
93 Reviews
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Fallout (2024– )
One episode in. Will edit if need be
18 April 2024
So, like the title says, I am 1 episode in. I have played 3,4, and new Vegas. So I know the lore and design and overall gameplay. With all that said, I don't see any reason this show is below a 9 after 1 episode. Yeah we got box checking roles and yeah we got unnecessary sex and yeah we got a character that doesn't make sense in regards to the game. But other than that, it all looks great. Between the nuka cola machine and the sugar bombs to grognak and pipboys, I'm liking it. Even a raider shot jet (or was it psycho?) in this episode. That's about as close as you can get showing a character shoot drugs from the game onscreen. Nonstop homage to the games.

Yes, like I menationed earlier, the above ones I mentioned are lows for the show. And yes I see others say the steel armor looks fake. I agree in a way. But I need to see it used in combat and how it's portrayed before I make a decision. It looks pretty close to fallout 4s armor. I seen someone mention new Vegas. Not seeing anything like that here. Actually the NCR and the Legion would be great to have on a big screen, sprinkling in BoS and enclave(there's a Easter egg in the game) I just don't get the low reviews from so called "gamers" of this. Unless it completely changes, I think it's ok. Give me a deathclaw and a mirelurk and some energy weapons and ok. Throw in some radiation and boomskies.

*1st edit. Starting episode 4. I'm not sure what creature that was in 3 but it wasn't anything like a mirelurk unless it was a mirelurk king. Maybe a made up one. Not sure. No idea how it died either. Maybe the human was poison? Idk I'm dropping a point for that and no weapons being used really. Where was the laser gun and that giant rifle squire was given in the bag?

2nd edit- 2 episodes left for season 1 and we get an NCR power armor spotting. So this is supposedly somewhat in new Vegas territory. Cool. No change in rating.

Final edit- so the "mirelurk" I called it is an enemy from fallout 76 called a grouper (I think). Ahh. Started that game couple weeks ago and haven't made it that far to kill one yet. Season 1 is basically an intro to the fallout game series, which I don't mind. It's good to get the non game players caught up on the design and plot. The problem with this is there's little action and little enemies/characters we see. We get a lot of fallout lore between nuka cola, robco, dogmeat, etc... but very few enemies. Maybe saving the budget for season 2? Idk but we need ghouls, super mutants, raiders, rad scorpions etc... we got none of that in season 1 and those enemies are in all the games. Staples. Least the recent platform ones. 8 is a valid rating.
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Identity (2003)
Overrated imo
8 April 2024
Randomly had this movie pop-up on IMDB and after reading the description figured I'd give it a go. A whodunit style movie with good actors? Ok. Well, I agree with some of the other low ratings. This isn't no 7 or above. I give it a 6 and that is because the acting is good and the story is decent. But man, the ending and overall story once the "twist" is revealed is bad. Like others said, why open the screen and not pull the vehicle over? Where's backup? Driving in middle of desert on empty road? What? Maybe this passed audience reviews and wasn't noticed back in early 2000s but it doesn't anymore. Just too unbelievable. Also, the judge's decision is just bad. No way, at least I'd hope, that would happen in 2024.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020 Video Game)
Not that good imo
2 April 2024
I have played final fantasy 10, 10-2, and 12. Played kingdom hearts. So I'm familiar with the characters somewhat here and final fantasy gameplay in general. But I didn't really care for this game. The graphics are good. I liked the straight line kind of gameplay. Some don't, I did. And that's really about it.

Cons 1. The bosses and whole battle system was rather easy. Played on normal. Yes I did die some, but not against Sephiroth or any of the actual hard bosses. Weird right? Someone else mentioned hack and slash and yes that's about what I did. Heal, hack and slash, heal etc... never did use the remedy spells or even hardly any of the magic stuff. Nothing like FF10 or 12. All the materia was pointless.

2. The random noise expressions the characters make. Weird grunts, sighs, etc... those are annoying and they occur nonstop.

3. Like I said I never played original. But I have really no idea what the story was about. Who sephiroth was, who cloud was, who any of the characters where really besides the annoying eco terrorist whatever. Cloud was a soldier who did or didn't assume another persons identity? Sephiroth was what again? And no love interest or anything for cloud? I read the synopsis for the original and it sounds completely different but clearer. Poor story imo here.
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Easy review and I'm only halfway through
26 March 2024
I'm on sitting number 3 as I started this the other night before bed. And nothing has made me stay up and watch it all the way through in 1 sitting. Like I said I'm halfway through and it's easy to rate and review this cause I know it won't get any better.

