
57 Reviews
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Schoolhouse Rock!: Unpack Your Adjectives (1975)
Season 2, Episode 6
My favorite one out of the whole collection!
3 February 2024
I remember this when I was a little kid. I was born in 1969 and even at 54 yrs old now... every once in a while I spin this up on my Plex server to listen to it for some nostalgia.

It's my favorite one out of them all. Something about this voice is so relaxing. I don't know why, but, I find relaxed listening to this. It's such a catchy tune. The voice is perfect. The lyrics are perfect. LOL!

My next favorite one is Interjections. A very catchy tune.

It's a shame you don't see stuff like this these days. Most of this entire series was very cleverly written and sung...

Did they ever help me remember anything? Probably not... but, they were catchy tunes! LOL!

For the America ones... I do like I'm just a bill, and my favorite America one is No More Kings.

The female vocals in these are superb!

What a nice trip down nostalgia lane. A shame these wonderful pieces of our history will fade into the background...
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Doom Patrol: Immortimas Patrol (2023)
Season 4, Episode 9
Not every show needs to have a musical
2 January 2024
I'm not a fan of musicals however Buffy The Vampire Slayer did a pretty decent one. This one was tolerable but felt too forced and too many voices can't really sing very well and didn't fit. I guess even BTVS had some voices that didn't fit well, but, this Doom Patrol one wasn't as good.

I'm sure some people loved it, but, this one, kinda felt too forced and didn't fit well.

As for the show as a whole.. I have really enjoyed it. It's quite unique, some GREAT characters. A few episodes early on kinda made me question the show, but they fit well enough into the show and were done in a quality way. Overall, a shame it ended. Also, kinda upset I can't buy Season 4 on Bluray. I have the first 3 Seasons on Bluray. I don't do subscription services (streaming). I buy it or I get it some other way if they don't offer it.

So, please offer the bluray. I hate not having a finished collection. I even checked Amazon USA and it's not available.

Overall show - 8/10... this episode 4/10.
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Malena (2000)
Interesting, Malena is super hot, the location is odd...
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all... Melena is ridiculously hot... a serious 10/10 classy woman. So, for her, I give this 3/10... 1 more for the story.

It could be just my own location in the world but one of the strange things I found about this film is how people act. Is this how they act over in Europe or Italy back in the era this is trying to portray?

The way the father slaps people around, the way the father handles punishment is so silly... it's just very strange from someone who was brought up in a civilized world from the 70's onward... maybe this is how the world was back then?!?!?!

I find it very odd. Also, the females and the males in this movie are barely a 2/10 in looks... maybe that was done on purpose to make Melena stand out even more but, wow, no wonder the guys fawned over Melena...

We have a classy gorgeous sexy woman standing amongst a field of ugly... no wonder the females all hated her...

The way the men all gawked and made up stuff about her and any dealings with her... was quite sad to behold...

Also, gross and disgusting is the way the men kiss her hand and get as much contact time with her as possible while watching to see if the other men are looking on...

Gross... I expected her to pull her hand away from all the slime...

Overall, an "ok"'ish movie...

I'm happy the kid did the right thing in the end...
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One really good episode in a sea of boring skits
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have a wide range of humor but I only found 2 skits that were quite funny. The episode that really got me to watch season 1 was the drive thru episode regarding pay it forward. That was VERY funny. I loved it.

Most episodes are boring barely getting even a smile out of me. Not sure how people have this rated so high.

Being vulgar can be funny but the way they are vulgar in this show isn't really funny.

BUT, isn't that the wonderful thing about the world. What others find hilarious I may not like... or what I would find funny someone else wouldn't find funny.

A few other skits are ok enough but overall... I wouldn't even pay for this show if it was $5 for the whole box set of 3 seasons.
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YAWN! What did I just waste a couple of hours on?
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I expected something interesting at least... I love old and new dr who... grew up with the Baker years and later loved the 2005 reboot...

This documentary was quite weird... it was like the writer has no clue what Dr Who really is... the negative reviews actually made sense. I had to keep watching pieces of this just to force myself to get through it.

It is incredibly disconnected, boring, and jumps all over the place.

It seemed to be about a bitter writer?!?!? Who was unhappy fans didn't like his movie. More boring dialog, more shots of conventions (minorly interesting), and odd discussions about stuff only the most die hard whovian would even care about.

As someone who loves the show and wanted a little filler ... this has so little...

