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This movie is a BD-Release?
9 September 2020
What is BD-R? It is a recordable blu ray disc, as opposed to a factory pressed blu ray. Why start a review on a discussion of this format? Well when I bought it I thought I had been ripped off, however it seems that RLJE has chosen to make it's blu ray release a video on demand format. It's DVD on the other hand may be factory pressed , but as of the typing of this review I don't own a DVD of this film ,so I'm uncertain. NOW: for the review. The Barge People to me seems to be where the director and writer have found the proper antagonists for there horror movie , as opposed to the blatant leatherface clone in their last film Escape from Cannibal Farm. Now that doesn't mean that the film is original in scope, it's basically another homage to the Texas chainsaw massacre, but more often compared to The Hills Have Eyes. Theirs nothing wrong with imitation , after all that's what most of the horror genre is really , it just matter that it's done well. This is a very low budget film that had trailers shown two years ago , but then fell of the Radar until now with its North American release. Despite being a low budget indie film, it's actually pretty well made and despite its criticism of being just guys in halloween mask , I thought the filmmakers did a decent job giving them a fairly good creature effect. The gore was good as well as some of the action sequences. Acting was fairly good , however non British people may have a hard time understanding some lines as the filmmakers chose to go for the more realistic regional dialects . So in closing it's not a bad film. If you're a dyed in the wool horror fan you'll enjoy this . If your a casual movie goer you , this may not leave much of an impression.
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Night Zero (2018)
A movie that reminds you to check the battery in your smoke detector and get your hearing tested
24 August 2020
A movie whose synopsis on the back cover that mentions alien invasion and zombie apocalypse all in one evening, just felt like the horror movie jackpot to me....Score! But sadly no .....not at all. This was really just all that happening outside of the house , away from the camera , except for the low drone of people murmuring outside. The movie is really just about three young couples arguing during farewell dinner for one couple moving to Boston. The arguing however is quite realistic and will have you reconsidering ever getting into relationship ever. The sound quality is awful as it will have you turn up the volume to hear anyone speak only to blow out your speakers and/or eardrums when someone screams. You simply watch the movie waiting for something to happen or show what the dvd case promised only for it to be a complete let down.
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I think I'm some kinda masochist for putting myself through this.
24 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film ......this film .....ugh. It's bad , it's really ,really bad . I read the reviews , I was warned , I didn't pay attention , I just had to step into this minefield of a movie. But seriously unless you don't mind watching bad films for some sort of ironic purpose , anyone watching to enjoy a good horror movie just avoid this at all cost. Now for some details . This film was shot at the real Clown Motel in Nevada, that is adjacent to an old century and a half cemetery , near an old mine , in a town whose prior inhabitants where nearly wiped out by a mysterious plague , where the whole place has a reputation of being very haunted. With all that said the history of the location just writes itself , but no , the film makers just rolled with their horribly inept script themselves. For one the film has the hotel being previously inhabited by clowns that choose to live apart from sociaty like they were Amish or something . Then get killed by rednecks for some gold in the mine subplot that never gets revisited. Now some girls making one last round of partying before their best friend gets married and a group of low budget wannabe ghost hunters get stranded at said motel. The low production values add nothing to this film as well as the clown ghost not being scary at all , except for the pig clown that has intercourse with a canned ham and then rapes a man , didn't expect that, nor should I. With the history of the filming locations this could have been in the hands of a talented writer a totally different and better story ,but the filmmakers lacked vision and talent , and common sense.
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The Church (I) (2018)
Well, Bill Moseley has got bills to pay too, I guess.
24 August 2020
If they're not going for an R rating or at least eerie atmosphere over very cheap playstation2 graphics they shouldn't have made this movie. I wasn't expecting much but when the awful digital effects started it just took me out of this movie. I still hung in there because I hate to not finish a movie, but it just got worse. The ending just doesn't make any sense and trys to make some points of being something larger taking place but utterly fails at be compelling . This movie is really boring , which is the cardinal sin of any movie.
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ClownTown (2016)
Currently on sale at dollar tree
24 August 2020
I tend to grade a movie on a different metric based on where it's coming from. It would be unfair to hold it to same standard as a big budget movie or a known director or production company with years of expertise under their belt. So with clown town I'm being a little more generous than others may be willing to be. Also I've recently seen Clown Motel and Him so those movies showed just how bottom of the barrel killer clown films can go. This film is fairly generic , it doesn't pave any new ground or contribute anything we haven't already seen . However there are some pretty competent moments scattered throughout for a first time director,writer,and producer. The clowns are fairly intimidating as they mostly wear greasepaint and old dirty clothes, rather than full on clown costumes . There are some legit jump scared and some fair gore scenes ,that at least didn't choose digital blood effects. So overall it's still a low budget regional indie horror film that's nothing new , but is very far from being the worst movie I've ever seen.
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