
4 Reviews
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A Million Little Things: Listen (2021)
Season 3, Episode 13
Beautiful Episode!
20 May 2021
Of course some people who side with police easily jump to conclusion and refuse to watch this episode because they assume this episode attacked police but this was mostly about how race impact on these characters in the United States. I learned three different new perspectives from Gary who is a white-passing Mexican man, Regina, a biracial woman, and Rome, a black man. This episode had a great opportunely to discuss or share their perspectives with others so they can learn about race that they never experienced before.

However, that's a shame when many closed-minded people chose not to listen to their experiences which it still proves that they already have privileges to learn instead of experience it. They just choose not to care about it because this is not their life they fight for daily.

Again, this show is not anti-police. It is anti-police brutality. That's a huge difference. We all know that not all cops are bad but at the same time you seriously need to stop pretending that some bad cops don't exist. They target civilians for no reasons but want to take their lives away due to their skin tones.

I believe the world is much better without closed-minded and ignorant people. You miss a lot of stuff. There is nothing wrong with being open-minded. Just saying.
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Manny & Lo (1996)
Enjoyable Movie
8 May 2021
I thought Manny and Lo was an enjoyable and fun movie. It quite had profanity in some scenes. So it is not a great recommendation for children. Probably, it could be for 14 and up. It is not surprising to see that movie draw some criticism from some men about not many male characters in this movie. Well... obviously, some movies are made for female audience while men have plenty million movies that are made for male audience. So it would be nice to see more predominately female movies. At least this movie was not man-bashing. It was all about two homeless sisters who were on a journey and seek a loving home or place to settle for the baby. Despite their wrongdoings or flaws, I still loved the special relationship between two sisters. They truly cared and protect each other. They willing to die for each other.

I never thought I genuinely enjoyed Scarlett johansson's 11 year old witty and clever character. Never knew she did do fantastic job as a child. I grew up watching her acting performance as a teenager and adult. I still love her acting especially in Marvel movies. Not just the storyline, I believe Manny or the sisters' bond was a main reason I kept watching the entire movie. It was interesting to see how they slowly built trust and relationship with Elaine throughout the movie. So I thought it was a superb movie.

To be frank, it is not fair for some predominately female movies to be dragged down for not having a lot of male actors but predominately male movies still hold high despite no or a few female characters. It appalled me when Sean Connery and his old Jame Bond movies displayed some misogyny and other male movies sexually objectified women receive high ratings while female movies usually address some taboo topics or have fun/silly storylines or create female superheroes that save the entire world without male bashings or unnecessary nudes have low ratings which it should be high rating anyway. But again, this is still a patriarchal world where some men only like some movies if it shows nude and submission of women in the movies while men stay "superior" or "dominant". Sad...
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A Million Little Things: Junior (2021)
Season 3, Episode 12
Solid Episode
8 May 2021
Funny to see how the ending "upsets" some people and made them rate it lower because of it. When will anyone realize that real world issues continue to happen daily because some people still choose to "escape" issues to focus on something else to entertain them and make themselves feel better instead. Ignoring everything will never make problems disappear until you confront it and help change this way...

Although, this episode was fantastic tho. I was really ecstatic that Katherine finally decided to end marriage with Eddie. About time. She deserved much better. I'm so done with their marriage and Eddie's "mistakes". I believe Alan is a great person for Katherine. So they deserve each other. Tyrell seems an excellent addition to the show. Looking forward to seeing his relationship with Rome and Regina grows. Gary and Danny's bond is always one of my favorite moments of this show.

Even though the characters are fictional but do you truly care about Rome, Regina, Gary, Katherine and Theo... but at the same time you don't want to deal with ending racism and police brutality for some people who have been affected by it because it is too "woke" or "liberal" for you. Then you are not truly caring about them at all... You have some privileges to learn. One episode about spreading awareness won't kill you...
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Big Shot (2021–2022)
Great show!
16 April 2021
I admit I was going to watch this show for John Stamos. Although, I have to say, this definitely is one of the outstanding shows ever on Disney Plus. Love how the writers didn't decide to add unrealistic stunts or corny jokes which could kill the show easily. I really enjoy their dialogues, a little more mature and realistic compared to other Disney shows. No cringeworthy conversations. Diverse cast. Terrific acting. Good representation/messages. The pilot episode was pretty solid. Looked like it was a great start. I am really looking forward to seeing more episodes. I am really captivated to this storyline. Give this show a chance. I highly recommend you to watch it. Reason I enjoy this show is because there are not a lot of female basketball/athletes movies and shows ever since. So it is nice to see another one.
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