21 Reviews
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
Now this is adaptation!
28 September 2023
Having just watched nocturne, I decided to revisit this.

Nocturne is terrible, just to bullet point that.

This however, is incredible!

Every character is fleshed out beautifully throughout each season and the smaller and bigger stories are immense! The action is beautiful and the animation really stands out. Feels like every frame was drawn and painted by a fan of the games. I loved every minute! Voice acting was taken seriously too, definitely felt like people really felt what they were saying.

If the upcoming devil may cry series is even half as good as this I'll enjoy it immensely.

Netflix, this is the way to do animation and story telling, keep doing this!
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Life (I) (2017)
If you rate this higher, you don't know what a good movie is
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason this isn't getting rated 1 star is because the general concept is good. A single cell organism from mars getting re animated and causing problems is a great premise.

The script is dumb, the story is dumber.

How you expect me to believe that any astronauts don't understand quarantine, let alone don't understand it's importance.

The very American action movie attitude of opening containment to save someone who is clearly doomed is so frustrating I resent Hollywood for using that outdated trope. Every bad decision they make in the movie just frustrates me more.

Then the science, wow where to start? Things like momentum, gravity, even the biology of the creature all mean nothing to the writers as they just change things whenever they feel like. First the creature can survive extended times in space and atmospheric entry, then it can't survive cold? Pick one!

If you want a Sci fi horror flic that doesn't forget it's own lore watch event horizon, aliens, predator, prey, europa report, the list goes on. Don't waste your time with this.
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Resident Evil 2 (2019 Video Game)
Final fantasy 7 needs to take note
16 July 2022
This is how you remake a game and a franchise. It's somehow both faithful to the original and entirely new. I felt the same playing through this several times as I did 20 years ago doing the same with the original. I'm now getting the next one without any thought just based on how good this is.

Characters are great, script works, gameplay took getting used to but once you've got it you can smash the harder difficulties. It's just a perfect example of this type of game.

As my title says, the ff7 remake should've seen this a rethought it's entirely concept. This is now the benchmark of rebooting games.
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Futurama (1999– )
Ages like a fine wine
16 July 2022
I grew up with the Simpson's, and here Matt proved he's no one hit wonder with a long standing show that is somehow better than his first creation.

Every episode is brilliant, some more so than others, but it's entirely watchable from start to finish in practically any order. Such a rarity in tv shows.

When I have kids one day, they will have this to grow up with and that's just fantastic.
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Farzar (2022)
Another Netflix mess
16 July 2022
Let's be quick I've wasted enough time on this show already.

It's paradise pd, but somehow worse.

Occasionally funny, but not enough to keep you interested. Characters are stupid, script is dumb, most of the jokes are on the nose or overused.

On a plus note I now want to rewatch futurama and Rick and Morty thanks to the reference in the first episode, so now I'm enjoying myself again.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Writing this as I'm watching
14 July 2022
Ok so first episode. Let's just get the obvious out of the way, this is a total reboot of resident evil. Only one character carries over from the games and previous films and he's re written so his character is absolutely nothing like the old one. So wesker, just a name. Although I will say he's an excellent actor and the scenes he's in I enjoyed.

The rest of the cast, or writing, or directing, is poor. I don't know how to explain to Netflix that people don't act like this. The stuff it shows before the world ends, and after, people in the real world don't behave like this show makes them. So many shows and films have such terribly written characters and personally im detached immediately when I see it.

The story isn't gripping me so far, it seems unimaginative and a worse ride than the terrible resident evil films of the past.

The music is all over the place and changes in volume drastically at the drop of a hat. Hard to get the right tension for a scene when your senses are being attacked.

As of right now I'm confused as to why I'm spending so much time watching the normal world before the zombies, why am I watching a teen drama and not a zombie in sight for this long?

Ok finally something seemingly affected by the virus, and we only see it because the characters are morons. But because it's tv, they get plot speed and plot armour so that's ok I guess.

I also can't tell if this show is trying to be funny or not, so many bits seem like it was meant to be a joke but it's so tone deaf.

