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Perfect ✨everything✨
9 January 2024
I've seen manhwa adoptions before (both with actors, as well as in animated form). Some better than others but when I stumbled over this one on my prime account, I dropped my viewing plans and cleared my schedule and watched the first 3 episodes (hours).

I don't know if it's the score (music), the scrip (that looks like it holds hand in hand with its source (love that 👌) or if the actors, direction or lighting and stylist had a finger in making this magical. Perhaps all of the above because it just CLICKED for me. I got swept off into the story, it took me where I first went in the manhwa and I couldn't say any negatives about it,

Sure, Su-min doesn't have her "pink'ish" hair, nor does a-hole of the year not his brown'ish hair but the actors ARE these characters. I have NO trouble believing them or notice who is who from a glance since the behavior (dirty or sweet) shines through everyone of the main cast.

Deep respect for the actors here. Not sure if they read the manhwa and laughed, cried and raged at some characters and that's why they are so incredibly adjusted to just BE THEM! But everyone had me mimic their faces. I was so caught up in it! Sumin pouted and I wondered why my brows hurt: I was glaring at her while at the same time "mirrored" her pout because I was so deeply invested into it.

When our heroine cried, feared or raged internally I "felt" all those emotions and was sobbing at several points, to the point that I had to apologize to the rest of the house that I just found a REALLY GOOD series, so that's why there is cheering, shouting and crying 😅

Needless to say, I cannot speak highly enough for this.

I know some will take issue with the lack of hair color on a few character, however I understand and have to respect the different culture of "blending in" rather than looking like a peacock in between shoots (or have horribly wigs that fans would perhaps also fault them for).
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The Big Bang Theory: The Mommy Observation (2014)
Season 7, Episode 18
Sweet moments between Sheldon and Howard
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A trip of healing and understanding (though whatever is "wrong" with Sheldon mentally, makes it so that he cannot see how annoying he still is).

It's nice to see how - if only for an episode - that Howard is there for Sheldon, showing an almost fatherly kindness towards the awkward Sheldon.

Not only for their trip to NASA but also when Sheldon surprises his mother and catches her in the act, Howard is there for Sheldon, supporting him, helping him through whatever hard feelings this must be for him (again, because Sheldon is Sheldon - not just because he caught his mother having sex with a stranger, to which would be traumatic for anyone)
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Underwater action + the movie doesn't take itself too seriously 👌
1 October 2023
I cannot remember if I laughed this much when watching Meg1 on HBO, but watching this one, was time well spent.

The primary character are well acted, the tension is high (though I was highly distracted by the girls tiny buns on her head 😅) and the humor delightful. As I said, I don't recall how serious the first movie was but it's CLEAR this movie doesn't take itself too seriously and I LOVE THAT.

While they could have gone for drama instead to chop up the parts with tension (pun intended) it was nice to get some smiles out of it. Especially Mr Wu Jing delivered comedic relief to perfection. I nearly cried with laughter at some points.

All in all, it has both excitement and ginormous sharks plus drizzled with family bonds (especially the one you choose) so I'm kinda baffled as to why this has such a low rating.

Minor negatives: the last two stars is taken away due to minor details:
  • Kinda off kilter plot-points (a little)
  • Bad CGI on... eh, "something" (that's a sorta-spoiler, so..)
  • And a few minor characters who were stiff in their delivery (it was pretty bad IMO)
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Cyrano (2021)
Peter Dinklage is magnificent
30 May 2023
First off, don't get why it's a musical.

Though admittedly, that's just my bias. Plus, since it's now on steaming, they are skippable (so 🤷‍♀️ not that big of a deal really) After the movie though, I caught myself humming one of the songs, so I have to begrudgingly admit they've made a mark, even if it was subconsciously 😅

About Dinklage's acting: When I first saw him in earlier roles, I thought that they were the epitome of his acting.

Here though, I've gotten a WHOLE NEW APPRECIATION for this handsome mad lad.

