
19 Reviews
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Spaceballs (1987)
Funny but something is missing.
2 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
**possible spoiler inside** The Spaceballs, a hostile race who's homeworld will soon run out of air and therefore they will steal another planets air-supply. The unlucky victim is Druidia, a green-blue marble in space. The Spaceballs are planning to capture the princess of Druidia and then force her father (the king) to give up all of their air-supply.

The princess is out floating around in space, when suddenly the Spaceballs huge mothership shows up. The Spaceballs try to capture the princess and they almost succed, but then Lone Starr shows up and saves the day. But Lone Starr's ship runs out of gas and they crashland on a desert planet, and later the evil Lord Dark Helmet shows up and combs the desert (literally), and eventually he finds the princess and captures her.

Now its up to Lone Starr and his buddy Barf to rescue the princess!

This is a pretty good spoof of Star Wars and a few other science fiction films, and it delivers many laughs. But still, something is missing. I don't know what it is. The characters are mostly funny (especially Lord Dark Helmet, played by Rick Moranis), the special effects are quite impressive, actually, and the script is just silly! But its so silly its funny, of course. Ah, I got it. The movie seems to be a bit short. Even if it is 1 hour and 30 minutes, it still seems like its just 1 hour. But no matter. Its a good film!

I do recommend that you rent this movie and watch it, if you have seen Star Wars that is. It will make you laugh, I can promise you that!
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Best movie of 2001?
31 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoilers within!** A.I is about a family, whose son is in a deep coma, and he has been for five years. They realize that they will probably ever see him again, and the father buys a robotic ("Mecha's they are called) boy, who is a test product, and supposedly can show love towards his mother and father, unlike any other Mecha. The mother doesn't like the idea, but after a while she starts to like boy, and starts to get mother feeling for him. However, the son who is in a coma eventually wakes up and is brought back home, to his loving parents. David (the loving mecha boy) starts to grow jealousy towards the boy, whom the parents love so much, and he is prepared to do anything to make the parents love him as much as the other boy (Martin). However he always fails, and hurts someone in one way or another. And finally the parents decide to trash him. The mother drives him to the factory, where he was created, but when they are almost there she leaves David in the forest instead. Eventually he meets another Mecha, Gigolo Joe (Jude Law, outstanding in this movie) and together they try to find a way for David to become a real boy, so that his parents can love him.

I had read many bad reviews on this movie, and when my friend told me that he had seen it, and that he thought it was boring as heck, I didn't really know if I wanted to watch it or not. But I did. And maybe it is just my love for science-fiction films, or maybe this movie is truly terrific, because I loved each and every second of it. The actors (especially Jude Law) where amazing at what they did, and Spielberg had certainly created a realistic science-fiction movie.

The special effects and CGI couldn't have been better. It was all great, and the plot had me glued to the television through-out. A very good movie indeed. I can't believe that anyone could not like this movie, since it is so entangling (like most Spielberg films) it is almost unbelievable! This drama is up there with American History X and Men of Honor (and many other great dramas).

Something I really loved, tho, was the ending! It was happy and sad at the same time. It was twisted, wierd and something that has definetly NOT been done before!
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Some serious action...
21 April 2002
This movie delivers some really heavy action scenes, and very cool music that goes with them. Sure, script isn't really breathtaking (its basicly just "Ok, we got another mission!" *boom*boom*boom*dead bugs everywhere*) but almost everything else is great! As I mentioned, the action scenes are great, the soundtrack is awesome, the effects are great (you almost start thinking that CGI is the way to go. Starship Troopers/Roughneck-wise.) I still love the 2 hour Hollywood movie, it was like an instant classic for me. But this movie is just as great. Sure, there's almost no love story or anything else drama-related involved, but I still kinda like the scenes where they aren't fighting for some reason. While watching this movie I kept comparing it with Final Fantasy (Which was really, REALLY bad!), and I guess I should have. Since they are both CGI movies where a small band of humans are fighting an alien race. And besides, Final Fantasy was corny as heck, those one-liners just made me want to puke. But here they are more "funny" than "corny", and in a good way to.

9/10! If you like Sci-Fi and heavy action, this is for you!
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Waterworld (1995)
How can you hate this?
16 April 2002
I keep wondering, how can anyone hate this movie? The plot is fun, but not that big. The acting is incredible (especially from Dennis Hopper), the music is great, the sets are awesome etc. etc. Everything about this movie is just superior to other movies!

