
13 Reviews
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Im astonished !! ~X~ ! ^_^
31 January 2009
From about an year Im following to watch so many korean movies, starting with Ki Duk's films. This one has everything I miss in nowadays Hollywood productions - something that good old movies had: Like Indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark - action, stuns, chases, explosions, comedy and funny elements inside the action - everything that Hollywood does not offers anymore. Yup its more cheaper to use 3D effect to make the magic, but Im not hungry any more - not hungry to see 3D or any other effects. This one has it all ! The new thing is that the Asian guys did that, the other new thing is that is just great! I see amazing tendencie into these korean movies: showing cute sexy girls with amazingly beautiful faces - no argue on that - the women are pretty, sexy attractive, guys are acting naturally - well their haircuts make me somehow sick, but I can swallow this on the background of the great work of the Korean studios. Just love this movie - someone rate this into the western section, but thats not just right - is has to be eastern, they have guns and act like cowboys , but thats the point. I love that movie !!!!! Watch it if you have a chance. 100 % action, fun, comedy, chasing, explosion, martial arts and a funny weird guy with a motorbyke !!! Excellent !
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Watchable comedy for having a good time.
4 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A movie is based on some of those hentai manga games we could find over the internet. The same with the different characters you could choose and of course the target is the sexy teacher.

The main plot is about a catholic school in South Korea, where a young female teacher comes for probation. She has to work as a teacher in french class, where the children are mostly male students. Anyway her character is played by Seon-yeong Ahn - sexy and very good looking Asiatic hottie. All the male students mostly at age of 17 are stunned by her and not only students, but the other male teachers themselves too. The catholic school conducts every year a fete with main auditory -mostly archbishop and his staff. The french teacher decides to make a different type of festival - a musical. A three volunteers are on line to be trained by her to dance : a handsome guy whose success with girls is legendary, a romantic guy with extraordinary penis and old face(maybe because of some kind of sickness - but the actor is 40 yo man) and a pervert , which interests are mostly with sex shop articles. All these three guys tries to win the heart of the young teacher. The other competitor for this competition is the teacher in maths- a sadistic and idiotic character. The movie is watchable. There is many hilarious moments and sexy jokes. Most of the jokes are silly and retarded, but I suppose that is the charm of the movie. After 2 or 3 hours you will forget about it.
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I've been amazed ! :-)
12 February 2007
That kind of movies surprise me pleasantly. The movie is smooth - has a smooth story line. There is no aggressive behavior (accept the Rufus Sewell play, but it has to be so) Anyway I got a real satisfaction at the end - felt complete and well - it is a rare feeling but i got it from this movie. We see magic, mystery and romance. And at the end we got served with the fact that the only magic in life is LOVE ! :-) Just amazing movie, pleasant action and clear happy end. But to be fair the movie is not as deep as probably it should be. The play of Edward Norton is not very memorable, but Rufus Sewell's is. So as the play of Paul Giamatti, who could be seen in "Lady in the water". Jessica Biel - pretty and gentle, sexy and glamor ... well it would not be mistake if we say something more good of her. 90% magic , 1 % disappointment at the end of the movie - because of the "orange tree" trick (I truly asked myself - why all this amazing tricks has to be just tricks but not a real magic)?

I recommend it to all people who wants to have a good time with their partners, friends, husbands, etc.
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Wolfhound (2006)
So Sux So Sory ...
