
9 Reviews
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
Looking for Alaska? It's not here.
19 April 2024
For the most part, this movie promises exactly what it delivers - talented, pretty actors in a clever rom-com where we all hope true love triumphs in the end. So in most ways, you know what you're gonna get.

BUT LET ME CAUTION YOU... the movie also promises a pivotal weekend in Sitka, Alaska, which is an utterly lovely location! But with the exception of some brief B-roll stock footage of eagles, spruce, mountains, and sea lions, THERE IS NO SITKA IN THIS MOVIE. All the "Alaska" scenes were shot in New England. "Movie Magic" (and the need to keep budgets reasonable) aside, this was a BIG disappointment to me.
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Utter Crap
1 January 2024
If you've read any short synopsis of this movie, you don't need to see it. The story begins with an inexplicable set-up (some sort of privatized witness protection program?), kicks off with an unexplained plot twist (why are the bad guys after him NOW?), and proceeds through unbelievable series of public shootouts across the country (at no point across the country were the authorities alarmed or mobilized?). I wish I had these two hours back.

If you get tricked into sitting through this garbage, bring a good book. The story will not require more than about three percent of your attention to keep up with the action.
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Metal Lords (2022)
A Teen Story with Heart and Smarts... and METAL!
24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a lightweight film, but totally successful. Everything works. The scenes in high school made me shiver with tense memories. The music was deftly handled (always a potential trouble spot -- and it seems the actors played their own instruments, very cool!). The melodrama of youth-versus-the-world was played without unnecessary exaggeration (some exaggeration was necessary, but I found it unobjectionable). And while you know all along that there will be a Happy Ending, it was enjoyable to discover what that ending was and how they would get there.

Coarse language and a scene regarding virginity may make this unsuitable for the under-10 kiddos, but I can totally see my young metal cousins making this a movie night with their teenagers. Cue it up and let it rock!
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Captain Nova (2021)
The Art and Craft of Moviemaking
8 April 2022
"Captain Nova" is a prime example of why I love movies -- and why most of the mega-budget schtick coming out of Hollywood leaves me cold. This is a competent science fiction tale with a special effects budget that wouldn't buy breakfast on the set of an Action Hero movie.

The set-up is simple and plausible, given the suspension of disbelief necessary for any sci-fi story. A messenger from the future returns to warn humanity against a catastrophe, but an unforeseen twist of time travel leaves her with little credibility.

Unlike another reviewer, I found the screenplay serviceable (I was reading the subtitles, as my Dutch is, well, I don't speak Dutch!) and the performances convincing, even from the child actors.

Was this a life-changing experience? Have I found new favorite actors or a director? No, not at all. But I'll pay attention the next time I see that a film is from the Netherlands, and I respect the integrity of this team for crafting a beautiful "little" movie that ticks all the boxes for this fan of post-apocalyptic stories, without having to green-screen every other scene or blow up a city or three.
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Tracks (II) (2018)
It Didn't Work for Me
25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely quit a film, but after 30 minutes (a third of the running time), I couldn't take any more.

Many reviewers here comment on the low-budget filmmaking, but I found no faults whatsoever with the technical side of "Tracks." Similarly, the leads seemed entirely competent. So if these filmmakers overcame two of the biggest hurdles to making a good movie -- technical competence and acting chops -- how could they fail?

In a word, "screenplay." The couple's chemistry was nonexistent and the stabs at humor were sophomoric. First, they engage in a mediocre and over-long bout of cutting insults (is this an English thing?); then we try to wring laughs out of speaking a foreign language by pronouncing English words with a bad accent; then we try to use the vacation GoPro to sneak a porn clip of the wife; this leads to the (almost always fruitless) attempt to use masturbation as a comic vehicle... and we haven't even gotten to the explosive diarrhea, which yes, can happen on a vacation and can be funny to a 13-year-old, but is mishandled badly here.

The film's topic (how might a maturing couple rekindle their connection) is a rich vein for comedy and pathos, but after a third of the movie, the Tracks mine had only produced a pitiful mound of slag; I cut my losses and reclaimed an hour of my life.
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Free Guy (2021)
Bullseye Moviemaking
25 February 2022
"Free Guy" FAR exceeded my expectations. As a commentary on modern life, as a satire of the gaming industry, as a philosophical consideration of the nature of existence, plus, of course, as a comedy, both slapstick and sophisticated, it hit the target on nearly every count, avoiding the all-too-common pitfalls of idiot plots, crude dialogue, sophomoric titillation, and aimless action.

Give it a spin. :-9.
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Up to Speed (2012)
Nothing to like here...
12 July 2021
I am generally a fan of quirky, irreverent, even silly takes on common themes, but to call this "travel" show quirky or irreverent gives it too much credit. The research is teaspoon shallow, the production devices are moronic, and host's general silliness is so much of a put-on that it puts me off. This is the TV equivalent of those round, styrofoam-like puffed rice snacks that made the rounds ten years ago -- they looked like a good idea, but once you bit into one, it had no flavor, was dry as the desert, and failed to satisfy any hunger you might have been feeling.

I hope there was a phone call from Mr. Linklater to Mr. Levitch explaining why no more shows would be funded that went something like this: "I'm sorry, Speed, but these shows are not any good."
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
I _so_ wanted to like this movie!
6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film had some great ingredients. I want Toni Collette piloting my spaceship. The idea of a psychodrama in a space has great potential. And I love (not a spoiler) that once the ship is in space, the audience doesn't get to hear the Mission Control side of radio communications. A brilliant touch!

Everything else about this film, unfortunately, stunk. Read the other reviews -- these folks are not just grumpy; this was a truly bad film. Implausible premise and what Roger Ebert used to call "the idiot plot." The solution is present all the time, but the crew and Mission Control fumble it away.
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Baja (2018)
The Whole < the Sum of its Parts
10 November 2019
We screened this title with pretty low expectations, but we're great fans of the Baja California peninsula, so we hoped that we'd at least get to see some great scenery and maybe some familiar places. This film, however, only served to remind us that good movies are hard to make. There was nothing overtly terrible about this effort (well, the "special effects" surfing scenes and the ferry sinking with the RV aboard -- not a spoiler, btw, as this scene is in the trailer -- were so terrible you had to wonder whether the filmmaker realized they were laughable), but when you take a B-minus story (the story had potential, sadly unrealized here), C-plus acting (the cast has talent, I fault the director for not eliciting better performances), C-minus screenplay (oh! the dialogue! the cliches! the cultural condescension! the tedious expository moments!), D-plus digital color grading (a heavy-handed directorial indulgence that should have been totally unnecessary) on top of the aforementioned failed effects, you get a D-minus-minus movie. The whole turned out to be MUCH less than the sum of its parts. And the lure of a vicarious road trip down the peninsula? Sorry, no dice here, either, as the movie was almost completely shot in and around a modern development in Loreto, standing in for scenes as disparate as the old city of La Paz and the Los Cabos International airport. Oh, I should add that the music was pretty good -- and while none of it stuck with me the next day, it was maybe the best part of the movie! Better Baja movies abound. Dial up the desert-racing documentary DUST TO GLORY, or the Spanish-language dramedy CAMINO A MARTES, just to name two. Let this one dry in the desert dust and never waste anyone's time again.
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