It has fast paced action scenes, without the need of CGI that is used in so many action movies today. And its 100% enjoyable! If you want a good action movie, with a cool hero, and an outstanding villain, watch this movie! You can't be dissapointed!
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
Boring, most of the time
16 April 2002
I liked the acting, and the music was good. But the plot was terrible! And some of the characters were crap! Especially the father! This movies only has the running time for about 1 hour and 20 minutes, but it felt like 2 hours and 20 minutes or something, and that's proof enough that this movie is just boring, and predictable.

5/10 - 4 for the soundtrack and 1 for the rest.
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Decent movie
14 April 2002
I had heard horrible stuff about this movie, and when I bought it I prepared for the worse. But, I didn't hate it at all. I actually liked it quite a bit. However it ignores lots of stuff from the original film, but I still liked it.

I hated the facts that they turned the immortals into aliens instead, I mean it was much better when their origin was left un-explained and mythical.

The music pretty much stinks, especially in some scenes, it is just a small thundering "Dun-dun-dun" or something, that is repeated over and over and over.

Christopher Lambert on the other hand, is pretty damn cool in this sequel. But only when he is in immortal shape...

Year 2024: Connor MacLeod has become mortal after defeating the last other immortal on earth, but when two other immortals are sent to earth (from the immortals "Homeplanet") MacLeod becomes an immortal again, and helps a chick to get rid of the electro magnetic shield that covers earth (since the ozone layer has been destroyed, but it seems like the ozone layer has repaired itself).

Sort of neat plot, and I liked the idea with the electro magnetic shield that covered Earth. Even if it doesn't really fit in here, in the Highlander series.

The fights are about the same as the first movie, but the villain doesn't seem to do enough bad things. He's just there, and he only fights with MacLeod once.

This was a review of the Renagade version BTW, which has a few more scenes than the original version.

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Highlander (1986)
Great movie
14 April 2002
I just bought this movie on DVD, and I must say its one of a kind. I loved Christopher Lambert in it, and that's not a very common thing. The fights were awesome, the effects were really cool, and the story was great, and the flashbacks scenes were probably my favorite part of the movie.

Connor MacLeod is immortal, he was born in Scottland during the 16th century, and has lived on until now, 1986. But suddenly a figure shows up, it is another immortal, who wants to kill all other immortals (by chopping of their heads) and win a price of sorts. The two fight it out a few times, but I'm sure you already know who wins.

The storyline is pretty simple, but it plays out great, you never get confused, and the flashbacks scenes are plenty and enjoyable. The fight scenes (which are fought with swords) are nicely done, and the film always seems more or less interesting.

But the greatest thing with this movie are the camera angles. They are simply terrific! I love them! And so will you!

A very good movie. 9/10
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Great movie
13 April 2002
Since I loved "The Big Lebowski" so much I felt the urge to buy this movie as well, and it might not be as great as "Big Lebowski", but it sure is great! The Coen brothers just make excellent movies!

George Clooney delivers a load of funny lines throughout the movie, and can't seem to stay serious for 5 seconds. John Torturro and Tim Blake Nelson aren't quite as funny tho, its basicly up to Clooney and the characters they meet to keep the comedy feel up. But the scene where Nelson discovers the toad is just a killer!

On their journey to stop a marriage they encounter many strange people, and lots of other stuff. Klu Klux Klan for example... Or George (Baby Face) Nelson. John Goodman also plays a role here, but he's not that funny, compared to his role in "Big Lebowski", but its always fun seeing Goodman around!

The soundtrack, as with all other Coen movies, is great! And damn fitting to! And the scenery was the best I've seen in years! A great movie! A must have!
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Titan A.E. (2000)
Not the best in the genre
13 April 2002
I just rented this movie when I saw it in the store, and I was actually expecting a bit of a cool action movie, but there were somethings that let me down.

First of all: I noticed at a very early stage that the animation and special effects didn't mix at all. It looked corny seeing an animated character peeking out through a incredibly detailed CGI space ship. And therefor this movie has a pretty corny look throughout the whole film. Big mistake.

