
6 Reviews
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Just as Expected
5 December 2021
If you love a classic "Rock" movie then you will love this one. It has the action, comedy, and is fun for the family. However, this is a two hour movie that definitely feels like it is on the longer side, especially for restless kids. For young kids, it can also be a little confusing, especially if you don't keep your eyes on the screen at all times. Overall, it is pretty true to the Disneyworld ride, but strays greatly from this idea more towards the end.
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The Long Kill (1999 TV Movie)
Surprisingly Good
4 December 2021
Initially, this movie seemed like it would be just another bad flick among the ranks of western movies. Surprisingly however, I found this film to be pretty enjoyable. For me, it beat many of the other country star movies made to promote their music. (For example Stagecoach (1989)) While it isn't perfect, it is a quite wholesome and a good way to celebrate the musicians. One of my main problems however, was the advertisement to include Waylon Jennings when he had very little screen time.
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The Conjuring (2013)
It does its job well
4 July 2021
This is one scary movie; if not the scariest one I've seen. The Conjuring is a big dog in the horror world and with good reason. It is very scary movie that builds suspense from the start. I have to insist however that younger kids do not watch this movie. There are plenty of reviews out there saying that kids 11+ will be fine, but I have to object. It is frightening for many adults and can be especially scary for younger children- hence its rating.

With that being said, there are virtually no aspects of the conjuring that left me wanting more. (Except perhaps my sleep) The Conjuring has very smooth cinematography that adds to the suspense quite a bit, leaving you on the edge of your seat. It also does a good job of going in and out of stressful moments, so that you have just enough time to recuperate before dreading your next fright. Seeing that The Conjuring does such a good job, it becomes very noticeable when there is a jump scare. While the movie doesn't rely on them, there are a few thrown in there that take away from the immersion a little bit.

The moment that personally scared me the most in the movie was towards the beginning. The Conjuring excellently builds from this point, to become more intense; until the climax.

One of the best elements in the entire movie was the character's relationships, particularly between Ed and Loraine Warren. These are two characters that drive the plot and really set the mood for whatever scene they are in. Their relationship is a surprisingly sweet hidden gem in the world of horror movies and this is thanks to the excellent acting of Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga. I have to of course also pay kudos to the talented younger actors featured in this movie who really made it as scary as it could be.

Overall, it felt very polished in multiple aspects and should be on your horror bucket list. Especially because it is based on a true story ;)
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The Mist (2007)
Surprisingly Good
4 July 2021
The Mist is one of those smaller horror titles out there, and yet it sticks in the back of my mind when thinking about other great horror movies. While it may be lacking in the CGI department (which at times takes away some of the fear), it still excellently portrays an ominous feeling. It shocks you and the characters make you feel sorrow and frustration respectively. While it strays from the book, the changes made enhance the original- or at least Stephen King himself would agree he liked it.

Personally, I found some issue with how the plot moved forward at times. It probably could've used some polish in dialogue or how the characters were acting. However- to be fair, the movie is about how people act irrationally when threatened, so anything taking away from the realism is ultimately overshadowed by a strong storyline.

Overall, it's not perfect, but an enjoyable watch and one of the better ones out there. I would recommend watching it if you haven't because it is definitely one that leaves you thinking, and is quite an experience.
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The Fly (1986)
An amazing movie, but a lot to handle.
3 July 2021
First of all, I do not think of this movie as a remake. It expanded on the original and just feels so.. fresh. It is one of those movies that sticks in your mind even after it has been a while since you've watched it. Personally, I found it to also be a hard watch. Shocking. Disturbing even, but you are supposed to feel that way, and so it is executed incredibly personally. There is not one area of this movie that is lacking. It is very well made and every element just seems to be the best it can be: Excellent special effects, ominous soundtrack, relatable- empathy inducing characters, killer acting, and just the drama and intensity that is constantly building through heartbreaking scenes and dialogue can even be felt in silences, just by looking at the actors faces.
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Interesting idea, but not so immersive
3 July 2021
I have seen a good few horror movies and I think I can say that The Blair Witch Project is one of my least favorite. Don't get me wrong, it is by no means a bad movie, but not as scary as some and very interpretive for the viewer. It's not overly heavy on tropes but lacks explanation for a lot of things. Unlike movies like The Shining or Donnie Darko, there are no theories that can be easily created by the viewer and it is truly a matter of using your imagination. This is intended to make it scarier, but I found it harder to follow- even taking away from the setting they created at times.

Another issue I find with this movie is not in the movie itself, but the circumstances to watch it. I believe it has surpassed the time period that made it so scary. Upon its release, it was a new type of film with a huge campaign. Its image added to the fear because people were exposed to the story in real life. Seeing the videos and missing person posters was very convincing at the tine. Many people were left on the edge of there seat and wondering if the whole movie could've somehow been real. Obviously, we know the actors are fine, but as time has passed, some of the 'movie magic' was lost as it the drifted out of the limelight.
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