I've only just realised too that this top secret massively rich virus lab has no staff on night shift and no security guards? Incredible. Definitely believable. What am I watching.

In conclusion, I'm not watching another episode. I had such high hopes, that was a disappointing experience.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Proof good writing exists
5 June 2022
This is the show! Like obviously I like breaking bad it's incredible but to add on a spin off that's just as good while doing it's own thing is a hard job and these guys nailed it. Watch breaking bad, then watch this, and then be thankful that you've just been entertained for a great many hours!
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The Batman (2022)
Incredible refresh of a classic world
11 March 2022
Just watched it today and I'm blown away.

The cinematography on its own was marvellous, really nailing the gritty dirty vibe of Gotham city in a way we haven't seen yet, while highlighting bits of beauty to make a point of it.

The characters were performed how I perceive to be perfectly.

Pattinson is more than convincing as a younger, obsessed Batman. As a polar opposite of batfleck and his broken older cynical Batman, pattinsons is driven, angry and has little interest in life outside the cowl. I very much loved the identity struggle theme.

Kravitz gives an addictive performance as catwoman. Tough, quick thinking, vulnerable but dangerous.

Colin Farrell as penguin was unexpectedly fantastic, the prosthetics team deserve an Oscar.

Jim Gordon is the best I've seen him played in my opinion, shown as an optimistic beacon of hope among the grim visage of Gotham. You can tell Batman looks up to him in a lot of ways.

Alfred was the harder one to get but only because there's not enough of him, but what we see is a more mentally involved Alfred. He's part of Bruce's investigations and I liked that.

Falcone was done perfectly too, a very good gangster trope with a few twists.

Riddler has a truly unique interpretation in this film and it's refreshing to have the character as far away from any other performance of riddler so far. He's uncomfortable to watch and that's part of the point really.

All in all, perfect casting.

What made me give this a full 10/10 is the world building. I didn't feel like I was being treated like and idiot, but I didn't feel like the story stopped to tell me a story. It was all seem less. I now know what this Gotham is, and how it got there. The hints at other characters were many, some subtle and some obvious but moving forward the director has so many viable options that the future of this particular Batman franchise is possibly the most exciting thing in comic movies right now.

Also a side note. The penguin series sounds great, the Arkham series sounds super interesting and the catwoman series sounds like a winner, I'm looking forward to all three now!
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Axiom Verge 2 (2021 Video Game)
Surprised I'm the first to review
22 January 2022
The first game gained a good following, I'm not the only one to buy the second straight off the back of the first right?

It's got some of the same controls and sounds, but that's where the similarities end.

It's basically a worse game which is a shame as you can tell a lot of thought went into it.

The choice to focus on melee weapons isn't a good one, nor is the choice to give you one ranged weapon and have it as a damn boomerang.

The music isn't as good as the first game and feels a little out of place except for in the breach.

The characters seem more developed but I couldn't resonate with them like the first.

Honestly if this had a different name and was marketed as it's own thing it would've had better reviews, the first game gets you hyped and then this one sort of lets you down.

I do hope they make a third, and they take all the good things from the first two games and make something amazing. This instalment will sadly leave you wanting.
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Axiom Verge (2015 Video Game)
One of the best metroidvanias made
22 January 2022
I'll keep it short. It's not perfect, but it's as good if not better than a lot of the games that followed from super Metroid and castlevania:symphony or the night. It's got loads of places to explore, great atmosphere and music, fantastic gameplay and it's addictive. Go get it!
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Great tv
19 November 2021
It's not perfect, but then name a tv show that's well loved that's perfect!

I can pick worse holes in shows bigger than this, yet people are dragging this, crazy!

John Cho looks exactly like spike, and his acting is top notch.

Everyone else is fine, they suit and are wacky enough to fit in with the mixture of live action and what the anime was.

The only criticism I have is vicious, who isn't at all like the anime, like not even a little bit. You'll have to watch it to get it but yeah, he's a good villain, but the anime version was truly terrifying in comparison. Maybe this take just works better with live action who knows.

