26 Reviews
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Clueless (1996–1999)
Doomed from the start.
20 January 2023
How. How. One more time.... How did they think this would be successful without Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd... clueless isn't clueless without those two great performances. I can understand trying from scratch somewhere down the road but right after the movie you cannot do that bc Alicia Silverstone cannot be replaced I mean that is your main character you're replacing. You manage to bring back so many characters from the movie WITH THEIR SAME ACTORS. There is just no way you can expect you to be successful if you replace your main lead actor. I hate when actors get recasted movie and to me this is no different because you're expecting everyone to like your show when you don't even have the main characters actor that everyone fell in love with to begin with.
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The Boys (2019– )
Lives up to the hype
6 January 2023
This show delivers in every way possible. It is worth the watch. Drama/suspense, love, comedy, gore, dark humor. It has everything you could want in a tv show these days. It just makes it even more entertaining since it revolves around "super hero's". It takes an interesting approach that the heros are the bad guys and the people seeking revenge are the good guys because they see through the heroes for who they really are. It takes a more realistic approach than marvel or dc ever could because the super hero's are basically just celebrities out for their own best interests and egos. I won't spoil anything else here but why a 9/10 instead of a 10/10? Just a personal opinion here but Jack Quaid can get pretty annoying after a while. I enjoyed all the characters in this show including his (I'm just now starting season 3) but from season 1 to season 2 he is really starting to annoy me... but again personal opinion. This show as a whole is GREAT!!
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Unexpected Tear jerker and interesting take on Frankensteins monster
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You can argue this might be Tim Burtons best film. I don't think anyone will tell you wrong either way. I have seen this movie a little over a handful of times and every time it finds a way to bring me to tears and as a man in his mid 20s I'm not a shame to admit it bc it's a beautiful movie. The performances all around by everybody is great and it is a must watch movie no matter how old you are or how old it is (1990). It has that Frankensteins monster theme to it with how the non main characters end up treating him and all because they don't like what they don't understand ultimately. Poor Edward goes from a great citizen who cuts hair, grooms dogs, and cuts hedges to being public enemy number one over a crime he didn't commit. But he refused to come clean to protect the girl he loves. What amazes me is the character development of the movie. The citizens of this town right away take in Edward because of his unique talents while Kim the love interest at first resents Edward. It seems that's all Edward is good for to all characters of the movie minus the mother and well Kim at the end. But speaking of kim towards the middle of the movie she comes to realize Edward isn't a monster at all he cares and only wants to make everyone happy. And that is the unique twist of the movie because it is not completely a Frankenstein scenario. See edwards father ended dying leaving edward alone and isolated. Not able to continue getting the love he was getting from his creator and it's obvious through the whole movie that's all Edward is after is continuing to get love from people. Towards the end while the town has turned on Edward due to Kim's boyfriend Kim comes to realize what I've stated but it's too late as everyone else has turned on him. He ultimately saves her life from her boyfriend who is enraged with jealousy and tries to hurt Kim. She returns the favor by making sure the mob doesn't come after Edward. I love this movie and is watchable for everyone. The only thing is I wish Kim would've been able to visit Edward more as she's telling her grand daughter the story she says she never saw Edward again after that night. It would've been even more satisfying of an ending if she had been able to keep that connection with him. All and all this is an obvious 10/10.
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Andor (2022– )
8 December 2022
Honestly I don't know why there are so many high reviews this show is a total snooze fest until episode 10. I hate to be down on it because I'm a a Star Wars fan and I don't know if it's because I wasn't the biggest rogue one fan but I just didn't enjoy it. The first 9 episodes were so boring and I found myself sitting there waiting for something to happen. Nothing did until episode 10 and if you really wanna save time you can skip to like episode 8 or 9. Again no idea how this has such a high rating compared to the other Star Wars series. Yes the others other than the mandalorian are that good but at least something happened in every episode. This was just constant boredom until the 10th episode. I'm amazed I made it through the whole thing. I'm hopeful the next season is better.
