
16 Reviews
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
I apologize...
27 May 2003
I have made comments before about Canadians and their efforts in making scary movies. With only Winter Lily to go on, I assumed they were all doomed for failure. Now my eyes have been opened. This movie is by far the best werewolf movie ever made. These girls are awesome. Everything about this movie is awesome. Awesome awesome awesome. That's the only word I can think of right now. But it should suffice.
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After seeing this one, no need to see any other
27 May 2003
Call it a murder mystery, a lesbian flick, a coming-of-age-teenage-girl-in-the-fifties-movie, call it what you like. Just be sure to call it brilliant. Peter Jackson is in the company of my favorite directors (along with John Waters, Tim Burton and Matthew Bright), and he has done some amazing films. But even with a million dollar epic like Lord of the Rings, he can never top this movie. This movie places him directly on top of his career. He cannot go higher, because to do so would cause my brain to explode. He has inspired me to see the world in a completely different way. Not different like killing my mom will make all my problems go away, but different like seeing the magic in everyday things. He proves that you're never too old to have an active imagination. Love these girls. Despite their problems, they are magical, wonderful, heavenly creatures to love and cherish. Be happy, rent this movie, be happier. Actually the end is a little depressing, but once you see it 30 or 40 times, you'll start to feel happier about it.
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The Beast (1975)
5 December 2002
Now, I could deal with the fake beastiality. I could deal with the dubbed over voices, I could deal with the chick copulating on a bedpost, but the close-up money shots of horse sex was too much for me. At least the "beast" was obviously fake. I mean, some jerk in a modified gorilla suit with a big rat-faced mask and an enormous phallus was actually able to seduce a young, nubile woman by raping her. What? And the supposed "SHOCKING" ending was nothing more than an ugly, naked hairy guy. God, don't see this movie. I mean, even if you like bad movies, or are just curious. Don't see it. Don't.
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The only terror that will ensue is your own...
22 November 2002
Okay. I have very little to say about this "movie" since I understand very little of what went on. But I will say, if you see this piece of crap on the shelf at your local video retailer, put it back and rent Strawdogs. This movie had a nonsense plot, a horrible script, bad acting, and the worst tanline this side of the pacific. Blythe Danner can act, but she must have been dealing with some personal issues during this movie (probably working on her clone, the one we now call Gwenyth). Alan Alda as a sadistic, cripple Vietnam Vet. Sorry, I just don't buy it. And you won't either. Please, do me one favor, don't subject yourself to this "psychological thriller". You'll just end up playing Scrabble anyway.
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The man is a prophet for our time.
18 November 2002
Whether you agree with Michael Moore's politics or not, you have to admire him for setting out a goal and accomplishing it. He takes no prisoners in this film, nor in any other film or T.V. ventures. From getting K-Mart to ban the sale on handgun ammo in one day to getting Charleton Heston to admit he's a racist, he takes the gun control argument and runs, all the way to Canada actually. And funny, the most intelligent comments made in the movie were from Marilyn Manson, who is portrayed as this evil, demonic icon actually has a lot of interesting things to say. At its worst I cried like a baby, and its best I laughed and applauded with the rest of the audience. Michael Moore succeeds in his biting commentary by not really making a comment at all. He asks many questions, gets many answers, and lets us figure out for ourselves what we see and believe. Some accuse him of being flippant and noncommital, but making an hour and a half documentary listening to him ramming his opinion down our throats could get a little boring. See this movie. Then go rent The Big One, Roger & Me, and both seasons of The Awful Truth. Your head will be spinning at the end of the day.
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Center Stage (2000)
If you're a dancer, don't see this movie.
