
38 Reviews
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Psychic Princess (2018–2019)
I need more
29 September 2022
I have no idea what china's been doing lately, but they seriously upped their anime game with this one. This feels like so many genres wrapped up into one, and in such an original and cute way. I so hope they come out with a second season of this since this season ended on such a cliffhanger. I get that the whole covid thing may have put things on hold for a while, but out of the literal hundreds of animes I've watched, this is one of only three or four shows that I'm this desperate to see a second season of. I would seriously pay to own this outside of a subscription service, it's that good. Just watch it.
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Most original anime I've seen in a long time
25 September 2022
There's always the overpowered main characters, the guys (who normally wouldn't be) surrounded by busty women, the labyrinths, the demon lords, the magic; but this just takes the reincarnation cake. I never would have thought this set-up would have worked so well (or have thought of it at all), but it did. Not only was this an extremely feel good anime, but it was also creative and managed to keep me guessing - unlike the many other reincarnation animes seemingly slapped onto the same storyline over and over again. This mc isn't powerful because he got given so many advantages by a god/goddess or effortlessly racked up skill points, but because he's simply clever and wise, and damn if it isn't refreshing.

If this doesn't get a season two, I might cry.
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Given (2020)
Great except for the major character flaw
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I officially have a love hate relationship with this movie. Don't get me wrong, it's a very well done movie.

*spoiler alert*

...but damn, how that unfolded with ugetsu just pissed me off. I feel like he needs a happy ending. He did everything he could to try to distance himself both physically and emotionally from akihiko due to his feeling of smothering him, but akihiko just couldn't let him move on. Then, literally the instant he decides to move on he tosses ugetsu to the curb like he was no more than a passing fancy. Akihiko had been sleeping around left and right while mooching off of Ugetsu both literally and emotionally, then gets all bent out of shape the moment Ugetsu tries to do the same to try to help himself move on, while also trying to prevent Akihiko from actually having to witness it, to no avail. I just can't. Akihiko sucks. Not only did he use Ugetsu, but the moment he gets that retaliation from him, Akihiko uses it as an excuse to assault a close friend just because he knows that Haruki has feelings for him and would probably let him get away with it - which he does. Seriously, the guy's a totally scummy leech.

Other than that MAJOR character flaw in Akihiko, great movie. Did great on the bl aspect too.
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Redo of Healer (2021– )
People getting their panties in a twist
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, so many people are so offended with this anime it's hilarious. Yes, season one focuses on the mc getting revenge on females in the most depraved of ways, but if anyone pays attention to how the mc feels about Bullet and actually watched the last episode, that's gonna change and probably have a good couple episodes devoted to it. Anyways, he literally does save one girl from death and let's her choose whether or not to follow him - she actually enjoys his views on how corrupt the world is because the world of this anime is more than just corrupt. Now, as far as the princesses are concerned, he was debased way worse than anything he does to the princesses he now uses as toys because of them and by them, and it's actually better for the world them being his puppets than doing the bigoted, xenophobic, tyrannical massacres they were committing. The second princess was going to be left alone, until she decided to massacre 2 whole towns for seemingly nothing but amusement and power.

Then he never actually touches the one girl, but only tells her that she's welcome to join. Yeah, he's an exhibitionist when offering, but he lost all sense of shame long ago after being repeatedly violated and abused by dozens of people. Oh, and some complain about people getting off while getting raped - some people do in fact dissociate during the experience to the point where there body just...does. It's a fact of life that you have to accept, lucky for you for never having had to experience that. Also, kinks form in some of the weirdest of ways, I've known plenty that were abused by their parents or an ex to later have such actions be the only way they could feel loved or even just aroused.

This show really sinks to the depths of depravity, highlights all its best and worst parts, and lays them bare. The writing and story line are on point if you ask me. So, watch it, just make sure you're actually adult enough to do so. If it makes you sick, consider yourself lucky that you've never had to experience things quite like what is depicted in this gloriously vile anime.
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Togainu no chi (2010– )
Beautiful piece of work
16 August 2022
First of all, this anime is a piece of art. It's important to look at it that way as it focuses a lot on poetry and striking visual imagery. Apparently, you must have the ability to read between the lines to be able to fully enjoy this anime though, because a great deal of negative reviews seem to focus on their missing something that was actually made pretty clear through subtext or on the visuals being either monotone and/or sharp when they had actually cast a great light on the theme. Just give it a watch.

This is up there with banana fish for me.
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Junjou Romantica (2008–2015)
So good, but still...
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really, REALLY wanted to give this show 10 stars. However, the more I watched this show and grew to like akihiko, the more I started to dislike misaki. The fact that after 4 whole year he would continue to keep akihiko at arms length, act so immature, and play the proverbial "I don't know how to say 'no'" little whimp was quite literally the only downside to this anime. Otherwise, it was perfectly written and I loved how they wound up tying it into Hatsukoi as well, that was really a nice touch.