Second: The alien CGI monsters (Dreejs or something) didn't look all that incredible. actually they looked like they were taken directly out of a computer game from 1998 or something, and their ships weren't all that detailed either, like all the other ships in this movie.

Third: The action scenes missed something, I don't know what it was, but they were simply not very interesting.

Fourth: The characters were like ripped off from a Disney movie. At least most of them. And many elements of this movie have been seen one-hundred times in Disney movies before.

There are better movies to watch, nothing really I would spend my money on. Still, if you are a die hard sci-fi fan (like me) you can't hate it... You just simply cant! There's something good about it, but it could have been way better.
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One of the funniest movies I've ever seen!
13 April 2002
When I saw the trailer for this movie, I didn't look all that appealing, but when they aired it on television one night I watched it, and I have to say I laughed myself to death! John Goodman and Jeff Bridges are just so funny in this movie! Lots of swearing, especially from Goodman, but most of the times its hella funny!

Steve Buscemi has a role here to, its not that big, but he appears in some scenes as Bridges and Goodmans buddy, "Donny". He's pretty funny to, though he always seems to be "talking" to Goodman, and never Bridges. John Torturro appears in a minor role as well, but as all other roles in this movie, its hilarious!

I can't praise this movie enough, its just so... perfect! And if you're looking for a movie with a killer soundtrack, this is just for you.
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Nemesis (1992)
Lots and lots of action
10 February 2002
I had never heard of this movie when I first saw it in the store, but the cover looked cool, and the story sounded neat (well, actually I was more interested in the word "Cyborg" on the cover) so I rented it. I really liked it! Lots of action and CYBORGS!! The plot is a bit confusing, and you never really get a hang of it since they never fully explain it in the movie, but after several viewings I think the plot goes something like this:

LAPD Cop Alex Rain is half-human, half-cyborg (don't expect a mean killing machine àlà RoboCop, though) and he has to stop the Cyborgs before they complete their mission to kill all humans one by one and replace them with Cyborg duplicates. Well, Alex Rain goes to some "low tech, s**t hole called Shang Loo" (quote from the movie) and does a bit of killing and shooting. Well actually he does loads of killing and shooting.

Lots of action, and that's always good. The acting is poor, but Oliver Gruner does a good job as our man, Alex Rain! Poor effects, and a better soundtrack wouldn't hurt. But overall its a pretty good movie! 7 out of 10.
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Blagh, nothing special
10 February 2002
The year is 2000 (the folks back in 1975 weren't that good at predicting the future) and the most popular sport is the "Transcontinental Road Race" where several drivers compete to drive from one end of the country to another, and killing any pedestrians they can find in doing so. That is, driving over everyone in their sight. Woohoo. Sounds interesting? Its not. Poor effects and a poor soundtrack, the acting is horrible and Sylvester Stallone was better in Rambo 3! (I hope that says it all) I guess most of the budget went on paying David Carradine so he could play in it. Well anyway, I gave this a 3, and you should avoid it.
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U-571 (2000)
A really cool action flick!
17 December 2001
I rented this movie some time ago, and I remember that I liked it. Now, this last weekend I stood in the store and looked over the movies on the shelf. My eyes stopped on U-571. I picked it down and bought it. And now, I have to say it might be one of my all-time favorite WW2 movies. Sure, its predictable. But its entertaining! The CGI effects are really cool, the action is neat and the submarine atmosphere is really something! The acting is good (like most other Hollywood movies) and so is the directing. The setting is really cool too. If you like action/adventure movies: Watch this one!
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I loved this movie!
9 November 2001
Sure, I had heard the name before. "Blues Brothers". But I didnt care very much for it. Never really wanted to see it. It didnt appeal to me (Me? Who likes horror and sci-fi movies?). However when my pal told me how hilarious it was I got a little bit intressted... I went to him and saw the movie at his house, Good god... This is the funniest movie ive seen in a LOOOOONG time! There are so many scenes that made me laugh my ass off! A whole army hunting two unarmed men? You just gotta see that scene. I promise you, This movie will make you laugh!
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13 October 2001
Truly awesome flick! Peter Jacksons best film by far! Forget BrainDead, Forget Bad Taste, This movie aint gory but it still keeps the comedic atmosphere of the other two! A psychic investigator (Michael J. Fox) named Frank, Or the local con man as people call him, Finds himself in deep trouble when the police starts to blame Frank for killing people with some kind of "psychic force". Frank is helped by a former customer of his, Lucy (Trini Alvarado).