18 November 2002
I had the benefit (I use the word loosely) of seeing this movie amongst professional ballet dancers. Many of them knew the the supporting cast, some of them were actually read for the parts. I sat there, watching each and every dancer lovingly tear apart everything in this movie. My best friend owns it, loves it and hates it with such intensity that it's ripping his soul apart. He has it memorized, but only for its campy misrepresentation of the professional ballet world. This movie gives people the grossest overstatement of what the ballet world is all about. And for all the ballets I've seen, I haven't seen one with as fast costume and set changes as the one staged at the end of the movie. And GOD, what is with Ethan Stiefel? The worst actor in film history. I have, unfortunately seen this movie more than twice, and will probably see it again, but for nothing else then to ridicule it and laugh at it like I'm sure all strippers did at Showgirls.
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Heathers (1988)
No words can describe...
18 November 2002
Having seen this film almost 100 times, I have broken it down to its metaphors, imagery, references, inside jokes, etc. I won't bore you with all that, but know...this movie has so many layers, you can see it again and again and never get bored. Having some of the best one liners in movie history ("F**k me gently with a chainsaw", "Did you eat a brain tumor for breakfast?", "Bulimia is so '87"), and the best cast of talented unkowns (forgetting of course its two stars), it is also the most intelligent teen angst film with it's second being The Breakfast Club. It is impossible for me to recommend this movie enough. All you have to know is, if you're my friend, you've seen this movie. If you're destined to become my friend, you will see this movie. I share it like Mormon's share The Book of Mormon. It holds the secret to life in between its biting sarcasm. The key to happiness rests inside the lockers and in the boiler room of Westerberg High School. Color-coded emotions and ironic pop music paint the most vivid picture of all we've felt and dealt with in the four long, miserable yearsof High School. >
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Dahmer (2002)
Surprisingly non-exploitive
17 November 2002
I thought this movie was going to go far beyond the limits of your run of the mill serial killer movie, since Dahmer himself went way beyond the limits of most serial killers of his time, but it didn't. And I was quite pleased. Being the blood thirsty American that I am, I was hoping for some disturbing flesh eating and corpse (well, you know) but when it turned out to be just the opposite, it still kept my interest until the very end. And the end, abrupt as it was, fit the theme of the movie perfectly. Don't get me wrong, there is some extreme gore, but not like you think. Maybe it's because the actor who played Dahmer is so attractive, it kind of seems alright to lobotomize some poor guy or open his stomach and play with his insides. Whatever the reason, this movie did not set out to exploit the victim's or Dahmer. It put him on a level where most normal people can relate. Him as an outcast, a loner, a very sad individual. Along with this movie I would like to recommend Bundy, another new, thoughtful serial killer biopic directed by the brilliant Matthew Bright of Freeway fame. Before renting this movie, shed your expectations.
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How can something so beautiful exist in this world?
17 November 2002
I swear to you, I have not been so in love with a movie since Heavenly Creatures, and believe me, that is a very dramatic love affair. I was blown away by Adam Sandler's performance. When I first heard about a new P.T. Anderson film, I was so excited. When I heard he had cast Sandler as the leading man, I was gravely disappointed but kept the faith (if he can make Heather Graham look good...). He took a chance, but once it was released, we were all let in on the secret. Sandler can act! It's too bad he'll probably go back to crap like Little Nicky or Mr. Deeds, but once is enough I guess. And of course I don't have to tell you how amazing Emily Watson is because she's always amazing. The rest of the cast is pretty underground, with a few of his regulars (Luis Guzman and the BRILLIANT Phillip Seymour Hoffman). If you thought Boogie Nights and Magnolia were brilliant, you don't even know the meaning of the word until you see this movie.
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Ted Bundy (2002)
Matthew Bright can do no wrong
21 October 2002
The man can turn s**t into gold if asked to. Freeway being one of my favorite movies, I expected a lot of him in Ted Bundy, and he fulfilled every expectation, and then some. His style hasn't changed, still has that creepy Movie of the Week feel to it, with R-rated gore and violence, a very unsettling juxtaposition. This movie, like Freeway, is not for the easy vomitters. Or the sensitive. I had to sleep with my window closed and one eye open last night.