I'm probably being too lenient with this rating due to how misaki's character, but I really just want to see him finally turn it around.
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Banana Fish (2018)
10 stars is NOT enough
10 August 2022
This is by far the most titillating show I have ever seen. I almost never watch subbed shows, but this had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I just couldn't put it down. It was like every episode after the first few were filled with end of season level excitement, conflict, and material in general. If this were dubbed, I'd attempt to give it a 15/10 stars, but as a sub I can only desire to give it 12/10 stars (if only). I highly recommend this show and am praying to the anime gods for more.

Ash is just such a beautiful disaster - both beautifully damaged and beautifully numb to it all - that I couldn't help but love his character. I was both awestruck and inspired by him in so many ways. If I could kiss the writers for perfectly depicting such a high level of ptsd, I would, but only if they wrote more of it for a 2nd season.
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Yuri!!! On Ice (2016–2017)
Great animation, storyline, characters, everything
6 August 2022
As someone that has been in the competitive figure skating world, still occasionally skates, and loves watching it on the Winter Olympics, I can really appreciate this show (plus, I'm a bit of a fujoshi, so that made it all the better).

First of all, animation is on point, even the falls and touch downs on the ice are accurate as all h*ll.

Secondly, people seem to want to complain about the repetition.... Skaters don't practice and choreograph a new routine for every single competition of a season, get over it - this only covered one season and had only a few main characters. I actually enjoyed watching them polish and tweak their performances as the skating season progressed, as that tends to happen.

Lastly, I was a little disappointed that the fujoshi aspect was so negligible in a blossoming way. However, that does make me that much more eager for a second season.
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Touched me right in the feels
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I totally thought this show was going to be focused around Asaya and Kensuke at first, but wow, that forbidden romance but was so intense and sweet. The way that Kousuke tried to prevent it at first just opened those floodgates for one of the most turbulent relationships I've ever seen, and I was hanging on to every second of it.
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Love Stage!! (2014)
Very realistic, very dark, very sweet
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason this show lost a star is because I feel a little guilty for loving it so much.


*sensitive content*


*sensitive content*

*you've had fair warning*

As someone that has been a victim of sexual assault while in a situation where my entire livelihood depended on my sweeping it under the rug, I can probably relate to this show better than most.

This show is also about guilty sexual desires - kinks - and how they develop.

Izumi has absolutely no sexual experience, his only experience with love is with an anime character. He gets sexually assaulted {and as far as those situations go, it was actually tamer than it could have been as it was stopped just above the knee (thus why it was alluded to be a mosquito of an assault)} as his first encounter almost immediately after he was put into a confused state about his first kiss (with the same guy). Ryouma had been convinced that he was perfectly straight his entire life and went to immediately slam that closet door as hard as he could due to past trauma (yes, in a rude way) upon finding out that the girl he's fantasized about for a decade is actually a very pretty boy - he was as confused as Izumi. However, upon his acceptance of his infatuation not fading despite how hard he tried to make those feelings go away (like I said, he tried to slam that closet door), he quite literally begs for forgiveness while prostrating himself.

A great deal of people seem to want to attack Ryouma for being a "stalker" while forgetting that Izumi is an adult that doesn't say "no" and will use Ryouma when convenient (he also only ever text him a bunch and tried to meet him at school, he never went to his home until Izumi asked him too after the assault). Neither of these things are good, but this is a show about two damaged kids that grew up in the entertainment industry, it's gonna be dark. Izumi helps Ryouma move past the sexual assaults he experienced from managers as a child struggling in the industry and Ryouma helps Izumi to open up, start embracing the life he has, and to reach for the things he wants in life - one of those things just happens to be Ryouma.

People also want to rag on Izumi's brother and manager for "sweeping" the assault under the rug - their livelihoods depended on it! Yes, it's messed up, but the brother stopped the assault before anything too serious happened and only helped the guy to apologize (it'd actually be nice if people prostrated themselves and begged for forgiveness after molesting someone, most will gaslight their victims). The manager went out of his way to find Izumi and Ryouma during that apology to make sure that Ryouma didn't pull anything again then didn't even know that Ryouma was alone with Izumi the following time until after the fact (he's a manager, not Izumi's mother. Plus, Izumi is technically an adult, albeit a young one).

This is a good watch, but you actually have to watch it from the right perspective, the character's perspectives. Also, remember that certain industries have a major dark side.

I definitely recommend giving it a watch as long you can watch from a point of understanding.

PS Why square brackets aren't allowed when it's the proper way to use parentheses within parentheses is beyond me, so excuse that.
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Good, but they definitely could have done more
31 July 2022
So, this is definitely not based in reality. The show was actually pretty good until about halfway through when they decided to add a supernatural touch in in a very half asked way (think someone being able to control their hair), and probably only to tie in the monster at the end. I did really like Kinji's character and quirk though, he's one of only a few reasons I liked the show. Only 3 of the 5 female characters were even likeable, and 2 of them were villains while the other was just a side character not in the harem.