He is as stated in the title: MAGNIFICENT.

The pure, raw emotions in every scene, the subtle and minute details in everything he does, just *chefs kiss* And not only was the costumes a sight to watch but the set design brought me so so much joy. The way the director also placed Dinklage contra his costars for both those who thought of him as their equal and those who opposed him. It was simply brilliantly made.
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65 (2023)
Nail biting tension, fantastic acting and growth of characters and LOTS OF DINOSAURS 😆
22 April 2023
Me and my husband (hates Adam Driver) loves dinosaurs action movies and considered if we should see this movie.

We read reviews and though the low rating, we ended up watching it (again because: dinos 😁).


I'm not sure what the big fuss was about with the low ratings, because:

It held the TENSION though it all, despite there only being two characters.

I was at the edge of my seat, both crying and even laughing at the sweet pseudo father/daughter moments in between the tense scenes.

Overall FANTASTIC acting from both main actors + the CGI was AMAZING (and a little TOO well done at times for my poor nerves 😨😅)

I would give it 9/10 only retracting 1 because of the "I know it's gonna end good but we won't show it" however because of the absolute unnecessary bashing of this movie, I'm gonna give it a solid 10 to help get the rating up on a more deserving place.

Because it could very well be on purpose the ending was open like that, as in: there's gonna come a sequel. You never know. I for one hopes that's the case because Adam driver shines in this one ✨👌
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Fake Famous (2021 TV Movie)
1 of them is real ungrateful >:( otherwise good show
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the premise and was surprised by the state of the fakeness of buying likes/subs; faking your pictures and how the influencers had to sometimes slave away for most of the day to even get a few "perfect" pictures.

This whole world suddenly seemed a lot more saddened, stressful and fake.

It was an eye opening experience.

What made me mad tho, was Christopher was So ungrateful!

In casting he had that "I don't care about anything" voice, telling the directors that HE DESERVED IT (fame). And later on - DESPITE this being a social experiment (that they paid for) - he suddenly felt too good for it all.

He took what he could get and then took his newly acquired fame and left them with a HALF FINISHED program. So freaking ungrateful.

Wylie also saw the darker side of fame and what happened to him (with essentially someone from his past bullying him to the extent that he had no choice but to shut off his account) really was sad to watch.

The only real success story here was the girl Dominique. She also seemed like the one best equipped for this and she at least stayed humble and kind <3 good for her I'd say.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
How To Train Your Dragon - Sea edition
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As others put it: the plot is standard, sure.

However, despite being same'ol' plot, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Perhaps because the sheer diversity in the cast. Black, yellow and white (rough terms but I think you'll get my point).

Or perhaps it was the story and the fatherly/brotherly love to protect the little runt (the sweet little girl).

The movie dragged me in from the get go and kept me there - enough that I by the time the spear was thrown to save red against the crab, I was thrusting my fist in the air in triumph without even realizing it. Needless to say, I was hooked (no pun intended).

There was a very clear Captain Ahab seriousness set up against the sweet How To Train Your Dragon vibe throughout.

I liked it. Very much so.
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Bastard!! (1992–1993)
if you like noblewomen dressed as whores, here you go
6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get what all the rage is about.

Sure, the joke on how every spell (and even the kingdom) is referencing metal bands may be lost on me (I just find it borderline stupid and ruins the experience of this fantasy land).

But the dialogue is downright ridiculous (I felt like I watched a child's tv show - you know, the ones where the dialogue is so dumb you'd rather watch paint dry than listen to that crap)

Also, every episode they plaster it with bouncing breasts and women (a PRIESTESS and PRINCESSE!!!) dressed in almost nothing at all - a 'working girl' sure, I would buy that as an outfit, but these are HIGHBORN LADIES we're talking about - if they think it's perfectly fine, then it's JUST for the sake of showing bouncing boobs and it ruins the immersion, storyline and credibility completely.

