
33 Reviews
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Mad Men (2007– )
Utterly overrrated
1 March 2024
'Don Draper' is a despicable scum bag with no redeeming qualities. Most of the characters are unpleasant and unlikeable. The only character vaguely likeable was Lane Pryce. The script is dull, shallow and plodding. The plot lines are repetitive. Head bangingly repetitive. The tag line should be "Horrible people doing horrible things to each with no conscience, motivated by greed and selfishness." There are moments of humour and lightness but they are few and far between. Did this show run entirely based on the nostalgic costume, sets, music and period setting? It appears so. Like advertising, once the novelty gimmick wears off, there's no substance to persist.
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Brooklyn (2015)
A beautiful film with the worst ending
22 July 2023
This film portrays the immigrant experience better than any other I've seen - the unreality of the departure until it happens, the heartbreak of the departure, the assault on the senses of the new, the crushing isolation, the slow transition to normality through the establishing of relationships, the building up of a new identity through new experiences and personal growth, the exposure to new cultures, the loss of identity, the guilt of being torn across two worlds, the pain of the people left behind, even dispensing with the fantasy that emigration leads to better life... it resonates deeply with viewers who've lived it... and all lusciously produced and acted.

However... that terrible ending. It makes no sense. Her poor mother. The cruelty of it, and because of some petty local tyrant. Nonsense.
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12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
A masterpiece
2 July 2023
One of the greatest sci-fi series ever created. You watch the first two episodes where the writers brilliantly sidestep every time travel cliche and you think "There's no way they can keep up this standard". You complete Season 1, full of breath-taking twists and turns and you think "There's no way they can keep up this standard". And they do.... all the way to the magnificent crescendo that is Season 4.

The plot/time travel mechanics and in-world logic are perfectly constructed like a Swiss watch, and the way it unfolds is perfectly balanced between revelation and more mystery. The attention to detail in the writing is incredible along the lines of prime Steven Moffatt Dr Who, with seeds planted episodes/seasons in advance and revelations that bring new meaning to what otherwise would have been throw away lines in past episodes. Even when it steps into humour, it's brilliant.

But if that wasn't enough, the characterisation is excellent - utterly convincing, following clear human motivation reflected by a sparkling script. The human condition is all there, put on screen by top-quality acting. I found the surrounding characters to be real triumphs - all fully fleshed out, fully involved, never treated poorly - Jennifer, Jones, Ramse, Olivia, Deacon. Jennifer Goines is one of the all time characters and performances.

The production never falls short of superb, and real artistry is on display throughout. In any time period, it never feels anything less than cinema quality. There's not enough positive attention given to the cinematic sound production either.

Another sci-fi great, Firefly, was unique in that each episode had the depth and quality of a movie. 12 Monkeys manages this across four seasons at far higher levels of achievement in every way.

Shockingly underrated.
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Last Knights (2015)
Criminally underrated
14 January 2023
This is one of those films I just never got around to seeing but then, once I had, wondered how I could have missed this gem for so long.

The script, plot and dialogue is actually really good - it flows well with no painful clangers anywhere and provides some really quotable moments. The world building is elegant and natural, with no awkward exposition. The multi-ethnic composition of the world is accepted with ease, as it's clear from the start that it's not in a historical setting but a fantasy world.

The plot really draws you in, provides true emotional substance and builds to a crescendo. The final action sequence is infused with energy and surprise.

The production is remarkably lavish and rich.

The only points that bothered me were 1) Clive Owens lines were delivered flat just a little too often, and 2) that the Emperor was untouchable. The latter is from an Oriental/Japanese mindset of a) an emperor being regarded as a deity (in the West, "God saves the King", rather than in the East "the King is a God") and b) a masochistic obedience to authority. This mindset clashes with the culture/history/imagery of knights from the West, and Western philosophy.

Aside from the aforementioned delivery issues, the acting hits the emotional tone precisely, even if all Payman Maadi has to do is an angry pouty face. Aksel Hennie really delivers, and has a fantastic wobbly-lower-lip-of-fear in his arsenal.

I suspect some of the negative reviews stem from preconceptions of what the film should be, not what it is. Watch it with an open mind, and you'll be well rewarded. I'm truly baffled by the bad reviews.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
So far, so okay
31 July 2022
I'm watching my way through the first couple of seasons, with the intention of stopping at the end of Season 5 as IMDB reviewers recommend.

It's not bad - not great, sometimes nonsense, sometimes interesting, sometimes it's fun to spot the pop culture references. For me, the great shows are always about the quality of writing - this programme is merely a step above functional.

What I do really think is worth mentioning is that this programme casts the most beautiful female actresses of any show I've ever seen (80s - present).
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Terrible writing, is not Star Trek
15 April 2022
Star Trek TNG was built on great writing, ideas and acting. This is dull, nonsensical, poorly written rubbish that trashes every character it touches and bears no resemblance to peak Star Trek that was TNG. Don't waste your time - this was made by scam artists butchering a brand.

