
3 Reviews
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Russkaya igra (2007)
A climatic beginning, leaving the user wanting more
17 November 2007
Leading in from a very simple beginning, the movie climaxes early, leading the viewer wishing more at the end. The plot is simple: a gambler who is well-skilled in the card trade owes people in authority, and leaves his country to win the money. Arriving in a small Russian town, he tries to show off his tricks to the local card swindlers but is caught and ends up agreeing to a friendship and a cooperation. It is hard not to find oneself liking the gallant Italian.

Unfortunately, that is the end of real card tricks. What follows is a mayhem of fun masking trickery to get people to agree to sit down and play cards. The games being played lead the simple, yet arrogant foreigner to himself believe in the easiness and sureness of his success. To the viewer, all this grandness, or lack thereof, fails to mask the danger that is just around the corner.

Not badly shot, and with some truth behind the life in small town Russian Empire, the movie does show some aspects of an era bygone. This definitely is not the Russia that one can find today. Yet, the movie has nothing to irk an audience's interest. At best, this is a movie to be enjoyed when one is looking for simple entertainment.
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A great movie that offers something on different levels
23 August 2007
Everything is Illuminated is by far one of the best movies that I've seen recently. It has a very good mix of sad and hilarious, and it comes in phases. The beginning is funny, the ending is sad. In that, I think the movie does well, as its goal is to illustrate a serious topic.

I would have given the movie a higher rank, but I feel that the translation from Russian/Ukrainian into English is not done too well. At times, that is clearly deliberate. At times, I could not find a better way to re-tell the situation as it has a slight Lost in Translation effect. At times, it was just poorly done. Thankfully, there are very few poorly done moments. At one point, the English translation is a direct opposite of what the actors actually said.

However, I feel that a significant amount of the humor comes from a deliberate mis-translation from Russian to English. While some viewers may feel that they are left out, there are situations which are difficult to convey in a few phrases that have yeas of history and culture behind them. You definitely get the most out of this movie if you understand Russian. You get even more if you understand the cultural differences between primarily Russian-speaking Odessa and primarily Ukrainian-speaking L'viv. Some anecdotes are simply incorrect, albeit funny.

Regardless of the 8, I still add this movie to my favorites. I feel that much of what is incorrect is left as-is for a reason, and overall, the movie does very well to convey life in Ukraine (the old and the new), the friendliness, though maybe rough up-front, of the people and the story itself. Well done.
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300 (2006)
Well-done animations and style, so-so story, some re-used elements
10 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy unusual artistic styles when it comes to films. I feel that 300 was done very well, with great detail, camera angles, shots. Very good use of lights, darks and color. However, I couldn't help but draw parallels to movies of similar theme - especially Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven - especially with the grain shots and when creating an effect of "feeling." In terms of the story, I don't look for full trueness and correctness. That is what a documentary is for. However, I found that perhaps there were too many elements that were used to create an image of tiny Spartan vs huge Persian, and also when it came to deviations and creatures. I almost felt like I was watching Lord of the Rings at times. The only element of magic that I felt was done well were the alchemists and their bombs.

What the movie did do well is show an image of the mercilessness of Spartans and their relationship to young boys, the harsh training. Well done was also the use of moral deterrents through a wall of dead soldiers and the tree. Using a narrator was an interesting idea, though I felt like at times the narration was overdone. Choice of music at times was also too cliché, at times re-used, at times very appropriate. However, the film does show well the softer, more humane side of the soldiers.

Several themes were also cliché, such as the betrayal from within that was clear from the very beginning. The friendly talk between the two young soldiers reminded me too much of Lord of the Rings's interaction between Legolas and Gimli. Some elements were easily predictable, such as the second betrayal, which was clear that it was coming up, but the movie did give hope to the viewer that it may or may not occur. To some, it may be a huge downfall, even though there is some attempt afterward to make it up.

Overall, a good movie, and everyone will find something that they are looking for. The dry humor sometimes works well.
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