
10 Reviews
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27 Dresses (2008)
And they lived happily ever after... all 27 of them.
13 February 2023
Colorful fairytale made of tender fabric. The laugh, the tears - little girl in me had become satisfied... partly. " Step up" and " Hairspray' maker is in game again. That was learning process before she even started to take first steps into romcom genre. " Proposal" will come out of her hands to be a legend among the films you need tissues and vine for.

Coming back to laughs - it is rather referring to an self-awkwardness of each viewer personally. The more situations are similar to one you had- the more you laugh. Empathy towards a main character is inevitable because of her cuteness and dedication to the thinks which was never made for her.

Director has put brilliant actors into cast. As a fan of comics I would like to mention that James Marsden surprised me after all, I have never expected to see him in that kind of role. Katherine Heigl has made her character up as professionally as it possible for the one who is working with that segment. The friend of her is the best to wish for. Charming boss is a truly charming man, but the character is such a child I just can't. The sister goes well with " Karma is a flitch - when you are " Talking about culmination - I strongly disagree with the reaction of main character's girl-friend. To begin with she actually told her sister what will she do if bride will not do it herself. Second of all it was emancipation from a victim mode to an adult. But of course it was easier to tell that situation was toxic and main character was selfish. On my opinion - relationships that was containing such a load of lies can never work out as healthy.

It's a typical romcom. But there is no sexualizing for except one scene witch was filmed very carefully. So it is better than many of what I have seen. One more view - for special occasion only.
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Made in Italy (2020)
Father of the Hollywood is back again - but this he will be saving himself rather than kid.
7 February 2023
This drama is a family story, where more than one involved. Two men, three divorced couples- arguing, debating, repairing. All of this seasoned with Italian warming atmosphere. Vine, food and art brings Italian and English world together by terms of love.

Visually it is a masterpiece cause all we see is mostly great view. It amazes hugely. Half of the cast are Italians - they doing great job with no comparison.

Acting is tremendously truthful. Tenderness in relationship of newly made couples can be felt through the screen. Main characters showing their skills during culmination. I was in tears.

Art is a way to tell what you can't put into words. Here is a who's talent and love has become a weapon against himself, the one he struggles to hold inside. The blame weights on his shoulders.

On the other side is a boy- neglected, tortured by easiness he sees in his father forgetting about past life and significant person in it.

James D'Arcy is leading us through tough way of acceptance and showing off the grief as it is.

Mainly what film was made to say is - the family is important, sometimes it is hard to cope with but as truth is heavy itself. It requires courage to look it strait in the eyes and deal with consequences.

It will help those who are hurting to find the way out and get some answers. As for me for now it is enough and I wouldn't choose to watch it again - but I deeply grateful it exists.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Calm vs Furios - self healing in action.
24 January 2023
Made in best traditions of action films Bullet train is an allusion on detective. Making fun of common layers used by directors to show characters backgrounds, motivations- that is what Leitch brought from Deadpool together with Ryan Reynolds cameo. Blood ,Absurd, too many people dealing with one task.

Ladybug tries to come through all levels of acceptance understand more. He is not one of those who are trying to do another job, though his skills staying with him forever. The last job. Guess it might be as well last mission of Bruce Wayne after working out childhood traumas with psychologist (or any other retired superhero).

Each and every character are build up beautifully even the Bottle of Water. But talking about White Death - Michael Shannon brings wrong narrative to film with his brilliant acting: russians are threatening and can outsmart you. Nope - those are just inadequate, impulsive, furious but nothing to do with smart beings. Joe King impressed me with quotes at the end of the film - I know how hard the pronunciation is with completely different articulation system. Tangerine is handsome as well as Ladybug- both of them gained brilliant come back with this movie. Zazie Beetz and Logan Lerman are cool as always - rare but always top of the top.

Listening to the dialogs was a pure pleasure, and not because this are well-made, but because the accent variety is a mix of all possible cultural representations. I grew fond of English\American -Asian coexisting atmosphere. Colors, sound -amazing. I would watch it again, and again, with a specific mood.

Main thought occurred to me as - luck is what you carrying within you.
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Turning Red (2022)
The truth in her roar.
17 January 2023
My attention have been caught since the very first look on cute red panda. Fluffy cuteness. But behind all fur- the girl who is craving for freedom and to be seen for who she really is. Long months of waiting is out - let's see how the beautiful concept works.

Of course I would like to mention the director, the women has taken fart in making of animation pictures for Pixar. Those will inevitably make you cry of true. This time included. Pack of tissues went empty during watching, but there was loads of laughing though. I would call it a rather balanced creature made of teenage experience.