I decided to look up last night if there were any rhymes or reasons why Mera was removed from the entire movie basically. And nothing besides "bad chemistry" with her and momoa. Maybe but I guarantee the depp/heard trial and how she's a wacko made the decision to remove scenes. And it's so noticeable. The dialog is so bad. Zero chemistry. Aquaman is basically a single dad except they are still married (he even says "my wife" to black manta) yet you never see her. Just bizarre. Also, we get a Nicole Kidman spotting. Barely. Another character gone so far. If I had to guess she was in scenes with heard so those had to be cut too. Momoa is apparently living with dad half the time with his kid, but Mera and Kidman are nowhere to be found? What?

Speaking of manta, what in the world man. He's got an entire crew somehow and then I guess we get a flash forward a month after touching the trident and he's possessed by the ancient villain? And he found a bunch of "ancient" stuff that still works without issue? Idk it's all bad.

Graphics are all cgi. We get a Star Wars cantina/jabba scene with aquaman and bro. Why? So bad.

But seriously the worst thing is the dialogue. It is non-existent and cringe for the first 30. You can tell Mera scenes were cut or re-shot poorly or something. It deserves a 1 but since the action is decent and momoa and his cringe but acceptable jokes are around, a 3 is ok.

EDIT! Another star is lost! Sad. Not. Mera and Kidman make an appearance when their child/grandbaby, who was forgotten after the first 15 minutes, makes an appearance 1hr 30 min in. Oh no they say as Superdad aquaman is the first inside followed by grandma then mom. Then, we see grandpa getting coddled by grandma, even though we haven't seen the two of them together all movie. I could go on but I won't. Pure trash. Watch if for yourself and prove me wrong.
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3 stories in one
16 March 2024
Try to keep it spoiler free. I've never heard of this movie and the only thing I knew about it going in was the brief summary/preview IMDB has in the description. So I was completely blown away after the turn the movie took with the event with gosling and cooper.

After that for the next 30 min or so, it's a different movie, focusing on cooper and his goings on afterwards. Mmm not bad, just completely different than the first part. I get it, where building a story to have an ending.

Finally, we fast forward and then it focuses on the kids. I almost predicted the ending, but didn't quite expect that. So that was good. But the way it played out is highly unlikely. But I get it. The point is to show how the event with cooper and gosling affected both families. And almost neither for the better. The place beyond the pines seems to be the restart point for those who end up getting there.

The only thing somewhat in a cliffhanger is coopers kid, but with the expression on his face at the end, it seems he has a rebirth as well. Not sure I agree with how that was done.

Some odd dialogue and imo awkward scenes with people not knowing what to do keeps this movie down. I think a 7, maybe 8 is fair.
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Assassin's Creed: Origins (2017 Video Game)
Completely different
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first assassins creed game with the rpg type play through. And I liked it. I see others complain about it not being assassins creed. Well it is. Still similar stuff. But it is an open battle/fight type at times. Which I thought was ok but I usually did the stealth. Rather east imo even playing on hard once you figure the game out. I'd give the gameplay and stuff a 9.

Anyways, the reason this game isn't a 10 imo is because it feels like it was written by 2 different people. First, we had the revenge fueled father that wants to avenge his son and still will do anything for him. Even in death. Second, we have the strong woman who is becoming more of a leader rather than a wife and mother and even drops the baggage and title by the end of the game. Why? What is the point of making the mom the strong woman I don't need a husband or family anymore type of person? It's not realistic and completely against history. I get it, this is a game and made up. But cmon. The story with the dad avenging his son and even still showing love and missing him is phenomenal. As a dad I can relate. The final dad mission, which can be completed at any time, but I did after game, is aligning the stars. And still, his words and even feelings are so real. And yet, momma off doing her own thing. Just completely feminist anti family garbage. If the game and graphics weren't so good I'd drop it to a 5 at best.

Finally, the trophies are a joke. Ones glitching and not possible for me (krockodopolis fighting others have complained too) and you don't get one for doing all the vantage points. Also, there are wayyyyy to many locations. Good god. I gave up on that too. Take a point for that. There can only be so many camps and treasure spots.
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The Killer (2023)
I liked it but for one fight scene
3 March 2024
I'm surprised by the rating for this movie. I guess everyone is a movie snob nowadays and thinks they know what is good and isn't good.

