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Capricorn One (1977)
Farfetched but still exciting film --and it does not have a case of the cutes
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The way reporter Caulfield's friend disappears from existence is really hard to swallow. Lots of other farfetched moments too but hey it's a film--it is allowed to be hard to swallow.

What makes the film great is its raw honesty at times. The astronaut having to kill and eat a huge snake in the desert just to stay alive. The rigged car scene. Moments it is either gruesome or terrifying or (in the cropdusting plane scene) genuinely exciting keep the movie in high gear.

Brenda Vaccaro is beautiful and appealing in her scenes and many of those scenes of hers seem like a separate film.

(Vietnam is referred to in this film as having given America many lumps. It is worth noting that Ken Burns pointed out in his own 2017 book on Vietnam that North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh mass-murdered many landlords in North Vietnam in the 1950's in a land reform. America was not actually wrong to fight Ho after all!)
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Diana Hyland's God-given beauty carries the whole show
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
She is supposed to be, for the record, a Tippi Hedron lookalike not one of Princess Grace. Her male co-star is just another fella who like all men is unworthy of name and note (to the misguided poster on here who very wrongly made a comment on him). Back to Hyland. She is amazing in this part. She is sexy, amazing, vulnerable, beautiful, sophisticated and human all at the same time. This was like her second time on AHH and she should have been on even more. As for predictability of storyline. Because the story is told in flashback it is a safe bet to presume that it will be a scam rather than the real thing (also this is AHH not TZ and mostly AHH was more straight-forward). Nonetheless, Hyland personally makes this ep so very worth your time. Watch multiple viewings of it just to catch her. (Hyland also vastly outranks her usually good co-star Mildred Dunnock in interest, beauty, and sex-appeal by far. Hyland is the best!)
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Film bombs terribly beyond belief despite Bullock's massive beauty and sex appeal
6 December 2021
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It comes in a scene where she pretends to be an old lady in a wheel chair. She looks terrible in this scene and equally bad acts crotchety and repulsive. This scene leaves such a terrible impression on you that you cannot get into the rest of the film (all where she is such a feast for the eyes). This scene never should have been made. It makes everything before and after it seem 100 percent immaterial. Bullock did herself one massive career injustice for good playing her FBI agent character disguised like this ! Her supporting cast is ineffectual (only Bullock really matters in this film and she wrecked her whole career with this horrible disguised phony old lady scene)
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Barnaby Jones: Yesterday's Terror (1977)
Season 6, Episode 4
Grand episode as Susan Howard is so beautiful and sexy in it
28 October 2021
To tell you the truth the plot takes a complete backseat to seeing feast-for-the-eyes-Howard in great shot after great shot. She is so convincing too in her part and thankfully she is much of the ep. BTW the beautiful golden brown hair Susan has throughout most of the ep is her real hair. The black haired scenes--its merely a wig or two.
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Hawaii Five-O: The Joker's Wild, Man, Wild! (1969)
Season 2, Episode 13
Greatest ep of Hawaii-Five O
7 October 2021
The series went down from here. Jo Louise is sexy and a total dream but as it turns she is also bad crook. Beverlee McKinsee shines in this part more than any other actress in all the rest of the entire human race could ever. She has all great scenes. Tune in. After this the show went down. Should have brought McKinsey back for more guest starring roles!
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Bronco Billy (1980)
Nicely done, pleasing film but one problem
4 October 2021
Although the mixed-up in real-life but still beautiful Sondra Locke gets plenty of fine use in this film--the film's other fabulous lady--Beverlee McKinsee --doesn't. McKinsey was a fine actress and very popular soap star (Another World) and it would have been nice if she had much more to do in this film. I believe also very much that the great McKinsey never actually met Clint Eastwood as I think a 2nd unit director (and this film had one) directed all her scenes that were set and really actuallyu shot in New York City. Clint suffered one massive loss never getting to meet this great lady. She would have been in more of his work had he. His loss and ours too!
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The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: The Dark Pool (1963)
Season 1, Episode 29
Solely for the beautiful and appealing Lois Nettleton--tune in!
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This ep stars the great Miss. Nettleton (Norma from 'The Midnight Sun' ep of 'The Twilight Zone'). She is mostly of all of it. She is sensational in every scene (right down to the last scene when she says ought to be divorced--she is putting herself down so much).
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Two big problems with this film
27 September 2021
1. The title is all wrong as the infamous screen Vampire never really shows up at all!

