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Monte Carlo (2011)
Monte Carlo: A contrived fairy tale that's been done before and better.
3 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Selena Gomez stars as an optimistic teen from Texas in this comedy...now I use the word comedy loosely since unless you're under the age of twelve, it's doubtful that you'll ever physically laugh while viewing this film. Gomez's Grace has been saving pennies for years while working a thankless waiting job and attending her high school classes. Finally a graduate, she and her best friend, Emma, played by the strikingly beautiful Katie Cassidy, are off to Paris for a vacation of a lifetime. But no fairy-tale is complete without the unwanted stepsister tagging alone, this time portrayed by Leighton Meester.

In what could have offered some comedic moments but somehow failed to, the girls realize their tour of Paris just doesn't live up to expectations. Add that with the fact Grace and Emma aren't exactly fond of Grace's uptight stepsister, the vacation is a nightmare to the girls. Luckily, this is where the magic comes in and it is discovered that Grace has an identical look-alike who happens to stroll into the hotel where the girls are. Add some cheesy contrivances and a few unbelievable plot twists and bam! The girls find themselves on a private jet to Monte Carlo, where Grace will be posing as her snotty doppleganger Cordelia.

The girls then go into romantic individual story lines, each one more dull and pointless than the next. Grace's romance with French socialite Theo evolves at a rapid and completely unrelatable pace. He literally dislikes her one second and then decides that because she likes horses that she's "different" and the one for him. They briefly check out some fireworks and fall for each other without exchanging so much as an e-mail address. Emma must decide between a snooty guy she meets who rarely speaks and is played by an unknown actor or her sweet Texan boyfriend played by popular Glee heartthrob Cory Monteith. Gee, I wonder who she will choose in the end? The most intriguing relationship as far as romance goes to Meg and Riley. Riley is a forward Australian mate who manages to open up Meg's hard exterior and help her come to terms with her mother's passing while they fall for each other. Their romance has a slight adventurous quality to it that's somewhat redeemable.

The thing about Monte Carlo is that while it's not horrifically offensive, it's hardly passable for entertainment. It's dull, long, boring, and stretched out over practically two hours in a simple and cheesy story that could've been handled in 90 minutes. Gomez, who has a great sense of comedic timing and charisma that she showcases on her poorly written Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, won me over on a show that's just not good, so it's unfortunate that she has yet to find a film that will truly utilize her skills and allow her to showcase her true star potential to the world. Hopefully she'll be given further chances after this failure. Leighton and Katie are also very likable in their roles, but the film's weak script and lack of comedy can't save this dull film. Despite all of the above, the scenery is gorgeous and the three young actresses are not to blame for this poor excuse for a romantic comedy. Especially when there are great family films out there featuring female leads that cover all age-groups such as Disney's Tangled.
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Fantastic film...that's all
16 March 2011
"The Devil Wears Prada" is one of those movies that some people will watch and come to love, while others may watch it unsatisfied. That's because despite some of the outrageous humour regarding the demands of the devilish diva Miranda Priestly (portrayed by Meryl Streep), the movie actually has a lot of subtleties in its tone and overall message. And believe me, there's a message. Many, in fact.

Anne Hathaway is generally likable and believable in her role as Andy Sachs, an aspiring journalist in New York City, who becomes the assistant to a high maintenance editor-in-chief of America's hottest fashion magazine. She is outshined, however, by the brilliant Emily Blunt, who is sassy and hysterical in the snooty role of Emily who easily becomes many viewer's favourite character. We also have Stanley Tucci convincingly playing another co-worker along with Andy and Emily, managing to make him likable despite a few petty insults he makes towards our protagonist near the beginning.

Then comes Meryl as Miranda. Words cannot describe how much you'll adore this character. She is oozes class, elegance, and beauty in a unique way. Streep immediately IS the character and remains in character in every second of screen time. She never even loses the slight sneer in the upper-lip. Her character is intimidating in a quiet, realistic way that is beyond amazing. The woman is a goddess in this film and that cannot be argued.

Throughout the course of the film, we see many layers to many characters working at this fashion magazine. We see the shift in priorities as Andy struggles to maintain her personal life while making the climb up the corporate ladder. It's extremely interesting to watch a romantic comedy that doesn't focus on romance but instead relies on the relationship between a woman and her job, and the women she works with. The cast is strong, the material is fun and fresh, and the film is just an all-around great time! Watch it and be prepared to watch it again, because the fashion is fabulous, as are Streep and Blunt in "The Devil Wears Prada"!
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Mean Girls (2004)
A hilarious modern classic that gives a fresh perspective to the horror that is high school.
15 March 2011
Tina Fey wrote this film's hysterical screenplay and it is her best work to date seven years later. With a fresh-faced, instantly relateable Lindsay Lohan as our naive protagonist Cady Heron, we are ready to plunge into the always entertaining event that is "Mean Girls." Opposite our innocent heroine is the film's sexy villain that you secretly can't help but want to emulate: Regina George, portrayed with brilliance beyond her years by the gorgeous Rachel McAdams. Regina is the Queen Bee of the notorious Plastics, a trio of girls who rule the school where Cady is a new student. Cady is immediately pulled into their world of gossip, backstabbing, secrets, and social suicide. But Cady soon learns that if you mess with Regina, you'll be the victim of social HOMicide.