Don't waste your time or money unless you're starving for Dr Who content... even then... it was so boring I can barely remember what the heck it was about now...

Yawn... time for bed... maybe I'll put this on to go to sleep... hmmm... might just work.
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Too soon, but, done well enough.
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is why I have a problem with short seasons. Because of short seasons we're barely at episode 19'ish which in a NORMAL season would still be season 1.

My beef with short seasons is... we had some decent episodes this season BUT they all feel rushed because we barely got to know everyone. We had a great legal episode that actually stirred up some emotion... but, once again, a little too soon. We had some character development episodes which we need (of course) BUT, with such short seasons, every episode that's inside a ship, or on a planet is 1 less "cool anomaly" or "cool journey through space" or "strange new world" we don't get to visit.

So, we have a musical episode. Never been a fan of musicals. I think Once More With Feeling was the first musical I actually enjoyed and it took me a while to actually like it. Now, Buffys musical is my favorite.

Star Trek's Musical... 1st hearing it... it was ok enough. As I mentioned, I'm not a fan of musicals to begin with. What surprises me is when a song can twist non lyrical sentences into music. That is hard (for me anyways).

The problem is... too soon. And once again, we have an episode mostly in the ship. Sure, we have an anomaly that looks cool... but, once again... annoying short seasons.

This musical took away from 1 of the VERY FEW episodes available to us.

Even if this show gets 7 seasons... who cares? It's 7 lousy short seasons. I want 7 FULL seasons.

70 episodes vs 182 episodes from previous Trek.

I feel ripped off these days. Short seasons with The Orville. Short seasons with this show.

Overall, I give this episode an 8 because they did an ok job and I actually found it "ok" enough. Those who love musicals will prob enjoy this a lot more than myself.

I understand about probabilities, and sure, it is highly improbable there would be a universe of singing... BUT, it's also not impossible.. :) Just highly improbable.

I guess my main complaint is... FINALLY we have decent Trek again (Discovery, Lower Decks, etc do not qualify for decent)...

I just WANT MORE Strange New Worlds and I guess I feel ripped off with short seasons... everything is too rushed.

:( Just makes me sad I guess.
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An ok story, but, with short seasons? C'mon, we don't have time for that. lol
22 August 2023
An ok story, but, with short seasons? C'mon, we don't have time for this. This is one of the reasons I do not like the short seasons. You NEED a whole short season to delve into individual characters, let alone all the fun episodes...

You DO need character development, but when you're lucky to get 10 to 13 episodes in a whole season... you have to cram too much into a season.

This show is vastly superior to Discovery in every aspect, but it still falls short of true Trek. I would say mainly because when we have an episode on a character... it's GOOD, BUT... it's also taking away from a small amount of episodes.

I'm really tired of these cheap small seasons. Even if this show runs 3 seasons... it's 6 episodes more than a single season of old Trek. 26 episodes per season was great.

Even The Orville, which was fantastic, suffered from short seasons. After 3 short seasons, we barely have 40 episodes of The Orville. Way too few.

I barely know the characters in this show. It feels too rushed mainly because of the short seasons. I'm getting tired of TV as I get older. Everything is changing for the worse. Seasons when I was born had 40-60 episodes per season. That did seem excessive BUT, if the show was good... it was awesome.

Then we went down to 24-26 episodes per season for most shows. Then someone thought hey, why can't we have even shorter seasons. 10-13 episodes? Way too short.

It's like everything in life... the cheapening of everything.

Well, at least we get a few decent episodes here and there. I just wish we could have more... tired of less. Computers are faster, processes are faster, technology is so advanced now we can slam out a TV show very quickly even with high quality CGI.

As for this exact episode... it started out "huh" and then did get better... but, I was thinking... once again, too soon... overall, it was enjoyable enough.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Great beginning, bad ending
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
9/10 for the first 40 min, 2 out of 10 for the ending. This episode was GREAT and quite enjoyable right up until the end... and then I was like... HUH?

I don't know... I loved Black Mirror for the most part. S06E01 was decent enough, S06E02 was so boring I started doing other things while watching it. This episode was 9/10 until the lousy ending... I only gave this 5 stars because so much of it was awesome, only the ending ruined it... like completely ruined it. I don't even want to watch it again knowing the ending... that's how bad the ending was.

I just watched the 4th episode and it was slow and the ending didn't really "get ya"...

So far ... 3 poor episodes out of 4... Ep3 could have been the best of the season except for the ending...

