
4 Reviews
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No, no, no. You did *not* go there!
6 November 2008

This isn't a movie about feminism. This is a blatant Lifetime-esquire movie where men are portrayed as utter assholes no matter what they do and don't and women are perfect Mary Sue angels who are always right even if they murder someone for the laughs. This is a movie that slanders a whole country for the sake of drama, pity parties and racism. It's offensive, not faithful to anything similar to truth, blatantly anti-Iranian and full of lies.

Feminism is about equality for both genders. Not about women oppressing men as a revenge. If you (general you) believe that bullshit, you are NOT a feminist: you're an ignorant, hate-filled idiot. PERIOD. Here is the account of an Iranian working woman on this shitty movie. Go read it. It's quite eye-opening.
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Being a whiny bitch =/= being a feminist
19 September 2008
Sorry, but this movie tries to tout itself as feminist... and fails. Last time I checked, feminism is about encouraging *all* kind of women to develop freely and live their lives, NOT to bash any female who chooses to live her life in a way YOU don't like.

Julia Roberts's character tries to present herself as so open-minded, but IMHO she's is an absolute hypocrite who thinks she's above others because she's not OMG A HOUSEWIFE and doesn't want to be. Okay, Julia, if you don't want to be a homemaker, it's fine... but when you try to force your students to do the same whether they want or not, THAT is when I feel uncomfortable with you.

If a woman wants to stay at home and/or chooses a more "traditionally feminine" career (nursing, teaching, etc.), it's within her right - and it's MISOGYNISTIC from you to bitch her out. Like Julia Roberts' character does to Julia Stiles's, because in her view, HOW DARE SHE freely choose kids over work. =/ Hollywood, you keep using the word "feminism". I do NOT think it means what you think it means, since YET AGAIN you're portraying feminists as pushy, whiny, hate-filled morons who puke at the idea of anything that goes against their OMG LIBERATED beliefs. Way to go.
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Stepmom (1998)
... Bitch, PLZ.
15 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has been exhibited countless times in A&E for Latin America. And each time it is, I hate it more.

The only characters I didn't want to punch and stab were the little boy and the future step mom: the dad was nonexistent and couldn't even try to hold his own against his mega-bitch of an ex-wife; the daughter was a whiny, lying, rude brat who YET AGAIN perpetuates the "Daddy's little girl who HATES every attractive woman next to him because Mommy Said So" stereotype; and Susan Sarandon's mom chara was one of the most overbearing, spiteful, misogynistic mother charas I've ever seen, who spoils her babies rotten to the point of making them completely detached from reality while practically abusing the unfortunate girl who's gonna "replace" her when she's gone, just because she commits the sin of being prettier, younger and with a modern mindset. And I'm supposed to feel sorry for her when she finally kicks the bucket, after all she has made others go through?

Not even great actors like Sarandon, Harris and Roberts can save this pile of manipulative, cloying, fake, pseudo-deep crap.
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Strong Medicine (2000–2006)
Could've been a GREAT show, but... Ergh!
27 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry to burst your bubble, thelibrarian_oook, but the other commenter HAD a point. Strong Medicine's greatest flaw is its absolute misandry, since men are too often portrayed as being either too evil or too stupid to be real and women are practically always right and perfect whether they're victims or justice fighters.

One example was the ridiculous break-up of Andy and Leslie, where a man who was an excellent person and even better husband for 30 years was transformed into an angry bastard for the sake of Andy angst. I felt cheated about such a thing, anbd since then I skipped all the parts referring to it. Another example is Dr. Bob Jackson, always opposing to Lu and practically ALWAYS losing to a man lady who started out very well and ended up as a borderline Mary Sue, always screaming and always being right and never really learning a lesson if she was not.

Remember, script writers! Wimpification and villanization of men =/= empowerment of women. I'm a female and a feminist, but I HATE how show writers think that feminism is about forcing the stupid and evil men to bow to the power of the holy vagina. Misandry is just as bad as misogyny and the reason why feminists aren't taken seriously.

--- Maria.
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