If they had left out the supernatural entity to this show, they really could have done a lot with it. The main disappointment was that they didn't.

Oh, and never watch the spin off with Aria as the actual main character, that thing is just a crime against humanity.
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The sweetest thing
27 July 2022
This is the first anime to manage to make me cry so much in only one season while still making me feel warm inside. A good 7/12 episodes made me tear up, or more (generally more). I absolutely need another season of this lovingly heartwarming story. Anyone that rates this below an 8 is probably heartless or missed the major point of discovering one's heart (harsh, but I'm sure many would agree). This is one of very few shows that honestly deserves an 11 rating, along with a recommendation of it to family and friends.
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I love Accelerator
19 July 2022
I'm so happy they made a sub-series just for him. His maniacal laughter, his deeply jaded outlook on life, his twisted sense of fun, and all around hatred of most things all make him the perfect antihero...even his newly acquired limp helps to really sell the villainy behind his heroics. However, it seems like they just started to really have his character go through some growth, so I'd really like to see them go further with it.
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Nanbaka (2016–2017)
Hilarious to serious
19 July 2022
This show definitely hooked me with the hilarity, but then it kept me when it actually started delving into why the characters try to look at life so comically due to their dark pasts. It's definitely worth a watch, and I'm so hoping for another season.
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Only one downside
15 July 2022
The only, and I mean ONLY, reason I'd even consider taking off a star is for the sheer fact that there are only 12 episodes (hopefully that's simply an "as of now" thing).

There are so many fantasy animes where the main character is op, not in this case...this one tries to be as lazy as physically possible. Obviously, he isn't as much of a bastard as the title lets on, but he's still pretty bad at times. It's really quite hilarious and fun to watch.
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Most adorable concept ever
15 July 2022
At first, I thought this was just cute. Then, it started to have an actual storyline with character development. I really hope they come out with more seasons, because this is just too adorable to not have more of it.
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Pure gold
14 July 2022
Don't get me wrong, this entire show is actually pure trash...but it is still comedic gold. I'm not sure how they managed to maintain a certain level of innocence while making sure there was a crude af joke every minute, but they did. I highly recommend this steaming pile of hot garbage.
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30 May 2022
If you were to ask me if it were more than simply watchable? No. I definitely enjoyed the first half of the season, but everything after that just seemed...forced? Predictable? Lazy? All of the above? Yes. It's definitely worth a watch if you're bored and have a few hours to kill though. However, it's definitely not something I'd watch again either.
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Such a feel good show
28 May 2022
Between Iruma's desire to make people happy, Asmodeus' earnest nature, and Clara's energetic antics, this is definitely a mood raiser. I still can't believe that cliff hanger though! I seriously can't wait for the next season!
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Absolutely amazing trash
13 May 2022
This is quite the hilarious hot mess. Between the main character's constant pity part and everyone else antagonizing the hell out of him for it, it was enjoyable watching him finally grow a pair, learn to speak up, and salvage even his personal life while making the game life (kind of) work for him. I definitely recommend if you need a laugh.
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Very clever
6 May 2022
Wein really seems like a glutton for punishment that can never take things seriously. From war to marriage talks, his main goal is just getting out of everything. Despite his avoidance and desperate attempts to run away from anything serious, he just seems to constantly land himself deeper and deeper into more responsibility - all while being a victim of all the powerful women in his life. All very amusing.
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This really is a great isekai
5 May 2022
I love that the harem of girls actually has some more variety than usual. Plus, the different way in which the mc entered the world was neat. However, that Zena girl drove me absolutely crazy. If they every do come out with a season 2, they need to leave her boring predictable *ss completely out of it. Marry her off to someone and disappear her forever, please.
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Great reversal
2 May 2022
Yes, this is an ecchi, but I like to think of it as more of a reversed isekai. Yeah, a hero was summoned to another world, but that's not where it starts of - it starts with his leaving that other world to go back home to earth. The best part? He's a perv that leaves through the gate with the demon lord's hot daughter. So, like I said, the hero's a perv, but he's actually a sweet guy that usually only does pervy things to distract, take the blame for others' benefit, and to cheer people up. I really can't wait for season 2.
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Eagerly awaiting season 3
29 April 2022
This is still by far one of my favorite isekais. Hagime can be cold and brutal, yet still will allow himself to care when he needs to. Yue is nothing if not patient so long as she's Hagime's number one. Tio is just a freak, Shea is spunky and can be almost rabid at times, and Myu is simply adorable. I really wanna see how this god situation turns out, what Kaori can do with her new body, and what Hagime plans to do with his classmates given how impatient and goal oriented he is.

Also, I feel like those that didn't even bother to watch an entire season shouldn't be able to leave reviews - that's just not fair to any anime.
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More, please, and now
28 April 2022
This is quite possibly the funniest anime I've ever seen. I legit cried from laughing at times. Plus, whoever decided to rip on DBZ left and right has my thanks.
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