
12 Reviews
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This is a tough one to review...
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think, perhaps, you have to be in a certain mood to watch and appreciate this film properly. Patient, but alert and attentive to catch the subtleties of the slow-burn plot.

Oh...I should mention it is very Irish. If you don't know what that means, well... watch the film and you'll get a glimmer.

The acting and scenery are marvelous, as others have noted. The plot as a metaphor for the Irish Civil War and so on.

The strange sudden "unfriending" and the bizarre twists and turns it takes as a commentary on human nature and isolation amid a tedious present and an uncertain future.

There's no hand-holding and you have to read between the lines to understand it well. The humor is dry, dark and subtle, sprinkled in by small doses.

I suppose I must have been in the right mood to appreciate it, and largely absent expectations (other than that there would be good acting, which was so).

People expecting more of a comedy will be disappointed, I think, as will those expecting a light-hearted or uplifting conclusion.

Still, I thought it was quite interesting, and certainly different.
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Ad Astra (2019)
I've actually watched this three times, but...
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is visually remarkable, beautiful cinematography and effects... yet there is so much to criticize, so much more it could have been.

For one thing, Ad Astra is a pro-space exploration motto, yet the film as a whole is quite anti-space-exploration. The moon city is portrayed as a banal extension of earthly malls for wealthy space tourists, a scientific dead-end where things have gone so wrong there are moon pirates and a largely defunct long-range rocket base.

The Mars colony is portrayed as a dead-end-seeming place of empty concrete corridors and lost potential.

We're alone in the universe and it's all pointless, stay on Earth, the ending seems to say.

Not to mention many technically or scientifically dubious scenes or plot devices, including the main plot device of an antimatter drive vessel near Neptune endangering Earth.

A frequently heard critique is the main character is so emotionless most of the film that he is hard to relate to. Now in some ways I found this refreshing as compared to so many characters in many films who are just irrational bundles of feelings, but even I agree it was maybe too far.

Then there's the finale...oh my gosh. Riding a nuke "wave" back to earth? Somebody doesn't understand how explosions work in a vacuum. And how exactly was Lima able to determine there were no intelligent aliens in the entire universe? FTL comm?

If you love space travel you'll find this rather depressing and negative. At least he got back with Liv Tyler at the end, that's a bright note...
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Up and down
5 November 2022
A halfway decent opening, then some lame predictable BS, a better late-middle, but then the end just went full on stupid. Bad decisions, irrational behavior. Stormtrooper School of Marksmanship. Talking when you should be killing. Putting something REALLY important off (stupidly) and then, oh so predictably, the McGuffin is lost. Killing a bunch of NPCs but then suddenly we have qualms about killing one of the big bads. Making up or changing the Rules of Magic as you go. Inserting a gay affair that didn't fit the character or situation and seemed gratuitous. By the last episode I barely cared about any of the characters and mostly wanted to see them all come to a bad end, which isn't a good way to end the show. It could have been a lot better but the ending was so lame.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Entertaining, mostly for nostalgia sake, but with quite a few issues
15 September 2020
Overall I was entertained, but it was more nostalgia than anything else. Johnny (Zabka) is a decent actor and had a somewhat interesting storyline. But, both Johnny and Daniel-san, men in their 50s, routine exhibit astoundingly hasty and ill-considered judgement for theoretically-mature men. There's a push-pull to keep the plot going: several times they *almost* reconcile but then some misunderstanding or temper-tantrum prevents it. This would be ok once or twice, but not repeatedly. The karate training is ridiculously unrealistic... no dojo has that much contact with no pads or safety gear, people would be going to the ER every night. Season 1 was more enjoyable; Season 2 goes deep into cheesy teenage drama territory. BTW does NO ONE in Hollywood actually parent their kids and maybe keep up with what they're doing? If so you wouldn't know it from Hollywood tv shows. The S2 finale was appalling... slash and burn that legacy. May not watch s3 if there is one. The biggest thing is we were set up for this to be Johnny's redemption story, then that gets thrown out the window in favor of improbable melodrama.
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Cursed (2020)
Not very good. 3.5 at best, pehaps 4.5 for teens.
11 August 2020
Borrowing names/themes from history/legend (Arthur, Merlin, Uther, etc) while having zero historical verisimilitude, and zero respect for the established mythology. Mediocre to poor acting. Two-dimensional villains. Protagonists whose characterizations were all over the place, inconsistent. It had potential and some interesting elements, but the execution was quite poor. Not a serious fantasy, and any comparisons to GoT or LotR is quite ludicrous. Suitable perhaps if you are a bored 16-20yo on quarantine lockdown, and you've already watched all the good shows.
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Boring, cheap. waste of time
9 February 2020
Just don't watch it. Utterly hapless unsympathetic protagonist does amazingly stupid things amid a lack of plot. No scares, no story, boring, pointless.
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No, this is not like "Foot Fist Way"
20 January 2020
As a martial artist I enjoyed Foot Fist Way, because the exaggerated caricatures and ironic dojo-humor had an element of truth which made them funny. This, not so much. It isn't a dark comedy so much as just plain dark... also ridiculous, but not in a funny way. Stereotyped and heavy-handed preachiness with ludicrously unlikely characters and events and no actual humor don't appeal. I did laugh twice but it was an uncomfortable sort of short laugh, not the fun sort. I gave it three stars for that, and I'm being generous. Don't bother with this film.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Promising Premise, but Panned Production...
6 June 2014
It was an interesting idea, and it had promise... but that promise goes largely unfulfilled. Oh it isn't the worst, there are some interesting story lines... but the production values and sense that the writers/producer/director/actors CARE is simply missing. Right from the beginning, these teenagers do not ACT like people who have grown up in space; people who have never once been outdoors or touched a tree or felt a breeze on their face. They're used to walking on smooth floors; they should have been stumbling every five seconds walking on uneven ground at first. They should have been unnerved by the vast open spaces; frightened of the deep river water; terrified by the first downpour of rain, even if only for a few minutes. Instead, they act like contemporary High School kids on spring break... they don't even seem overly put out by having hardly anything to eat for days at a time. The girl who was allegedly hidden "under the floor" for sixteen years should have been socially awkward and hesitant, not outgoing-and-bold-bordering-on-slutty. It is more like 90210 meets Lord of the Flies and there is little Science Fiction involved, other than the makeshift and shoddily presented premise. Nonetheless there are a few interesting elements that make it somewhat worth watching, so I give it an overly generous four...
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Nice effort, but flawed...
25 November 2012
Concept and setting were good, acting and camera work were mostly pretty good. Directing, scene plotting and plot development left a lot to be desired. Some events were too unclear; some character actions seemed random or lacked explanation.

