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Mr. Robot: eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
What is reality and what is a dream?
12 January 2024
It started amazing, with Elliot developing and explaining his plan to fsociety, getting what he wanted from the beginning, not hurting people, but ending Evil corp.

This episode started pretty quickly and got strange (in a good way) pretty fast. We got to see a little more about fsociety members.

But the peak of this one, is the whole dream and trip Elliot has. It is creative, has good scenes, good music and sound ambiance, good photography, and the most important part: you don't expect how is going to continue the next scene. You lose the perception of what is reality and what is a dream, and just because of that, this episode was just great.
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Mr. Robot: eps1.2_d3bug.mkv (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
Interesting characters development
12 January 2024
I don't have too much to say about this episode, it didn't have a plot, but it built a pretty good character development, talking about Tyrell's personality.

Also, we got to see more about Elliot and Angela's past, how they met and their father and mother's history.

I really liked the debug and bug analogy about life. Comparing the hard work of managing a bug, with having a "bug free" life. Moreover, this lifestyle didn't last long for Elliot.

I felt happy for Elliot asking Shayla to be his girlfriend, leaving her past job behind and starting a new beginning. It was very cute how she opened to Elliot about her hobby.

I hope things go well for Angela, after Ollie's mistake.
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Mr. Robot: eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg (2015)
Season 1, Episode 2
Choices, True or False, 1 or 0
11 January 2024
Well, this episode was just as amazing as the pilot episode.

To be honest, was a little bit slower than the first one, but that didn't affect it at all.

During the episode, I felt deeply represented by Elliot's personality, mainly because of his difficulty in making decisions. He's offered to be part of both sides, and hesitated in both cases.

The section of the episode when he talks to his therapist, is actually pretty good, and I hope there are more of them. The session in this episode was better than the first one, the speech that Elliot tells, is really how I feel, and how "living and adapting to this society" feels like. I think that was the fragment of this episode that resonated with me the most.

On the programmer side, just keeps getting better, we can see in deep his tools and ways of doxing whoever he wants.

Talking about the last scene, it is just perfect. The photography of the walk, the conversation about Elliot's father, and suddenly, the last thing to keep you hooked and watch the next episode.
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Mr. Robot: (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
An amazing critic to modern society
2 January 2024
Where to start..... One of the best pilot episodes I've seen ever.

Just the introduction to Elliot and his way to see life and society takes us deeply in his mindset, being hard to not agree with him.

We can see his darkness and his way to act. I like that first we can know him on his "secret life" of hacker and then we see his "normal life" as a worker in a security company.

I really liked when during a conversation (ex. Therapy session) he would do a look back of his psychologist and her whole life.

The pacing of the episode is just great, it kept me hooked the whole episode, and hoping the whole season is as good as this episode was.

The ambience of being followed and paranoid keeps the tension during all of metro's scenes.

Without making any spoilers on this review, before finishing it, I really wanted to make a mention of last scene. It was perfect. The photography, the script, all of it, it was the best way to end this pilot episode, with a plot twist.
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BoJack Horseman: Prickly Muffin (2014)
Season 1, Episode 3
Not the best episode to introduce a great character
2 January 2024
I feel this episode deserves a 6 stars rating, even when I liked Sarah Lynn during the series.

It shows us what every child in her position of fame does, leaning to making music and doing drugs; until her career starts to go only downhill.

Wasn't a funny episode, and we got to see how Bojack abused Sarah Lynn verbally in the TV Show Horsin' Around, and Sarah Lynn's mother didn't care about her daughter's safety or integrity.

I don't know if it's the guilt that Bojack feels for how he treated her in the past, or what it is that makes him feel obligated to invite her to his house and allow her all the things she wants.
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BoJack Horseman: BoJack Hates the Troops (2014)
Season 1, Episode 2
Saying what you think, EVEN when it's not what the majority thinks
2 December 2023
I liked this episode, but it felt slower than the pilot.

It has a good plot and I support Bojack's ideology of saying what he thinks, EVEN when it's not what everyone thinks.

I don't think this episode is better than the first one, but it is more funny and has better jokes. It completely changed my mood from the way I was coming from the first episode.

Besides the jokes and plot, it reveals more of Bojack's personality. When Diane tries to stop Bojack from calling the news, and he's alredy talking with the reporter doing exactly the opposite of her advice.

Also, we can see Bojack's self-respect at the beginning of the episode. Taking home a girl who was mean to him at the bar.
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The Bojack Horseman (Rewatch) Review, First Episode
22 November 2023
Well.... this is my first review, and the first of many to come, especially for this tv show.

This is my first TV Show rewatch, why starting with Bojack Horseman? Because is one of my top 5 favorite series. At the time I watched it, I think I didn't appreciated all of it (including messages, characters, relations, and plenty more things), despite all this, I really enjoyed it and it really hit me in many ways.

Starting with the tv show again, made me feel strange, getting a lot of flashbacks of watching Bojack Horseman for the first time, and the feelings I was going through at the time.

It's a very good pilot episode for the series, it presents perfectly this series context.

Watching the introduction of each character reminded me of some of their plots and stories to come (only the ones I remember from the first time I watched the series).

The last scene (Bojack talking with Diane) felt very intimate, besides being it the first time they spoke. But one quote of Bojack resonated the most with me: "I'm responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast!" The fact of Bojack realizing that he is the only one who can change his life and the way he feels, already gives us a preview of how he feels when confronted with his thoughts and feelings.

I felt, watching this episode during this time in my life, that I needed to be reminded that "I'm responsible for my own happiness".
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