I am kinda disappointed in this season. I was SO excited that new Black Mirror episodes were being shown and then to watch them and see... "this is what we got after waiting for years?"

I wish the writers could have done better... here's hope for a better next episode... :(
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S2 so far is great - but I still don't trust the writers (yet)
21 August 2023
As I have said many times before, I just want good quality shows with decent writing.

This episode was intelligently written, crafted very well, paced very well, acted very well... it actually FELT like Star Trek. If I had to pick a gripe, it would be a minor one, but males in this show seem more background and females more foreground in most scenes. It almost pulls you out of the show for realism (yes, despite being a science fiction show). However, it's tolerable enough because unlike Discovery, these characters are actually likable.

I actually felt emotion in this episode. I haven't felt emotion in Star Trek since the "good ole days" (cough, before Discovery).

This is a good path forward. Intelligent writing. Lessons that are not 2x4's to the face, but actually make you THINK.

S1 was tolerable. I had a few gripes about S1... BUT S2 so far is excellent. Maybe the writers are understanding their mistakes with Discovery and Picard S1/S2 and fixing them like they did in Picard S3 which was fantastic.

I am REALLY enjoying S2 of SNW... if they keep this up for the rest of S2 I will probably buy the Blurays.

I may wait till the show ends to support it and buy the whole pile of seasons... I don't completely trust the writers to mess this up like they did Discovery... I have found shows with the Kurtzman effect tend to start out great, and then get changed into something else later on... so, ...

All I can say is... SO FAR... I'm very happy how this season is going.

S02E02 so far is great writing. That's all I want. So, let's see if they keep this up! I really want them to succeed. I'm upset Discovery is so broken... I LOVE Star Trek...

At least Strange New Worlds FEELS like Star Trek in S2. S1 was tolerable.

Please keep the writing quality like this!

I WANT to buy this... so, don't wreck it... LOL!

I don't pay for streaming sites, so there will never be any support from me on any streaming site. BUT, I always buy my Bluray box sets when a show is A) Wrapped up properly (not cancelled) and B) Decent QUALITY writing.
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Quite enjoyable
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After reading so many negatives about Brie Larson or whatever her name is... I found her fitting to this role. Why the hate?

The positives: My first big smile was early in the movie where the bad guy roars and then she roars back... I thought that was cute. There were a few other moments where Brie was adorable, cute, sexy... BUT, that doesn't make a movie. I found her acting to be fine, how she handled the character was fine. I really enjoyed her.

The negatives: There isn't too much... I would have to say the main problem with this is... she's too powerful! Smashing spaceships, being shot, falling from space, can shoot things with power from her arms/hands, can fly into ships flying at her without being scratched...

So, what is her weakness? She seems too perfect. Too powerful.

The rest of the cast are quite decent as well. Even the kitty which was really cute despite being a huge threat. LOL!

Overall, it wasn't a perfect movie, but I don't understand the hate Brie gets. This movie had no agendas, no checkboxes... it had what we all want... a decent story, without forced current issues like a 2x4 to the face...

Instead, we have a decent beliveable story, with a cute main character... and she does cute really really well, not to mention she's smoking hot, we have a great supporting cast, I really liked the main alien guy (on the good side) - his attitude was great, you really feel for him and his people... a very likeable character and you end up rooting for him and his people.

The antagonist was pretty decent for a bad guy and although you don't see much of his team, the little I did see, they fit the roles quite well.

So, other than Captain Marvel being too powerful... I don't see anything wrong with this.

Quite an enjoyable movie. :)
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Runaways (2017–2019)
Overall fun show, has some flaws, but mostly enjoyable all 3 seasons.
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall fun show, has some flaws, but mostly enjoyable all 3 seasons. I did find S1 and S2 to be 8/10. S3 was a little weird, too much magic, BUT I did really like the new witch in S3... wow, her makeup, and looks - 10/10... very well done character. Loved her. :) How they animated her was excellently done.

It's almost like S3 was a rushed addition to the show that should have ended in S2. The other problem with the show was they kinda ignored S1 and S2's topic in S3... as if the aliens never even existed?!?!?!

Maybe I'll have to rewatch this again in case I missed something. What about all those being released from the ship? There was more than a few... wasn't there hundreds? What happened to them? Where did they go?

The whole cast was well done. All likeable and dislikeable at times.