2. Sandra Harrison is not particularly God-given facially attractive. Neither is the lady playing the mad scientist (though the latter was far closer to being good looking). The movie seems kinda pointless due to lack of outright solidly beautiful or even pretty women (and this is despite a massive female cast). Back to Harrison--when she acts moody and cold (which is very often) not even being good looking a lady -we audience members wonder --why even watch? Another Sandra--Dee--may have been much more beautiful and better in this lead part!
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The Twilight Zone: The Parallel (1963)
Season 4, Episode 11
Magnificent episode --got wrong reviews
13 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
By posters on here and in the book 'The Twilight Zone Companion' by Zicree. The actors turns in brilliant performances of strength and to the point competence ( beautiful Jacqueline Scott a standout) and the space travel scenes are far more realistic than you would expect from a 1963 TV show. Interestingly, Sheri Lee Bernath turns in a greater performance as Gaines daughter on our Earth than in the parallel one.
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Impasse (I) (1969)
Anne Francis was very beautiful (and acting good too in this)
5 September 2021
Look, I admit the hippie girl being accepted by her is a crazy subplot. It was the times in movies for crappy ideas like that (see my other reviews). But Francis shines brightly in every scene she is in. She was a pro who had been in films since like the early 50's. She and Burt Reynolds would later also work on his 'Dan August' series.
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Excellent film indeed!
9 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Never runs out of steam (though the first half of the film is best-over the second half) Two factions live on in 1972 London. The good Van Helsing line that destroyed Dracula a century earlier. And the Satanic Alucards -who have worshiped the memory of the evil Transylvanian count for a hundred years and contain his dust remains in a bottle. Johnny Alucard invites his group of young adult friends to a spiritual gathering at abandoned church. There he (with the bottled remains) resurrects Dracula from his 100 year-long rest and the vampire begins preying on young ladies with the intent of getting comely Jessica Van Helsing especially.

The film goes down just a little just after the vamp is amazingly resurrected but there are still many great moments in this fine supernatural thriller!
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Mannix: A Pittance of Faith (1969)
Season 2, Episode 14
Excellent episode
6 August 2021
Corrine Comacho is a tremendous and strapping guest star!

The story is not predictable.
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McHale's Navy: A Wine Cellar Is Not a Home (1965)
Season 4, Episode 9
Most questionable ep of the entire series
3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To the other reviewer of this ep. You have it wrong. McHale and co. Did not confiscate the furniture from Harrigan. They committed armed robbery to get it back!

I wish they had been scripted instead to have robbed Harriagn's place when he was not there.

A few considerations.

1. McHale helps the US war effort to a giant degree by sinking Axis destroyers and subs.

2. They could have soon caught pneumonia from the tent dwellings they had. The crew could have become incapable of doing their important ship bombings.

3. in a moment we did not see they could have figured that Harrigan was a superstrong Army man powerful enough to withstand armed robbery.
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McHale's Navy: The Monster of McHale's Island (1963)
Season 1, Episode 35
First season entry --late in the season and it shows
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The writers were getting worn down and hard pressed for good ideas. They came up with a familiar bratty kid storyline. At first the story is playing surprisingly well. After all given that Binghamton and Carpenter are so incompetent why couldn't a smart alecky child of an admiral turn those two knuckleheads' world upside down? But when Bighamton dumps the monster on McHale--the PT 73 skipper also cannot (and in his case very suprisingly) handle the kid at all either. How much better it would have been if McHale had learned the kid was coming, learned the boy was a first class smarty, and out-masterminded the bad lad all along.

Mr. Parker looked like he would for sure be the smarty kid's easiest prey but surprisingly Parker is no more so than McHale's other men!
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McHale's Navy: Wally for Congress (1966)
Season 4, Episode 30
Well done series finale
27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The last ep of McHale's Navy suffers drastically from too much inconsistency with previous shows and just plain ill-logic (still remembering it is a sitcom).

Inconsistency number 1: Binghamton is supposedly just a paper pusher of a military man even though in season one he bombed a Japanese island base and became a hero.