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Not the proper way to end it
14 October 2022
Trying to keep this spoiler free here as much as possible. I can respect them for trying something different but this is the issue at the same time. If you're making a planned 3 movie series try that different thing during the second movie not the last one. Second this is supposed to be a Halloween movie? Michael Myers is barely in the damn thing and when he is what they did to him like basically destroyed the character from one movie to the next. Like I'm not sure I understand how you take the ended of the last movie and this is your result?? Michael Myers doesn't even Michael Myers until the last 10-15 minutes of the movie and even then it's like ehh I'm finally getting the suspense and horror I was expecting this whole movie but there's the point... where was this the whole movie?? If they would've done this the whole entire movie then there could've been something here but they didn't. It is almost like they realized hey in Halloween kills we made Michael the unstoppable badass he is known to be but we decided to have all the other main characters be so damn stupid and dry. Now the other main characters did way better in this movie and that made it alright but they kinda forgot the part where hey ugh Michael is a main character too I think? Hell as far as I'm concerned you're better off just watching the OG Halloween and Halloween 2018 and stopping after that. Or the OG Halloween and the OG Halloween 2 which another gripe I have about this timeline is they dropped that movie out of this timeline. Such a big mistake because ok I get the sibling thing you wanna X that but the original Halloween 2 is my 3rd favorite behind Halloween 2018. I just feel after they struck gold with Halloween 2018 they just dropped the ball the rest the way.
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Scream: The TV Series (2015–2019)
First 2 seasons were solid. Last season killed it.
19 September 2022
I'll keep this short and sweet. I was hooked by this show. The first season was so good. Even the second season made me wanting more. For whatever reason they decided to ditch the characters for something completely different for season 3 and well let's just say I'm happy they decided to make a couple more movies. If you're wanting something to binge watch season 1 and 2 and you can pretend 3 doesn't exist unless you got time to kill. I mean it's ok but when there is the killer reveal it is wayyyy too obvious who it was and just the quality of it just isn't near as good as the first two seasons.
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Firestarter (2022)
Uhh what?
16 May 2022
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Zac Efron is a personal favorite and he is completely miss used in this movie. I honestly thought they had a shot to be at least on par with the original movie but they comped drop the ball in the second act. Like the original movie at least tugged at your heart strings but having the girl kill the father in this movie made 0 sense. I was shocked at how lame they did this. In the original movie the father is such a strong force that enjoy to watch but in this movie he doesn't seem close or care about Charlie as much and then he randomly just dies at the end. They could've did so much better in this remake but they wasted having Zac Efron and sadly this movie under achieves.
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The Batman (2022)
Better than I thought it would be
7 March 2022
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I don't think it's as good as the dark knight.... But that Batman movie set the bar ridiculously high to top. I'd put it on the same level as Batman begins (which is my second highest rated Batman behind the dark knight) though. It was very hard for me to wrap my head around Edward from twilight becoming Batman but he honestly does a great job and I think this set up some good potential for future movies. Although I don't think the joker being the next villain is wise. What I really liked about it was that they weren't afraid to do their own thing and create their own version of Batman and the beginning is just really awesome to me because the narration of how he represents fear even though he might not be there the criminals know once they see the light in the sky and look around those dark alley ways no one is safe from the bat. It was also very different because this movie solely seemed to focus on the Batman side of Bruce Wayne and how being Batman was all that mattered to Bruce. Bruce Wayne the actual person didn't seem to hardly exist and that was a completely different aspect to all the previous movies.
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Better then the last 2
20 February 2022
I'm not sure how this is only a 5.1 or whatever? Is it the original? No. Is it better then the orginal sequel? No. Is the 2003 remake? No. Heck it's not even the prequel to the 2003 remake but it's good enough to where it needs more credit. TCM as a whole is a rough series in fact it's in a dangerous race with the Halloween franchise for most changed timelines but of all the movies TCM has come out with lately this is the best one. Sure it has it flaws and things to not like but I think they overall did a good job and it's worth the watch. The 2013 one gave us the horrible plot whole of not adding up timeline wise and leather face was a joke as well. This one gives TCM fans what they are looking for and what they come to expect. Leather face with a chainsaw and other iconic weapons terrorizing people. Yes it could've been better but with the last two movies we got. It sure could've been a lot worse. I would say it is easily if not tied for the 5th best film of the franchise.