Normally I'm okay with artistic plot devices that leave something to the imagination, but when critical events occur that leave you unclear about WHAT happened and not just WHY, it becomes annoying. Also I'm not sure if these were actual "artistic devices" or just plain bad editing.

Bloopers: Guns were obtained and then suddenly seemed to be no longer present or changed hands without explanation at least three times. At least two critical events were somehow skipped over or something so that it was hard to know what happened. The "zombies" and effects were OK, but only OK. Nice try guys, but it needs work.

It's a pity, this could have been a six-star movie, but I can only give it a four due to its flaws.
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Surprisingly good
14 October 2012
I gave this a try despite reservations... and I was pleasantly surprised. The immortal Lester del Rey said "good science fiction is ultimately about people, no matter what the background or technology", and that describes this story very well.

The science fiction plot device is almost a background feature for the most part, until the exciting ending, but it forms the matrix on which the human drama takes place.

This movie is about many things: loss, uncertainty, ambition, apathy, relationships, faith, trust, social rejection, stepping outside the box the world puts you in, and of course... love.

But yes, it is also about time travel, at least sort of. :)

It isn't sci-fi in the same sense as Star Trek or Prometheus, but it is good.

In the final analysis, I say this: Was I not entertained? Yes I was.
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Much better than the low averaged-rating suggests, for what it is....
14 October 2012
This is a modest-budget swords-and-sorcery fantasy based on Dungeons and Dragons... and for what it is, it is pretty good.

Don't expect Oscar winning performances, but most of the acting is acceptable and some is actually pretty good; the fellow playing the Vermin Lord does a very good job of quietly understated evil.

The effects and creatures are comparable to D&D:WOTDG (the second movie), but it moves faster and there is more action, and more variety in spell use with better imagery, and better fight scenes.

Gladly lacking the first D&D movie's lame humor and misplaced modern sensibilities about egalitarianism, and the slow-paced and stilted wordiness and failed melodrama of the second, this one is a bit more stark and grim than the others, with more actual fighting.

It is also more in line with actual D&D material, 3.5e I believe though the version I am more familiar with was new 30 years ago. :) D&D fans will enjoy it, Swords&Sorcery fans will like it, appreciating it for what it is. If you're looking for deep dialog with Johnny Depp and Julia Roberts, though, perhaps you should look elsewhere.

As for me, I was indeed entertained.
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Suspiria (1977)
Horrible music, mediocre acting, stale plot
22 August 2012
Some of the most horrible soundtrack music I've ever heard, so poorly done that sometimes the "music" (cacophonus noise more like) was hurting your ears and yet you could not hear the dialog. Literally, the soundtrack often sounded like distant screams mixed with clashing chimes and someone dropping a ton of sheet metal on concrete. Mediocre acting: so much of the dialog sounded contrived and artificial, and was often delivered in either a wooden fashion or an overly melodramatic or hyper-emotionalized manner. Stale plot: I can't say much without giving the whole movie away, since there is not much to the plot at all... suffice it to say that it is overused, trite and unimaginative. I expect the only thing it had going for it at the time (1977) was a certain shock value to what was (then) blood and gore... by modern standards pretty tame. The lead female actress was competent, cute and sympathetic, but that wasn't nearly enough to redeem this film.

On the whole, don't waste your time. I have no idea why some consider this movie a horror classic. Evil Dead, just to name one from the same decade, is vastly superior.
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