
41 Reviews
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Cataclysm (2013)
Sincerely enjoyable!
1 March 2024
So you saw "Diamond Fox" and "Plum" and are looking for more Deuandra movies to watch. I recommend this short film as your 3rd foray.

After the above two mentioned masterpieces, the quality starts to vary a little. All have SOMETHING good going on, but some have a little filler as well. This movie has no filler whatsoever. It is start to finish outstanding. Every scene is entertaining, and the film is not boring for one second.

The plot takes more twists and unexpected turns than most feature-length films. All within an 18-minute span!

So run, don't walk, to Detaron TV to stream this at once. You will not regret it.
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an interesting experiment; not a good film
10 December 2022
We have a portrait of a boring life, intentionally crafted to make the audience feel her boredom as much as possible. This includes pacing, camerawork, dialogue, and even total running time. It's all crafted to bore you as much as possible. Jeanne Dielman is downright aggressive in its pursuit of boredom. It's done in the name of realism, but this isn't realistic. Real life has both interesting and boring parts. Normal movies are life with the boring parts removed, and Jeanne Dielman is life with the interesting parts removed. That's not an insult from me; that is an accurate description of this film's premise and methodology. Jeanne Dielman expresses a frank contempt for the audience, and of filmic conventions themselves.

It's an interesting experiment, but let's just agree to call it that, and not "the best film of all time." Let's just say it was a neat little art film that pushed the boundaries of what can be considered art, but it isn't really meant to be watched, and anyone who does will have very little to think about or occupy their time.

I'm all about diversifying the top 100 list and getting some women on there. And I'm all for art being subjective, and not using a narrow or consistent set of metrics to evaluate different pieces. I can imagine a healthy debate about whether Jeanne Dielman is good. But I cannot in good faith imagine any sensible criteria that lead to this film sincerely being called the best film of all time. If Sight and Sound wants to put this on their top 100 list, okay, but in putting it at number one, they are clearly just trying to get attention by being controversial, and unfortunately it worked.
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Picture Day (2012)
really nice movie!
7 January 2022
So much of this movie's charm comes from its cast, who are all super likable, especially the lead. But it's also got really great storytelling, with a lot of understated moments and implications you have to piece together yourself. Breezy and moody and recommended to anyone who likes these chill sorts of movies.
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"Listen to the words!"
7 January 2022
The concert footage and the interviews are both great. Ice-T is wise and witty, and hits hard. This tape is an excellent artifact and is overall much better than most concert videos.
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clever dark comedy
2 April 2021
It saddens me this film wasn't better received, because it's quite a sharp satire with a really unique perspective that doesn't feel like anything else I've seen and is really well put together!

Mainstream people with won't like this. But if you have off-kilter sensibilities and like to watch with your brain, there's a lot in here to latch onto. It's very good at giving you room to think, and planting seeds, and building suspense, and having unexpected payoffs. All with a surreal dreamlike tone and managing to stay humorous during remarkably disturbing content.

I'm impressed and I recommend this a lot!
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Taekwondo Kid (2018)
barely a movie
15 November 2020
This movie is entirely filler. There is no plot. It is just hanging around in a forest, hanging around at a carnival, hanging around at a dojo, hanging around at a playground, back and forth, back and forth. No two scenes connect to each other. The soundtrack is completely arbitrary.

It's bad, but not bad enough to be enjoyable. It's just boring.
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Whip It (2009)
missed potential
29 September 2020
There are a lot of things to like about this movie. Outstanding cast, characters, setting, etc. The first 60 minutes are fun, exciting, and empowering. The problem is that the next 30 minutes are a huge bummer. I can understand wanting some tension in your script, but do we have to do a complete tonal shift to achieve it? For a full half hour? Do we have to bring all momentum to a grinding halt so we can mope and sulk in spite of everything the film was working to achieve until then? Can I sign a petition to make Hollywood stop doing this all the time? The ending recoups things, but boy would this have been better if it had just stayed fun throughout.
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Slime City (1988)
better than most of these movies!
2 September 2020
This movie is so fun!! Every scene is good, they connect to each other well, and the gore effects are just outstanding. Many camp movies are unwatchably boring, but this one entertains start to finish. I recommend it highly if you like low budget gore.
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kind of cool
28 June 2020
If you like these actresses, it's fun to hang out with them for 70 minutes (plus a few more with the bonus featurette). If you don't know them, but you're curious about the genre, this will have a few interesting tidbits for you. For seasoned veterans, there's probably not much in here you haven't already heard in several other documentaries or audio commentary tracks.

It's a little interesting as a historical artifact, to see who was paneling a typical horror con back in '04, and the sorts of conversations they had with each other after going back to their hotel rooms. Beyond that, not much going on.