Anyway, the people who bang on about being true to the source material and rate this so low probably gave shows like titans a 10/10, so ignore them and watch this and have some fun!

Lighten up you purists 😂
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The marvel you hear about
15 November 2021
So the best way to describe the last big release from marvel, black widow, is dull. Poor story, badly cast, terrible villain, lack lustre action.

I went into this film completely ready for disappointment, and instead found it to be the perfect marvel recipe!

Correct casting, everyone is perfect as far as I'm concerned.

Nice pace to the story, I never felt bored.

Excellent villain. I really wanted to like him even though he had done so much to hate, which is the best kind of villain.

It stayed connected with what we know but challenged how we know it. Marvel needs to use this as it's foundation for film structure and continue to try new things. They also need to avoid taking beloved characters and dulling their edge over time (I'm looking at Bucky Barnes, black widow and Bruce banner specifically).

What I'm saying is, see this movie. It doesn't disappoint. If you like the better marvel movies like gotg, avengers, captain America 2 etc this should nicely work for you as a mixture of the bunch.
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The Outsider (I) (2018)
What's everyone else actually watching?
13 September 2021
Not only was the story and script stolen and Americanised, but what they've ended up with is so empty it hurts.

Nothing actually happens. There, I've spoiled it for you. The story is a drag and several decent actors decided to not act all that much. There's far less action than I was hoping for and no real rewarding ending.

The poster suggested swordplay, but you'll find none here.

I kind of get what the aim was, but this isn't a modern day goodfellas.

All in all, I finished the movie feeling very bored, which is a shame as I love most everything with leto in.
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Days Gone (2019 Video Game)
Great game
25 August 2021
By no means perfect, but great gameplay, fantastic voice acting, great story that gets you really involved, brutal combat and overall this is one of the best zombie games you'll ever play. I genuinely want a sequel, and to replay this one again now!
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A sad end to a great legacy
25 August 2021
And no the title isn't referring to the story.

There isn't much of a story, unlike previous metal gear games. It's a few cutscenes that don't do much, lots of cassettes that don't do much and a lot of cut content.

Gameplay though, fantastic! Addictive and varied. There's lots to discover here and that's why I played it for hours on end. That's why it gets 5* instead of none. It felt good to sneak, fight and upgrade everything.

That said, they ruined metal gear online, the previous version with mgs4 was amazing and had a strong fan base, the new one was a cheap cod copy and suffered because of it.

Invading other players bases was fun but not as involved or captivating.

Fact is, they ruined this game by firing kojima and releasing it unfinished. I will resent them for that, because it had all the potential to be the best game ever, and instead wasn't even half the game I wanted. Real shame.

You want mgs? Go play 1,2,3,4 and rising. Leave this one alone.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020 Video Game)
Am I playing the same game?
25 August 2021
Visuals 10/10. Truly an awe inspiring view from start to finish especially if you're a veteran of the original game.

Voice acting 6/10. As with all final fantasies with voice acting, it's not great, but does the bare minimum of what it's supposed to.

Story 7/10. If you take liberties with an existing property you have to be careful, and some of the new stuff was welcome, some definitely wasn't for me. I'm curious to see the next instalments take on the direction they've gone but I'm now a little worried it'll go way off course.

Finally, gameplay 2/10. Why on earth final fantasy/square Enix think taking a game that already exists and rather than expanding on its gameplay, just copy and paste ff15s gameplay on to it with a couple of tweaks would work is beyond me. Moreover, the fact so many people love this gameplay format shows how out of touch I am with gaming these days.

I love and miss the turn based strategy of ff7,8,9 and 10. I enjoyed 12s different take but 15 just felt like button bashing with extra steps. This game is literally that, you just tap one button and occasionally change character. If they wanted hack and slash why not go full devil may cry? I just felt bored in the fights, not engaged in the slightest. Breeezed through the action in the game and I suppose that means I get to enjoy the story but still, it was disappointing.