Fey's brilliant script makes continual comparisons to the immaturity of high schoolers and animals in the jungle Cady grew up observing. The film has countless laugh out loud one-liners that people quote for fun as well as several memorable characters, such as the bad-ass Janis Ian, the anxious blabbermouth Gretchen Wieners, and the over-confident nerd known as Kevin G to name a few. The film's heart comes through towards the end and you're left in shock as you realize there is actually an important message regarding bullying in this movie.

What better experience can you ask from a teen film than one that teaches a great lesson and makes you have insane amounts of laughter and joy learning it over and over? "Mean Girls" is a classic, quotable, re-watchable until the day you die kind of movie. And this is no exaggeration, it's THAT good.
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Beastly (2011)
"I've seen worse" ... Really? Well, I haven't when it comes to recent films.
15 March 2011
As an avid supporter of fairy tales, a particular favourite being Beauty and the Beast, I went to see this film despite its horrendous critical reception. I usually enjoy mindless, simple teen trash for what it is and was even somewhat intrigued by the film's trailer. Unfortunately, calling "Beastly" teen trash would be a generous understatement.

The film's screenplay is no better than the work of a high school student trying to write a short story during their creative writing class. There is rarely if any witty dialogue and many of the lines are laugh-out-loud funny in their obscurity and cheesiness. There are a few very simple plot points in the film and the rest is just utter nonsense and one overly long and painfully uninteresting montage after another. The film should have spent more time developing characters and less time on these useless montage sequences that are so painfully tedious that I actually joked with my friend about falling asleep in the theatre several times.

The acting is pretty mediocre. I'm not going to call Hudgens or Pettyfer abominations to the craft of acting, simply because their characters didn't have nearly enough depth to allow them to prove whether or not they can act. Mary-Kate Olsen stands out as one of the few redeeming qualities this movie has. Her character is instantly biting and likable; she causes you to crave more screen time for her character throughout the film with her adorably wicked smirk and eerie vibe. Neil Patrick Harris is underused in what could have been a potentially interesting side character but manages to try and salvage his poorly written material.

Basically, this movie feels longer than it is, causing many of us to wish it would just be over. Nothing interesting happens that didn't occur in the trailer. There are many unnecessary plot elements, such as something that happens with Hudgens' character's father towards the end and then is sort of just solved off-screen with no real explanation. It's a tedious film and the ending is a cop-out that leaves a bad taste in your mouth as it completely undermines the supposed message of the film. And to top it off, they didn't have the decency to even attempt an epic climax. The climax and final embrace of the romantic leads is truly uninspired and pathetic. Just like the majority of this beastly excuse for a film.
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Important Lessons with Great Characters!
10 August 2008
This show is amazing, I strongly recommend if for young viewers who are going to enter middle school. I own the entire DVD collection and just love it. It deals with a range of subjects such as: internet safety, merged households, puberty, bullying, drinking, child abuse, alcoholism, drugs, relationship abuse, rape, shooting, cutting, sexualities, street racing, STDs, insecurities, teen pregnancies and of course, murder.

I find almost everyone can relate to at least more than one character in some way. It can teach teens so many valuable lessons and keep them entertained as well.
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Nancy Drew (2007)
Amazing Movie = )
16 June 2007
I came to Nancy Drew expecting the worst...because of everyone else's bad reviews. I thought: Even though I don't read the books, that doesn't look anything like the Nancy Drew I've heard of. But I was wrong. Sure, it wasn't a carbon copy of the books, but when you make a movie out of something, you have to modify it to become big-screen entertainment. The plot was enjoyable and thrilling with a lot of actual scares and I thought that Emma Roberts was really believable in her own way of portraying this classic character. There were several funny moments and on the contrary of many statements, at no point in this film does Nancy come off as a ditz. She was intelligent, conservative, polite and genuine. One thing this movie also did well was balance the whole thing out with a mix of comedy, romance, suspense and heartfelt moments. I loved this movie. What a flick, what a flick! And if you are wise and decide to trust me and go see this, be prepared for some SCARY as heck moments because I was, like, freaking out! Go see it or be a bum-bum and just let other people decide what you think of this movie for you...a mistake I almost made. I love it, I wanna own this movie! I love Emma Roberts now, too. She's like a mini-Bree Van De Kamp from DH. Love it, love it.
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