
44 Reviews
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Croc! (2022)
Croc Horror
10 March 2023
Titled 'Croc!' Or 'Crocodile Vengeance' (who was the Croc avenging?) this movie is clearly a very very very low budget production and not exactly high brow entertainment. I mean it's about a crocodile that gate crashes a wedding in rural England.

You'd be lucky to see any sunshine let alone a killer croc!

But if you leave your brain at the door and don't come in with any major expectations it's enjoyable enough.

It is a b movie horror after all not a documentary so don't be surprised if no one can manage to run away without falling over.

The CGI Crocodile is a bit dodgy but the majority of the actors do okay and there's some funny one liners in there.
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Hostile (I) (2017)
Hostile takeover
10 March 2023
I'd seen the poster to this and skimmed past it a bunch of times. Then it happened to be TV late one night and I've got to say it's a bit of a hidden gem.

The story goes back and forth between this present day sci-fi horror set in a post apocalyptic wasteland where the lead character is trapped in a wrecked car being hunted by a monstrous mutant and a relationship drama set before the world went to hell.

Had no preconceptions coming into the movie which was great. Really taken by the story, very well crafted by the filmmakers and the actor/performer playing the monster is absolutely incredible.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Fear of Heights
10 March 2023
First to admit I am not a fan of heights and watching this film (even just the build up of them climbing the ladder before it got to the real danger) made me genuinely anxious which is a testament to the filmmakers craft.

The setup is best friends Becky and youtuber type Hunter (tits for clicks) scale to the top of a 2,000-foot radio tower and get stuck up there.

If you've seen similar films then being super critical I could say the story is a little predictable up to a point but as a movie it delivers across the board.

Great performances by the actors, really nice score and filmed with such a sense of realism.
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I killed some time
10 March 2023
Crime drama told in a retrospective talking heads style. Each episode starts with someone confessing to the murder of 'Molly Monroe' and you then find out more about that character, why and how they feel responsible for her death.

Obviously not a true crime documentary as for one thing the character actors appear in dramatic reconstructions which would've been kind of tricky had they been real people who are now deceased.

A really neat idea and a few twists and turns (despite the fact they already confessed).

Some good subtle acting performances throughout and a decent score.

Also the episodes are all under 30 mins which is handy.
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Zombie Vegas
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In this mega budget action bonanza Dave Bautista leads his gang of bad ass renegades into a zombie infected quarantined Las Vegas to pull off a major casino vault heist with 24 hours to spare until the city gets nuked and all of course without getting mauled by the undead.

Some incredible action sequences and stunning production design not to mention an innovative way of protecting yourself if you happen to be an all powerful zombie.

Bit on the long side for the genre but it's a Zack Snyder film; what did you expect?!
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Zombie Musical
20 March 2021
This film could be described a Scottish version of 'High School Musical' but with added Zombies.

Great fun, great script, some nice sight gags and the tunes are pretty catchy too.
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Pandamonium (I) (2020)
Panda Panda Panda
20 March 2021
What's not to like about a serial killer who likes to target strippers while wearing a giant panda head.

Shoe string budget horror with some fun 80's style cheesy one liners.
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Cage (I) (2016)
12 March 2021
Impressive micro budget drama thriller about a young woman kidnapped and caged in an unknown warehouse.

A movie in the vein of claustrophobic single-handers like 'buried', 'phone booth' 'locke' and 'brake'.

Great writing and measured direction and a fantastic central performance by the lead actress. Voice actors do a stellar job too.
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Capone (2020)
9 March 2021
Tom Hardy gives an interesting performance but despite a few good scenes and fantasy sequences the film never quite takes off.

Not sure if the end of Capone's life when he had dementia really needs a whole movie devoted to it rather then just a section of a movie.
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Margin Call (2011)
Margin Call
9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Captivating financial drama thriller about an investment banking firm who while cutting jobs stumble across projections that would lead to their demise and go into emergency sink or swim mode.

Fantastic performances, great script and well judged direction.

Even if you don't follow all the technical jargon the drama still holds up.
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The Old Guard (2020)
The Old Guard
18 February 2021
Immortality is not all it's cracked up to be for Charlize Theron is this Action Sci-fi Fantasy.

Fantastic action sequences mixed with some thoughtful moments, sharp dialogue, great storytelling, great performances and a brilliant score.
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Lunar Cycle
1 February 2021
Crime sci-fi thriller about a detective's obsession with a serial killer who seems to re-appear every nine years.