If you do want to see this, the only way seems to be directly tweeting Happy Cloud Pictures, as they're selling DV-R's of it but not on their website.

P.S. To the people who directed Lilith Stabs in those unreleased films she mentioned, RELEASE THE FOOTAGE TO THE PUBLIC.
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Betty (2020– )
transcendently good
26 June 2020
Easily the best tv show I've seen in years. Such a strong tone. Every character has so much personality, even the minor ones. Such deep and varied emotions. So many subtle flourishes. Over and over, you'll notice a quick facial expression that makes you understand the entire scene in a different way. Such a powerful pacing and structure. The combination of everything nearly gave me Stendhal syndrome. Cannot wait for season 2!!

P.S. Apparently some reviewers disagree on this last point, but I would just like to say that I liked this even more than Skate Kitchen. Skate Kitchen was solidly good and quite endearing, but hinted at a potential greater than itself. This show achieves that potential.
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15 June 2020
A few nice moments, but most of this movie's running time is padding/filler. A lot of long shots of someone driving, or staring off in the distance, or explaining something we already know, etc. You could easily shave off 30 minutes from the first half of the movie, and another 20 from the second half.

Really not much to say about this movie. Oh there is an obnoxious ripoff of the Halloween theme that plays about 12 times and gets stuck in your head. Basically, don't waste your time on this one.
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Demonatrix (1999 Video)
14 June 2020
If you tracked down this obscure VHS, it's probably because of Lilith Stabs. She's in it, and she's pretty cool, but with only a medium sized role, and it's interspersed with a lot of aimless plot, slow pacing, repetitive scenes, and softcore porn. You'll probably find yourself fast forwarding a lot (which on a VCR is a little annoying).

Recommending this to anyone would be absurd. As a movie, it's a near complete failure. It does not even work on the camp level, lacking any "so bad it's good" moments (like for instance the singer in another garbage movie of hers, Vampire Call Girls). But yeah Lilith Stabs is in it, so devotees may want to check this out for that alone.
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surprisingly fun
14 June 2020
The first movie (Legend of La Llorna) is unwatchably slow and boring. This movie, despite having its same technical shortcomings, is a wild ride. It moves fast, it's constantly surprising you, and is just generally packed with so many outlandish moments that you'll find yourself repeatedly wondering if you really just heard or saw what you think you did.

I recommend this, but obviously only to people who are okay with heavy camp and zero budget. Be ready for awkward framing, editing, acting, dialogue, lighting, pacing, set decoration, and basically everything that falls under "mise en scene."

Also, if you enjoy this one, also consider checking out the third movie in the series (Curse of La Llorna). Not quite as outlandish as this one, but a fun vibe all its own.
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14 June 2020
It's a shame the first movie in this series is such a drag, because it will deter people from seeing the other two, which are enjoyable.

I can like a movie that's "bad" on a technical level. Bad acting, bad camerawork, bad dialogue, etc. are not necessarily deal breakers. There's only one thing a movie can't be, which is boring, and this movie is excruciatingly so.

The second movie (Revenge of La Llorna) is enjoyable for how outlandish it is, and the third movie (Curse of La Llorna) has a sense of fun and passion to it, but this first movie is just a slog. The few nice moments it has are not worth the pain of getting to them. Avoid.
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Curse of La Llorona (2007 Video)
2 June 2020
Is this "good" in the technical sense, not really, and will most people like it, of course not, but for the right type of fan, it's a highly enjoyable watch. A lot of passion and energy went into this project and it shows. Most of the cast is really likable. The stilted dialogue, forced acting, absurd reactions, and inane plot all swirl together into a beautiful campy concoction. Most importantly, it doesn't fail where most bad movies fail: it's not boring. Every scene has several things to enjoy. Ultimately, it wins you over into cheering for this warped vision someone had. Cannot wait to see the other two!!!
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enjoyable, ridiculous
22 May 2020
Calling this movie good would be a little too generous, but it is a fun watch and does have a lot going for it.

The writing is often dopey but does have a few gems sprinkled throughout. Some genuinely clever and well crafted absurdist moments. (I wish it had a few more!)

The cast is extremely likable, if you're into the same type of person that the director is in. Apparently I am and the other reviewer was not, but I will say it's a type that doesn't often get featured in this genre, or any genre, so I appreciated it a lot. I kind of wish the advertising for the film indicated that more, so I would have had an easier time finding this.