Gert at first was annoying, BUT, then I started to like the character more and more, and really liked her by the end of S2... but, as S3 wore on, her attitude and silly judgmental ways was getting tiring (too childish behavior for my liking, I started eye rolling at times). But, overall I liked the character. Just wish she would have been more balanced.

The show as a whole suffers from the typical... here are some kids capable of doing stuff that would take a real adult most of their lives to achieve. Like advanced programming, electronics, etc... so, I do find that a little silly in shows like this... BUT, once again, overall, ok enough.

I am happy I watched this show, I do recommend it. It has some flaws, but not enough to ruin it for me.
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Travelers: Trevor (2018)
Season 3, Episode 7
Really enjoying this show!
23 May 2023
I am only watching this show now and I am liking it more and more with each episode. At first I liked it mainly because of Marcy - she's so desirable and easy to "bond" with her character.... but, as time went on, I really started to like the "Reflection" episodes like the episode with Rick Hall just before this one. As time went on I came to really like all the characters on this team. In this episode, Trevor is really amping up the me liking the character even more.

A lot of good quality side stories to go with the main theme of the show. I really feel like I'm watching through a window into their lives and what they are going through.

Quite enjoyable show. I haven't watched it before and I'm starting to worry that maybe this show is not finished... with only a few episodes left before the series end... I have to wonder... can they wrap this up in time?

I really hope so - I'm tired of shows not being wrapped up. I won't buy them or support them or companies that leave shows unfinished.

I personally believe EVERY show should be wrapped up. It's like ripping out the last chapter of a book and saying "well, thanks for reading it up to here, but too bad for you, we're not finishing it..." and there is nothing you can do about it. Rinse, repeat for decades and you start to get weary about supporting shows. Why should I care anymore about supporting shows when too many are left unfinished. Every show should have a budget left to always wrap it up.

Well, crossing fingers this great show is wrapped up properly. Netflix has sometimes wrapped up shows after the fact, but, as time goes on, more are not wrapped up. As someone who will never pay for streaming services... and only buys box sets... I hope this is finished... but, then again... can I even buy the box set? A lot of Netflix shows can not be purchased.

Anyways, I'm rambling.

I really like this show... I am going to miss Marcys adorable face (LOL) and I will miss the rest of the characters as well. All of them.
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The Flash: Girls Night Out (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
This was the first episode that broke the fun of the show
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So far I have enjoyed Season 4 - not as great as the previous seasons but enjoyable. Previous seasons were well written and enjoyable. This episode was just so hard to watch. Cringe and forced most of the way through it. The way the topic of feminism was handled was very poorly done. It was like endless 2 x 4's to the face. Nothing wrong with powerful females, but, the writing and how they did this episode was quite poor.

Very poor writing, very poorly executed. So many mistakes in this episode as to how the characters behaved... it was like it was written by someone in high school who failed writing.

I did find Barry drunk was entertaining... it was how the rest of the team acted that pulled me out of the show in disbelief.

Others have touched on the mistakes in this episode - for me it was mainly...

The big bad shooting things at Frost... Frost just stands there and gets hit. Not once, but multiple times. Doesn't even put up a defense. Shoots back. Then stands there and gets shot again. What a JOKE!

Then the big bad attacks 2 police and kills them instantly with 2 projectiles yet other people get hit multiple times and just shrug it off.

Then, 3 normal humans go attack a powerful meta all by themselves... all because they are female with some guns? C'mon... at least they did get caught but then the female left back at the office who you never see touching the computers somehow knows how to operate all those computers and turn on construction equipment remotely that's most likely not connected remotely.. like how can you communicate with construction equipment if it's not connected to the internet? It's a joke.

Lazy lazy lazy writing... it pulls you out of the show because the disbelief is so high...

This was the worst episode of the Flash so far.
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Pretty decent show overall - a shame it's ending
24 February 2023
Sad to see this show go. Season 3 was great!

I always watch a season before buying the Blurays because you never know how the writers might wreck it - but, thankfully, this show was decent from start to end.

Stargirl was a step in the right direction. Minimal agendas, no misandry, minimal "The Message" although in S3 they did touch on it, but S3 was more focused on a GREAT story and that's what we got. :)

Season 3 is wonderful. I binge watched it in 2 days.

Sad they chopped this show off but CW was getting too far away from good stories. Too many shows were ruined by agendas over story... I'm happy this show was able to be completed and more importantly, wrapped up!

