
3 Reviews
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Chinese Slavery
6 July 2006
Is what this adds up to, to me. I once owned this movie and I liked it as well. John Liu is an awesome Martial Artist. Just as he was in Kung Fu Commandos. What a great film. A little drawn out but it's worth it as you see with each fight how John Liu progresses to where the punishments become more and more harsh as it truly is a struggle through death. I would like to own this movie once again someday. I liked it because of the storyline behind it and because of the action in it. I can't remember the grand villain's name but he is good too. I've seen him in quite a few Kung Fu flicks as well. If you have an opportunity to and this movie becomes available. I suggest to watch it and then you can decide if you'd like to own it or not.
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A Crown Jewel
6 July 2006
I at one time owned this movie(And would like to own it again someday) and I never grew tired of watching it. I t was a very funny, very entertaining movie. I've seen the original and the U.S. version. both are very similar until you get to the end of the movie. The U.S. version cuts down the climatic and best fight scene to the point where it isn't even a fight scene. So that disappointed me most. That and the fact that throughout the movie. People constantly refer to Chin Lin as "him or brother" I thought she was blind, not the rest of the cast. They couldn't tell that "she isn't a he?" But other than that it was a good movie. My favorite character was "the inspector" this guy is hilarious and in my opinion "carried the movie with his humor and personality" Be sure to check it out...
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Kung Fu Commandos is the joint
6 July 2006
Action, Comedy and a good storyline to boot. One of my favorite "Old school" Kung Fu Flicks of all time. Right up there with Master Killer, Shogun Assassin,& the 5 Deadly Venoms. The story line was good and had some good humor to it as well. You will come to like all the character personalities in the movie. I would definitely recommend it to the fans of the old school Kung Fu flicks that used to come on Channel 5 in NYC in the mid 80's. If at all available for purchase, I suggest that you add it to your collection. You will not be disappointed. I had it on VHS and then the tape broke and I wasn't able to find it again and then I stumbled on to this site.I hope to own it again one day. Along with classics.
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