Update: Except for Season 3, which claws back some dignity but without the nostalgia is really just so-so.
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A luscious fairy tale
7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's something intrinsically enjoyable about taking a beautiful actress, having her act sexy, sophisticated and wise beyond her years, in gorgeous period costume.

I think the film is somewhat spoilt by the attempt to put a pseudo-scientific explanation of her situation. At the very least it doesn't add anything, knowing that her condition is easily explained in the near future... because it makes the viewer step outside of the conceits the film needs to work. Otherwise, you'll end up with The Age of Adaline 2, where:

  • She gets fed of dating kids and only dates men in their 40s/50s.

  • Her investments go sour and she lives her eternal youth in eternal poverty.

  • She finds her long held, and previously acceptable, racism isn't any longer, and isn't able to adapt.

  • Because the human mind is evolutionarily designed to retain painful memories over pleasurable ones, she develops psychosis due to the numerous incidents of violence she experiences over the years.

  • Her relationship with her daughter is toxic because of her daughter's bitterness and resentment at ageing.
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Poorly written 'thriller'
8 January 2022
The pan-European premise is interesting but the series fails to deliver.

  • Overly convoluted, poorly paced, poorly written plot. By the end, I'd just given up on who was doing what and why.

  • Even towards the end, new characters are being introduced.

  • Faces/characters will reappear after several/many episodes, leaving the viewer struggling to recall who they are.

  • It's hard to tell the faces apart.

  • Dead-end subplots that add nothing.

  • Hard to keep track of who's in what country, particularly if it switches back and forth multiple times in a single episode.

  • The police characters seem as confused as the viewers.

  • Subtitles are absolutely necessary, irrespective of the language spoken on screen.

  • Diversions into English are clearly a struggle for some of the actors, and it's also clear no native English speakers reviewed the script.

  • Grey, dark, former Communist countries often look the same, especially at night.

  • All the long, complicated Eastern European names are difficult to keep track of.

  • The dramatic soundtrack is sometimes at odds with what are supposed to be non-dramatic and/or comedic moments.

Honestly, I wish I'd skipped watching this altogether.
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The Twelve (2019–2023)
Hopefully the real police and legal system of Belgium aren't this laughable...
2 January 2022
... because the incompetence, malfeasance and malpractice on display in this show is mindboggling. Obvious suspects are ignored. Obvious questions aren't asked. Absurdly improbable conclusions are drawn. Insane legal practices. The acting of the female lead is terrible. The plotlines and timelines of events around the trial are overconvoluted and/or nonsensical. The subplots of the jurors are disconnected from the case, so just seem like filler.

I completely lost my patience in the final few episodes. The ending is unsatisfactory, confused rubbish.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Sets a new standard for superhero TV
27 December 2021
Movie quality scripts, visuals, sound and acting. Actual characters with actual character interactions. DC Universe elements that excite the fanboy. Visual effects and sound production distilled from the movies. Cinematic cinematography from drones and filters. Great casting.

Its occasional flaws are easily forgiveable (Clark Kent not being spotted as disappearing/appearing in plain view, plot holes "Where did that come from?!" or "How did she do that?!", character writing flaws "That reaction seems over the top"), and some are just inevitable superhero logic (how is he not tracked by satellite imaging, if he can hear every rape in the world...). My personal bugbear is the occasionally poor illocution and mumbling.
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All you need is conspicuous wealth...
9 December 2021
... and an invisible interpreter to address the obvious lack of Danish language skills.

Pretty settings and Brosnan always brings the Brioni.

What's wrong with a patio? Damn those Danes and their terrible quality of life.
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Quite amusing
8 December 2021
The film is really made by the cast with some charming performances. It is funny how Brosnan never really stops being Bond, though.

The film is supposedly set across Southern California and England, but as someone with one foot in both, I found it quite annoying how the jarring differences are never exploited. Of course, Cambridge is portrayed as grey rather than luscious and green with beautiful architecture, and LA is portrayed as the land of Malibu billionaires, instead of the filthy run down cesspit it mostly is.

The plot takes one hell of turn at the border... one hell of a turn. In fact, it's one hell of mistake and the narrative should have played out in the UK.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Funny, entertaining but...
5 December 2021
... throughout, you just thought 1) damn, this guy's got a lot of money, and 2) he didn't need to make it a sustainable business as it's all subsidized by Amazon.
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It's actually a horror movie...
4 December 2021
"Wealthy, bored couple use and abuse an impoverished, troubled young woman for their amusement." End movie.

The only redeeming feature of this film is Juno Temple's excellent acting.
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Urge (2016)
Better than the reviews would have you believe
5 October 2021
Some fun ideas, some sexy visuals, sexy actors... not a bad mix.

Sure the acting could be ropey at times but it didn't bother me at all - overall it was good. Pierce Brosnan and Eric Davis really tore it up.

You really could see what they were trying to achieve but I think it failed because of a lack of commitment. There wasn't enough sex or violence, and they really needed to dial it up to 11, where instead they left it at a simmering 4. It should have been Event Horizon on Earth with tons of bonking. The IMDB states that the Sex & nudity is "Mild" and the violence is "Moderate". That's the problem.

