
9 Reviews
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300 (2006)
One of the best...
27 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To put it in a nutshell, I think that "300" was probably one of the best movies I've ever seen in my life. That's a pretty big statement considering that I've got films like "Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars" to compare it to, but I've never been quite this impressed before. The film is a visual feast for the eyes...a masterpiece of modern cinema.

I'll try to put the movie in a nutshell here without too much of a spoiler...but I may slip up a bit, so read with caution.

The movie takes place back in the days of ancient Greece at the time of the rise of the Persian empire. The Persian Emperor cum deity Xerxes has begun his acquisition of Greece, and has demanded that the Greek city of Sparta pay him fealty, in a sense. Xerxes really doesn't demand much, only that the Spartans must bow to him and honor him as the god he is. If they would do this, then Xerxes will have no need to march his billion man army on the city. The Spartans are a proud race of hardcore warriors, and Spartan King Leonidas refuses to bow to anyone, much less a Persian.

Leonidas decides to attempt a preemptive strike against Xerxes armies, but is unable to do so due to it being a holy time in Greece--a period where the armies are not allowed to march by the order of the Gods. This being the case, Leonidas gathers a band of 300 of his best warriors to march against Xerxes, acting not as the Spartan army, but as proud, independent Spartans.

This movie is the tale of all that happened during that march...and a few other choice tidbits that went on back in Sparta while they were gone. And that's pretty much all I'm going to give you on this story...

Everything about this movie shows excellence. Acting, editing, art direction, adaptation,'s ALL perfect. As a plus, I've never seen so many perfect bodies gathered together in one movie before ever, so lovers of the human male and female forms alike will certainly have their fill of eye candy. The flick even has the required Hollywood gratuitous sex scene...and it doesn't take away from the film, not one bit.

To try to compare this movie to another is next to impossible. If I had to do it, I would have to say that it's "Gladiator" meets "Sin City" from within "The Matrix". It's an incredible visual experience and it's not to be missed.
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Pretty much the same old thing.
25 October 2006
I assume that you've already read the synopsis of this film, since you've come this far into the listings to get to my review here. I see no need to waste my time with the banality of the plot line and with the giving away of any part of this...wannabe.

I don't generally watch films in this genre, (slasher flicks, as I like to call them) but I very reluctantly agreed to go and see this with a friend, because he had no one else he could ask to go and see it with. It was every bit as awful as I anticipated it would be.

Perhaps that's a little harsh. I found the story to be very well thought out, and I found the direction to be outstanding. I've given the film a vote of five stars just for that reason, and no other. The subject matter is what I have a problem with. I don't care how many fancy or boring sets you create, a slasher flick is still just that...a slasher flick. This one was no exception to the rule.

Nothing new here...move along...move along...
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Waterborne (2005)
Having lived in a town without water for 30 days before...
24 October 2006
"Waterbourne" had a lot of potential, and it's really a shame that someone with the cash didn't pick it up and make it properly. It deals with the fears and absolute terror that come when one is deprived of one of the very necessities of life...water, and the desperate things that one will do in order to survive. As one reviewer has said before, it's like a cross between "Crash", and another disaster movie like "Earthquake" or something else equally earth-shattering.

I lived through 30 days of no water during the floods of 1993 here in the Midwest of the United States (Des Moines, IA), and this film probably comes closest to demonstrating the fear that was experienced by many people during the first 24-48 hours after we realized that our water supply for a city this size was shot. Luckily for us, we didn't experience a situation like "Waterbourne" displayed for us. Our people pulled together, and worked together. We gained strength from our situation. This, unfortunately wasn't an aspect shown in this film.

Not a bad movie, but not a great movie either. As previously stated by another reviewer, the camera work is very rough. It's definitely a thinking persons movie though...very dark and foreboding, so if you enjoy that type of movie then this is the one for you! I wouldn't recommend this for any person with psychological difficulties or anyone seriously disturbed by thoughts of terrorism. It has the potential to mess with your mind.
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I had fun with it!
24 October 2006
I've seen a LOT of movies about exorcism, witchcraft, voodoo, you know--general occult stuff--in my lifetime, and I have to say that while this movie really wasn't any academy award winner, it wasn't the worst film of this genre that I've ever seen in my life. In fact, it was one of the better ones. Yes, there were a few laughable points, a few really cheesy moments, and a few bad dialog moments when you just wanted to scream. You HAVE to expect that when you watch B grade horror.

I personally thought that Kristin Erickson did an excellent job playing the demonic character. It's not easy to do such a job convincingly, as so many before her have tried to do unsuccessfully. I have to give her serious kudos for her performance.

This is one of those perfect "date night" type films...the kind you don't really watch because you're busy doing something else. Still, if this is in the player and it turns out to be a bad date, it won't be a TOTAL waste of time...
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Æon Flux (2005)
Mixed thoughts...
6 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, I have to disagree with the majority of critics. Aeon Flux was pretty much laughed off as a waste of time and money by the majority of them. I can't say that it's a wonderful movie by any means, but it's not as bad as the majority of folks will say that it is.

It's set some 400 years in the future, after 99 percent of the worlds population is killed off by a mysterious virus, and the survivors gather in one single place. Aeon Flux (Charlize Theron) plays a mysterious assassin working for a covert organization of "Monicans" who's ultimate goal is to kill the chairman of the current government regime and either take power for themselves or give it to the people(we never really find out which of those two it was supposed to be), and Aeon Flux is assigned to do the deed. After Aeon accepts the mission and is well on her way to completing it, she runs into some rather disturbing complications which give her reason to pause.