Plus the hint of rape ("tell me this information or I'll have some fun" proceeds to lift up her scrap of dress so you can see her underwear while he is drooling) WTH

First I thought the boobs might just have been to wield people (boys) in with the first episode or two, so I gave it a chance, hoping (and expecting because of the ratings here) that it would get better. That was, till the threats of rape got thrown into the mix.

Nope, no and more nope!

I CANNOT fathom how this got so high review!
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The Big Bang Theory: The Bitcoin Entanglement (2017)
Season 11, Episode 9
Second episode where Sheldon infuriates more than normal
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I won't give it 1 * because it has a few sweet and funny moments but otherwise the remaining missing stars is thanks to Sheldon's behavior. For the sake of comedy, Sheldon is an oddball, however there is a line (and here comes the rant).

I don't know if this has happened before but the consequences of Sheldon BREAKING THE LAW and hacking into and stealing someone's property has SEVERE FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES- ofc not to him, he just shrugs and gets a little shamefaced and that's that, where's as both last episode where we - SPOILERS - find out Sheldon built on the guys' guidens-system-thingie (that they built so amongst other things: Howard and Bernie could have some financial help being parents).

TWICE now in a row, we see Sheldon doesn't care at all, just as long as he gets his revenge or his name praised (and "forgets" his friends who he couldn't have done it without). He was once one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES and I screamed at the screen every time anyone was mean to him. Now I just and hope someone grows a pair and get him arrested for stealing their property, causing his lack of foresight for it to be lost forever! When everyone else has grown and learned, we get two episodes of "I wish they would just smack him or call the police". Just... something! So that he would learn that his actions has consequences! He isn't a little coddled child anymore but sure as heck acts like it.
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love and leashes is a fantastic and brave movie
22 February 2022
The movie balances the humor, kinks and moral very well. My loudest of praises is that this comes from a country where in most movies and tv series have the characters blush by simply handholding or a peck on the lips.

It is BOLD to get this frankly freeing statement out there: "Don't be ashamed by your kinks. There are more of us out there than you know".

I personally don't belong under this part of the kink umbrella, so I can't say I understand the relationship entirely, HOWEVER I do subscribe to the idea that "you do you, no matter the (legal) kink you might have" and this movie conveys the relationship and mutual respect beautifully as well as the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY of a SAFEWORD (not everyone knows that and I cannot stress enough how happy I was to see this ^^ literally said out loud "THANK YOU! YES!!" When it came up)
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365 Days (2020)
Kinky, steamy fan fiction... and I'm okay with that.
9 January 2022
I don't see what the fuss is about and how it can get so low a rating. I think it's quite good IF you view it with the proper intentions. If you look for stuff like morally correct, heavy action or fulfilling storytelling, then yes, you will walk away disappointed.

HOWEVER you will be able to enjoy it if you watch it as a steamy fan fiction, with beautify settings, superb music (some sung by the actor himself), great sexual tension and 'Stockholm syndrome gone romantic'.

Yes it has some questionable and dubious scenes but again, the way I see it is a kinky, steamy fan fiction slapped on the big screen.
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For an old movie, it's great
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie takes a more soft approach than the original story by Hans Cristian Andersen (this one does actually have a happy ending).

I love the danish gem of a man Dirch Passer and his comedic sense. It's not over the top in this movie and is used for brighten up some situations that might otherwise seem a little glum.

The acting is great and the Princess doesn't go from being a prissy Princess to a kind-hearted woman over night. It's a journey and I love that about it.

The only reason I can't give this a solid 10 is because even if the story flows pretty decently, it gets a bit confusing when the Prince's companion Kasper have a "fake prince" return home to Denmark (to throw the Princess off, I guess) and then has a DARK-haired WOMAN to play the Danish Prince during hunts and in town with "his" entourage. I would assume the Princess do remember him being golden haired, so this is why I can't give it more stars.
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