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Solid enough but I feel infinity war set them up to be better than this movie
26 January 2022
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I was with this movie until maybe the 40 minute mark. I rewatched all the mcu movies in order for the first time ever according to timeline and I came across this one and was like wow the movie before was so much better and the ending just wasn't satisfying for me. For starters 3 hours is crazy run time I remember seeing this in theaters and I just got to the point I wanted it to be over it really is too much. Next i like how it starts. They get together what's left of them track down thanos and kill him great.... Butttt this is the problem I have I feel like that should be the movie. So Ant man randomly shows back up. Tony naturally discovers hey time travel is possible thanks to ant man. That's the next part time travel has that not been done to death?? Even while they are going through movie examples it really shows you that hey wow all these other countless movies out there time travel so why can't we. To me end game is watchable and still good enough but I think they missed here the first 30 minutes could've been the movie. They avenge (pun intended) their friends and everyone lost by defeating thanos and have a crazy battle and that's it. Satisfying to me. Lastly and I know this is where there will be the disagreements. I'm tired of these super hero cliché movies where there has to be a happy ending. Like why? Let's face reality these movies are always crazy enough that all these battles happen but none of the good guys can die but all the bad guys can be taken down. That's why infinity war to me was the way superior film. They did something that so many superhero movies before them didn't have the guts to do. You still could've sacrificed tony at the end of this movie as he kills thanos by sacrificing his life. But no bc Hollywood/Disney needs money you have to bring back all these other characters or how else will you make future films and make money. Still a 7/10 bc I love all these actors and the opening was good but I just cannot rank it higher than a 7. Infinity war set them up for something big and this to me wasn't it. If losing Robert Downey Jr. Was what they needed to do to move on them they still could've done it the way I explained.
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Black Widow (2021)
Not what I was expecting
25 January 2022
I don't know just something was off. I'm watching all the marvel movies in order on Disney + for the first time and I got to this movie and it just was off. I was excited to watch it for the first time and I wanted it to be good because I really like how Scarlett Johansson has been throughout this whole series and she finally got her solo movie but it just did nothing for me compared to the other movies.
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Successful right now
13 December 2021
Everyone loves something new and inventive. I think that is what makes this so successful right now. So many people are mad at the WWE for how they treat their stars, myself included, and we get to see these people along with other talent we may not know excited work together and it's great. I initially gave this a 9/10 but I think once years pass and they've done so much they might start to run out of ideas and then what?? I since have dropped it to an 8/10 because I feel like I can see this coming and I just am not as entertained as I first was. It still is a great great show but where will it be 5-10 years from now?? I have started watching it less and less whereas I watch Smackdown and raw all the time. Daniel Bryan or should I say Bryan Danielson has made me start watching every episode again however.
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ECW on Sci-Fi (2006–2010)
Big miss
13 December 2021
It had its moments where it would be entertaining but it was pretty obvious Vince did not want to do ECW but the fans really loved it so this was their attempt and here we are a decade and some odd years later and it was just a waste of time.
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WWE Smackdown! (1999– )
Better all together
13 December 2021
Whereas Raw as a whole got a 7/10 from me from and overall body of work. Smackdown to me has always been something entertaining to me. As a kid I'd watch Smackdown all the time and sometimes I would pay zero attention to raw.
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WWE Raw (1993– )
Miss the good old days
13 December 2021
Attitude era 10/10. Ruthless Aggression era 8/10. Now 5-6/10. So 7 is about right once you put it all together just is not as fun and entertaining as it used to be when they had Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Rock, etc. Now it's just slow and can be pretty boring.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
7 December 2021
Now it isn't as good as the first two Spider-Man's but let's face it the original is a masterpiece and the 2nd might be one of the best superhero movies ever. This movie gets a lot of downs and it's understandable they could've done a way better job casting venom and there's other minor problems it suffers from the first 2 movies of the series being just that good. And come on that dance scene I don't know how people could hate that scene because I just quit my job and legit the first thing I did was YouTube that dance scene because it's exactly how I felt.