In this case, this movie is a near 10 for me. Great acting, great storytelling, and a believable script. This is similar to the accountant with the killer being methodical. But different.

The reason it is not a 10 is because of the unbelievable fight scene with the thug in Florida. Cmon. Everything before and after that is believable but that scene. Without spoiling too much fassbender gets haymakers and an uppercut and appears to even be knocked out. Only to come too and perform a miraculous comeback. I should also mention his opponent gets numerous glass broken on his head. Yeah his head. And continues fighting normally. In this day and age I would think everyone has seen the ufc or at least sees someone get knocked out by one punch. They don't instantly wake up normal and get to fighting again. I guess only Hollywood has not seen real world fights.
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Surrogates (2009)
Agree with a lot of the new reviews
2 March 2024
If the AI doesn't get us then this is a very real possibility. And then once this is the new norm, the AI could very well take over with actual bodies. Geeze.

Anyways, this movie is 100% a possibility. Think about it. How many people create fake personas and profiles online? How many people get catfished? How many are paid to be instagram models? With this, everyone is catfished and an Instagram model and the sad part is no one cares. Cause it's not them. People are so vain now it's very easy to see them resorting to this next.

I'm regards to acting, I think it was solid. Bruce and the others looked fake when hooked up to their robots. Which is correct. Looked real when not. It's nice to see Bruce not having to kick everyone's blank for once but instead just be a normal cop.
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The Crow (1994)
Pretty good
1 March 2024
I came into this not remembering what happened to the lead actor or the comic. Just popped up on my things to watch with an above 7.5 rating. I've known about this movie for along time but never watched it. It came out when I was 7 so way too young to watch it. But it's a good one for the 90s.

The music is awesome. For being early 90s, I love the soundtrack. Since this movie came out so many good songs in this genre could be used. Shame they couldn't show up here.

Jason Lee would have been a big name aside from his dad. He did a good job in this movie.

The scenery and set was awesome and pure dark/goth. Think Batman returns but a little lower budget.came out in a similar timeframe.

CGI is early 90s. Lower budget. Not really used a bunch which is good.

There's some things in the story that is ehh but doesn't make it bad. But doesn't get it a 10. Solid 8.

I see there's a remake coming. With pennywise. Hmm. Already despise his haircut. Hopefully the story is still good, scenery dark, and soundtrack good. That will save it.
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Halo: Reach (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Great epsiode
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well after ehh episodes and the still disappointment last week, we get a gem. That ends in a gem. No garbage kwan. And we get to see chief being a normal person (with abilities sure) but no armor. And a great speech from Keyes. And a Spartan die. And maybe the heretic with makee? Is makee a clone? Hmm we don't know. The only part I didn't really like was the amount of jackals with an energy sword. I played through reach and I don't remember that many with a sword. Random sure. But not squads of em.

To take up space, it appears Soren has a bigger role. Ok sure whatever. Maybe he becomes a Spartan again? Yep calling it. And still no flood. I imagine we see that at season end.
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Halo: Visegrad (2024)
Season 2, Episode 3
Agree with others
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've played the games and vaguely remember em. Haven't played since reach. And this is first review. But man, wtf is going on. The master Spartan is portrayed as a nutcase? And the silver team, which I do remember other Spartans in previous games, question him? And Keyes same? I do remember Keyes being a big name (all state dude right?) in the prior games but I don't remember challenging him. Why does Kai challenge EVERYTHING chief does? Good god. I thought this season would be better. Where's the flood? I remember that in halo 2. But no peep of it or what it even is here. Just poor setup. Like another dude said u have the material to make an easy A. Yet we get a B minus. So stupid.
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Fast forward a part
9 February 2024
The musical dance scene? Uh no. That was a quick fast forward. No reason to have that and it made zero sense to the story. It continues to boggle me how people keep talking tough to the supposedly invincible and unbalanced homelander but he rarely puts them in their place besides his speech to the tv and speech to starlight. And her reaction (in previous episode)? Not impressed with the acting. He coulda been more sinister too.

Another episode, another radical scum, in this case ant ifa( do it this way, hopefully it gets past censors) are portrayed as good guys. Yawn. That's a slap in the face to good black folks, who aren't members of that trash in real life.