The kills and gore are frankly pathetic, but the more you watch the movie, the more you realize that's kind of the point. Depictions of gore sort of peaked decades ago, so what is there even left to add? Perhaps it's better to take this movie's approach and put the focus elsewhere.
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kind of good
11 May 2020
If you've seen movies made by this team, you basically know what to expect. A dazzlingly good cast, a solid premise, painfully mediocre writing, a few cool moments. Arguably justifies a watch if you're into the low budget horror scene (which you probably are if you're on this page). There's better out there, but there is much, much, much, much worse and lots of it.
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6 November 2019
Calling this "essential" is quite a stretch. It's a little interesting. It has a LOT of filler though. If you find this in a thrift store for $2, like I did, you might as well, but there's not much reason to seek it out.
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well made
11 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's informative, it's paced well, they interview the right people, etc. Recommended.
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Boardinghouse (1982)
honestly pretty sweet
22 May 2019
If you're evaluating this movie in terms of plot structure or character arcs, you're missing the point. If you're saying "the image quality isn't sharp enough," you are consuming the wrong genre.

If you do like backyard horror films, Boardinghouse belongs in the good pile. It has something that most of these films lack: passion. The filmmakers clearly put in more time, effort, planning, and care than most of their peers. The result is something with a vision and level of energy that's hard to replicate, even on films with budgets in the millions.
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Probably Moog's worst movie
21 May 2019
I'm an unreasonably large RickMoe fan. This film, his second feature length, is in my opinion the ugly duckling of his oeuvre.

His later films have this absurdist convention-breaking glee about them. His previous film functions as an earnest low-budget horror film. Bangin' Vengeance fails as both earnest entertainment and ironic camp. It's really just a puerile trudge that's hard to find anything enjoyable in.

The actors all do as good a job as the material allows. If you want to see what RickMoe is capable of, you're better off watching Bigfoot Ate My Boyfriend.
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Satan's Blade (1984)
12 May 2019
A lot of movies try to replicate that 80s horror schlock aesthetic, but they never quite capture it. If you want the real thing, you have to go to actual 80s horror schlock, and this movie is it.

The visual style is so alluring. The film stock, the framing choices, the fashion, the sets, the hair styles. It's also aided by the really haunting soundtrack. The acting is appropriately horrible.

What I like most about this movie is its tone. It may sag at times, but once it gets going, things are just so grim and nihilistic. The combination moved me way more than most bigger budget productions.
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Red Lips (1995)
Alluring despite huge problems
11 May 2019
First the bad: this film is hugely repetitive, to the point of feeling droning and at times hard to sit through.

The good: basically everything else. There are tons of endearingly campy acting and dialogue, the wardrobe and aesthetic are so evocative of that 90's underground scene, the character dynamics and tensions are often enjoyable. The biggest reason to watch this movie though: Getty Chasun! She is a treat as always (please watch her in Gorotica if you haven't already), enough to carry most of the movie.

I will say that much of the joy you'll have from this film can be found in the first 15 minutes, after which the plodding starts. It's very much a Donald Farmer film in that regard. You could certainly do better if you're looking for SOV horror, but this at least does not belong in the garbage pile.
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perfectly serviceable horror film
7 May 2019
If you're a fan of Richard Moog, this film (his first) isn't quite what you'd expect. It's still a low budget horror film, obviously, but missing are his disdain of storytelling and filmmaking conventions. Shockingly, this film proves Moog to be quite conversant in both.

It's disorienting to see a Moog film with actual props, trained actors, scripted dialogue, even pacing, a real location, wardrobes, and plausible subtext, but that's what this film has. More surprising still, they all work. It doesn't capture the anarchic glee of his later films, but unlike those, it still functions as an earnest horror film.

Credit must also be given to the ensemble cast, so many of whom are so likable and so different from what we're used to seeing in movies. That's something this does have in common with Moog's later films: his eye for casting unusual talent.

Better horror films exist, but Easter Bunny Bloodbath remains worthy of your investment.
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fun, not for everyone
5 May 2019
If you've seen any Richard Moog films, you basically know what this is. Super low budget self-aware camp with endearingly odd acting choices. Uneven pacing, but enough gags to sustain interest.

This particular film has a larger cast than his other films, and enough of the actors are enjoyable that you rarely are left stranded. Perhaps my favorite thing about this film, and it's unclear if it was intentionally crafted this way, is how nearly every actor has a completely different acting style. There's the overly naturalistic one, the overly hammy one, the overly awkward one, the overly monotone one, the overly detached one, the overly affected one... it causes every conversation to have this hilarious discordant clash of styles. Seriously, how did this happen?? I can only hope it was by design.

I also like this film's "solution" to the unconvincing gore effects of its predecessors. All in all worth a watch -- if and only if you like this sort of thing, which you probably already know whether you do.
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