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Doesn't get the recognition it deserves
13 November 2021
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People are anti remakes but this film especially the uncut version is solid and maybe one of the best remakes that was made through the whole slasher remake phase of the early 2000s. It is so hard to remake a movie with 11 movies history. What do you keep and expand on?? What do you ignore?? They ultimately go with covering the first 4 Fridays films which makes sense since 2-4 take place around the same weekend. Next is how terrifying and brutal this Jason is. As classic and iconic as the first 2 Fridays are they are very slow and can be hard to watch. The cold open to this movie is 23 minutes long... so fast and upbeat while they basically cover the first 2 movies. Next while people may not like the acting and sexual nature of the film let's not forget what the friday films were founded on. Bad acting, unlikeable side characters and horned up young people. The second half the movie covers more of parts 3-4. Overall to me this is one of the best friday films and gets way overlooked for some reason because sure there are some hits and misses but that is every friday film.
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Freddy carries this thing
24 October 2021
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Freddy and his kills carry this thing. I'm not sure how or why I'm giving it a 5. The kills are that good other than that it's a snooze fest after the "original" dream warriors are killed off. Don't get me started about how bad the next two movies are Gesh.
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Hit or miss
21 October 2021
Some seasons have been really good. Some have been nothing special but still watchable. The last season with the double feature was horrible. The first part was fine. Nothing special but still decent enough to watch. The second half was horrible. I found myself fast forwarding through the finale because it was just that bad.
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It killed alright....
16 October 2021
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I'm not sure why there's some poor reviews?? Look there's always the complaints of Michael having a low body count. Well he sure got his in this one. I mean I saw the previews and it still delivered to me. Sure there are a couple of issues like how is Hawkins even alive after a throat slit. Multiple stab wounds and oh yeah he got RAN OVER BY A CAR AFTER. That really is the biggest one to me. That and the Doc loomis bit. Now look I loved Loomis he was the best part of the Halloween franchise after the first movie. But Gesh I'm not sure what they tried to do it obviously looked like him so I guess they used some kinda technically but the voice was ehh pretty off. I like all the back story though of that night as well as other tie ins. I was a big advocate of them picking up after the original. Second movie because to me that movie was so good as well and at first I thought they were going there. Overall the beginning of this thing and the end of this thing were really good. Middle at times it keeps you entertained while at others it kinda slows things down. It's not a 10 like the original and I'm debating back and forth if it's even as good as the last one but you have to remember this is part 2 of 3 in this movie series so some spots have to be left desired. I think it overall did a great job and people need to stop with the bad reviews on this thing. It's at the least an 8/10.
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What is going on with DC
7 August 2021
I couldn't finish this movie it was so bad and boring at the same time 2 and a half hour snooze fest. Even when there was action it was so clearly fake it made me laugh way too hard. It's like they didn't even try. Just so poorly acted and way too cheesy with everyone in the movie. Gal is a gorgeous woman. That's what got this a 5... that's all I can give.
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Yikes that was a mess...
18 July 2021
I cannot believe how bad it was. I thought Jordan's acting was not that good in the original but wow James acting is bad... really bad. Honestly it gets a 5 from me because of the looney tunes (for the most part they did their thing but sometimes they were hard to stomach as well), the Austin powers scene, and the Rick and Morty cameo. Other than that it was a 2 hour waste. I'm glad I have HBO max free because I would've asked for my money back if I saw it in theaters.
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Shrek (2001)
Best animated movie ever!!
7 July 2021
Shrek was my favorite movie as a kid and to this day (im 24 now) it is still one of my all time favorites. Really huge fan of the first 3 to be honest.
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Halloween (1978)
7 July 2021
Arguably one of the best ever horror movies and if not the best ever of the slasher genre.
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How did this get made with the huge plot hole??
7 July 2021
This movie could've been really good if like they didn't severely blow it with the huge plot hole that the age of the girl doesn't add up at all... like it's so hard to ignore it as well.
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