30 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The last years we could see that Russian cinema produced some really great movies - Night Watch is a great example of that. But this one killed my future times intentions to see another movie made in Russia. This movie awfully reminds me Conan the Barbarian - from the beginning, Lord of the rings with the Main Evil Hero - the guy with Sauron's mask (the skull)and of course the classic scene in the forest : the Wolfhound /Arnold Schwarzenegger/ is training his martial art until the beauty comes beside him and begs to be trained and to became a skilled warrior (Brigite Nielsen, aka Red Sonia and so many scenes in different Movies) SO Cliché !!!! Every movie got a long scene - this one has it too. But it was so funny and idiotic, so at a time i decided that Im seeing a Bulgarian movie - Bulgarian cinema is really SUCKS - Im a Bulgarian and I know that. That was the scene when with pictures and screaming somehow we have to understand how the main hero became Wolfhound and how he actually became a main personage in many folklore songs... Sooooo boring long scene. Well Im agree with the guy who said that the movie has a good part inside and that is the BAT :-) I cannot say that the actors are talented or not - the main heroine is pretty and sexy. Wolfhound looks like Brad Pitt from time to time and other faces are typically Russian and not suitable for that kind of movie. Im 30 yo and I've seen so many Russian movies before so when i saw so many fat faces suitable for chief of a communist party or milk-woman in cow factory from 1970 - 90 - I think Im about to puke (the scene with the drowning of a woman in the river)- so annoying and stupid. I saw some good CGI effects , some nice cadres - the one with falling arrows.I find the battle scenes well done - the movements are not typical for the other action movies - they are real and good. Blood is fake and not well done - orange blood ?! - I don't think so. Anyway - I give 2 out of 10 - because of these positive things and the BAT ! :-)
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Hoot (2006)
Im sorry about this comment
12 January 2007
May be I don't get it right. I mean the movie. It does not make me happy or whatever has to do . Maybe because of my mood. Anyhow this one is a simple family movie with kids for actors. Just admit that - all movies of that kind cannot pass the barrier of 4 out of 10 never mind who is playing in the movie(example Antonio Banderas was playing in that kind of movies... two or three of them cant remember the exact count). I got bored. I almost fall asleep just because the topic is so cliché and the actor play was so predictable. But I am sure that my kid will love this movie when he grows up... Hey Im not a monster I found some hilarious or good moments in the movie. The owls in the movie were sooooo cute. The trick with the painted police car windows and the hits that the kid received in the head by a golf ball...
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The Host (2006)
Im Confused ...
23 December 2006
Im little bit confused. The story is not typical and does not go in the line of standard movies of this kind. Yup - that is great!!! Im pretty sure that I've never seen a movie like this one before. Everything seems so different and the end is confusing. I felt like something is not finished with this movie, I expected some kind of happy ending with surviving of the main characters. But if that was so, I would give 6 of 10. Well done monster, great idea, realistic stunt scenes, great approach to the audience in the saloon. I say very, very good movie. But still Im confused - because of the end, because of the so many "why"s I got: - How come the yellow agent- the biological weapon that the US army launched against the monster did not hurt the father of the girl at the final scene? - WHY THE GIRL HAVE TO END LIKE THIS ?!? Cool - I like movies like those. No need to answer - that is the idea - keep questioning.
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Zipang (1990)
Amazing with it's stupidity
21 December 2006
Well , I've had enough with stupid movies, but this one has something in deep. Actually I could not find it, but this movie make me to laugh on some proper moments. The beginning was strange and I saw some well known characters like : Zatoichi - but this one could see, Sazen Tange, an European sword fighter(?!?) and a bunch of samurais waiting on a bridge just to be slayed by Jigoku's sword. If we ignore the idiotic idea of having assistants who passes the sword to Jigoku like golf sticks, we have a fairy tale. A queen of the sunless land, a weird tattooed nudist (this guy rock- in the beginning he just yells like a savage guy and almost everyone could kick his butt all the time. It was hilarious.) We do have a strange vision of love between Yuri the pistol and Jugoku. Well the pistols , rocket launchers and other stuff along with the faked midget elephant make this movie a tale about a strange world - as it is in: The NeverEnding Story. It's probably the same. Next thing is the quest of finding a treasure - a golden sword (ignore the strange useless shape of it) and funny ninja tricks. Just see the movie without having great expectations.
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I don't get the end or may be I just don't like it ...
17 December 2006
Amazing scenes. Great colors. As a fan of Asian movies I accept this one as a promise for more great ones. I can't say this is masterpiece because I am not into the Korean cinema - i saw only two or three movies , but hey don't forget Kim Ki Dook movies - so they are more than 3 :-) Anyway - Im not sure that I understand the final. But I got the idea - the friendship has not a time for existence. This is something that may have or may have not. I give 5 of 10, because of the idea, the costumes, the atmosphere. Although there is too much blood - I say bloodbath. The beginning was promising - I thought that it would be a medieval crime movie - because of the mysterious murders , but the point of the movie was not that kind. It is too deep to consider. May be I'm kind a disappointed because of the end: just like the "Spirited Away" - manga movie... But that does not mean the movie is not great.
