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Blood Quantum (2019)
A Great Low Budget Canadian Aboriginal Production
17 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a must see for any zombie film lover or general horror film fan. While the genre got over saturated and played out from about 2006-2014 there have been few worthwhile zombie films, but this one is a stand out gem in the rough. It is well paced with a three act story where we see the lead up to the outbreak which starts creepily with just the animal life before turning to the humans, a second part of life in a new dark age, and the final third of chaos reigning upon our characters. It bolsters great gore effects too from a zombie getting their face bashed in with a rifle butt, a chainsaw through a zombies head popping out the other side of their face, to people getting various parts of their bodies ripped out (or off in one sequence that made me winse very hard), and while yes there is CG blood used in a lot of these sequences it's not enough to distract from the practical effects used for a lot of these sequences. The acting is pretty solid too with a lot of first time actors getting time to shine in prominent roles, and offering up strong male and female action heroes that you follow throughout. And the set design is just fantastic with the post outbreak world looking as good as if not better than what we've seen done in The Walking Dead, it's grungy and beginning to show signs of overgrowth and decay. The main premise gives a look into the Mi'qmaq tribe of Red Crow as one bad day turns into a struggle for survival as suddenly they're thrown into the middle of a zombie outbreak, however by some happenstance the Red Crow tribe shows to be immune to infection when bites and scratches don't turn them into the shambling undead. However they're not immortal as a ripped out jugular or intestinal evisceration still kills them so they have to keep the dead at bay while monitoring the local survivors they take in from the nearby city. Tensions grow high as resources grow lower and hidden secrets come boiling to the surface. The only downside to the film is some cliche moments, a little stiff acting here and there, and the pacing could use a little work. The creators were planning to make a trilogy but as this is an independent low budget production it feels like they condensed the best parts into this one film. But it works pretty well and makes for a unique viewing experience. I highly recommend anybody who's interested to give it a watch, I was pleasantly surprised with the freshness this films story offered and honestly can not wait to see what these creators bring us next, or maybe even a sequel to this film.
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Must Watch Documentary Series
27 January 2019
On February 26th 2012, 17 year old Trayvon Martin was stalked, shot and killed on a return trip home from a convenience store by George Zimmerman. What followed was a media circus of spin doctoring and smear campaigns against Martin and his family while Zimmerman stood trial for the second degree murder of Trayvon. He was later acquitted and revels as a "hero" in the aftermath. This documentary series is an insight to Martin's life and the moments leading up to his murder along with the subsequent trial and out cry for justice. It is intricate and detailed, offering arguments and counter points against the allegations the main stream media news pushed (especially Fox News), and paints a full picture of the situation. From the Martin home life before and after to the mental state and violent situations Zimmerman found himself in. The people down voting this series are obviously not going to give this series a chance, their views are set in stone and will not be persuaded, but this series should be watched, it should be shown to high schools as Roots is shown. It is an important series that reflects the persisting problem of racism and xenophobia that still runs rampant in the veins of America to this day.
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Legitimately Spine Chilling Horror
19 December 2018
While having grown in popularity and recognition in the past years, Black Christmas is an under appreciated horror gem from director Bob Clark, the same who would later bring the much beloved A Christmas Story. This I feel is a better film, capturing a more timeless sense of Christmas cheer than the overly sentimental Christmas Story, but putting a psychotic murder mystery twist on the season.

Black Christmas is set in a sorority house as the holiday break sees most of the residents leave to spend time with family, with a few staying behind to look after the house. However a deranged stalker takes refuge in the home with them, making obscene disturbing phone calls and picking off the remaining residents one by one. The characters are well written and performed authentically, all are smart and interesting making you care for them (unlike a lot of horror movies these days), and the casting is amazing. Olivia Hussey plays Jess, who has a secret between her and her boyfriend Peter (played by Keir Dullea, Dave from 2001 A Space Odyssey), Margot Kidder as the crass alcoholic Barb, Andrea Martin (pre SCTV stardom) as the reasonable yet timid Phyl, Marian Waldman as the frumpy boozing house mother Mrs Mac (easily steals a lot of scenes with her secret sherry stashes), and John Saxon as the police lieutenant Ken Fuller investigating the harassing calls.

The film is innovative in more than just being a prototype to the future slasher genre which would explode in the 70's and 80's, with first person POV shots from the killer, a goosebump inducing experimental soundtrack made up broken piano sounds that creeps throughout, and some tropes that would later become famous with films like When a Stranger Calls and Halloween. There is also little blood through out the movie, with some kills being more about tension than execution as they build up to the moment. The film is a slow burn in tension with characters becoming uneasy over days as well as the phone calls getting more personal and insane, so if you're looking for a gory kill a minute horror you might not be very impressed with this film.