Following to VFx - masterpiece itself. Magic was shown truly wholesome, the choices of cinematographers are elegant and make you think about sense of a picture twice.

Actors have made their tasks up professionally, deliciously to watch. Each emotion was felt as sharp as never. Talking about characters, there is some questions to the attitude of main character's friends - but those are kids, confused by becoming adults just as me and you were. The picture make teens let go off many fears and shows that to become yourself you need to get rid off layers gained from social circle of family and see who you want to be.

I grew to be a fan of it. If there would be voting about making next films of that sort - yes, I would enjoy to watch film showing up interesting and magnificently made legend of all nations around a world. I will also be amused to see this same movie again.
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Lightyear (2022)
" Come and feel this nostalgia thing"
13 January 2023
That's what this movie speaks to me since I was a kid when Andy appeared on the screen along with his favourite Buzz Lightyear. Hero was a freshmen than and had a way to go through. Still we have a background here or the new film is an actual backup line?

Angus McLane who already having several pictures done for Pixar studio has found himself in a new position this time. As a director he has done unique job of reopening well known character as a serious person. There is a lot to think about in a story-line. It is deeper. The film is a slight remind that animation is not a genre to be called childish - it depends on who is a receiver of director's message. Plot seems to be way smoother and feel too long at some scenes. Some dialogues are might feel a touch of silliness in a plate of a beautifully build system.

As for characters Chis Evans made it alive with his intelligible existence in a movie. By giving his voice to Buzz he made huge amount of women adore the ranger. Cat is just some kind of magical hack of the seriousness that fulfilling a picture. Definitely want one.

Answering the question below- nope, as soon as I've came to know Buzz Lightyear of MacLane it have become sheer madness to call it similar in any kind. Quotes Toy Story's Buzz kept repeating finally made sense. I will not watch it again but thanks to all the cast that made up that one missing puzzle in the story such an interesting experience.
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Traditional Christmas of Ukrainian village written and filmed in a short story long.
12 December 2022
The name of film was taken from Mykola Hohol's famous tales collection. The story chosen by Aleksandr Rou exist originally in that collection under the name of "Evening before Christmas".

The tale is beautifully made to show the amazing verity of traditions in culture in the middle between Europe and Eastern part of the world. How does people managed to have fun, love, laugh and be open to each other as well as to cherish the holiday's sacred meaning . And it is obvious how Hohol wanted to show it in the best light he imagined it to be while reading story-letters from his Ukraine - rooting mother.

Disappointment hit me hard when I took a look on the most funny moments of the tale filmed by Aleksandr Rou and found it made up disgusting. So than you can't normally relate yourself to most of the characters. Maybe that is why no empathy towards characters was born in me. Speaking about actors - none of the filmed personalities hadn't found their piece of fame through the life of their . The visual part of the movie correspondingly to the era it was filmed in - nothing special behalf a Devil and man who manipulates varenyky with the help of mindforce.

Director knows how to work with hyperbola. It goes out of the picture that Ukrainians are drinking 24/7 , loud, rude people who are always hungry. It grew into nowadays stereotypes.

To sump I would rather recommend to watch it without presumption that all depicted is true but to enjoy the tradition. As for me it interesting to compare how my homeland was seen by land over the border and how I was hearing and feeling it was.
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Viy (1967)
Famous story of the mystery evil
10 December 2022
It's believed that the story told by Ukrainian writer Mykola Hohol is taking from the tales his mother told him when they have been chatting through the letters. He was deeply interested in the culture of his country due to not being able to experience it himself .

Speaking about direction - you may find the story to be not wholesomely made but often cut sharply and intrusively replacing viewer into different locations and communities. The time of the tale, its length had been set strictly but time runs faster than usually you to concentrate on particular changes in the hero. I would call it a sort of countdown set up in the story.

As we go to characters and actors I have to say that those are actors I grew old with though it doesn't making them grate in my eyes. The way they had Ukrainians depicted in that picture cant make me become fond of that film.

Summing up with vision of the Viy itself I will mention the mistaken that grate evil for a huge robotic bee with green eyes. Maybe visual part in 1967 wasn't ready to welcome such a threat on screen.

The picture has cut off all the cultural basis, the name of location was never mentioned nor years neither specific differences in living , language and folklore. Though Kuravlyov tried to shout Ukrainian song but his accent didn't let him pronounce any word correctly, plus how can you do it if you showing up as always drunk young Ukrainian preacher. Drinking a lot of gorilka is another stereotype munch wanted by director to be national for more cultured part of the union that doesn't exist nowadays.

As you may already understand - I will not watch this film again. In case you want to do it pay attention to the atmosphere it was made in.

