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The New Rocky Horror Picture Show???
30 August 2009
How oh how did I miss this one with all these major hipster stars in it?? I picked the DVD up for $2 on a clearance sale and took it to a friends house for a gag MST3K type viewing. I mean how bad could this thing be with Gandolfini singing? It only took maybe 5 minutes to get me hooked and then another 5 minutes to get me rolling on the effing floor. I mean not only is Tony Soprano singing but it is to an Englebert Humperdinck song!! And that is just the beginning. You get to see Walken singing Rockabilly, Buscemi cracking funnier than ever and Elaine Stritch busting balls better than even Tony Soprano's real mom. This is not even mentioning The Great Goddess Winslet singing dancing and out slutting even a good porn film star. And Kate looks absolutely DIVINE with her strawberry blonde/red curls and her underwater scene is b e a u t i f u l . This sucker needs to be showing at midnight and we all need to be dressing for the part in full fireman's gear and garter belts. I'm already working on my audience responses and practicing the songs to sing with. I forgot to mention Sweet Susan Sarandon whom I first noticed in The Rocky Horror Show. It is not an accident that Mr. Turturro placed her here. She is brilliant. Her performance as Kitty is even better than Janet from 30 years ago. (My God has it been 30 years???) Go get the rice and the squirt guns. This movie is a true gem. It makes me want to dance in the aisles, hang from the rafters and laugh my tiny Hiney off. Do not pass go. Go directly wherever you have to to see this asap!!!!!!!!!!! My crowd had to watch it twice in a row and now I'm ready to see it again. Bravo Mr. Turturro!!! 10/10
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26 June 2004
Forget all the left vs. right stuff you've heard. I laughed. I cried. I got angry. I became aware. I was entertained. And the time just flew by. Michael Moore reminds me of Columbo in his understated low key approach that is never in your face but always dead on target. This film is important. How many movies can you say that about?? Everyone on this planet should see this movie if for no other reason than to be part of the national debate. This film made me think and question all the balogna I hear on talk radio and cable tv. It is just so refreshing to hear a different point of view and especially one that rings so true. Stop what you're doing right now and go see this movie. You'll be glad you did.
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Camelot (1967)
17 February 2003
There are not many perfect movies but CAMELOT is one of them. I have seen CAMELOT many many times and it only gets better with age. I first saw it in 1967 when it was released. It was the first film to make me cry. I'm a guy so that's tough to admit. When King Arthur (Richard Harris) sings the line "Each evening from December to December before you sleep upon your cot think back on all the tales that you remember of Camelot.." there was just no holding back. I sobbed like a baby. Of course it is pure fantasy but that's the point. For "one brief shining moment" maybe there was a perfect world somewhere before it all came crashing down. And this is such a beautiful looking movie with such beautiful music and beautiful people I'll never understand why it wasn't a smash hit. The people that don't like this film must not have any kind of heart. In fact I wonder if they are even alive. I would call CAMELOT the ultimate movie experience. If there is a better movie that is as splendid escapism as this one I haven't found it. CAMELOT makes me appreciate my life. It makes me realize somehow that it is life itself that is joy and we need to enjoy every little tiny part of it because tomorrow may bring it to an end. You simply MUST see CAMELOT. It will enlighten you. It will make you cry but you will be smiling at the same time.
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The Fortune (1975)
The Funniest Movie of All Time!!!!!!!!!
11 August 2001
Absolutely hilarious!!! Why hasn't anybody seen this movie??? The Fortune is an extremely dark black black comedy about two guys attempting to murder a woman, one of whom is married to her, both of whom are having sex with her. The reason for the mayhem? She is an heiress to a fortune in feminine hygiene products that Oscar, the husband (Jack Nicholson) plans to inherit and split with Nicky, the lover (Warren Beatty). These two guys make the 3 Stooges look like Einstein. Jack Nicholson's scene where he completely falls apart when the cops arrive is one of the funniest scenes ever filmed. That scene alone would be enough to call this film a classic, but this movie is full of big belly laughs, so much so that as much as I love W. C. Fields and the Marx Brothers, I will have to say this is the FUNNIEST MOVIE of all time.
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Most underrated movie of all time.
3 July 2001
I'm still angry with myself for listening to the negative reviews on TWIN PEAKS FIRE WALK WITH ME and thereby missing it on the "big screen". FWWM was almost universally panned, Roger Ebert even said it was "incomprehensible" (only Empire magazine gave it 5 red stars). Why on Earth the critics did this I'll never understand. When I finally caught it on video I was simply mesmerized!!! David Lynch at his wonderful best!! That one viewing started me on a quest to track down all 29 episodes of the TV series and that in turn converted me into what I refer to as a "Mystic Warrior". You'll have to see the show to know what that means but I much prefer that term to "Peakie"! Ask my favorite movie: I'll say TWIN PEAKS, FIRE WALK WITH ME!!! Ask my favorite TV show: I'll say TWIN PEAKS!!! It's a story that starts on February 24,1989 and ends around Easter, March 27, 1989, with each episode one day in "real time" , the movie FWWM takes place the week prior to the TV Series. It is about an FBI agent investigating the murder of a beautiful girl, Laura Palmer. All this translates into something like 30 hours of pure viewing pleasure, and that's not to mention the 2 books that go along with the epic: LAURA PALMER'S DIARY and DALE COOPER'S book. They even have a TWIN PEAKS FESTIVAL every year near Seattle that I've been compelled to attend!!! I really don' want to discuss any plot details or characters, see it for yourself and you'll find it is a very unique experience, you may never be the same!!! See you in the trees...
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