That's about all I can say, as to say much more would probably give the whole movie away. It's not a terribly complicated plot. It does have some really neat twists and turns though.

I can't say that the acting was spectacular at all. At best we got mediocre performances by the cast. I don't know and can't tell if it's because of the way that the script was written or if it's the way the film was directed that's the root problem, but there's a serious issue with the film that I can't identify.

Charlize Theron looked anorexic-ally amazing in the title role, using an awesome little form-fitting leather/latex outfit to rival anything that of Jennifer Garner's anorexic "Sydnee Bristow" character on TV's "Alias" ever wore. When you have an outfit to wear like that one, who needs a script? The sets were incredible (someone obviously spent some money on this movie somewhere along the way), as were the special FX which I found to be most original. The biggest problem with this movie is found at the end, when we DON'T find out answers to some serious questions that we've had throughout the entire flick. I hate that...having unanswered questions. It makes me feel like the producers ran out of money before the movie was finished.

Aeon Flux is nothing to write home about, but it's not "end all" bad either. It'd be a good flick for the kids on a Sunday night after dinner. Afterward, you can reminisce about the old days, when "Aeon Flux" was wicked cool!
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BloodRayne (2005)
It's bad--but not THAT awful if you watch it for laughs...
6 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I don't mind a bad movie, if it's obviously done with the intent of being good campy fun. I don't know if that was Uwe Boll's intention, but that's what I took it as...and I think I enjoyed it a lot more than most people did. I can see myself as a teenager out with the gang, watching this as a midnight showing in a theater and having a blast making fun of it! "Bloodrayne" is a rather campy version of "Blade", set in medieval times and with a female lead (Rayne) occupying the Wesley Snipes role. She is a half breed human/vampire that only requires blood to heal herself, so she is not compelled to feed like the other vampires in the movie are required to do. She is the product of a rape which occurred between her human mother and, of course, the most powerful vampire on the planet.

As the story progresses, we discover that Rayne truly hates her vampiric brethren, and has a self appointed mission in life. In predictable fashion, she is required to complete a couple of quests before she can obtain the object of her goals, and she meets up with a specialized team of folks along the way that assist her in the completion of these tasks.

"Bloodrayne" stars nobody of any real consequence other than the role of the main villain, played rather lethargically by Ben Kingsley. There are no other truly notable performances in the movie. The character of Rayne, played by Kristanna Loken, was very underdone. I constantly harp on things like this--underacted roles--and I'm starting to hate my reviewing because of it. The role had such potential, and could have been played with so much more passion than she played it with. Rather than playing a determined vengeful character, Kristanna played the role from the perspective of a naive, insignificant nymph. Such a waste of a potentially awesome, sword-wielding, leather-clad, Xena-type warrior role. She could have been AWESOME! Personally, I blame her for the problem, but I suppose that the director could have been at fault--it was his job to make sure that he got the desired effect from her characterization. It's really difficult to tell who's really to blame.

With all of this bashing that I'm doing to the film, you might think that I really hated it. This isn't at all true--I rather enjoyed watching this movie. It was just campy enough to be fun--something that always entertains me. The costumes were almost believable, and I enjoyed watching to see what people were wearing for their roles. The story was barely plausible, but good enough to get by.

While I'm really glad I didn't pay cash to go see it in a theater setting, I wasn't mortified by renting it, and on a really dead night I just might be willing to give it a second look.
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Excellent Sequel!
6 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I finally made it through "Underworld--Evolution" last night, and I LOVED it!!

I don't want to give too much away, but Selene and Michael pick up pretty much right where they left off in this sequel of the war between the Lycans and the vampires. Selene searches and learns more of the secrets of her family and her bloodline, which only reinforces her convictions that everything she ever thought that she had known was nothing more than a parcel of lies. The founding immortals including the father of the races!) all make an appearance in this one, and the movie starts off by showing us scenes from the past--of how the blood-feud between the two races began in the first place. The movie ends with us realizing that the eternal patience and love for a brother is not necessarily always a good thing. Rather touching and poignant, in a macabre sort of way...

Well acted, excellent set decor, awesome FX, amazing stunts, provocative costuming...not to mention an excellent storyline and premise for a sequel--it all adds up to make this movie a must see.
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Wow..and I thought "Cutthroat Island" was bad!
6 July 2006
I'm not going to summarize, as it's not worth my time.

There actually were some talented actors in this film, so I can't believe that it turned out this bad! The costuming was terrible--fake hair, mustache's and beards abound...I'm surprised that they didn't use elastic strings to keep them on rather than the standard spirit gum! I've never seen such bad costuming, ever! The sets were cheesy and obvious. The dialog was marginal at best. Good Lord! Did someone need a tax write off or something?

I even tried to call it campy fun, but the label just doesn't fit. I think I want the two hours of my life I spent watching it back...who do I have to talk to for that?

Don't waste your money...not even to rent the DVD.
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They are starting to get better...
6 July 2006
For some reason, this series of movies just can't capture any of the excitement or suspense of the original books. I don't know what's causing this, perhaps the screenplays, but dang. It had such potential to be an awesome movie event. I wish someone with a bit of money would have taken this project and run with it, rather than leaving it to Mr. Cameron to try to do it all himself. I really admire his need to have this story told on the screen I can't fault him in the least.

This particular movie is the best in the series so far IMHO. Lou Gossett as the President of the United States was a serious boon to the series, so maybe more influential actors will get involved in it in the future.

No matter what, I'll probably watch all of these. If they keep getting better, like this one is waaaay better than Trib Force, I may just start getting excited about them again.
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