This movie is extremly funny and its even dark at some points. The music is awesome (Its made by Danny Elfman), And Peter Jackson plays his regular cameo role (This time as a biker). Rent or buy this film as soon as possible, You wont be dissapointed!
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Supernova (I) (2000)
Entertaining Action Flick
16 August 2001
When I saw this movie in the stores I didn't really care that much for it. But when i actually rented it I was in for a really good and entertaining action flick. It was cool, The special effects where above ordinary (Mark Stetson did them, He also made the effects for The Fifth Element), The acting was not superb but alright. There is one thing though, When you think "Action" flick you think "Guns and alot of Explosions" well. The gun part is so so. There's about 2 guns in the entire movie (But I guess that's OK considering their on a deep-space paramedic ship). The explosions, Well yes I guess there are a few. And that's enough. The story is pretty original though. The Deep-Space Paremedic Spacecraft "Nightengale 229" gets a distress call from an abandonded moon. When they arrive they find that there is only one person there. His name is Troy Larson (There are some family history between him and the doctor on the ship, But I'm not gonna tell you that stuff. Its actually not intressting.) In Troy's emergency ship he used to get to the nightengale they find a mysterious artifact. An alien artifact. Something from another world. Grr! And you can probably imagine where it goes from here. But you are wrong. There are NO aliens in this movie whatsoever. Too bad. But it is still a good movie, I'd give it 8 out of 10.
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One of the best!
16 August 2001
The Road Warrior is without doubt one of the best action movies of all time. Mel Gibson stars as the main hero, Max. (we know Max from the first movie "Mad Max".) Well since then stuff happend! First of all the world has become a wasteland. A third world war had evolved and pushed civilization back on its knees. Gas is gold. And you don't find it as often as you do today. Well, Max finds this pumping station in the middle of nowhere where they produce gas. Well, The people that live there don't thrust Max. But when some surviving "Gansters/Terrorists" threaten to kill everyone that lives at the pumping station if they don't surrender the station to them Max offers a deal. And here it begins. That is it the beginning to the most action packed car chase ever caught on scene! Forget "Gone in 60 Seconds", Forget "The Fast and the Furious" (Although they are good) This car chase will totally blow you off scale! It's a must see! 10 out of 10!
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Awesome action flick
13 August 2001
I saw this movie and I was completely blown away! I love the first films and when i heard they where making a re-make I was happy. Not that the original needed one but it was nice to see yet another "ape" adventure! This one has more action than the original, The casting was good and the score was amazing! The ape make upp was way more realistic than the first films. But one thing kept bugging me. The ape voices! In the original they all had perfect voices for the apes but in this one its a little bit off. Maybe I just watched the old ones to much, But still. The ape society was more advanced this time around (not in electricity and such but when you watch the movie you'll know what I mean.) The story is very similiar to Battlefield Earth now that I think about it. Very. But it is still an awesome must see action movie!
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Dune (1984)
A mile stone!
3 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***spoilers*** ***spoilers*** I consider myself to be a sci-fi freak and I must say, This is one of my all-time favorite Sci-Fi movies! Imagine a great book(s) and then imagine one of the most outstanding and well made Sci-Fi movies ever based on that book, Then you get Dune! 8.000 years into the future a spice called Melange is the most valuable resource in the universe, However it only exists on one planet. Arrakis (Also known as "Dune"), A desert planet where giant worm-like creature´s lurk the giant sands. House Atreides and House Harkonnnen fight for the control of Dune, And when Atreides takes control of it the Emperor of the known universe, in secret, help the Harkonnen to once again take control of the planet. The Atreides are almost annihilated but the ruler of Atreides (Duke Leto) son escapes out into the desert. There he lives among the original inhabitants of Dune, The Fremen (Yes they are human). Soon he finds out that he is the long foretold Quizard´s Hadarach (Or something like that) which shall lead the Fremen to complete control of Dune! Not that many Sci-Fi effects but the atmosphere is outstanding, The acting is superb and the movie itself is well worth a shining 10! Next time you see this in stores dont just ignore it! Buy or rent it! I can almost promise you that you will not be dissapointed!
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