
6 Reviews
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
The smartest animated show ever
12 October 2017
I stand behind my title. This show is more clever and much more subtle than many other adult cartoons that make fun of pop culture. It also created its own universe which mixes art, science and philosophy. Every episode is a winner mashing together classic stories with existential fun. It approaches storytelling and problem resolution in completely unique fashion. It will make you laugh and make you think!
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Terrible Show with unbelievable storytelling
12 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show is terrible. I am only 2 episodes in, but the show is so unbelievable it is like an autistic person wrote it. What I mean by that is the characters do not interact with each other in a way that reflects how humans normally interact with each other and not just the character that actually is autistic in the show. The conversations all the characters have and decisions they make do not match what a real life version of them would do.. Let me give you some examples. In the first episode, the CEO of the hospital decides to higher the autistic doctor. Some of the other doctors are skeptical and push back. They don't really make any great points why he cant be a doctor other than suggesting he will be too socially retarded and it doesn't even really get that heated. After 1 failed attempt of convincing them that it was as good decision the CEO starts shouting out some high-road speech and says if the autistic guy doesn't work out he will resign from his position. Not only was it unnecessary for him to get that heated from such little push back no CEO would ever put their job on the line for something that silly. It was totally unnecessary. What I imagine would really happen is he would just assert his dominance saying it was his job to make the decision and he stands behind it.

One more example. Three Surgeons are talking with each other about a patient that is going to die in 3 months if they do not remove a tumor hiding behind the persons kidney. They decide they cannot get to it/see it and Going in blind would most certainly kill the patient. The good doctor comes up with an ingenious, yet obvious idea of removing the kidney so they can see the tumor and not go in blind. It is a little silly that they needed the Savant to come up with that idea, and the regular doctors could not come up on it on there own, everyone knows you can live with 1 kidney, but whatever. The absolutely unbelievable part is that after he mentions it, their mouths drop like it's a crazy idea to remove a perfectly healthy kidney, even though this women has no other options and will be dead in 3 months. This lasts through 2 scenes that the female doctor is like omg this is so crazy the idea of removing a healthy kidney... and the way they justify it is by making her seem non-objective because she promised the patient she would live when she shouldn't have. It is terrible writing. There is no twists. The viewer knows it is the obvious and logical choices 2 scenes before the female doctor can see it. You could argue they were developing her character, but unless they are developing her into being a dumbass it's no good.

The other thing that this show has going against it is that you have to compare the show to House... Super intelligent, damaged/handicap doctor makes diagnosis that no one else can see. The difference is that episodes of house had very clever dialogue and characters which makes very a great and smart show. The good doctor does none of this, while also making the viewer feel like they are the autistic one, because none of these social interactions make any damn sense. hmmm That would be an interesting concept, but clearly not what the director is going for.
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It is beautiful and is everything everyone else said it was...But
27 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was really good, and a good tale. But it made me mad. at some parts it was just hard to believe. They really stitched good material together poorly. Especially the end where there's a pathetic fight and the dumb blonde doesn't even do anything really. Also if she really loved him she would go and see him there's nothing stopping her from going to the mansion and seeing him.

It just didn't make any sense and it left me with an empty feeling. I really wanted to like this movie but I couldn't.

The movie almost captured my emotions... Yea almost

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300 (2006)
300 Delivers
11 March 2007
The only think I wanted out of this move was epic fight scenes that I could Obsess over for a few weeks and it gave me more then that. The fighting was unbelievable my mouth was open in each fight seen and It was like... "AHH... OH! OH SH*T!... OMG HAHAHHA!... AHH!" Me and my friends had the time of our lives.

Violence aside everything was beautiful. Great acting, gave just enough story and plot but not enough to bore you with long scenes. The visuals outside fighting were beautiful. All the concepts and ideas of character outfit and design were superb and kept me fascinated.

The movie just delivers,

This movie was my snakes on a plane and then some
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Sky High (2005)
A watered down done before movie
7 September 2006
WoW you guys can't be serious... this movie was horrible. Everything that this movie stands for has been done a million times... and a million times better. First of all the main character was a total pussy which took away from the whole film. Next all the characters were hard to believe. I could go on and on... the whole execution of the plot was just as horrible. The only thing that really interested me to see this movie is I am curious to see what cool super powers they came up with. yet they were all either totally worthless or had been done a million times before there was no orginallity. Also you only see a few powers being used when the main character first enters sky high (which is usually the coolest part of these movies) yet you hardly see anyone using their powers and it sure as hell isn't entertaining.

on and on I can goo it's just a horrible movie... maybe the kids will like it if they have never seen a movie with superheroes in it... thats all i can give it
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Snakes on a plane
20 August 2006
My god Snakes on a plane delivers. It did what I wanted it too and then SO much more. I myself have been anticipating this movie some months now and was hopping for some fun snake action but I got so much more. The snake action blew my mind and the cast and acting was superb. Snakes on a plane has to be one of the greatest movies I have seen in theaters and I recommend it to anyone thats into SLJ and some fun action.

Snakes on a plane just might be the greatest motion picture ever made




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