However if you're looking for a creepy Christmas horror to experience this year I'd gladly recommend you check out this unique early slasher. And don't bother with the remake, even if you're looking for gory kill a minute horror it does not deliver and is absolutely bland in comparison.
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The Dark Web Doesn't Work Like This
23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Unfriended Dark Web is another cheap found footage horror film trying to squeeze a summer buck because Halloween isn't for horror films anymore. This flaming garbage heap is nothing more than 90 minutes of boring characters being stalked by an implausible group of cyber hackers who literally have nothing better to do, the frequent jump scare usually resulting in the death of one of the characters until they're all dead. Essentially, you can get just as much entertainment from reading a poorly written dark web creepypasta and save yourself the money since this movie is nothing more than a rehash of most of them. The plot bends over backwards to be winding and make the hackers seem like they're always 5 steps ahead of the main characters as well as conveniently all over the place whether they're in the streets or hiding in someone's closet. Also it'd be amazing to find out where these killer hackers found they're copies of live photoshop and sony vegas streaming studio. The Dark Web in real life is not a place to visit, it's namely used for government communications and sites like the silk road are for secret illegal transactions like drugs and weapons. The concept of evil hackers or high tech murderers is the equivalent of the hook handed killer or Bloody Mary, an urban legend told to scare kids. The dark web isn't full of psychopaths or evil cults looking to kill indiscriminately, and this movie is nothing more than an overlong short horror film that could've been neatly wrapped up in 10 minutes or less, otherwise avoid and don't bother, the director, producers and writers obviously aren't.
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Unfriended (2014)
And hour and a half of unlikable people dying
16 December 2017
Unfriended is another dime a dozen found footage horror movie, but this time it takes place from a computer screen while 5 "teens" Skype each other with a ghost killing them one by one. However, it's a boring, run of the mill jump scare fest with nothing else to offer outside of... actually, no, it has nothing to offer, nothing new or interesting. All the characters are unlikable and do nothing except curse out, insult, and otherwise act like horrible people to one another, so you feel nothing when they're all eventually killed off. The premise is interesting on paper but is executed super poorly, either with long plodding silent scenes of watching people read things off their screens or garbled "webcam" footage as people die. The death scenes are also hard to follow, with one apparently dying from a seizure, I had to rewatch the scene numerous times but couldn't never tell what was happening. I can't recommend this film, in fact I suggest if you see it, destroy it, take the disc and crack it in half, you'll have a better time watching the disc break than you would watching the movie it contain.
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A Great Independent Feature that Pulls off Everything Correctly
7 April 2011
The Hooker with a Heart of Gold is a fine example of why independent film making is still alive and well, even if said 'genre' is suffocated sometimes by big studio pretentiousness and over hyped advertisement. Hooker is a gem on the internet, in that it will remain a piece of modern cinematic genius for 20 years until someone picks up on it and tries to buy it off to Troma Entertainment or Asylum films.

Sarah Lewis plays the title role of the Hooker, a hard as diamonds girl with a need to be cared for, she brings about a performance that is truly reminiscent of actress Marisa Berenson as Lady Lyndon from Kubrick's Barry Lyndon. Lewis' husband Brian Lewis plays Dr Rogen, a failing medical inventor who's one goal to create a super artificial heart is met with great turmoil and eventual joy as he gets in deep with mobsters and crime lords, and Lewis bring in a performance that I couldn't help but compare to Rick Morranis as Louis Tully in Ghostbusters. Writer, Director, and Actor Brad Jones plays dual roles as pimp Zalman and crime boss Steele, one is a spaced out babbling character that the late Dennis Hopper would be proud of; the other is a sinister mad man, who only cares about money, power, and the feeling of being loved, done with acting that only could've been matched by Joeseph Pilato. And finally, Jillian Zurwaski plays Janet, best friend of The Hooker and love interest of Steele, and all I could think of during her performance was Jodie Foster as Iris Steensma of Taxi Driver.

The over all feel of the film is very much nostalgic, with the story feeling like something brought out of the 80's and into today. The use of classic music like Neil Young, Procol Harum, and Fleetwood Mac catches the music lovers mind and keeps them hooked into both the story and character development found within. Effects are fun to look at as you can tell that a lot of thought and effort were put into them, particularly the heart of gold prop, it gives off a sense of someone having had a good time finding the pieces for it and putting them together to the way that it was made.

Hooker with a Heart of Gold is a fantastic gem on the internet. I'm happy that I've seen it, and I can't wait to watch it again.
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Halloween (1978)
Halloween- A great slasher flick, best for when you're on a dare to not sleep for a night or for just Halloween night!
28 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Halloween has to be one of the best movies, let alone horror, of the 1970's. In it, we are given the story of a psychotic child who kills there sister for being unclean (e.i. having sex, doing drugs, etc.). He is then locked up in a mental institution for fifteen years, in which on the fateful night of October 30, 1978, he escapes! Thus bringing upon mass hysteria and mayhem as he stalks Laurie Strode, a high school baby sitter. It is the basis for most of todays slasher flicks unfortunately, but this was the first movie to use it and do it the best. Keeping in mind, that John Carpenter actually got the idea for this movie from Bob Clark's 'Black Christmas', the first actual slasher flick, he puts atmosphere and suspense to good use, instead of just throwing gallons of blood and guts in when ever some one gets a paper cut. And the climax is very good, it has left me wanting to see the second one now. So if you're looking for a nice little horror flick this Halloween, just go to the h section of the horror area at Blockbuster and see if you can pick up a copy of it.
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