
6 Reviews
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The Forsaken (2001)
The For-STANK-en
30 August 2003
Complete waste of time. Horror movies are only good if they are well-made. This is not one of them. Bought this hunk of garbage at the store for $1.99 on a gamble. Well - I lost that one. I must have been influenced by the hot pic of the chick on the cover..but know what?? She didn't look anywhere NEAR that good in the movie. What a waste.
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Following (1998)
As Excellent as Memento and wayyyy better than the disastrous Insomnia
30 August 2003
I'm amazed that Memento (which is an excellent flick) is so well-regarded in the Top 250 and this one doesn't even appear!! What the hell is that?? To be honest - when this movie ended my knee-jerk reaction was that this movie is better than Memento. After the euphoria of the fabulous ending wore off, I concluded that they are equal in their excellence. I am just confused about why its not in the Top 50 along with Memento. I'm going to venture a guess that (sadly) it's because it's in black and white or because (again sadly)that the characters all have British accents ...sadly because that is no reason to not appreciate a great movie like this.

I'm telling you that if you loved Memento, you will love Following as well. Brilliant!
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Excellent, Excellent Movie
23 January 2002
Made me think about it for days after seeing it. That to me is the mark of a great movie. Eyes Wide Shut had the same effect on me. I am tired of these people requiring these happy Hollywood cookie-cutter endings. I am planning on going to see it again tonight to understand the plot a little better - but regardless, the emotional messages of the movie were totally felt.
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Salem's Lot (1979)
The stuff nightmares are made of...
1 August 2001
After seeing this movie as a kid, I put rosary beds on my bedpost so in case a vampire were to scratch on my window, beckoning me to open it, I would have a cross to hold up to protect me. Thats how frightening this movie was. The rosaries stayed there for YEARS! I might also add that I am NEVER scared by movies. Every other Stephen King movie were yawners and slasher movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th dont scare me either.

I recommend this movie to anybody who truly wants to be scared. I also like the very cold New England fall weather that I could actually feel when I watched this movie. See it!
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26 July 2001
I actually went to this movie by myself. Good thing. Near the middle of the movie I gave up trying to hold in my tears and had to struggle to at least make my sobs inaudible. It was heart-wrenching on so many levels. Namely the unspeakable horrors that were commited against the Jews. But also, the inner struggle of a man having to come to terms with his own morality.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
One of the worst movies of all-time
26 July 2001
I HATED, HATED, HATED this movie. A friend of mine recommended this movie to me upon discovering I tend to like movies with disturbing content (ex: Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, In the Company of Men). I rented it and actually found myself getting angry at how much it disappointed me. Point blank: this movie makes absolutely no sense. Anybody who made sense of this movie or found it artistic is just plain trying too hard to like it just because its Lynch's material.

I found Dennis Hopper's character not at all scary or disturbing - I found him completely silly. I was extremely disappointed because of all the hype I heard about this film. Definitely not worth the time.
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