Inconsistency number 2: Col. Harrigan in an earlier ep previously saw McHale's men dress as Germans and when he catches them doing it this go around he does not mention the first time he caught them at that game.

Inconsistency number 3: Col. Harrigan himself actually gave McHale's men the very German Wermacht uniforms they wear in this ep in an earlier show when both he and the PT73 men were briefly captured by real Germans and then rescued. Yet, Harrigan never mentions that fact here either.

The just pure ill-logic comes in why Binghamton so bothered and faked this German-soldier bit when he could have merely just falsely put it on the record that he had gone out on patrol with the PT73 and they heroically sank a German sub.

Despite these flaws this ep is still great fun. Stanley Adams (Cyrano Jones in Star Trek's 'Trouble with Tribbles') turns in one of the finest near-great performances as a visiting Congressman. Also, there is good deal of action in this one in the second half.
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McHale's Navy: McHale's Country Club Caper (1966)
Season 4, Episode 21
Just short of great McHale's Navy ep
21 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This ep was very well done in a lot of ways. Pat Harrington Jr. Is excellent as the English-speaking Italian con man who swindles gullible Capt. Binghamton (obviously not a difficult task) into giving a lot of money for a fake golf course. This element about a golf course is actually not quite 100% clear and established. Forgivable! But! Where the ep falls down is that McHale and his men have no action scenes at all in this one (except for the opening credits we do not even see the PT 73 even once in the ep). Even the tag, which has McHale and co. Heading off to some shore leave, does not have them actually sitting on the PT 73 getting ready to go. They are, instead, inside the underground cellar they gather around in and are now getting ready to depart from on leave. A common viewer beef with the fourth season is there was too little action and not enough 73--this ep strengthens that belief immensely!
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Land of the Giants: The Golden Cage (1968)
Season 1, Episode 12
Complicated but good episode
3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mark and a blonde, beautiful Earth lady (played by Celeste Yarnell) meet up. She is the daughter of an Earthman Mark used to know. She has a little house of her own and (best scene of the show) on a screen in the house is a giant scientist talking to Mark. Presumably in the Giant's connected-lab is a big screen.

How this ep figures in with the rest of the series is complicated. We will never see this Earth lady again. Does the Giant scientist work for the police-state government? They already had an earth woman in their possession? It fits badly with the rest of the show but it fabulous as a self-contained ep thanks to beauty Yarnell!
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Dragnet 1967: D.H.Q.: Night School (1970)
Season 4, Episode 22
Has too many problems but there a few high points
1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One problem is that the microphone system in this ep seems to be at weaker power than usual. Hard to hear claerly what is being said. I think this is done on purpose to make this ep a little more raw in feeling --almost like a late 60's hippy movie.

Next problem is Vietnam is again mentioned and again no matter and no mention of how Ho Chi Minh was a mass-murderer of landlords trying to take South Vietnam.. (Joe could have retaliated against talk against the Vietnam War by pointing that out--in 2017 Ken Burns himself pointed that out in his own book on 'Nam!)

Next problem. Why did Joe let that professor admit he (the professor) takes marijuana? No legal action at all against the educator?

This ep indeed badly suffers from a lack of Friday's narrations. It would have made things much clearer had there been one. But his voice over lacked in at least one other ep as well. So this is not out of usual theme for the show.

Some high points are the deserved arrest of the druggie classmate Jerry. He deserved it through and through! And the lady playing the female student that fancies Joe. She is very beautiful!
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Gunsmoke: Larkin (1975)
Season 20, Episode 16
Superb late-series entry
21 June 2021
Newly has to bring a dapper crook named Larkin to Dodge to stand trial.


1. Nothing wrong with a series about western lawman having eps where he has to bring a crook over a long distance. That is a completely expected recurring theme. And allowed in every way.

2.. Nothing odd about the lawman doing it not being Marshall Dillon. Festus brought a crook in in over a long distance in at least one ep.

3. Richard Jaeckel is superb in this as Larkin. But his performance is overrated by reviewers on here as this is far from being a one-man show.

Run down of main cast in ep.