Structurally, it all hung together pretty well but the motivations driving events in the later stages of the film were sometimes poorly written. The better writing was when the protagonists were a group of friends, partying it up.

There was also something quite televisual about the sound and the cinematography towards the end of the film - it wasn't cinematic or grand enough. It could have been an episode of a CW show.

There's a post-credits end scene that is utterly pointless.
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Merlin (2008–2012)
Pretty good modern retelling
18 July 2021
The production values obviously took a big step up in Seasons 4 and 5, probably a beneficiary of advances in Doctor Who.

The other reviews are correct about the many plot holes and writing failures, particularly in the last season, and I would add one more in that Camelot doesn't seek help from its allies - I think it was a rushed ending in which the producers found out they didn't have the multiple more seasons they were hoping for.

The other reviewers are also correct about the sometimes strange lack of character development, particularly in the relationship between Arthur and Merlin.

Still, there's plenty of inventiveness in the narratives that makes for good entertainment.

I for one loved the very final scene - I thought it was bold and inventive.
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Honest Thief (2020)
26 May 2021
It's dross like this that makes me think I should be a screenwriter. If someone can persuade other people with money to fund nonsencial rubbish like this, well then anyone can be a writer.

Check the agents' phone location tracking. That is all.
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Soulmates (II) (2020)
A mixed bag
25 April 2021
Episodes 1, 2 and 6 are worth watching.

One of the other reviews asked why so many of the actors are British? Simple - British actors are really talented. The acting in general is of a high standard - really watchable.

Other reviews have also complained about shaky camerawork - I'm the first to be nauseous from shaky camerawork and it didn't bother me but YMMV.

The main weakness of the series as a whole is that it doesn't really delve into what defines a soulmate. Except for episode 6, the concept of a soulmate is often entirely tangential.
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The Void (I) (2016)
17 April 2021
Poor acting in general, especially from the male lead. I didn't mind the classic John Carpenter effects - it just seemed a stylistic choice to me.

The problem is a non-existent story, terrible writing, nonsense characterisation, poor quality dialogue and an incoherent mess of ideas ripped from all the classics - Event Horizon, Clive Barker, The Thing but to name a few.
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Rupture (I) (2016)
Lacks a story
17 April 2021
Credit to the actors - they did a good job for what little substance was there, and you know Noomi Rapace always gives her full commitment. I thought it looked pretty good, despite obviously being made on a shoestring budget... but none of this matters because there's no story and what little there is, is poor. I noted that it was 1 hr and 15 mins in before it felt like the plot was moving forward in any meaningful way... but it wasn't much (and remained that way for the rest of the movie). I recommend not watching this, because the experience is some mild intrigue, but mostly boredom and frustration. Lots of frustration.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Overrated but Rosamund Pike and Ben Affleck shine
2 January 2021
Starts off well but by the middle third, significant plot holes are already appearing and the final third just collapses into utter nonsense.

Rosamund Pike and, surprisingly, Ben Affleck excel in their roles, with Pike delivering a pitch-perfect portrayal of narcissistic personality disorder (as anyone who's encountered such a person can attest to). The sister and the detective are also completely convincingly portrayed.

Neil Patrick Harris is woefully miscast and delivers an appallingly bad performance - a humourless Barney Stinson, basically. Tyler Perry's performance is paint by numbers, and I've no idea why people praise such unremarkable acting.
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Every bit as bad as I remember
19 December 2020
Just did a 2020 rewatch of 2.25 / 3 trilogy films. It's simple: 1 - Great, 2 - Bad, 3 - Appalling
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I don't understand the hate
23 October 2020
Genuinely, I don't understand the hate directed to this movie. On re-watching years later, it still stands up. Yes there are some clunky moments (e.g. Worthington screams too much, recycled Alien3 idea, Bloodgood turning the sexpot etc.), but overall, the story slots into the Terminator universe perfectly. It's actually the best attempt to restore the grittiness of the first movie. The new Terminator forms are interestingly creative. Bale is perfect as John Connor and portrays a leader you can believe in. I thought Bonham-Carter, in a small part, was standout. I think part of the problem is the unconventional narrative structure that follows Marcus's awakening for while before the threads are brought together - but the plot works. It's a sci-fi action film, with emphasis on the action.
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The Boys (2019– )
Season 2 is rubbish
14 September 2020
Yet another streaming service studio original with a promising first season goes down the toilet in Season 2. Where's the wit? The fun? The ideas? The logic? Believe the other low rated reviews. Go read the original comics instead.
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Spy Game (2001)
Intangibly brilliant
29 August 2020
I can't put my finger on it but there's something about this film that is just brilliant. I keep coming back to it time and time again and it's always great. The technology and setting keeps getting older but this film never ages. Is it the dialogue? The brilliance of Redford's performance? One of the few good performances of Pitt's career? The low-tech, tense strategy of it all? No idea - it just is.
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