The bike bits were good, and every time I had to squeeze down an alley I wanted to smash my PS4 because of how long it took.

Maybe I'm not the demographic, maybe I'm not meant to play new games anymore, or maybe final fantasy has changed. Either way, I won't be buying the next instalment.
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Black Widow (2021)
11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok let's get the obvious big stuff out of the way.

Yes Disney didn't pay scarlet what they contractually agreed to so they deserve to be sued.

Right on to the film.

It's an almost pointless story, that butchers the character of taskmaster because the writers and producers couldn't work out how the character from the comics would work in a movie (they've been at this more than 10 years though).

Scarlet plays her part fine, the other characters are almost entirely replaceable (I don't buy into florences hype) and red guardian is the only redeeming thing here.

Honestly by the end of the film I was just tired. I expected winter soldier levels of action and suspense and got about 30% of that.

Two questions, first: why on earth was the taskmaster change approved?

Second: why on earth choose ray winston? Was no one else, literally no one on earth available? A cockney Russian? Wow.

Anyways to summarise, just like solo a Star Wars movie was an origin story for his gun, this film is an origin story for a utility vest that no one paid attention to in infinity war. I'm serious, that's really the only takeaway from this movie. I won't be revisiting it.
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Catfished by the trailers
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The trailers showed this as a he man reboot, which I would welcome.

2002 saw a he man cartoon that re imagined each characters origins perfectly and gave us a story and action that fits well between the comics and original cartoon.

The reality here is a show about some side characters that removed the titular hero and villain straight after their introductions.

The action is full, the characters aren't fleshed out much, the voice acting is awful which is the biggest flaw here seeing the acting talent involved.

I mean, mark hamill falling flat? Who could've believed that?

I loved he man as a child, skeletor was my favourite character, both have been butchered by an experienced writer. I can't understand why this was ever made or who it was made for.

Final point, I would rather watch that god awful movie with dolph lundgren on repeat than watch this again, at least they got skeletor right back then!
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Friends: The Reunion (2021 TV Special)
Great idea spoiled by corden
30 May 2021
Why did James corden have to be in any way involved? There's enough personalities in friends with the entire cast being involved and schwimmer hosting the quiz section it's so nonsensical that they needed a host. Having such an awful presenter involved just took me out of the whole thing.
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Ghost of Tsushima (2020 Video Game)
The most surprising game of the year
16 December 2020
With cyberpunk being a technical disaster and the rich kids saying it's all because you have to play it on ps5, this game is proof that PS4 is more than capable of running a game with a huge open world, deep story, great gameplay and incredible visuals. The only game to compare this to fairly is red dead redemption 2, which is obviously a masterpiece. And if you compare them, the similarities are uncanny.

For a start, the world. It's huge but it's not red dead huge. There's loads to do, loads to see and you can get lost for a few hours without forgetting what you're actually doing.

Then there's gameplay. Fun and responsive, a good mix of assassins creed and breath of the wild.

And finally story, which is more than I imagined when starting, and left me feeling a little sad at the end no matter what choices I made. And replaying on new game plus didn't feel like a chore so it's definitely replayable.

Downsides, really all come down to comparing it to red dead. It's not as big, not as long, and not quite as addictive to play. That's not exactly a huge criticism given that it's still many hours of great fun.

If you're a single player gamer, get this game and hopefully they will release dlc and a sequel to expand on this great game that came out of nowhere and blew my mind.
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Hollow Knight (2017 Video Game)
Revival of platformers!
7 November 2020
Great game, challenging (annoyingly so at times) but rewarding. Beautiful to explore, story that doesn't intrude on the gameplay but keeps you informed. It's so very close to the overall vibe that super Metroid has, which is high praise. I've gotten stressed out with this game from time to time but really it's only because I'm being impatient and rushing in a game that wants you to learn and plan and take your time. My criticisms are limited. I don't like that if you die, it can be quite a long distance from the nearest bench back to where you were to go kill your ghost and get your points back. But I can't think of another original platformer released in the last 5 years that's quite this good.
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