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Feardotcom (2002)
$7 and Steven Dorff doesn't even take his shirt off.
2 September 2002
Because when you're watching a movie as shallow as feardotcom, that's what you start looking for. A cheap exploitation of some of horror's great survivors (Udo Kier and Jeffery Combs), this movie hid its weak plot and nonsense script behind MTV special effects and over the top acting. No wonder the lighting was so dark, they didn't want you to actually see what's going on, because the filmmakers feel ashamed. I mean, what mother would let her hemophiliac child play in a steel mill? One can only hope this movie closes this week and collects dust in the closet of film failure forever.
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Winter Lily (2000)
Canadian's can do a lot of things...thrillers aren't one of them.
28 August 2002
Not since Rabid have I had to fast forward through a movie so much. The only redeeming quality of this movie is the leading man who does have a nice figure (Agatha's shining moment). I warn you, stay away from this monstrosity.
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Man Bites Dog (1992)
Brilliant, funny and brutal.
14 July 2002
This movie is, among many other things hilarious. Some might be offended by his off the cuff remarks about Arabs or Blacks, or his flippant attitude towards inducing a heart attack in an old woman or strangling a child, but this movie is a first rate example of tongue-in-cheekness. This serial killer is followed around by an unwitting crew of filmmakers, eventually sucked into his world of murder, rape and robbery. We learn the weight ratio for weighing a dead body down so it won't float (including children, midgets and old people). The character does remain loveable (at least laughable) until he and the rest of the crew gang rape a young woman while her husband watches at gunpoint. Why in the world would you want to see this movie? Just his rants from modern architecture to mussells and back to impromptu poetry readings about pidgeons and the beach are enough without the graphic violence. But the violence, uncomfortable as it is brings a sense of reality to the movie. But the brilliance comes with the Spinal Tap inspired sound men being shot one by one suffering from a "cliched" "occupational hazard." Rent this movie with friends.
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Showgirls (1995)
The greatest comedy never made.
26 May 2002
My best friend said, "no one could have made a comedy like Showgirls." So true, so true. So much nonsensical dialogue, including bizarre references to eating "Doggie Chow" and sugar snaps. Elizabeth Berkely overacts with the intensity of an earthquake. Now mind you, I'm not trashing this movie, it is one of my favorites. But don't rent it unless you're in the mood for a good laugh. And you can play drinking games with it too! Take a shot everytime Nomi (Elizabeth Berkely) snatches something, or everytime she flings herself onto someone's car. You'll be drunk before the opening credits have ended.
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Bent (1997)
Don't bother
4 November 2001
There's nothing wrong with yet another film about the Holocaust. When done well, (Schindler's List, Life is Beautiful) this genre seems quite valid. But when done badly, you ask yourself, "When are they going to make a movie about the Holocaust from Hitler's dog's point of view?" The opening scene was all too reminiscent of Cabaret, which this film quite obviously draws major inspiration. After the first scene, I felt like taking the movie out and putting in Cabaret, but I stuck it out. Only to see two men orgasm while talking dirty, when in the distance you imagine babies being shot and children being gassed. What they were trying to accomplish with this movie, I do not know. I do know it was a lousy way to use my free movie credit at Midtown Video.
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All That Jazz (1979)
A brilliant, beautiful, underrated film.
8 June 2001
This film showcases Bob Fosse's talent as an all around showman. His choreography for Take Off With Us is one of his best pieces, and has spawned many imitations. The openning sequence as well has been copied and parodied. Great performances from many theatre veterans, which the main public wouldn't even know about if it weren't for this film (i.e. Leland Palmer and Ann Reinking). It also shows his talent as a director and writer. Anyone who loved Cabaret is guaranteed to love this film equally. An amazing soundtrack, great performances, and a huge supporting cast of well known actors (John Lithgow, Jessica Lange, Ben Vereen). An all around terrific film not to be missed.
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