P. S : Try to not mistake this film for new two volume phantasmagoria, it is way wars then the one I reviewed.
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The opinion of Marvel lover.
1 December 2022
. Not just MCU but whole marvel stuff is precious to me in terms of being part of my childhood. My awareness of rules and roots of the sup's world is not always helpful while watching MCU. But speaking about this movie - there is something else to talk about.

Starting with director and passing straight to cast I got confused by something I didn't recognize to be true when watching previous movies about Black Panther ( there's two more). As a person who had seen all the interviews for press tour and premier as well as hearing comments of Kevin Feige on making of the film I got the idea - filming process to be more of a group work then achievement of one particular actor\actress. Through all supporting material it is visible that no one turned to try to be ' bigger' then other. As a result - family energy is wholesome, actors are giving head up to each other's talent without being suppressed by one's previous acting works.

On screen job is impeccable talking about Angela Basset and Lupita Nyong'o. The first is just a huge figure in this film and through all franchise as a mother of King and whole Wakanda. The energy of love, tenderness but flows around her up until it to defend the homeland. Nakia is in fact already taking up a place of Quin with heart open speeches and same dedication to the place she ' s been born to. Both actress's made a bunch of work to show how strong women can lead in grief.

Man's side of the film is all about Namor. The first , mean, masculine -that is what I expected knowing him from comics. What I really get disappointed me in any way. Honestly, I grew not to be fan of choosing Tenoch Huerta. My fear of not been comfortable with seeing such a different choice from comic variant. As soon as he appeared on-screen the feeling of wrong choice disappeared, for except one scene about Namor's childhood witch just wasn't filmed good. Summing up - charisma of mr. Huerta is great deal and I am looking forward to see him more in the Cinematic Universe.

Martin Freeman's appearance brings cozy vibes to the film of coolness. Winston Duke is a pure gold in terms of silly and strong leader. My gut tells me that there will be love line between him and Shuri.

Talking about grief - this was honorable ' Goodbye' to Chadwick Boseman. I would rather call it ' saying aloud all the thinks witch we ought have said but wasn't made it on time' hoping that he'll watch from up above. I guess this is the best page closing up for an era of this Black Panther to give the way to progress in future. Have no clue what next phase of MCU will be for this hero but the way is clear and me personally ready to percept whatever is coming.
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Accepted (2006)
The comedy that hit me too hard but I wish it had happened earlier.
9 November 2022
My heart was taken as soon I got the part of main speech on FYP of TikTok. I saved it immediately and had a best Halloween in my life watching it, sipping vine while ghost shadows were dancing with the candles in the dark.

The story-line was build around typical problem of graduating school -guys who are more concentrated on what they love than a conception "school-university-office work". The conception has took-over the city teenagers lived in and grew into generational belief.

Its summertime and parents waiting they kids to get in the university and to start career path. But what about those who could not make it to any of educational establishment? This is the place we see main characters, and to be honest I would have tried the same if I had courage. They have been working on their future and gave the same chance to their friends.

Actors who are now at the age of parents were talented and free even then. It is obvious that here you are to cry, to laugh to feel yourself young again and recollect your own dreams and goals. Music, friendship - beautifully made up work. The beauty of films from early 20's - kinda miss of that simple warm pictures...
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Entergalactic (2022)
The film I watched because of reliable source has recommended it.
3 November 2022
The influencer also mentioned the fact that the one who is a fan of Spider-Man into the universe will automatically approve this work of One an amazing group of illustrators and artists. To be honest this is a masterpiece in the world of animation, the way creators talk about the process of putting film together couldn't be more inspiring. As a pro-comics person I grew really fond of it. But let's eat this cake piece by piece.

Story line- must be a cliché - Nice guy - Lovely soulmate\roommate girl - Bitchy ex-girlfriend. But the fact of not been made for typical viewer but for a specific category makes me think that it worth applauds for making way more enchanting then most of classic stories. Not only blackness makes this work better but a casualty which is given by friends, career, whole world that surrounds main characters. The simplicity is handsome. The tragedy, the love, the fear and passion - the life itself is a search for your way in a world of someone else's choices.

Art takes special place both in story line and film itself. Through hour and a half, we are invited to watch two worlds in one view of the director pictured by artists. Those guys had been carefully putting in various pop culture Easter eggs and partly let the art be one of the main characters. And all of it becomes dull by the fact that the whole film is a supporting illustration for a new album of a famous rapper Kid Cudi.

Galaxy is not only making title but shows the inner passion of main characters visually. That is the way author have chosen as a description of the specific feeling of mutual love. It may be or may not be the right way from your point of view - author feels it that way To conclude with, I couldn't think of anything else then genius way of telling the story this way over the time I had been watching Entergalactic. Hope to see more of something like that sooner or later.
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