Seems every episode this season we keep getting agenda. Never happened in season1. Season 2 was a political message the entire theme, especially since it came out the same year as the last president election. Buts it's odd how political this season is.
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The Boys: The Only Man in the Sky (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
Yeah more leftism
6 February 2024
Writers I promise you we aren't stupid. I promise. The "conspiracies" we believe in are all proven true. And no I'm not talking about flat earth as that is 100% fake. Teaching kids to hate America in classrooms? It's all over certain cities. I see the videos all the time on social media. My point is there was literally no point in the whole gun rally trash scene.

Side note, not sure why the gun hero was driving a 6 cylinder challenger. Idiotic. Also, I never understood why the dude who plays a-train was never in better shape. He was never ripped but he doesn't really look any different now than he used too.
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Downwind (I) (2023)
Not what I was expecting
27 January 2024
The film isn't bad. But it's not what you may think. One thing I disliked was they should have steered clear of showing the professor (aren't they always college instructors sigh) far left commie sign. We aren't all in this together. Another, was the crazy Shoshone guy. He was ranting and raving. But no evidence did he provide. Also, why was Lewis black in this?

Speaking of evidence, where was it to back up the claims? I 100% agree that the soil, water, food, all of it, has been contaminated from radioactive material. But I need proof. No one went out and did soil samples or used a Geiger counter or anything during this. Just bizarre. The whole doc is about downwind radiation affecting those in the area. Wouldn't you want to prove that by sampling data in that area? Also, wouldn't you try and get information in regards to cancer and sickness rates in the area over the past 50 years? Like provide some actual scientific data? Not just that poor ladies brief family history (which was sad).

Idk it's a topic that needs to be researched and looked into more but I imagine the fed gubmint and those in charge don't want it to be looked into just like they don't want you to know about cancer mutagens added to vaccines back in the 70s-80s that completely affected most of the US population. Also, the aids virus was man made. Did you know any of that? Nope you didn't and that's exactly how they want it.
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watch and compare to the real world
22 January 2024
First. How did this get made? The entire premise of the book, although idk how political it was, was to show how an authoritarian worldview like authoritarian, communism, Marxism, socialism, democrat, is bad. And how being free is good. And this show had tied in tech. Which is EXACTLY where we are going as a society. Wake the blank up people! How did globalist owned nbc allow this to get made in the first place when it shows the future they want to impose on us? Really surprising.

Second. This show being cancelled after one series is hillarious as it shows what these scumbags want to do to humanity. You don't matter. Your skin, your gender, your intellectual, don't matter to them. What matters is what you think and vote. If you can be brainwashed into feeding your feelings rather than critical thinking you are their puppets. Get rid of God and morals. Feed your desires. And this show does a good job showing it.

Third. It goes for both sides. There are only conservatives out there now that despise the uniparty. And if you think the uniparty doesn't really exist then explain how bills get passed in Washington when one side claims to be on the right and one side claims to be on the left?

*edit I dropped rating to 8. The show still is pretty good, but too many questions out there unanswered still and I doubt we will get answers with one season.
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Tacoma FD (2019–2023)
Very good
14 January 2024
So this is what broken lizard has been doing since beerfest and super troopers. After having some disappointing movies since those two gems (super troopers 2 yuck) I found this and wow it's good. And what's even funnier is the best characters aren't even the broken lizard regulars. The Hawaiian and black dude are the best. Great characters and the actors play em well. While watching there are now stop cameos of the regulars from the crews movies which is awesome too. What's odd is this show isn't as popular as it should be. It looks like it was put on trutv? Im watching it on hbomax. Hopefully it gets extended for more seasons and the guys don't change anything.
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The Hunted (2003)
Average rating perfect
24 December 2023
What a bizarre movie. And when I say bizarre I don't mean weird story or out there script. No. I mean just a flat out odd way of directing and producing and writing a base script that could have been a 10.

The premise starts out pretty good. And that's really it. I think the acting was good overall. No complaints there. But the way the actors acted and dialogue between them was just yuck. Trash

And other than that, too many questions arise. Did Del Toro actually commit war crimes and kill innocents instead of his target? I don't know after watching. It's never clear. Where the hunters actually "sweepers" like he called them? Idk. Why doesn't Lee Jones try and talk some sense into him in the first encounter, show empathy, and offer to help? He's the trainer, he don't care? What happened with the letters he had at the end? Also, tommy Lee overpowering Benicio during the fights, especially after taking a knife through the arm? Yeah sure...