I can't wait to buy the last season of this show. I really enjoyed StarGirl. I really felt a connection to all of Star Girls cast. The cast was quite well done. My favorite was StarGirl and Cindy and the parents were excellently cast as well.

Happy how it ended, happy they didn't wreck it before they ended it.

All I ever asked for was decent characters, story, and FUN FUN FUN and this how had it all. Was it all perfect? No, but, they did a great job!

They better release this on Bluray. Sad to see this show go. Season 3 was great!
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The Flash: Luck Be a Lady (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
Some laughs, and light hearted fun lol
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some laughs, and light hearted fun lol..

My 2 favorite parts are when some yells out...

"are those live lobsters?" lol

and when Barry trips and handcuffs himself in a highly unprobable circumstance. LOL.

It's kinda far fetched the episode making "luck" out to be a thing but hey, Deadpool did it in their movie and it worked out fine. LOL

The Flash starts out so well from season one onward... I hope it continues being awesome (I'm on season four now) but if the other CW shows are any indicator they will probably ruin this show in later seasons like they did with Supergirl.

I found this episode entertaining which is all I ask for in my shows. :)
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The Twilight Zone: A Human Face (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Quite interesting take, an enjoyable episode!
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few twists and turns in this episode. If I had to pick out the bad... the dialog between husband and wife in the first 10 min is like nails on a chalkboard.

Once we get past that poor writing the episode take a nice turn upwards.

It starts asking complex questions, answering some of them as "it becomes" more knowledgeable.

I really liked where this episode went.

Was it really going to invade, or did we invade it?

A decent episode. Seems season 2 has removed most of the complaints of season 1. A shame they didn't learn their lesson in season 1 because season 2 is quite decent so far!

Who really thinks misandry is good in a show? A show that mostly males would tend to flock to? Who would ever think attacking your core audience is justified?

Thankfully season 2 is done quite well. It's like night and day.

S1 gave us a mixture.

S2 removed the misandry, etc and focused on giving us what we wanted. Decent escapism, nice sci fi, and enjoyable TV. TV that makes you think....

Isn't that what we all want?

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The Twilight Zone: Downtime (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
2 decent episodes in a row! Good job writers!
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
WOW, 2 episodes where I could sit back and actually enjoy the show. This was actually Twilight Zone like for the most part.

They could have touched on other aspects of the background of this episode more but overall, it was an ok story.

One of the better episodes in this poorly written show - 2 decent episodes in a row - wow, am I watching the same show? Is it possible CBS is learning? S1 attacked the audience far too much between the misandry, the message, and the other attacks it made it hard for me to enjoy it. So far, 2 episodes into S2... I actually enjoyed this one and the first one despite their logic flaws.

You know what this episode did have? Science fiction. That's why I watch science fiction so I can see some cool things.

More of this type of writing.

There was so much more they could have done with this episode. BUT, at least it was enjoyable.

It's a shame shows start out horrible, and then try and fix themselves. The whole episode I was thinking "ok, when am I going to be attacked?" and when it didn't happen... I was surprised. I was expecting more of the same ole low quality blatant attacks... at the end I was thinking... wow... they managed to write TWO episodes "as a science fiction show"... without the misandry, etc. AWESOME!!!

More like this please!
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The Twilight Zone: Meet in the Middle (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
One of the better episodes in this poorly written show.
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One of the better episodes in this poorly written show.

I actually enjoyed this one despite it's flaws. So, as others have mentioned... the episode does have logic flaws. But, thankfully, there was no misandry, no attacks on it's audience, no "the message" crammed down our throats with a 2 x 4. You know what this episode did have? Science fiction. That's why I watch science fiction so I can see some cool things.

The only problems are she setup someone who is still stuck in her head. The way he handled the ending, was kinda lame. BUT, compared to the rest of the episodes, this at least was just about sci fi. Nothing more, nothing less. I would watch more like this. I wish the writing team smartened up in S1 not S2...

More of this type of writing.
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The Twilight Zone: 8 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not bad, a little too far fetched BUT, it didn't have any misandry or agendas in it so, another enjoyable episode from season 2!
26 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad, a little too far fetched BUT, it didn't have any misandry or agendas in it so, another enjoyable episode from season 2! Wow, 6 episodes that were enjoyable in a row. Why couldn't they have done this in season 1 instead of allowing what I have been complaining about for years to be included in new shows. A show without attacking it's audience... what a novel idea. LOL!