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The Break-Up (2006)
Yup The Life is Sux
8 December 2006
What's wrong with you people?!? This movie supposed to get rid of the Hollywood's cliché of happy-ending stories. I like it- its complicated, realistic - and the end is authentic. Yup the movie is good. The game play is not something amazing or great, but the story is the story of almost every man on earth: the break up. What we wait is that the two guys will gather at the end and end of story. We will forget about this movie after 2 days, next romantic comedy please !!! And don't forget the happy ending!!! I felt something good 6 years ago, when I saw Mel Gibson's "Brave Heart". I was waiting for the hero to save his first love - in vain. But that was great! I was waiting for someone to save William Wallace until he's in the prison - in vain. And that was great. He has been tortured before been beheaded. And that was great - never mind the real disappointment i felt - someone could save the hero , he will take the queen and they will rule Scotland until the end of world. Dot. Nope that is great - showing the thing that they should be. Great work. I don't give 10 of 10 because I don't like Vince Vaughn, but anyways that is a good start with this kind of genres. Keep going Hollywood.
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Crank (2006)
Another well done action movie
29 November 2006
Yup, the movie contains more than the expectations. It is dynamic and speed in one time. Its great to be seen in your free time. It has humor and action - everything you want from a movie from that genre. I've read some comments about this movie and Im not agree that this is Trainspoting - continuation. Its different one. And the end is good. I love it - the movie is finished - no happy ending - great advertising for the poison in the blood of Chelios. Anyways I give it 6 of 10, because the movie is simple, clear and I don't have to think much. Totally clear and simple. But great. Nice action, great transitions between scenes, nice bloodbath, rude humor - just as i like.
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Totally depressing
28 November 2006
I was totally stunned with this one. As Kitano is my favorite actor from the Japanese cinema, I found this movie depressing, disgusting, sad, desperate - as it should be. A great movie. Beat Takeshi did great job with this one. My primary feelings was: Im glad,I don't have a living like these people do. Im glad that Kitano show me another aspect of real life somewhere from the bottom. The movie is not rushing anywhere - the scenes talks themselves. Sex, violence, silent relations. He showed us a man that exist, a man that we all fear. A man who has a life anyways. I agree with edison-chang who said it is a Great Piece of depressing Junk - yes, it is. But someone said: In the eye of the beast - a tear. May be there was a small grain of humanity left in the hero of Kitano. May be ?!?

I've read some of the comments below. And I see people disappointed. Some of you does not find any sense in motion picture of Kitano. Some of you found it a clueless junk. I find it brilliant - and we are all right. The true is that Kitano always plays gangsters in his movies. Mostly gangsters. Why is he so violent?! Because it need to be - the gangsters found their way in the society by being violent. In this movie he is gangster too. He takes what he wants and being passive is the only opportunity for people around him - thats the misery. Such places exist - such persons do exist - everything seems to be real and I find it real. Being violent gives you some preferences - you get the money, the business of other people, you get the women you want and you can do whatever you want without being punished... that the movies shows and we all know that that kind of people always get away from the justice. Sad. Real. Hatred. Force. Violence. Fear. Thats the life on the bottom. And no one could help you - it is not good being a victim.