Nothing is really clear in this movie. It's def a 5 and just makes you mad because it could be a great one had it been re-written and re-directed.
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Prisoners (2013)
That ending and detective work sure was a maze
6 December 2023
10 years later and I'm finally watching this movie. Had I known more about the premise I would have watched it earlier as the story is great. Overall the acting is phenomenal. Jake G is one of my favorite actors. The guy who plays Alex Jones (odd they chose that as his name) is great also. This was a preview of him for his future role as the riddler. Very good.

All the scenes with jackman kidnapping the suspect, questioning, torturing, everything is 100% relatable I think. I'd do the same, probably worse had I been in his situation. Especially when the dude said what he did when he was released.

My issue is the maze/background wasn't really explained well. Who was the weirdo in the house? Also, the cop/detective work was really bad. It took him forever to notice the medallion being the same as the pictures. Cmon. The police were canvassing the property but didn't move vehicles or use scent dogs to search or anything at Jones house? Good god. What was the connection to the snakes?

Idk there's some more but this is why it doesn't get a 10. I didn't have an issue with the length either. Just too many questions and bad police work.
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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019 Video Game)
Awefully high rating. Why
4 December 2023
So, I've played the old force unleashed games. I've played the old prince of Persia games. And I've played half of the assassin creed games. This game combines all of them. Wall running, lightsaber, force push, slowdown, and jumping/swinging. All of it. And man, the controls on this game are just flat out clunky. Another review described it well. When you are going down the rocks or ice, o man. Get ready. The controlling is horrendous. No slow down. No speed up. Navigation is nothing. Be prepared to die numerous times when it comes to jumping and whatnot. Wow.

Combat wise, not impressed. I'm far enough in I just unlocked the lightsaber throw. And man the moves/combos are a bore. Wait, what combos? There are none. It's block and parry and that's it. Press triangle or square pause square. Yawn. I was playing on hard but said I'm tired of parrying nonstop. Dumb. Force runs out instantly and most moves do nothing to boss/stronger enemies. So what's the point?

I will say The graphics are good, I'm playing on ps4. I got the game for under $10. Worth it. No way would it be worth over $15. I'm telling ya, the gameplay is clunky. I've rolled/dove over the edge numerous times too. Got backed in a corner numerous times. Can't get out without rolling nonstop. Just bad.

There's a reason god of war was game of the year two years recently. Compare it to this.
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Swamp Thing (2019)
Let's go hbomax, bring this back
11 October 2023
Not sure what they are waiting on. This show is actually good. Great horror show. The dark scenery makes the swampy nature feel real. I'm about halfway through the series and the story is pretty good. Also, swamp thing looks great. And the CGI which is actually pretty sparse so far, is done perfectly. Also, the small town tycoon that runs the area and owns the cops is totally believable. Different rules and laws for those in small towns, just like cities. Corruption is always around. The only thing I'm not sure about is the supernatural dead daughter. More is to be revealed on it but right now it's the only unclear thing for the most part. Probably setting up for a season 2 that never came to be. I'm not giving it a 10 as the way the CDC doctor is able to do all kinds of stuff around town, regardless if she is a local, is not real. If there's a crime scene, CDC doctor doesn't get special privileges. Also, the laughable protocols that no one follows are blatant. First episode she says masks gloves and goggles are required. Yet she walks into a room wearing none. Eyeroll.

*EDIT I changed it to an 8. I'm on episode 6 now and one annoying thing that is not realistic at all is the fact it ALWAYS seems to be dreary or dark when people are out and about the area. Where's the sun at? It's like the writers and directors have never seen the show swamp people or even visited a swamp. Where's the gators? I like the supernatural stuff still. Show is kinda creepy and swamp thing is slowly getting more powers. But the fact this show is pretty much entirely in the dark, even during the day, is not right. Sun shines a ton in the swamp area in Louisiana, which is where the setting is for this.
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Soylent Green (1973)
I must be missing something
3 October 2023
After seeing some of the highlights and already knowing the story due to infowars, I still wanted to see what the movie was about. And man, this was bad. Similar to the omega man, another Heston movie with futuristic potential. That was bad too. Maybe it's movies from the 70s idk. But the story is meh, editing not good, and pacing all over the place. Not to mention abrupt endings. This one ends with Heston yelling the truth about Soylent green while being carried off. That's it. The rest is up to imagination. This could use a remake. I said the same thing with the movie "they live" which is another one I've seen because of infowars. Great potential stories, just horrible plot, editing, etc...
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Clearly not for brain users
2 October 2023
Who was this movie for? I started watching and for some reason Jason Stratham is an eco warrior for the first big scene? I guess he's doing his transporter role. Wait no. Eco guy but beating up 5 guys at once. He confirms it on the boat later. Sure buddy

