences ever in us cinema. the movie gets darker and darker the is a very gritty movie. with a strong sex sense and then some graphic nude seces this is a very mature film with some fairytale stuff not a fairytale ending but dark grimsbother fairytale elements . and is like some of the 70's movies cool shootouts and well shot well acted and well wrote. i highly recommend rent and or buying this is a cult classic. the only flaw is it could have used one more shootout.
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Layer Cake (2004)
wow what a amazing movie
30 June 2006
wow what a amazing movie i said that after seeing it for the first time i mainly saw it since Mr Craig is going to be bond but after wards i was thinking that this was the best gangster movie i have seen with great acting i mean the acting it amazing great plot a true escape this is why we watch movies to escape and to enjoy your self well you enjoy and escape i loved this movie and the ending is whats so great it just gets ya layer cake is a true great film worth seeing but just to say its not a a Acton movie its a thriller a drama with some funny stuff and all of the stuff to make a great movie and it never get old its just great the ending get you each time you watch it even you know its coming you don't think it going to happen thats what makes it great! :)
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