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I don't like it
27 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I started to see the movie and at that moment Im seeing it. Its on pause. I could not say that I like it. Its a kind of weird parody of American Pie, but the humor is much more rude than necessary I think. I don't mind the gay people but that movie is not for everyone. American Pie has rude humor but much more closer to the teenager's problems(Yup the sex in early ages is a kind of problem) This one has funny moments too, but I will not allow my kid to see this one. My wife did not like what she saw in the first 10 minutes and went out of the room. Because of a strange curiosity Im about to see the whole movie. (May be somewhere deep inside Im gay ?!? ) If I was gay that movie would offend me. Its kind of gross the moment with the vegetables in the beginning of the movie. Not every gay people are such grotesques as the main heroes in the movie. Lesbians are not necessary big fat girls. So I find that movie as offense for gay people and for everyone who wants to have a good time (never mind the sexual orientation). A gay comedy - a perfect gay comedy is "The Birdcage" thats my opinion. "California" is the other pole of the genre. So I think that is important not the subject of the movie, but the way it is shown. As a father of son I would not recommend him to watch this one. Might be funny but offensive. Correct me if Im wrong - may be Im not familiar with the problems of gay people, but I think that this one does not represent the real problems and not everyone gay will be charmed to see this.

Today is 28november. I've read almost every comment about that movie. And I find that people who define themselves as gay are totally amazed with this piece of misunderstanding. Well, people if you wanted a gay movie then buy yourself a gay adult movie. This one is a kind of that: especially with the picture of a man with a whole arm up his rear... or a photo of the man with the erected penis. What of these suppose to be funny ? I have laughed so much in American Pie when the main hero laid the pie. It was funny - really funny because of the problem with losing of the virginity. I could imagine that boys and girls who find themselves as gay has a very hard period the define themselves as gay and to expose themselves as gay. This one is probably really hard. But there has to be limitations: the scene with the mouse behind was totally disgusting and absolutely NOT FUNNY. The scene with Butt Plugs and other kind of stuff with the "relations" father - son was NOT FUNNY at all. In American Pie the father of the boy shows understanding of the problem but there was a funny moment of the embarrassment. This scene does not has this spirit at all. So I am agree with brandon2084: "Not funny, sex was distracting, humor had no wit/cleverness". Stolen idea(American Pie), Distracting sex, No humor. Total: CRAP.
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It is amazing
6 November 2006
I have seen this movie and i do not regret - not at all. As a big fan of Japanese samurai movies this one i could compare with Zatoichi, but this one is more profound. There is so many emotion and humanity. Shortly we have got two brothers - the oldest one is a head of Yaguy clan who has a task given by the shogun. This task needs many finances to be solved, but the clan does not have enough money to fulfil the shogun's order. Until the moment when the Yaguys chief remembers that he owns an old jar, who contains the key to a treasure - 1 million ryo - a big amount. But the problem comes with the fact that the clan's chief gave this old useless on a first sight jar to his brother as a gift on his wedding. It is confusing how to take back the gift without making a bad impression with his youngest brother ? Anyways the troubles comes with moment when the youngest brother - a henpecked husband, decided to sell this useless gift from his brother. When he finds that the jar is priceless, he runs after the antique dealers - a very idiotic couple of a man and an imbecile on first sight woman - to give back the jar. Here comes the moment to describe the main hero character - a one eyed, and one handed samurai - master of the sword. Sounds strange to me, but anyways the movie is great. He has been crippled and blinded in battle with multiple enemy in the beginning. The battle scenes are well made and the wear of the Sazen - that is the name of character are pretty. White or black with hieroglyphs on them - too bad i don't get Japanese :-(((( Than was the main images of the movie. Oh, not to forget the little orphan boy, left alone - no one wants to take care of him - no one accept the one eyed samurai, and the owner of a archery house - a woman saved the life of Sazen. Now Sazen is working for her as a bodyguard. From the beginning no one of them wanted to take care of the kid , but soon both of them founds to be binded to the kid. They begins to fight as a married couple for the future of their kid - how to educate him. It is really great done. An ancient scenery - and a theme from nowadays. Probably this subject is ancient as the world - how to educate your own kid ... Then comes the people who wanted the jar of Yagyu clan - somehow this jar happened to be bought by the grandfather of the kid. At the end of the movie we probably must understand , that not the treasure is more worth but love and people we love. This movie shows what we can do for our beloved and the impossible is nothing when we love someone. My vote is 9 of 10 , because on the end i did not get, what actually happened with the boy, but probably when Sazen throws the arrow , the voice who said "Bullseye" was the voice of the kid. And the kid left to live with Sazen and the archery house mistress.
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