This one despite being a tad far fetched could also be true. Animals are quite intelligent. My cat communicates with me on many levels. She has many different vocalizations and I understand them after a decade of watching her, talking to her in special tones. Best pet I have ever had. Cuteums :)

As for the intelligence of this creature in this show... they probably don't understand genetics because where would their machines be to take it apart and understand it? So, a little silly. BUT, if they can learn our speech patterns, and learn to read what's on our monitors, they could glean understanding in other ways I would suppose.

An ok episode.
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The Twilight Zone: Among the Untrodden (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Wow, a GREAT episode! I would say best of the entire show so far!
26 January 2023
Wow, a GREAT episode! I would say best of the entire show so far!

Ya know, after the season 1 garbage I never expected this show to ever put out decent non agenda episodes. Here we are, 5 in a row in season 2! WOW!

Good job writers. This one kept me captivated and the ending was pretty decent. The writing also felt more professional and fleshed out.

It's a shame the writing wasn't this decent in Season 1 but at least so far I am enjoying Season 2. Who would have thought!!!!

It honestly seems like they are actually trying (quite hard too) to fix the style of writing problems in season 1.

I just want to be entertained. THIS episode was entertainment. :)

If I had to look hard and find a fault with this episode I would have to say the representation is unbalanced. But, other than that, who cares. As long as it's a decent fun sci fi episode... BRING IT ON!!!! MORE like this!!!

If they keep this up for all of Season 2 or most of it anyways, I'll upgrade my overall rating 1 more star.

For now, I will rate the whole show, how I have rated it, BUT, if the episode deserves it, like this one... then I will happily give it a 9. THIS is what I want to see when I watch The Twilight Zone.
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The Twilight Zone: The Who of You (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
Wow, 3 episodes in a row without attacks. I'm shocked to be honest! An Enjoyable episode.
26 January 2023
Wow, 3 episodes in a row without attacks. I'm shocked to be honest! An Enjoyable episode.

Finally an episode where I started to relax and enjoy the show.

Seems this has been done before, so nothing original, but it's different enough to be enjoyable enough and not like watching a repeat.

NOW, if they could only keep this up... sadly, my expectations for shows are quite tight once they go down certain paths... BUT, I am open to being corrected.

I really hope they can keep the attacks, misandry, etc to a minimum and just deliver what we all want anyways. Just a decent show, with some decent twists without being attacked.

Even though this show has twists... it's more of an amateur hour compared to the awesome twists in shows like The Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone (Original).

BUT, if they kept the show like S2 so far, I'm sure there would have been a S3... maybe it's too much to correct at this stage in the game. Good to see them trying at least.

3 down, can they do 4 episodes?
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LOVED HEART since I was a kid!
14 January 2023
I was born a few years before Heart released their first album. I loved so many of their songs, seen them in concert many times and even wrote a Commodore 64 video game called Heart where you go through a large maze finding pieces of the lyrics to Hearts songs. LOL!

I never published the video game, I was just a kid tinkering and coming up with ideas. I loved programming and I loved Heart so I called myself Heart Soft. LOL!

I'm sure you know about Heart! As for this DVD... I'm not a fan of live recordings but Heart does pretty good here. My favorite song off the whole album is Love Alive.

A beautiful song, very well done even for a live song.

The only cd I didn't really like over all these decades and all these songs was Jupiters Darling. While all the other cd's have been played thousands of times over the years I just couldn't enjoy Jupiters Darling.

Anyways, I have played this DVD about 30 times. It's a nice flash back to 2003. Nice to see my favorite band. I have lots of pictures of heart too from concerts over the years in the GTA.
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It got better as it went on for the most part, I increased my rating 4 stars
23 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It got better as it went on for the most part, I increased my rating 4 stars once I watched the entire season.

The first episode had me rolling my eyes as the typical misandry nonsense injected in. Men = bad = stupid = intrusive. YAWN! C'Mon. Hire some real writers...

BUT, there were some episodes I enjoyed. As the show went on I saw where they were trying to go with it and they did an ok job. I found a few episodes ending and I wanted to watch more.

I would have given this a 6 or 7 - as that's the rating I give shows that are "ok to watch" but because of the dripping misandry in some episodes I just get turned off when that happens in shows.