Story aside, it's bad. Idk man what do u expect from Hollywood. Where did the octopus come from? 3 "megs"? That's what they call em. Hip abbrev slang. Gotta be edgy. They have a suit to survive 5 miles below and show it punching holes in CONCRETE. But that's it. What was the point in that?

Horrible movies not made for usa. New fast and furious. Sellout trash. Never watching again. Even the finale song is Chinese. Good to see they own us.

Character met. I'm done. Garbage.
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Fatman (2020)
Pretty good imo
6 September 2023
I liked this movie. It wasn't too fantastic and wasn't too serious. Plenty of violence, a little dark humor, and a good script. I liked the alternate universe Santa. Gibson played his character well. Boyd crowder aka Walter groggins is always good at the villain. And it was neat to see Santa was a normal guy but also magical still.

Things I did not like was the kid and his character. That could have been redone. I didn't like mrs Claus British accent. Not needed. And I didn't like the government not helping out Santa and crew besides forcing them to be their workers. I get it's part of the story but felt to real and made me mad.

Overall this movie was way better than violent night imo. That was completely unrealistic and unnecessarily dumb violence. Unlikeable characters too. Bizarre that movie rated higher than this. Guess some people like mindless violence with little story.
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High ratings= high approval, low opposite. Hmm
5 September 2023
Oneanjel has a great review already. Top of the list as of today. Check it out. With that said, this was interesting at first, then, I agree, it came off as a bleeding heart big bad salmonella lurking everywhere we need more gubmint to run our lives infomercial. Nope. Not gonna happen.

The whole E. Coli on chicken or whatever thing they are trying to prove is confusing and laughable. So, if I understand, 20ish percent of chicken pieces wrapped and sold in packaging out of 150 total had E. Coli on the raw chicken. Right? So common sense would tell me that I need to cook that chicken to temp. And then use a disinfectant wipe on counter when done unwrapping it. And wash my hands with some soap. Try to avoid touching stuff. Right? That's common sense and has been common sense in the country forever. Maybe city dwellers, like their example in the video, don't get it.

The reason this doesn't get a 1 is because the greens. Yep, the presentation presented in Regards to bagged lettuce is unreal. Most comes from fields right by cattle yards. Duh, your gonna get disease and bacteria on that stuff. But, that sounds like an AZ or CA state regulatory issue imo. Not a uniparty DC never get anything done issue. But don't hold high hopes to get it resolved from the "Republican" AZ majority. The bozos in that state still allow mail in voting after countless evidence proved it resulted in mass fraud in the past 2 election cycles. Can will be kicked down the road. We all suffer.

Purple haired lady? Uh no. Your not getting more power. I think banning gas ovens, brick ovens, and gas powered vehicles by whatever date they think it's gonna happen is enough power. And that's just some of the daddy gubmint overreach they try in this admin. You don't need to hire some 3rd party "green" energy company that gets gubmint handouts to "regulate" the food industry more. The crooks at the top will just find other means to break your rules.

How bout we Enforce what's on the books.makes sense right? But don't hold your breath folks. Criminals walk the streets in certain party controlled states and areas while the American law abiding citizen gets harmed by em. Liberty for all. Right.
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Quasi (2023)
Ehh I turned it off
4 September 2023
Super troopers and beer fest are great movies. I loved them in hs and college. Super troopers 2, a couple laughs but no. But, broken lizard is not that bad in general. I watched Kevin and another dude at a comedy show back when I was 25 with my wife. We like them still 10 years later.

This movie somehow came up and I decided to give it a try. The slammin salmon guys? Ok. But after watching about 10 minutes I turned it. Not for me.

Doing a comedy in a time where people cuss and act 21st century, but the setting is supposed to be 5th century or whatever, doesn't work anymore. I didn't believe anything going on. Didn't laugh or smile the entire time. It seemed really scripted, more like a broadway play. Not for me. Where's potfest?
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