1. Buck Taylor strong as Newly.

2. Jaeckel excellent as Larkin.

3. Anthony Caruso scored well as bounty hunter making the bounty hunter trio someone to care about.

4. Robert Sorrells is seemingly awfully non-noteworthy being a fellow bounty hunter as the frequent Gunsmoke guest is no better than an extra here. Was he supposed to come off so non-distinct?

5. Comely Kathy Cody brilliant as Melissa the just grown rancher or farmer's daughter. She adds much to the ep as well.
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Gunsmoke: Phoebe Strunk (1962)
Season 8, Episode 9
Too contrived and John McLiam absolutely stinks playing a good guy
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is way too far-fetched the way the married couple takes in this young lady they have never seen before like she is their daughter. Also, guest McLiam is horrible in this ep as a good guy. He made a better sneak or creep in a show.
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Uneven ep and it how it should have went
3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The ending when Christian disappears but drops his rifle and now the gun looks a hundred years older is both uneven and pointless.

Another problem. He has seen too much of the future and brought back a modern bottle of pills into 1847. More unevenness.

Here is the ep should have been. The couple from the diner should have been out hiking in the desert and suddenly they come across a man (Christian) in a stovepipe hat who tells them he is from a wagon train and about his sick son with pneumonia. They just give him a few health pointers (no bottle of pills) to help and then he wanders off and the couple is left to wonder if he really was from the past. Later back at the diner they look in an encyclopedia and find mention of Christian's son and they believe they really did meet a man from the past. Much better even story.
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Rather small movie with unusual lead
31 May 2021
The very American Korean War draft-dodger/actor Don Murray is supposed to be East German? Fans of 'Hogan's Heroes' may get a kick out seeing "Col. Klink" in this drama as a good guy here. A lot of extras but not a literally big production is film.

PS Speaking of the Korean War, Kim ll Sung (of communist North Korea--affiliated with East Germany) completely started that war. Knowing that and that Murray so wrongly dodged the KW draft in the 1950's may make watching this flick hard for many.
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Gunsmoke: Alias Festus Haggen (1972)
Season 17, Episode 23
Excellent ep about Festus' identity
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Festus is accused of illegal activities (including murder) before he ever came to Dodge. Some believe he is actually a crook named Frank Eaton. Script retains much interest throughout! Very deep when the Dodge City-located judge's court looks over some paperwork about Frank Eaton!
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Gunsmoke: The Dealer (1962)
Season 7, Episode 28
Unsuccessful G episode about a relationship triangle
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Guest George Matthews is all wrong for a western (he's too 20th century).

Too bad Festus was not in this show at this time. His character might have helped the young lovers find each other. Chester can be no help at doing so.

The fist fight in this ep shows how stupid the young man, Johnny, really is. There is really no referee and the brute (played by Matthews) could have easily and literally murdered him.

Perfect and facially beautiful actress playing Lily!
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Gunsmoke: The Wiving (1974)
Season 20, Episode 6
Gets better with repeated airings
20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This fun ep is about three young men who kidnap 3 saloon girls from the Longbranch to be their wives. The former live on a farm on I guess the outskirts of town. Thanks to the sequel ep to this one the episode actually has fine credibility because we actually see the farm again. The clothes the guest characters wear look authentic to the last quarter of the 19th century as well

Some comments about comments. Karen Grassle is not quite beautiful. The other two women (one being Michelle Marsh who turns in a brilliant performance as well) are a good deal more attractive and incredible. Nothing at all wrong with saloon girls being attractive as there are no really homely women.

The poster who said that Grassle as Fran was replaceable in the sequel ep was indeed right. She is kinda ridiculed and a joke in this ep being seen out cold(?) and the dirty soles of her feet prominent. Her character is for laughs and she does badly with the role in other ways like when she laughs at the saloon. (Probably got teased forever for that scene I just described!) She got in one Gunsmoke ep but as she did really bad (and since Little House co-star Victor French directed this ep and the continuing one) she apparently was correctly rejected for a second. A blow to her career. The fine actor who played Ike, the son-then-turned-lover of her, probably could not make it back to the show again for time schedule reasons (and thus he was replaced by David Soul in the sequel ep).

PS No problem(contrary to previous poster) with the three attractive women falling in love in this fast. Hannah tells Matt she never saw so much romance happen so quickly!
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