With the lack of quality in writting I found myself trying to find other things that were enjoyable in the show and a few are Jens hot friend (Nikki) was slowly growing on me as the episodes went on. The big "oh wow" was when I first saw Mallory Book - wow, she looked absolutely stunning. 10/10 - but I can't place her - she looks so familiar - going to have to look her up and see what shows I have seen her in before.

Either way, the quirky story-lines were slowly starting to grow on me. I found some episodes funny. I really liked the episode where the guy kills himself over and over to leave his wives. That was quite enjoyable.

The show doesn't deserve the 1 star I originally gave it. The problem is, why can't you just write balanced? Are ALL guys bad? Of course not. Are all females bad? Of course not. So, why the endless portrayal of men as bad. Especially white men. The problem with a lot of shows these days is the people writing the shows must have some chip on their shoulder against certain men. Why put it into the show?

The writing on the first episode deserves a 1 star, but it does seem they kinda moved away from that style of writing and actually started writing a show to be FUN and ENJOYABLE. The misandry is something I will not support. I usually buy my DVD's and Blurays, but if a show has blatant misandry in it... then I'll watch it, but I won't pay for the streaming site it's on and I definitely won't buy the DVD or Bluray when they come out.

At least near the end of the season and some episodes in the middle, it's an enjoyable show.

The writing is far from perfect, but, I would like to see a season 2 to see if they can entertain and keep the man hate out of the show.

If they can do that, I may even be excited to see a season 3. We shall see if the writers can be mature enough to not insert personal vendettas or agendas into the writing and focus on what we guys come to watch super hero shows for... FUN!!!! Why alienate your main audience? Who do you think watches super hero shows the most anyways? GUYS!!!! We do! LOL! So, lay off the attacks... and write some fun enjoyable content!
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Getting better, especially compared to the first episode
20 December 2022
I actually enjoyed this episode. I found it funny at times. I think the reason is, I like the portal guy and the girl dumped into his path and watching Sopranos was funny. Ditsy, but funny. I liked her. I would have to say, this was the first episode I truly enjoyed. It wasn't perfect by any means but hey, at least it's an improvement. She Hulks assistant is actually growing on me and the lawyer who helps Jen in the next episode is smoking hot - wow, last time I saw her was so long ago I can't remember who she is, but, I liked her as well.

Jen is growing on me as well. Slowly. The episode before this one, and the episode after this one, were more enjoyable.

We shall see if this continues... I'll adjust my main rating if the show stays entertaining and not attacking it's core audience like the pilot episode did.

As I have said many times before - I just want some fun super hero stuff.

The writing is a little better, but at times it still feels like school girls in a clique wrote it and it comes across as cheap and forced... BUT, enjoyed this episode. :)
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Wow, how clueless this was, kinda like the writers, sad - character development? Where?
19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, I was excited for another super hero movie and instead I watched a female who became hulk who is so clueless and WRONG it just boggles the mind.

Bruce was not wrong, she was just too blind and arrogant to see she was a petulent child refusing advice from someone much more mature and experienced than her. A spoiled brat always trying to 1 up Bruce and endlessly tell him how she's so much better than him.

Oh, puh-lease! Bruce was acting all mature, and she kept being immature, bratty, sucky and adamant that she was right. Refusing to accept criticism from a male who was more experienced in these matters. She was clueless - kinda like the writers of this show thinking they gave us something good.

What a waste of money making this. It was so poorly done and anti male... who do you think your main audience is for a super hero movie? Uhm... GUYS! So, why have misandry in here. Is there even 1 remotely capable guy in this episode who isn't put down or belittled?

What a joke of writing. Why can't we just have awesome super hero stories? Why couldn't Bruce have saved her like in the comics? She had to save Bruce? A new hulk? With no experience? Ugh... it's like someone in high school wrote this, and that's insulting good writers in high school. LOL!

This show... not sure what to think of it. It's boring. The CGI is laughable. The dialog was barely passable.

I'll watch the next episode, but, wow, what a let down. And Phase 1, 2, and 3 were pretty decent of the Marvel Universe. Phase 4 I barely watched. After End Game and the awesome Spiderman - No Way Home I kinda lost interest in this stuff.

Ah well, such is the state of things these days.

Where is her character growth? What lazy writing. Typical of too many shows these days. As someone else said... "She already won the gold medal before leaving the starting line!" and The Critical Drinker says a lot more about the plot, story, etc than I can in here.

I just want GOOD stories. Why would you alienate your main audience? This show is cheesy, just like the writing.

Stay away from this tripe...
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