Bit of a hidden gem here having stumbled across it on Netflix. Nicely judged direction and performances with a great score to match and some awesome storytelling.

Definitely worth a few hours of your time.
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Killer Croc
31 December 2020
Strong Aussie Horror about a group of cave divers that get stranded with a killer crocodile. Good set pieces and performances.

Thankfully the crocodile isn't a CGI fest.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
The Ritual
15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Smart British Horror about a quartet of friends on a Hiking trip in Northern Sweden in memory of their deceased friend. When one member of the group twists their knee they decide to take a short cut through the Forrest and wind up in all sorts of trouble.

Mixes Horror and Drama superbly as Rafe Spall's character deals with the guilt of not intervening when his friend was attacked and murdered in an off license at the start of the film.

Great performances throughout and really well put together.
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Allotment Apocalypse
13 November 2020
Another addition to the totally unrelated '...of the dead' succession of films here.

It's a comedy horror featuring a host of familiar British sitcom faces such as Lauren Socha (The other one) and Ewen MacIntosh (the Office) alongside Horror Icon Kane Hodder and Brian Blessed as the Narrator.
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Black Ops (II) (2019)
Stairway to Hell
7 November 2020
Low budget horror about a special ops task force who find themselves climbing a never ending stairwell starring Shayne Ward (ex Coronation Street and Pop star).

Has a bit of a 'twilight zone' vibe. Set pieces are nicely executed, script and performances decent and there's a bold use of colour to set the tone.
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Hungry like the wolf
4 November 2020
This Brit Horror sees Strippers (none of which actually take their clothes off) versus werewolves; who don't look especially wolfie.

Not a bad cast. Martin Compston, Martin Kemp, Ali Bastian, Steven Berkoff and Robert Englund are all on show and if nothing else they make great use of the Duran Duran classic 'Hungry like the wolf'.
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Zombeavers (2014)
Fear the Beaver!
24 October 2020
A trio of scantily clad sorority sisters and their jackass boyfriends are terrorized by zombie beavers; who actually looked pretty creepy before they ingested the toxic waste to be fair.

If the title alone didn't give it away the film is not exactly high brow cinema but it's entertaining, has a sharp script and is generally good mindless fun.
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Witches be Crazy!
22 October 2020
Creepy atmospheric horror about a group of friends who get lost and stranded on a snowboarding trip after their SUV breaks down. Ultimately as the situation deepens the group dynamic begins to splinter.

Beautifully shot, well acted and nicely staged. Good tension building and storytelling. Bit of gore and twists that keep coming. Kinda has the 'Wind Chill' vibe but with a bigger group.
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Solid Slasher
15 October 2020
Solid Micro Budget British Slasher about a vintage Jack in the Box toy that houses a sadistic killer.

Prop design on the Jack in the Box is fantastic and the make up design is pretty good too. Nicely made, well executed with a decent script, effective film score and good acting performances through out.
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Let me take a Selfie
10 October 2020
Even taking a harmless selfie will lead to your gruesome demise in this US low budget technology Horror.

Nicely made with some effective jump scares and a good sense of tension throughout.
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A Werewolf in England
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Micro budget British tongue-in-cheek werewolf horror with a retro vibe from Dark Temple Motion Pictures.

A Parish Councillor escorts a murderer (who killed a man he claimed was a creature) and seeks refuge at a country Inn and before you know if they're under threat from the psychopathic Inn Keepers making an offering to the local werewolves on a Blood moon.

Clearly the production values were restricted by the budget but the script is really witty, the film score on point and the actors all do a great job.
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Coherence (2013)
25 September 2020
Bit of an indie gem here for this low key, low budget mystery sci-fi drama thriller. Set around a dinner party with a bit of a 'twilight zone' feel. Actors and a clever script are great and it kept me hooked from the first to the last minute.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Meet the Parents
21 September 2020
Really solid horror film. Clever script with good injections of humor mixed in with tension and scares.

The acting performances are fantastic especially Kaluuya in the lead and the parents. Glad I saw this one at the cinema.
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Parasite (2019)
Lives up to the hype
16 September 2020
Went into this thinking there's no way it could live up to the hype after it's Oscar and BAFTA wins. Couldn't have been more wrong.

An incredible piece of storytelling. Script is great, performances awesome and visually stunning. Even if you're not a fan of foreign language films and reading subtitles you need to give this a try. Very deserving of all the big award wins.
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